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USS Dragonfly

Obena-class • NCC-83008 • Task Force 72

Header Image used with permission of PUFFINSTUDIOS. Model Created by Chrispy-Shipyards. Background by AaronOchs.


Dragonfly Emissary Division

The Dragonfly Emissary Division is a powerful component of Task Force 72: Diplomatic Operations. It operates under the command of Captain Wren Walton, Starfleet. Captain Walton commands the division from her flagship, the USS Dragonfly (NCC-83008), an Obena-class Emissary Explorer.
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Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
Captain / Division Commander
ID: 2468
Executive Officer
ID: 2468
Chief Medical
ID: 2468
Chief Engineer
ID: 2468
Deputy Chief Engineer
ID: 2468
Chief Operations
ID: 2468
Chief Flight Control
ID: 2468
Chief Communications
ID: 2468
Chief Science
ID: 2468
Science Cadet
ID: 2468
Chief Tactical
ID: 2468
Chief Diplomatic Operations
ID: 2468
Chief Security
ID: 2468
Security Investigator
ID: 2468
Security Investigator
ID: 2468
ID: 2468
ID: 2468
Division Deputy Commander
ID: 2468
Mission Commander
ID: 2468
Deputy Mission Commander
ID: 2457
Douglas XO
ID: 2468

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24 July 2024

UAA 010 – A Diplomatic Discussion

USS Dragonfly: Mission 2 - Undiscovered and Alone

“The human word would be ‘turmoil,’ but it is closer to your concept of chaos.”   Captain J’Klast sat in the middle of the table with Captain Wren Walton on one side and Commander Charlie Hargraves on the other.  The senior staff was spread around the room at the other tables, [...]

23 July 2024

UAA 009 – The Klingon Neighborhood

USS Dragonfly: Mission 2 - Undiscovered and Alone

“Douglas has made it through…moving away from the aperture.”  Ensign Gabriela Castillo wiped the sweat from her forehead as both ships drifted away from the opening to Underspace.  Suddenly, there was a rumble, and the bridge clattered from the impact. Commander Thasaz reported from [...]

21 July 2024

UAA 008 – The Right Thing To Do

USS Dragonfly: Mission 2 - Undiscovered and Alone

The klaxon rang her awake, and Captain Wren Walton scrambled for the console on the end table as she shook the sleep from her mind.  “Report.” The voice of her XO, Commander Park, was unusually unsettled.  “Captain – we’re getting emergency reports from Four Fleet ships that the [...]

11 July 2024

UAA 007 – What To Do

USS Dragonfly: Mission 2 - Undiscovered and Alone

“I would like to resign, Commander Park.”  Lieutenant Junior Grade Calvert Rogers stood before the XO, his hands listlessly at his side.  They were in her office, and he’d politely demanded a meeting first thing in the morning. He was practicing his breathing as she stared at [...]