Part of Tranquility Station: The Way Home

4 – The Way Home

Federation Transport / Tranquility Station
November 2401
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The alarm had sounded through the room, piercing the once silence of sleep, which woke Azras Dex with her vision still blurry before she rubbed them and shut the alarm off. Looking over, she noticed that Arzin wasn’t in bed with her. She figured he had gotten up an hour before, as was his routine, as he always enjoyed making breakfast for them before she headed off. This was his routine since they were first married, and it was one way he showed his love for her.

After a few minutes of sitting on their bed, she pushed herself off the bed and quickly dressed before leaving the bedroom. The incense of food filled the air, making her close her eyes and smile, as it all smelled delicious. “Good morning,” came Arzin’s voice as he didn’t even turn around; he just knew she was there. They were still adjusting to life at the station, but that didn’t dampen things.

“Morning,” Azras replied with a smile as she approached him, still taking in the smell of the delicious food. “That looks delicious. Is that a new recipe?” she asked, as it looked to be something new he was making.

“Had acquired a new cookbook,” he picked up the PADD beside him. “That had some delicious-looking recipes that I thought we could try,” Arzin replied with a smile. “This one is called egg casserole,” he added as he let her see the recipe.

“Well, it’s looking and smelling delicious,” Azras smiled before sitting at the dining room table, where a cup of hot coffee was already waiting for her. She smiled as she took the cup in her hand and drank. A short time later, Arzin walked over to the table carrying two plates and set hers down before he sat next to her. Taking a bite, she closed her eyes as the different flavors all in one hit her taste buds, sending a delightful feeling throughout her body. “This is delicious,” she replied.

“This has a lot more recipes we can try, not just from Earth but for other species as well,” Arzin said as he took a bite of his food. They spent this time together in the mornings, talking about different subjects. They were both still adjusting to living on a station as they had always been on a starship. Arzin knew that Azras had always preferred to be out there in space. Still, with her being in charge of a squadron of ships, they felt she would be better equipped to manage them onboard the Tranquility, primarily where it was located.

Standing up from the table after finishing her plate, she walked over to the replicator. She placed her plate and cup in it for recycling. She decided to replicate a coffee as she had a meeting that morning and could use another cup. Walking back over to Arzin, she leaned over and kissed him. “Thank you for breakfast, like always. I have a few meetings this morning. Do you want to meet up for lunch?” She asked, looking at him. “I hear the Elysian Lounge has some good food.” She suggested looking at him.

“Sounds like a great idea. I don’t have much going on this morning.” Arzin replied.

“Wonderful,” Azras replied before kissing him one more time. She made her way out of their quarters and headed down the corridor toward the turbolift. After a few moments of walking and taking the turbolift, she made it to the command center where her office and conference rooms were. She greeted the young Ensign sitting at the entrance desk, who took care of most things in her stead.

“Good morning, Commodore,” Ensign Ra replied with a smile.

“Morning,” Azras replied. 

“The USS Relentless and USS Khonsu have arrived and are docked. They are being assigned as Tranquility’s support ships.” Ra informed her of the information she had received an hour ago, and she handed her a PADD.

“Thank you,” Azras replied as she took the PADD quickly, giving it a read-over before she went to her office. She found a cup of hot coffee sitting on her desk, which seemed to be thanks to the young Ensign. Sitting down, she took a drink of what would be her third coffee that morning but didn’t mind as she was feeling it this morning. Picking up the PADD on her desk, she began to read what was on the agenda for that morning, which confirmed her meeting with the new commanding officer of the USS Illustrious, who would be arriving at the station shortly.

Commander Eryi Yusari and over a dozen other officers were sitting on a transport. They were all heading to Tranquility Station. The transport seemed full, as it wasn’t a regular starship but a Federation transport ship. Officers seemed to be talking amongst themselves, though it was far from quiet. From the conversations, he couldn’t help but overhear that many of them had already received their orders. Still, he hasn’t received anything other than orders to report to Commodore Dex upon arrival at Tranquility.

He had been quiet the whole trip the last couple of days. He wasn’t much of a talker when off duty. A few moments later, the transport dropped out of warp, signally that they had arrived at the station. Several minutes later, they docked at the station, and people were going off the transport and onto the station. Eryi was the last to disembark from the transport, looking around the large station, which seemed to lead out into the promenade. Another officer from the transport walked up to him. She was of average height and build, with curly hair and a bright smile that could light up the room. “This station is huge, though not as big as a Stardock, but still huge in its own right.” Commander Brie Windrow stated, looking at him.

Eryi was caught off guard by the officer standing beside him but smiled and didn’t let it show. “It is,” Eryi replied.

“How rude of me I am, Commander Brie Windrow,” Windrow introduced herself, extending her hand towards him.

“Commander Eryi Yusari,” he replied, accepting the handshake.

“Have you received your orders?” She asked out of curiosity as they stood there looking at each other in between, looking around the large promenade. Compared to Eryi, she was the more outgoing and talkative one who tends to make friends wherever she goes.

“Not yet, though I will find out soon as I meet with Commodore Azras Dex here shortly,” Eryi replied. “What about you?” He asked.

“Yes, I’ll be the Executive Officer of the Sutherland-class USS Illustrious.” She commented.

“That is a good assignment,” Eryi replied, unsure what else he could have said. The Sutherland, similar to a Nebula-class ship, though quite a bit larger, was an excellent ship to serve on. Though unbeknownst to him, he would be the Commanding Officer of that exact ship. The two talked for a few more minutes before he looked at the time, realizing he needed to get going as he was due to meet the Commodore shortly. “It was nice chatting with you. If you excuse me, I must get to the meeting.” He replied with a smile.

“Likewise, good luck, Commander,” Windrow smiled before they parted.

Eryi made his way to the turbolift, which would take him directly to the Commodore’s location. After a few moments, he walked out of the turbolift and up to the Ensign, sitting at the desk. “I have a meeting with Commodore Dex,” Eryi replied, looking at the woman before him.

“Ah, yes, you must be Commander Eryi?” Ensign Ra asked, looking at him, who nodded in confirmation. “Please take a seat,” Ra said, motioning for one of the chairs to the right of her desk. He watched him take a seat before she stood up, leaving her desk to inform the Commodore that her first meeting was here.

Eryi sat there for what seemed like a lifetime before the young Ensign returned. “The Commodore will see you now if you follow me, ” she said as she gestured for him to follow her to the small meeting room. He followed. Eryi entered the room to see the Commodore sitting at the end of the small table with four chairs. 

“Thank you, Ra,” Dex replied before Ra left them alone. “Welcome, Commander. Do you care for something to drink?” She offered, looking at him.

“I am good, thank you,” Eryi replied with a smile as he seemed a bit nervous.

Azras nodded, looking at him for a moment. Silence filled the room briefly, making Eryi look slightly more nervous. “Well, I will get straight to the point,” she began, picking up a PADD before handing it to him. I could have easily sent your orders, but I wanted to do it personally, as I like meeting those under my command.” Azras began as Eryi took the PADD that was handed to him.

Azras knew that this would be his first command. “I am placing you in command of the USS Illustrious.” She began to see the shock on his face at the mention. “This will also come with a promotion to Captain, “she replied before taking a box out of her pocket and placing it in front of him. “Congratulations, Captain,” she said with a smile as he seemed even more shocked.

“Uh, thank you, sir,” he replied, unsure what else to say. He was shocked at the revelation that he had achieved his dream of becoming a Captain, though he didn’t think it would be on such a ship as the Illustrious.

“She is currently docked, and crew should already be arriving as most of them arrived on the same transport you were on,” Dex stated, looking at him. “At the moment, I don’t have orders for you yet, so enjoy the amenities of Tranquility while you get settled onboard,” Dex added with a smile as he put the new pip on his uniform.

“Understood,” Eryi replied as he sat there looking at her.

“I don’t have anything else at this time, but I will contact you once I have orders,” Dex replied. Then, standing up, she shook her hand towards him with a smile. “Again, congratulations,” she said.

Eryi stood up as she took the Commodore’s extended hand and shook it. ” Thank you, Commodore.” He replied before he left the room and headed out of the offices with PADD in hand.

“Congratulations, Captain,” Ensign Ra replied with a smile. “Good luck,” she added.

Eryi smiled at the Ensign before he thanked her. He walked into the turbolift, directing it to where the Illustrious was docked. He was shocked at the change and had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming, which he wasn’t.