Be the change that you wish to see in the world.
–Mahatma Gandhi
USS Saratoga (NCC-91503) is an Obena-class starship of the United Federation of Planets under the command of Commodore Azras Dex as part of Fourth Fleet’s Task Force 93.
Previous Starships to Bear the Name
Saratoga – NX-class
USS Saratoga (NCC-1887) – Miranda-class
USS Saratoga (NCC-31911) – Miranda-class
USS Saratoga (NCC-83050) – Odyssey-class
This story is rated:
for content, which equates to roughly a 16+ rating
Squadron Commander
CO, Tranquility Station
Commanding Officer
Executive Officer
Chief Communications Officer
Second Officer
Chief Flight Control Officer
Chief Operations Officer
Chief Security & Tactical Officer
Chief Engineering Officer
Chief Medical Officer
Chief Counselor
Chief Science Officer
Assistant Chief Strategic Operations Officer
Assistant Chief Science Officer
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
Assistant Chief Counselor
Engineering Officer
Medical Officer
Captain's Yeoman
Manager - The Hillside Country Bar & Grill
Deputy Squadron Commander
CO, USS Triumph
Squadron Strategic Operations Officer
Tranquility Station
CO, USS Knight
19 January 2024
Both the Saratoga and Triumph had been in orbit of Nasara II for the past couple of weeks working on assisting with rebuilding after the Lost Fleet’s occupation of the planet. While the Polaris and a few ships that had teamed up were able to liberate the planet, the Saratoga Squadron was sent to [...]
10 September 2023
Captain’s Log Stardate 2401.5 We are currently en route to the Nasera system to take over humanitarian assistance from the Polaris. While we had left a few days ago we still have several days until we arrive in the system. We received the needed supplies as well as the new command and [...]
29 August 2023
“You’re cheating,” exclaimed Rass while slamming his cards down on the table in frustration. “Nobody wins five games in a row,” glancing at Sashaa who had never played the game before most recently. “I am not cheating. I can’t help it if I have gotten a lucky draw or five,” Sashaa [...]
8 August 2023
The Saratoga and Knight had completed repairs, though it was too late to join the Gagarin for the Frontier Day celebrations at Earth. Since they couldn’t be there for the big event, Azras ensured she set up a party for those who wished to attend from both ships. This would allow them to enjoy [...]