Mission 1 - Do not go gentle into that good night (Blood Dilithium Campaign)

Following the appearance of the massive subspace rift in the Gradin Belt of the Delta Quadrant causing the appearance of red dilithium deposits in its wake ships of the Fourth Fleet have been assigned to provide assistance to the privateers, merchants and traders pour through the Barzan wormhole. The USS Sojourner, on her maiden voyage is one of them,

M1 – Chp1: The Rundown

USS Sojourner
October 26th, 2400: 9:00/November 1st, 2400 - 10:30

USS Sojourner – Bridge 9:00

Kirin stepped onto the bridge of the USS Sojourner and was greeted by Lieutenant Belania. “Morning Captain. Hope you had a restful night?”

“Thank you, Lieutenant, anything to report?” Kirin responded as she took a seat in the command chair and pulled up a list of updates on the chair’s arm display.

“The resupply was able to start early last night; one of the ships here was redirected so we got bumped up in the queue. They should be done in the next couple of hours.” Belania said from the Ops station. As she finished speaking the console chimed, “Captain, there is a message from Starfleet for you.”

“Oh, I’ll take it in my ready room,” Kirin responded as she stood up, heading towards the door.

A moment later Kirin sat at the desk in her ready room and open the console. On her screen, her inbox replaced the Starfleet logo and only one unread message. After several minutes and several rereads of the new orders Kirin sighed, stood up and walked back to the bridge.

“Belania, recall the remaining crew from Deep Space 9, we have new orders. As soon as the resupply is done and everyone is accounted for we head for Starbase 38 at maximum warp; we are heading for the Delta Quadrant.

USS Sojourner – in orbit around Starbase 38

November 1st, 2400 – 8:30

Kirin sat in the briefing room with the rest of the Sojourner senior staff. “As you are all aware we have been ordered to take part in the relief force following the discovery of the Blood Dilithium in the Gradin Belt of the Delta Quadrant. Over the last couple of weeks, there has been an increase in distress calls from vessels both from the Alpha and Beta quadrants but also from the Delta quadrant. As of this morning the new orders we have been waiting on arrived. I have sent you the orders, but in summary, we are to respond to any distress calls, provide aid when and where we can, and study the dilithium and associated anomalies to discover its origin. Any questions?”

Thanen, the XO, leaned forward with a frown, “I know other ships are going through but we will effectively be alone once we move further from the wormhole and Markonian Outpost. I know the crew is up to it but I think we should continue to put them through their paces. I am also concerned about the reported effects it has on individuals with telepathic abilities. We only have a handful, mainly Vulcans, such as Petty Officer Sorrolk. I can set up a briefing with them regarding this.”

“Good idea, I will leave you to that and it brings us to the next point. Any updates on the EMH?” Kirin asked, looking at Belania and Thanen.

Belania sighed, “Yes and no. We can see that the programme has a lot of extra data stored within it but we are unable to purge the data without deleting the EMH. I had been trying to isolate the base programme but I have had no luck, the programme seems to react to anything we do and stops us.”  Thanen nodded in agreement “There is nothing wrong with the physical memory stores. It is very odd, what gets me is that the programme seems very similar to the EMH on the Daradax, it was a prototype from what I gathered.”

Kirin frowned but nodded, “Ok, I cannot say I am happy with this, we have no CMO and the EMH is down but we need to depart. Thankfully we have some very skilled nursing staff so let us hope for the best. I will notify Command that we are in desperate need of a replacement CMO. With luck, someone will be able to meet us on the other side.”

Kirin turned to Ril, “From a tactical stance how are we faring? The Delta Quadrant is a dangerous place. It is possible we will encounter the Devore, Hirgoen or even the Borg, we are far too close to their space for comfort. Either way, I will not let them board this vessel.”

Ril grinned wickedly, “All our weapon and shield systems are fully operational and top of the line but when it comes to a fight speed is our best option. I would not recommend going toe-to-toe if we can avoid it. From a security standpoint, I have been running the teams through drills regularly, as you are aware, but shifted those when we headed to Starbase 38 to focus on the Devore, Hirogen and even the borg but if it gets to that we would be in a lot of trouble.”

“Thank you Ril, we are going there to fight but I am glad to hear everything is operating as needed and your teams are training for this,” Kirin said before glancing at Kerry. “Kerry, you have been reviewing the reports from the USS Merevek anything you want to add?”

Kerry straightened in her seat, “Not much really until I get a chance to look at a sample of the dilithium but we will need to find a way to get it on board and quarantine so it doesn’t impact the crew. A level 3 containment field may do the trick but I would suggest we maintain a distance of at least 10,000Km from any highly concentrated deposits. Smaller deposits we should be able to approach. Though we could always take a shuttle or the Waverider if needed.”

Kirin and the others nodded at Kerry’s recommendations, “Thank you, Kerry. We will be departing Starbase 38 shortly. I don’t know what we will encounter but I have no doubt you and your departments are up to the task.” Turning to Thanen, “Please have that briefing with the telepaths on board before the end of the day. Kerry, please join him as well. Dismissed.”

At that, they all stood and filed out while Kirin remained in her seat for a few moments longer before she walked out onto the bridge and looked around. Unlike the bridges of some of the large vessels, the Sojourner’s was small with only a couple of stations for the crew. She walked up to the conn and looked down at Ensign Dese Tycon, the young Orion nodded up at her, “Ma’am?”

“Ensign, keep an eye on the rest of the ships, as soon as they start to move towards the entrance to the wormhole let me know,” Kirin said with a smile before turning to head to her ready room. Before she left the bridge she glanced at Belania currently at the operations console, “You have the bridge Belania.”


M1 – Chp2: Through the looking Glass

USS Sojourner
November 1st, 2400

USS Sojourner – Ready Room

Kirin sat in her ready room watching the clock tick down waiting for the wormhole to open. She had sent off the message to command asking for a new chief medical officer but didn’t expect a response until after they were in the delta quadrant and then at least two weeks before someone could be assigned. 

Leaning back in her chair, she sighed and turned to look out the viewport. “Am I making a mistake taking them through without a CMO?” she wondered aloud before running her hands through her hair, causing it to shift through several shades of red before taking on a dark green tone several shades darker than her skin.

The various federation starships and the even larger number of civilian ships could be seen through the viewport. The sight of them made distracted her from her thoughts for a moment but she was interrupted as the combadge on her chest chimed. Without a thought, she tapped the badge, “Tarken.”

“Captian,” came the voice of lieutenant junior grade Belania. “We have just received an update from Starbase 38, the wormhole will be opening shortly.”

“Thank you Belania, I will be on there shortly,” Kirin remarked before closing the comms channel. Standing, she adjusted her uniform and took a look around the room, ‘This still feels so odd, how did I get command of a ship like this?’ She thought for a moment before stepping onto the bridge.

Stepping onto the bridge Kirin looked over at the view screen and could see that ships were starting to move in anticipation of the wormhole opening. Her attention was drawn away from the viewscreen when Belania spoke up, “Captain, ships are beginning to take their positions for the transit. We have received our transit orders, we will move through once the inbound ships transit.”

Kirin looked over at Belania who was manning her operation stations and nodded. “Thank you Belania. Get us ready for the transit.” Kirin took a moment to look around the bridge of the Sojourner and let her eye rest on each of the officers on the bridge before she stepped forward and sat down in the command chair.

A moment after she sat down Belania spoke up, “Verteron array initialising…now.” Moments later the mouth of the Barzan wormhole erupted into existence in a flash of blue and purple light before the gaping maw opened and white light spilt forth illuminating the void and the ships around it. 

Kirin looked in awe at the spectical, the presence of the Barzan wormhole and the Bajoran one opened the galaxy to the federation like never before. It effectively removed the vast distance between the Alpha and Delta quadrants for the next 30 minutes.

“Open a shipwide channel, please Belania,” Kirin asked while she focused on suppressing the slight nervousness she was feeling. 

“Channel is open,” came Belania’s response.

“Attention crew of the USS Sojourner, this is Captain Tarken. I am not one for speeches so I will keep this short. We are about to transit through the Barzan Wormhole to the Delta Quadrant to provide assistance to the people there in response to the emergence of the new dilithium growths found there. I do not know what we will face while there but over the last week, I have gotten to know some of you as well as this ship. There is no question in my mind that this ship, this crew will rise to whatever challenges and obstacles we find and perform to the highest levels of skill and professionalism within the federation. I would not want to take this ship through with any other crew. I will see you all on the other side.” Kirin tapped the controls on her armrest closing the channel and looked over at Ensign Tycon. “Take us in, Ensign Tycon.” 

Markonian Outpost – 48 hours later

Kirin stood overlooking one of the busy corridors of the Markonian outpost and took in the sights in awe at the variety of new species, food and smells. She had been living on starships and starbases since she was ten but this place was something new. The USS Sojourner had arrived at the outpost following the transit to the Delta Quadrant with the aim of gathering a sense of the people in the Gradin Belt before head before they headed deeper into the belt.

She made a mental note to give the crew some time to visit the station on their way back. She had already come across a few items and types of food that were marvels as far as she was concerned when she had been speaking to the station manager, Fictieff. He had noticed her interest and insisted that she take them with her.

From behind her, someone cleared their throat. Turning around she was greeted by her XO, Thanen Th’zalnar. “Thanen,” she said with a smile. “Have you been able to find anything of use?”

Thanen nodded as he stepped up beside her and looked down at all the species moving about their business. “Nothing that wasn’t expected really. I spoke to several of the captains of mining ships and traders. The situation is a mess. These new dilithium growths have sent everyone scrambling to lay claim to them to the point that old allies are turning on each other and it has given the Imperium a chance to expand. There are a lot of refugees here already and more are arriving every day it seems.” He paused for a moment, his eyes following a pair of Starfleet officers on the deck below them. “With the fleet here we should be able to help but there is growing concern about the effects it, the dilithium, that is, has on telepaths. That and stories, whispers of it doing other things but they seem a bit far-fetched and was always a friend of a friend of a friend sort of thing.”

Kirin nodded without looking at Thanen as she leaned on the railing, her arms crossed before her. “I have heard rumours but no actual information. I will reach out to the other captains and see if anyone finds anything but we cannot chase shadows and whispers. We have people here to help.”

USS Sojourner – in orbit around Markonian outpost

Several hours later

Kirin sat on the bridge of the Sojourner with Thanen in the XO’s seat beside her. He was rarely on the bridge given his role as chief engineer but he tried to be there whenever possible.

On the view screen before them, the outpost hung against the black void of space, and several federation starships were visible among the numerous civilian craft. As they watched one of the larger vessels, a Sovereign class, began to move off before its engine flared and it vanished in a flash, off to destinations unknown.

“Well, I guess that is our queue. Ensign Tycon, set a course towards the Devore Imperium’s expansion zone. There has been an increase in distress calls in that region.”

“Yes, ma’am. Course laid in.” Ensign Tycon responded.

“Take us out,” Kirin said. Thoughts of uncertainty swirled in her mind but the idea of being out here, in the delta quadrant, exploring this space excited her like few other things.

M1 – Chp3: Personal Log – Distress Call

USS Sojourner - XO Quarters
November 8th, 2400: 20:15

XO Quarters

Thanen stretched as he walked into his quarters after another long day. Tilting his head to either side he stretched his neck, his antenna quivering with the strain.

Looking around he suppressed a little laugh when he caught his reflection in the full-length mirror near the door. His uniform and face were covered in dark stains after long hours of work. Glancing over at the computer console on his desk he sighed, “Best to get this logged while it’s fresh.

Sitting down at the desk he opened the computer, “Computer. Start recording, audio only.”

Personal  Log – November 8th, 2400: 20:15. Lieutenant Commander Thanen Th’zalnar; USS Sojourner


I have already logged my official report regarding the events of the last two days and the damage Brenari freighter we encountered. I believe it is important to log my personal feelings regarding this matter and what I expect will become increasingly common in the coming days and weeks as we, both the Sojourner and the rest of the fleet, spend more time in the Delta Quadrant.


Thirty-six hours ago the Sojourner began what I can safely say was its first real mission. We picked up a faint distress call from a Brenari freighter that had been damaged. It should be noted that the Brenai have telepathic abilities which make them susceptible to the new outcroppings of the blood dilithium and they are continually prosecuted by the Devore Imperium due to their abilities.


On arrival, we found the vessel to be orbiting a Class D moon around a gas giant. We determined that the ionizing radiation in the gas giants’ rings interfered with their distress signal and masked their signature. They told us that they had been caught in a plasma storm but the damage and scorch marks on the hull looked to include some weapon damage. 


The Captain, Kirin, agreed to help them repair their engines and life support systems but only if they were honest with her. The leader of the Brenai on the ship beamed over and spoke with the Captain and I. It turned out they had been part of a colony annexed by the Imperium and fled persecution in the hopes of reaching the Markonian Outpost before travelling to their homeworld. During their flight a Devore patrol ship fired on them and they were able to get away due to a plasma storm they flew through. 


I have spent the last day and a half on their ship with a small team of engineers and by my second, Anahis Sanin. I am surprised that the ship had made it this far, the damage to it was extensive but nothing that couldn’t be repaired and I was impressed by the work that my team conducted. If they continue to show this level of commitment I will be very pleased.


We were able to send the Brenari off an hour or so ago. With luck, they will not run into any further trouble.

He paused for a moment and leaned back in his chair and looked over at some of the pictures he had on his desk. Included within that was a picture of a young Aenar woman. A frown crossed his face as his eyes came to rest on it.

What troubles me is the reaction of the passengers on the ship whenever the Imperium was mentioned. On board were over 300 people, families, young and old all running from a people who hated them for who and what they are. That isn’t right. They spoke of family members left behind who are likely now imprisoned or worse.


I know part of our orders are to help people displaced by the Imperium’s expansion but I wonder if we should not do more. After all that federation ship doesn’t have some telepaths onboard?


I expect we haven’t seen the last of the Devore. 


Computer End Recording.

Thanen sighed as troublesome thoughts went through his mind and set an alarm to get up early in the morning before heading to bed.


M1 – Chp4: Research Log – Dilithium Encounter

USS Sojourner - Planetary Study and Geology Lab
November 15th, 2400: 18:45

Planetary Study and Geology Lab

Kerry stood at the main console in one of the multipurpose laboratories aboard the Sojourner setting up the parameters for the next round of tests she had planned She had adapted it to the Planetary Study and Geology Lab following the orders pertaining to the blood dilithium.  

Since she had been assigned as the chief science officer she had been trying to get on top of what the ship offered as well as the science team that she now oversaw. She had never expected to be in a position like this so soon, if ever but here she was trying to juggle a dedicated science team, all fresh out of the academy but with some who were years older than her with multiple degrees. When she thought of that and the various labs and stations she oversaw it was truly daunting. The Sojourner didn’t just possess 2 basic labs that the Daradax had but several fully equipped multipurpose labs that could be rapidly adapted into specialized facilities such as the one she was in now, not to mention the stellar cartography and astrometric lab used to aid in their long-range exploration.

“Ma’am,” came a voice pulling her attention away from her thoughts. Looking up Kerry saw a young ensign, a female Betazoid by the name of Jenoda Toi.

“The latest results from the scans of the red dilithium, sorry the blood dilithium, ma’am,” Jenoda said as she held out a PADD to Kerry. 

“I appreciate this Jenoda, I trust you didn’t go near the sample. Are you experiencing any odd feelings?” Kerry asked.

“No ma’am. Given that it is such a small amount, only half a kilo. I think I should be ok but I will let you know.” Jenoda responded.

Nodding Kerry glanced at the PADD, “Go get some dinner, I will finish up here and let these tests run overnight.”

Jenoda smiled and quickly left the lab leaving Kerry alone in the lab with a half-kilo of blood dilithium on a stand behind a level-three containment field. Kerry glance over at it and shivered as the deep red colour of it reminded her unerringly of blood.

She moved over to the desk and sat down and began to review to results of the preliminary scans of the strange crystal. Thirty minutes later she sighed, ran her hands through her hair and wished, not for the first time, she had someone above her she talk to about these issues. 

Shaking the feelings off she opened the computer, “Computer. Start recording, audio only.”

Research Log Blood Dilithium – November 15th, 2400: 20:15. Lieutenant Junior Grade Kerry Dawson; USS Sojourner


Blood Dilithium, where do I start?


Early this morning the Sojourner encountered its first source of the crystal in an uninhabited star system, Kim DQ11945. On one of the two Class D planets, if you can call it that, we detected a small source. Only about 50 kilograms in total right on its surface. 


Due to the reported effects on telepaths, we decided to only collect a small sample, half a kilo, which was extracted and put into a level 3 containment field. I have designated the sample BD-119459-alpha. I have no idea if the field will prevent the effects it has on telepaths or if collecting such a small amount will mean there isn’t enough to cause the effects.


So far we have conducted preliminary tests and they match those of the USS Merevek; for all intents and purposes, it appears to be normal dilithium. I have attached our results here for reference. We will be conducting more robust tests and experiments with the dilithium in the coming days but my main focus is to determine how the dilithium affects telepaths and if there is a way to block it. 


For now, I have set up the sensors to look for anything, radiation, whatnot,  that the sample is giving off both within and outside of the containment field. 


I am worried about several of my team as I have two Betazoids on the science team though only Jenoda has a specialization in an area that would expose her to the sample. So far she has said she feels fine but now that we are set up I will be having her focus on reviewing the data well away from the sample.


More updates to follow. If and when we discover anything of use regarding the effects on telepaths I will share it with the fleet right away.


Computer End Recording

Kerry leaned back and scanned the transcribed report before finalizing it and logging the report. Standing she headed over to the contaminant chamber and finished setting up the sensors around the sample. 

“Let’s find out what secrets you might share with us. Tomorrow we get to the fun stuff,” she said with a smile as she looked at the puzzling material before her.

With that, she turned and left the lab to go find herself some food and see if Ril or Bel were free for a chat.


M1 – Chp5: Rumour Mill

USS Sojourner - Main Observation Lounge
November 18th, 2400: 20:30

Main Observation Lounge – Deck 7

Ril set her tray of food down on the table with a bit too much force, almost knocking over the large glass of prune juice she had on it. The noise caused several heads to turn in the lounge.

Belania’s head turned abruptly from the large floor-to-ceiling windows that comprised the entry side of the Sojourner’s main observation lounge. The large reddish brown of a barely M-class world was visible through the window, “Why’d you do that?”

Ril dropped into the chair and sighed, “Given that lots, yeah, lots of people like. NO love Klingon food including gagh. You would think we could get some from the galley here. Sure they could figure something out with hydroponics.”

Belania suppressed a smile. “Never heard you complain about that on the Daradax why all of a sudden now?”

Ril snorted out a laugh, “She was too small a ship, but the Sojourner, she has more capacity. And I am not even the only Klingon onboard.”

“True,” Belania remarked. “Have you tried to replicate it? Stewed or boiled Gagh?”

Ril gave Belania a look of feigned disgust. “How dare you…”

Belania burst out laughing at Ril’s feigned anger. “The replicators are pretty good at getting it right. I have a good set of Ferengi dishes I programmed in. Picked them up at Quark’s before we left DS9. One of his bartenders tried to charge me a whole bar of latinum for them and then tried to get me to perform Oo-mox.” She shook her head slightly at that, “Can’t blame him but didn’t work it into the agreement. He forgot Rule of Acquisition 16, a deal is a deal. Think he was just surprised to see a Ferengi female with latinum. Guess he forgot that. I am sure we can get some good Klingon dishes programme in easily enough.”

Ril laughed slightly, “Wish I had seen that. Guess I could look but the fresh stuff is so much better. What I grew up on. You know?”

Belania nodded and took a bite of her replicated Toasted Tube grub. “Yeah, I get that. So, how was the planet?” she asked as she nodded towards the window and the planet below. “Anything of internist?”

Ril turned to look down at the planet below and shrugged, “Not really, a desert planet, lots of sand and stone. The long-range scans indicated there was a blood dilithium vein down there but it is a kilometre below the surface.” Ril picked up her glass and took a long sip of the prune juice before continuing. “Kerry is still down there cataloguing it and drilling for a sample. I left her and her science team down there with PO Thomas and a couple of security officers in case they come across some desert beasties. Though the biggest thing we say was the size of a cockroach.”

“Thomas…” Belania said, “He is the senior security NCO right?” 

Ril looked up from her plate and nodded as Belania continued. “Is she going to bring up any more to the ship? Isn’t that risky with the telepaths?”

Ril shook her head. “She said she wanted to compare it on the surface so I do not think so. The Captian doesn’t want to risk the well-being of the telepaths on board. I know Nurse Joy has outfitted all of them with neural monitors to keep an eye on them so no strange behaviour is missed.”

Belania continued to gaze out the window, “Yeah, helped her get them set up, any alerts should give us time to address things.”

“Speaking of medical, how does it go with the EMH?” Ril asked.

Belania looked back and sighed while she shook her head, “The system seems fine and the diagnostics are running smoothly. The last reports seemed to show that the programme was compiling itself. Fingers crossed we will have it sorted soon.”

They both sat in silence for a few minutes while they continued to eat their dinners before Ril spoke up.  “So how is Ops? Miss flying?”

Belania looked finished the last bit of the toasted tube grub and shrugged, “I had trained for alot of this and helped Thanen on alot of the Operations side of things on the Daradax so it is going well. He has stepped in once or twice when I have asked which has been helpful. As for flying, well, yeah. That is what I really love but I still get to whenever I want which is nice. Even look the Waverider out the other day for a flight, she can really move. Yourself?”

“Yeah, is great!” Ril said with a wide smile, “The crew are excellent and happy to be pushed which is good as I have some continual training. Lots of repelling borders and such given the way the Devore and Hirgoen work. More so the last couple of days as well since that Devore scout vessel demanded to search us the other day looking for Brenari fugitives.”

Belania nodded at that, “Yeah, I have heard lots of rumblings, well rumours, since then. Alot of the telepaths and empaths on board are concerned, especially after we helped the Brenair. The moment one person hears a story from them everyone knows and the Devore already had people on edge. I even heard a couple of crew say that the Captain should have destroyed the Devore ship.”

Ril snorted, “We could have, they knew and we knew it. Thankfully it wasn’t one of their warships but one-on-one we could likely take them but that isn’t what the Sojourner is built for. The latest reports suggest that we are faster and more manoeuvrable and the way Kirin has us running long-range scans with we will see them lightyears away.”

“True, we knew the scout was in the system when we dropped in and I think Kirin wanted to have the run-in. Show them that the Federation and the Sojourner wouldn’t be a pushover.” Belania said to which Ril nodded.

“You could say that again,” Ril said with a little laugh. “The look on the Devore Captain’s face when Kirin ordered the weapons online and the pulse cannons powered up after he demanded to let an inspection team go over the ship. It was priceless.”

Belania nodded along, “Yeah, the way she handled them definitely reassured the crew but the concern remains. The incident was a double-edged sword I think, but one that was needed. The concern had been growing since we helped the Benari.”

“Could you imagine if we still were on the Daradax out here? She was a good ship and I would like to believe we could have done anything with her but this I think would be beyond her.” Ril said with a bit of a sad laugh as she remembered her old ship.

“Don’t think we would have had this mission in the Daradax, though I do miss her at times. But have to admit the Sojourner has its perks!” Belania said.

Before Ril could respond the lights in the lounge shifted to a slight yellow and large displays showing various natural landscapes changed to show ALERT in large yellow letters.  As soon as the lights changed both Ril and Belania jumped to their feet just as the shipwide coms blared. “Yellow Alert, All crew report to stations. All Senior Officers to the bridge.”


M1 – Chp6: A Cry for Help

USS Sojourner
November 18th, 2400: 21:30

Bridge – Deck 1

Kirin sat in the command chair of the bridge looking at the view screen in the dimmed lights of the yellow alert which showed two unknown contacts approaching their position. “What is their status,” she asked without turning around. 

Belania had just moments before rushed onto the bridge with Ril after dashing up from the main observation lounge. She relieved the young ensign from the ship’s main Operations console and took in the information before her. She could understand why the Captain has called for a yellow alert, two large ships were approaching at high warp. “Hard to say Captian, there is alot of interference around them so I cannot get a good reading but they are all broadcasting distress calls on open channels. Give me a moment to isolate one.”

Kirin nodded but left it there. She then glanced back at Ril, “Notify Kerry and her team that they may need to beam up momentarily. Let Crewman Trisim know that she will need to be ready for a possible emergency beam out.”

“Captain, I have cleaned it up but it isn’t great, audio only,” Belania stated.

“Play it,” Kirin said.

Over the bridge coms came the audio, ‘We need assis….t. De…e Imp….um attacked our m…g colony and ships. Engi… and life s…ort failing. Please help.’

Kirin visibly relaxed at hearing the distress call. The last thing she wanted to to be confronted by a group of Devore warships or a Hirogen hunting pack, “Keep us at yellow alert but prepare relief teams. Has the reading cleared up at all?”

Belania shook her head, “The interference appears to be large amounts of theta radiation emanating from their vessels. The translator indicated the language was Malon, if that is the case it would explain the radiation.”

“Ah, notify Nurse Thame that we may have wounded. Really wish that damn EMH was working!” Kirin said just as four points of light flashed on the view screen and two Malon transport ships dropped from warp several hundred kilometres from the Sojourner.

“Hail them,” Kirin said as she stood up and straighten her top.

“Channels are open.”

“This is Commander Kirin Tarken of the USS Sojourner, we just received your distress call as you approached. How can be of assistance?

A moment later the view screen was replaced with the image of an elderly Malon woman who looked exhausted and on the verge of collapse, “Greeting Commander, I am Palek. I appreciate your offer, our ships are damaged and the radiation tanks ruptured. We also have some people who were injured when the Devore attacked our mining colony. Anything you can do to help would be appreciated.”

Kirin nodded, “We will do what we can, my XO will beam over with repair teams and do what he can. I would ask that your vessels move towards…” Kirin paused and looked down at the system display. “The small rocky world further out of the system. The Theta radiation your ships are leaking could cause lasting damage to the planet.”

Palek looked on a little annoyed but nodded and moments later the two Malon ships began to turn and head towards the outer system. “I appreciate that, if you would like to transfer your injured over our med bay is open to you. I would like to hear more from you about the attack,” Kirin stated.

“I appreciate that, we await your repair teams and I will have our injured ready for transport,” Palek said.

Medical- Deck 4; 22:05

Kirin walked into the medical to find Ensign Joy Thame, though she preferred Nurse Joy, busy pulling out equipment and other things she thought she might need once the Malon arrived. Though she was only an ensign Joy had been a trauma nurse for over 20 years before joining Starfleet and Kirin was very seriously considering making her the acting CMO until a replacement could be found.

“Nurse Joy, I wanted to check in, the injured Malon crew are almost ready for transport. Do you need any assistance?” Kirin asked.

“Depends on the injuries, just wish the cursed EMH was working.” Joy said as she continued to move around medical without looking at Kirin, clearly focused on what she was doing.

Before Kirin could respond Belania’s voice came over the comms, “Captain, Palek has confirmed that eight of her passengers are ready for transport, she claims they are the worst off.”

“You all set?” Kirin asked looking at Joy. To which she shrugged.

Kirin tapped her combadge and responded, “Ok Lieutenant, bring them over.”

A moment later the medical bay lit up as the transporter engaged and a moment later eight Malon were standing in the middle of the medical.

Nurse Joy stepped up to them with her medical tricorder and frowned, “Ok, everyone onto a bed, I will triage you and get to you all shortly.” At that, both Kirin and Joy began to help them to the various biobeds around the room.

After they were all lying on the beds Joy turned to Kirin, “A hand would be of use if you can spare some staff it would be appreciated.”

Kirin nodded, “I will see what I can do but we will have someone here shortly.” She paused for a moment and thought, ‘What the hell,’ “Computer activate EMH.”

Joy looked at her and shook her head, “Never works,” she began to say but stopped dead when the form of a man appeared between the two of them.

“I guess I should say, ‘What is the nature of the medical emergency?’ but it is obvious isn’t it.” the EMH said.

Kirin looked at the EMH and frowned but before she could say anything he nodded to her, “Captian Tarken it is good to see you again.”

Kirin glared at the EMH, “You transferred yourself over? Is that why we haven’t had an EMH for the last 3 weeks?! Give me one good reason I should delete your programme the second we get back to Federation space?”

The EMH shrugged, “I am better than the other EMH, figured you wanted the best, I have been ready for a while but Nurse Joy here seemed more than qualified to handle the minor injuries until now and they were boring.”

Joy looked between Kirin and the EMH, “What is going on? You know this EMH?”

“In short yes, he was the EMH on my last command and was always odd, but knew his stuff. I guess he decided to tag along when we moved to the Sojourner.” Kirin said with annoyance.

“I would love to chat,” the EMH began, “but as you can see there are people in need of medical treatment, Nurse Joy shall we get started? I believe the patient on the bed at the end is in most dire need of care for now; radiation and energy weapon burns by the looks of it.”

Joy looked between Kirin and the EMH aghast, “Do it,” Kirin said to her before looking at the EMH. “When this is sorted we are having a talk.”

Ready Room – Deck 1: 00:30

Two hours later Kirin sat in her ready room looking out the window at the Malon transport silently counting her luck it wasn’t one of their waste transports. She was amazed that a society as advanced as theirs hadn’t invented or procured the means of disposing of anti-matter waste.  

Stifling a yawn she stood up and stepped to the replicator and ordered a large coffee. Between having Thanen and his teams on the other Malon ships, Kerry and her team still on the planet finishing up their survey and now the blasted EMH operational she could feel a headache coming on. One that she really didn’t have time for as the day was long from finished.

Several minutes later the door chimed notifying her that the guest she had been expecting had arrived. “Enter.”

The door opened to reveal the Molan leader, Palek. “Commander, thank you for inviting me over. And for everything you have offered.”

Kirin nodded and gestured to the sofa by the window, “We are happy to help Palek, please have a seat.”

Kirin studied the woman for a moment as she entered the room and sat on the sofa, her skin showed old scaring from theta radiation lesions but nothing recent., “I have spoken to our medical team and all your people going to be fine. They had some minor radiation poisoning which was treated and I will have radiation treatment sent over for the rest of your people as well. Our engineering team has also reported that it will be another 12 hours until your ships are ready but once there you should be able to continue on.”

Palek smiled, relief clearly visible on her face, “That is great to hear, if there is anything we can do to pay you back please ask.”

“That leads me to the next point, “One of your people was shot, I assume it happened when the Devore attacked your mining colony?”

Palek nodded, tears coming to her eyes, “Yes. We have never had issues with them before as they know we aren’t telepaths but one of their survey ships showed up about a week ago and they beamed down and claimed we were in violation of their space. We had been mining there for years…I can only think it had to do with the new red dilithium that began to appear on the asteroid. They arrested all the miners and locked down the mining transport as well as the waste transport that was docked then told the rest of us to leave or we would be arrested as well. Some people fought back, trying to get their partners and damaged the waste transport, several were killed. The Devore fired on our vessels in response. We had to leave, otherwise, I think they would have killed us all.”

“I am sorry to hear that and I wish I could say it was a one-off event but we are getting reports of the Devore expanding in almost all directions. But as you mentioned new dilithium deposits it makes sense, they have been laying claim to it everywhere.” Kirin said.

Palek looked at Kirin and then around the room, “Your ship, and the Federation, could you help my people? Get them back from the Imperium? I think they kept them there so that they could mine it for them.”

Kirin sighed not sure how best to respond, “This isn’t a warship, we are a science and exploration vessel but if you give me the coordinates I will see what we can do. I cannot make any promises though.”

Palek nodded, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks, “I understand. I will have the coordinates sent over soon, it’s a binary pulsar system, you cannot miss it. That fact you even listened to means alot, not to mention what you are doing for our ships and crew. Thank you.” She wiped the tears away with her sleeve and smiled. “I should get back to my ship after I check on my people here if that is ok?”

Nodding Kirin rose to her feet and walked with Palek onto the bridge, she gestured to one of the crewmen at the secondary operations console. “Please show Palek to medical and then the transporter room when she is ready.”

After they left Kirin glanced over at the viewscreen and the image of the two Malon ships there before turning to leave the bridge and calling it a night.


M1 – Chp7: Pulsing Lights in the Dark

USS Sojourner
November 19th, 2400: 10:05

Conference Room – Deck 1

Kirin sat at the head of the table in the conference room lost in thought while she waited for the rest of her senior staff to arrive. Ril, Kerry and Belania had already arrived and were sitting while they discussed the recent events amongst themselves. While the EMH stood by the window and looked out over the hull of the Sojourner.

Their conversation stopped when the door opened and an exhausted-looking Thanen entered. “Sorry I’m late, had to deal with a minor issue in engineering.” He quickly added, “Nothing to worry about,” when he saw Kirin start to ask about it.

Kirin smiled and nodded in his direction as he took a seat. “Thank you all for coming,” she said as everyone turned to face her. “The last day has been interesting, to say the least. As you all know the Malon have requested our assistance in obtaining the release of their people. I have been considering this overnight and I have agreed to do what we can. We are not a warship so if it comes to a fight we do what we can but I am hoping to avoid that. We have the coordinates for the system. It is about half a day away at max warp and is a highly actively binary pulsar system within a plerion.”

Kerry frowned, “A system with binary pulsars? That is very odd. Did the Malon, sorry Palek,  say anything about the system? What is in it? How dense is the wind nebula?”

“They sent over their scans for us,” Kirin said as she tapped a button on the table and a holographic image of the system appeared before them above the table. “The nebula surrounding the system stretches for a half light-year beyond the pulsars themselves. The pulsars are rapidly rotating tossing out extremely high levels of radiation and gravitational waves. Palek warned me that it is deadly to organic material unless properly shielded and can rapidly wreck machinery.” Pointing up at the holographic pulsars, she continued, “As you can see their proximity to each other gives both of them a wobble meaning the entire system, every four hours or so is swept by radiation. In addition to this, there are two class J planets in the outer system along with a class B in the inner system. Their mining colony though is on a class D asteroid in the system’s main belt.”

Belania studied the display for a moment before speaking, “Makes you wonder why they would set up a mining colony in that system. Will our shields be able to handle the radiation? If the Malon could I suspect ours will right?”

Ril looked over and smiled, “It shouldn’t be an issue. Our shields are more advanced than theirs but we should avoid being in the direct path of the discharge.” To which Kerry and Thanen nodded in agreement. 

“Beyond the environmental hazards of the system, which are not to be ignored,” Ril continued. “The Imperium likely won’t be happy. Their ships usually operate in groups, a single vessel we can out manoeuvre and outgun but if they have the numbers we will be at a disadvantage.”

Kirin nodded, “Palek said they had a survey vessel only but it is possible a military patrol has shown up. My thought is that we put the Sojourner sensors to use and sweep the system from just outside the plerion, along with any other systems in the area so it doesn’t appear that we are heading there. If the system is clear of a military presence we can enter, open discussions with the Devore at the mining colony and go from there. Any questions?”

Thanen sucked in air between his teeth before speaking. “We have a number of telepaths and empaths on board. They, the Devore, that is know Starfleet ships have mixed crews and will be unlikely to deal with us, knowing this.”

Ril snorted a laugh, “Let them dislike it, they are holding people hostage. Let us see how much they like the phase canons.”

Nodding Thanen continued, “I agree, this is something we must do and everyone on board knows this. It is just a possible issue I foresee.”

“It is worth noting, thanks. Though let us hope we can avoid a confrontation,” Kirin said. “If there are no other questions we need to get on our way.” 

“It’s not a question but I have a suggestion,” the EMH said from near the window causing some of those around the table to give the hologram displeased looks. “As you mentioned the system is highly irradiated. This radiation was present to a degree in the tissues of all the Malon’s I treated, at sub-lethal doses, if just. Their shielding isn’t as advanced as ours but I would suggest that all crew, especially anyone who may go over to the mining colony, take anti-radiation treatments before they beam over. If we take a direct blast from the pulsars discharge there may be bleed-through and it is something that I think most of us should avoid.”

“Thank you, doctor. That is an excellent idea. Please prepare treatments for anyone who may travel to the colony and general treatment for the crew,” Kirin said with a nod. Her frustration with the EMH still remained and would for a while she suspected but she had to admit he was on top of things.  “Everyone dismissed.”

Bridge – Deck 1; 12 hours later

The Sojourner reappeared into regular space in a blinding flash of light, half a light year from the boundaries of the plerion, the twin pulsars, their light pulsing ominously within the swirling purple and red maelstrom.

The young Orion helmsman, Dese, sucked in a breath through her teeth as the image of the nebula appeared on the viewscreen. “That does not look like a friendly place…”

Kirin glanced over at her and suppressed a smile but had to admit the swirling maelstrom of gases surrounding the twin pulsars did have an unfriendly look to it. Turning to look over her left shoulder at Belania she spoke, “What can you tell me about the system?”

Belania barely looked up as she spoke, her hands darting across the controls before her. “We will know in a moment, the primary and secondary dishes are currently focusing on the system now, I had them sweep two others first.”

Silence settled over the bridge for what seemed like ages before Belania spoke up a mere 30 seconds later. “Scans complete Captain.”

“Show me,” Kirin responded as an image of the system appeared on the viewscreen.

“I am not seeing any Devore ships or warp signatures in the system. There are also no signals from the system at all which is odd. I would have expected something from the mining colony but they could have been ordered to remain silent,” Belania said. “As expected there are high levels of radiation from the pulsars and some theta radiation as well. There are also significant deposits of blood dilithium present throughout the system. At levels, we have not approached before.”

“Ok, notify medical that I want all our telepaths and empaths to be told and if they have the slightest idea that they are being impacted they are to report to sickbay right away,” Kirin said. “Have the doctor double-check the neural monitors they are each wearing.”

“What about the reports on this ‘subspace trumpet’ that Starfleet sent through? Should will try it?” Belania asked.

Kirin shrugged, “Kerry is currently working on assembling it but right now our main focus is on the Malon. Besides I don’t think interacting with the enraged ghosts or whatever they are of the Brenari right now will help. I believe she is planning on working with Ensign Ined Bruco and Jenoda Toi when there is time for it.” Standing, Kirin walked up beside Dese, who was busily reviewing the scan data herself, “Take us in Ensign. Drop us out of warp at by the outer class J planet please.”

Dese nodded and a moment later the ship’s main engine flared to life and the Sojourner vanished in a flash.

Bridge – Deck 1; 3 hours later

The Sojourner moved through the asteroid belt where the Malon colony was located while avoiding a direct discharges from one of the pulsars as it swept by their location.

“I have the visuals on the facility Captain,” came Ril’s voice from the primary tactical station.

“Put it on screen, let’s see what we are looking at,” Kirin remarked.

The viewscreen changed from an image of the wider system to showing a bulbous-looking facility of the surface of a large asteroid which seemed to be more blood dilithium than rock. Docked to the facility were a large mining vessel and a larger waste disposal transport. 

“Um, Is it meant to look like that?” Asked Dese from the conn, concern and apprehension clinging to her words.

Kirin looked at the screen in shock, “No, I really do not think it is meant to…”

The majority of the colony, mining ship and parts of the waste transport were covered in blood dilithium. The crystal formations had formed directly on the surface of the structure and ships and in multiple places punched directly through the hulls as if they had expanded with great speed and force. On top of that, the waste transport and parts of the colony and mining ship had a think green haze surrounding it. 

“I am detecting very high levels of theta radiation leaking from the transport, lethal levels if someone didn’t get treatment right away,” Kerry said from one of the science consoles off to Kirins right, concern clearly audible in her voice. “The dilithium growth is beyond abnormal, it clearly has expanded rapidly. I will need a sample to be sure but I suspect the theta radiation and the radiation from the pulsars may be affecting it somehow. It also looks like there are points of decompression within the ships as well…” she said before a concerned looked crossed her face, “any indications of weapons fire on the colony and ships.”

“Weapons fire? Palek didn’t mention anything about that. Maybe the Devore…” Kirin began before her mind switched gears to why they came as she tried to suppress the rising anger towards the Devore. “What about power and life signs? Is there anyone down there?” Kirin asked looking back at Belania.

“It is hard to say with the interference from the system and the radiation. The colony and ships are dark, I am not reading any power output on any of them. There are, yes, there are sporadic life signs in the colony. I cannot pinpoint them exactly but I think they are grouped relatively close together.”

“Ok. Get us their double time Dese but keep us out of the worst of the radiation if you can. Ril, you take an away team down and see what you can find out. Kerry, you join her, figure out what you can about the dilithium and take Nurse Joy as well as a couple of your security team. Whoever you find down there may need medical attention right away.”

Ril nodded and looked over a Kerry before shooting Belania a quick smile. “Let’s go see what we find down there Dawson.”


M1 – Chp8: Alone in the Dark

Malon Mining Colony - Unnamed Binary Pulsar System
November 20th, 2400: 01:35

Malon Mining Colony

The corridors of the mining colony stood dark and empty save for the occasional slow red strobing light. The light in places struck and refracted off and ran through the growths of blood dilithium that clung to the walls, ceiling and floor of the hallway and in places punched right through the bulkheads into neighbouring rooms or the cold vacuum of space, bathing the corridor in a reddish glow. Refuse and tools littered the floor lending the hallway a foreboding feeling.  

The empty hallway lit up with bluish-white light momentarily as 5 figures in Star Fleet EVA suits materialized. Three of them brought up phase compression rifles and scanned the surrounding hallways.

Ril looked over her shoulder towards Kerry, “All clear on our end. You seeing anything on your scans Kerry?”

Shaking her head Kerry barely looked up from the tricorder, “I am not picking up those life signs but we didn’t get a solid reading on them anyways. We should have a look around.”

Ril nodded before gesturing to two of the other figures, “Andrews, you take the lead. Thomas, watch our backs. The last thing we want is the Devore who attacked here to get the jump on us. Let’s move towards the living quarters.” The two men nodded and began to move.

“Do we know it was the Devore who attacked? They had the miners already, seems odd they would then attack.” Nurse Joy said quizically as she peered at a large formation of blood dilithium that had cut through the bulkhead from the neighbouring room.

“Who else would it have been? Not many races around here stand up to the Devore,” Ril remarked with a shrug as she stepped past Joy following Andrews down the hallway.

After several minutes they emerged into what looked like a large mess hall and galley. Frozen food and plates are tossed around as if a tornado has torn through the room. Ril considered the room and the mess for a long moment, “Looks like this place suffered a rapid decompression given the mess.” Both Andrews and Thomas looked over at her from nodded in agreement, “Sure looks that way,” remarked Thomas.

“Give me a minute here, will you?” Kerry said without directing it at anyone. She approached a large growth of blood dilithium that was coming out of the opening to the galley and knelt down beside it, tricorder in hand. “This blood dilithium is not like the other samples we have found. Its molecular structure has changed somehow. We couldn’t use it in a warp core anymore. I think,” she said with a pause before stepping back and pointing her phaser at it. She pulled the trigger and a beam struck a corner of the blood dilithium causing the whole crystalline structure to glow and pulse. “Yep, it can absorb directed energy…”

Her voice trailed off as the pulsing within the crystal began to slow but not before a shape was silhouetted from within. “What was that?” Ril asked, “It looked like something was inside there. Andrews give me that pick.” Andrews glanced back at Ril and unhooked a short rod from his harness and tossed it to her. Catching it with easy Ril flipped open the compact mining pick they brought along for sample collection and stepped up to the crystal formation.

“Stand back Kerry,” Ril said before she swung the pick down catching a weak spot between two branching growths causing one to crack and fall to the floor. She stared in shock as she realized what it was she had seen.

“Is that a Malon? What the hell happened to him?” Allen Thomas said from the other side of the mess hall. 

“No idea Allen,” Ril said. “Joy, what do you make of this?”

Nurse Joy stepped up to the blood dilithium formation and the now half-entombed Malon body that the crystal had seemed to have grown around. “He is dead, I am positive of that,” she said before bending down for a closer look. “He was killed by a weapons blast. See, here,” she pointed to a blackened and charred mark just under his neck. “But I cannot get an accurate reading on his body though, it is odd. The readings indicate it happened several days ago but the state of the body makes me think weeks.” She looked at the withered, almost skeletal remains of the Malon and shook her head, “I have no idea what would make a body wither away like in this environment or how it got into the blood dilithium.”

“Kerry any thoughts?” Ril asked.

Kerry stood staring at the body and was unable to look away from it for a moment, before turning to look at Ril. “None.”

“Lieutenant,” Andrews called. “Look at this.” Ril turned and looked over at the young ensign as he moved a table that had been flung against the other doorway leading in or out of the mess hall revealing several scorch marks on the wall. “Looks likes like weapons fire and check this out,” pointing towards the tabletop. Embedded in the tabletop was a shard of blood dilithium about five centimetres long. “Wonder how that got there?”

“Another question…” Ril said as she pulled out the shard and examined it. “I’ll update the Sojourner, take five then we continue the search.”

USS Sojourner; Bridge – Deck 1: 02:40

Kirin stood looking out the large viewport in her ready room at the large asteroid and Malon colony below. She has spent the last hour that the away team had been on the asteroid reviewing the data Palek had shared on the system and previous Star Fleet encounters with the Devore so she would be ready when they made contact. Though she had to admit to herself if they made contact was seeming like a real possibility.  

She hated that she wasn’t leading the away team herself but fought the urge to constantly check the cameras. She trusted Ril and Kerry to look after the team but she was not one to sit back when the people she worked with were in danger.

She was about to return to her work when the coms activated and Belania’s voice could be heard, “Captain. Update from the away team.”

Kirin tapped her combadge, “On my way,” before turning and she headed for the Bridge.

A few moments later she took a seat in her chair on the bridge, “Put them on.”

Ril’s voice came over the coms, “Captain, hope you are having more luck finding some answers on your end. So far we just have more questions. The blood dilithium has formed inside the colony and Kerry has said it is molecular structure has been changed somehow and now absorbs energy. And that isn’t even eh weird stuff. We found a dead Malon, killed by weapons fire several days ago but it looked like he was withered. We have sent over the scans. The strange part is he was entombed in blood dilithium.”

“Entombed? That is very strange. I will get the science team to start looking over the data you have sent. Anything else to report? Any signs of the Devore?”

“There are some indications of weapon fire in the mess hall but otherwise it is empty only one body. Anything on your end?” Ril asked.

Kirin looked at Belania, “Belania?”

Belania nodded at the Captian, “Our scans confirm what Kerry found. The molecular structure has been changed to the point I am not sure we can call it blood dilithium anymore but that can be discussed later. The blood dilithium all over the system exhibiting strange energy readings but the formations on and in the mining ship are several orders of magnitude above that; to the point that they seem to absorb the radiation in the system. We are also seeing active growth of some formations that haven’t been reported by other ships. My best guess is that the high levels of radiation from the pulsars are causing growth if there is material for it to consume. The ambient levels do not seem to have much effect beyond being absorbed but as the pulsars’ spin, the discharges from their poles seem to stimulate growth.”

“Thank you Belania,” Kirin said once the Operations Chief finished speaking. “You have two hours until the next discharge passes over this area. I suggest you complete your search by then. If it will cause rapid expansion of the formations I do not want anyone on that colony when it passes.”

“We will continue the search,” Ril remarked.

“One final thing, we detected a warp signature of another vessel. It was weak and a couple of days old but it could have been the Devore. Even if it was keep your eyes sharp.  Find the survivors, get what samples and evidence you can then beam back.”

“We will transport the couple of samples we have now so the science team can start making headway on it,” came Kerry’s voice over the coms.

“Will do Kerry,” Kirin responded. “Keep us updated on any developments.”


M1 – Chp9: Grave men, near death (Part 1)

Malon Mining Colony - Unnamed Binary Pulsar System
November 20th, 2400: 03:00

Malon Mining Colony

Ril ended the communications with the Sojourner and turned to look at the rest of the away team as they stood in the remains of the colony’s mess hall. The room like so much else of the colony had an eerie reddish glow to it as the lights of their EVA suits helmets and wrist lights reflected off of the blood dilithium and bounced around the room.

“Joy, do you think you can get the Malon out of there? An autopsy may be of some use.” Ril asked while gesturing towards the entombed corpse.

Nurse Joy, who was already standing beside the body looked at it and then back at Ril and shook her head. “Not quickly, or cleanly. It looks like the blood dilithium didn’t just entomb this poor man but has also grown throughout his system as well. I would suggest some tissue samples and samples of the blood dilithium. Once we have more time we can return for him.”

“Very well. Get those and transport them back.” Ril said before turning to Kerry, “Kerry, I know you have collected a few samples, they ready to send back?”

Kerry was knelt down on the other side of the mess hall beside another growth of blood dilithium staring at her tricorder and didn’t respond at first. “Kerry?” Ril called again.

Kerry’s head snapped around and she looked at Ril, “Yeah? Oh, sorry,” she muttered as she realized he had only half heard what Ril had said. “Yeah, I have a few samples that are ready but I don’t think that Malon,” she said pointing towards the entombed individual, “was the only one. I am detecting organic matter in this crystal. I think another Malon or Devore may have had the same fate one deck down.”

“Ghuy'cha',” Ril exclaimed and shook her head. “Right we will check that out when we can but we need to focus on the possible survivors for now. Get those samples ready and lets continue on.”

USS Sojourner; Planetary Study and Geology Laboratory - Deck 6

“Ready for transport,” Ensign Jenoda said from the Geology lab on deck 6. She knew Kerry had told her to leave this to one of the other members of the science team but the chance to study blood dilithium, and samples that had grown around a body was too good to pass up. She hadn’t been overly affected by it before with the other samples beyond feeling uneasy and having some strange dreams so she figured another couple of samples wouldn’t hurt. A moment later the transporter beam appeared and deposited 3 sample containers a few milliseconds before the level three containment field sprang into place.

She looked at the samples in awe as they pulsed with an eerie red light before slowly dimming and returning to, what she would describe as, the natural state of blood dilithium. She wished she could get her hands on one of them but knew that was asking for trouble so she set the computer to run through a series of scans on the blood dilithium. As she did she couldn’t help but feel an increasing sense of dread at her current predicament. As she stood there she could feel her heart rate increase. She knew she shouldn’t feel this way but that didn’t matter. Before her mind could run any further down the rabbit hole her com badge chimed. Reflexively she tapped it, “Jenoda…” she said quickly as she breathing increased. 

“Ensign Toi, this is the Doctor. Your heart rate and neural activity are fluctuating dramatically. Please report to sick bay immediately,” came the EMHs voice.

Jenoda looked around knowing she was in danger. “NO!” she shouted and ripped off her combadge before throwing it across the lab where it bounced off the containment field, “Leave me alone!”

USS Sojourner; Medical - Deck 4

Two decks above the EMH stood looking down at a stack of sample trays that Nurse Joy had transported over and sighed. “Telepaths,” he muttered before looking over at the security officer standing by the door. “Could you kindly go check on Ensign Toi? I suspect the blood dilithium may be affecting her as it has several of the other telepaths,” he said and tossed a hypo spray to him. “This will sedate her.” The security officer glanced over at the two unconscious telepaths currently on beds in medical and was about to say something when the EMH cut him off. “They are sedated and will not be waking up any time soon. Best hurry before she hurts herself.”

The security officer nodded and ran out of medical calling for additional personnel to the lab on deck 6. With that, the EMH turned back to the samples and lifted one up peering at it quizzically and frowned seeing small crystalline growths on the tissue. “Now, I wonder, blood dilithium mixed with organic tissue. What little secrets do you hold?”


M1 – Chp10: Grave men, near death (Part 2)

Malon Mining Colony - Unnamed Binary Pulsar System
November 20th, 2400: 03:45

Malon Mining Colony

Thirty minutes later Ril held up her hand and gestured to the team to stop moving as they approached the door to the large processing plant that made up the lower levels of the colony. “I am getting some faint life signs up head, are you picking them up?”

Kerry nodded, “Yeah, only just picked them up now. I cannot tell how many there are though but they are through there.” Pointing towards the sealed door to the processing plant. 

Andrews stepped up to the door and peered at it, “Someone used an energy weapon to seal this closed from the outside. Lots of blast marks around here as well.” Looking around he bent down and examined one of the small crystal shards and its associated growth they had seen in several places, “Lots of these around here as well. What do you make of it Lieutenant?”

Ril shrugged, “Damned if I know, but if there are survivors in there we need to get them to safety. Andrews start cutting that door please, Allen, give him a hand.”

For the next two minutes, the two security officers used their phasers to cut through the heavy doors. As the final cut was finished Andrews stepped forward and gave it a firm push and it slid inwards slowly before gently falling to the floor in the low gravity of the asteroid. 

He looked back at Ril who nodded and Andrews slipped through the opening, its glowing edges fading rapidly in the cold vacuum around them. Ril quickly followed by the others entered the processing plant. 

They stood on a raised platform on the side of a cavernous room filled with machinery and equipment used in the processing of the ores and now blood dilithium. The room was bathed in a pulsing red light from a towering formation of blood dilithium that had grown up through the floor and pierced the ceiling above opening the room to space.

“Hope they have suits on…” muttered Allen as he looked around and snorted under his breath, clearly on edge.

Ril tried to suppress similar feelings as she stepped to the end of the platform. Glancing at her tricorder she frowned, “Readings show life signs are 15 meters ahead.”

“That can’t be right, I am not seeing any signs of EVA suits,” Joy said as she peered over the railing.

“Andrews, Allen, you’re with me. Kerry and Joy. You stay back here. Keep an eye on the door behind us.” Ril said before the three of them began to make their way down the stairs. 

Andrews stepped off the stairs onto the main floor of the processing plant and froze as he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. “You see that? Right over there, movement,” he said as he turned and raised his compression phase rifle in that direction. Its light illuminated several smaller crystals of blood dilithium.

“Let's check it out. They could be wounded,” Ril said as she began to move in that direction. 

As they approached several forms ambled out from behind the crystal formations. She raised her hand to wave at them but before Ril could get a good look at them Joy’s voice came over her com, “Survivors, I am on my way down.” Ril took a second to look at the forms and felt her blood run cold.

“Bloody hell,” came the sound of Andrews voice when his light fell on the survivors.

Coming towards them, without suits, exposed to the cold vacuum of space where the Malon miners and Devore soldiers. They looked withered, their faces gaunt but the most shocking thing was the blood dilithium growths sprouting from their bodies. The odd pulsing seen within the crystals continued under their skin.

The nearest one, a Devore, raised what remained of his hand, now almost entirely encased in crystal and lunged at Andrews who stumbled backwards and in panic fired his phaser striking the Devore. It let out a soundless scream in the vacuum and they rushed towards the away team.

“Everyone back, up the stairs,” Ril shouted as she grabbed Andrews arm and hauled him up before they both turned and ran up the stairs. As Ril was about halfway up a small red object flashed past her and embedded itself in the wall. Glancing at it she realized with a sinking feeling that it was one of the blood dilithium shards they had found around the colony.   As she reached the top of the stairs she turned to see Andrews miss a step and stumble forward. As she did one of the shards struck him in the side of his suit, easily piercing it. He started to stand before collapsing to the ground, “Allen, cover me,” Ril said as she moved to Andrews side. Allen began to fire at the oncoming Devore and Malon to little effect, “It isn’t working, stun has no effect, going to a higher setting.” As he did the Devore and Malon began to slow and stumble under the setting that should by all rights kill them.

Ril knelt down over the still form of Andrews and flipped him over and gasped. His eyes were wide as he tried to scream. She could see the shard in his side pulsing with the red light and as it did she watched similar light pulse just under Andrews skin travelling down towards the crystal. Within a second his face took on a similar withered and gaunt look before he went still.

A hand landed on her shoulder and Ril spun bringing her phaser up realizing at the last second it was Joy, “He is gone. There is nothing we can do for him.”

Ril looked back at the body of Andrews and activated her coms she raised the Sojourner, “We need an emergency beam out now! We are under attack, Andrews is dead.”

She raised her rifle and looked towards the stairs as several of the Devore and Malon heads became visible. She managed two quick shots before the world around her shimmered blue and she found herself standing in the Sojourner’s main transporter room. The transporter chief, crewman Trisim Floxan looked at them, “Off the pad now, I will get him to medical.”

Before she finished speaking Andrews body convulsed and he sat up. Trisim let out a string of curses in Denobulan. “I thought he was dead?” As she said that Ril looked down and saw the withered face of Andrews turn to look at her just as a dilithium shard began to spread across his forehead. 

“Ghuy'cha’,” Ril said as she stumbled back. “Not sick back. Back to the colony now, get it off the ship!”

Trisim looked on in shock but followed the orders and within a couple of seconds, Andrews body dematerialized and vanished.

Everyone in the room looked at Ril with shock on their face but Joy was the first to speak as she fumbled her helmet off. “What did you do? Why did you send him back? Maybe there was a chance still!” As she spoke her voice rose until she was shouting.

“He was gone..” Ril began as she sat down on the steps up to the transporter pad. Taking her helmet off she set it beside her. “Maybe there was a chance but I couldn’t risk it…”

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!” Joy said, anger seeping into her voice.

Ril sighed, “You saw the….them, the ‘survivors’,” a clear note of distaste in her voice, “Andrews was the same. I saw the crystal shard hit him, he withered before my eyes and crystal began to grow out of him, like them….it had to be done.”

Before anyone could respond Kirin’s voice came over the comm. “What happened down there? Is everyone all right?”

Ril looked between Kerry, Joy, Allen and Trisim and gave them a sad smile. Standing up she tapped the controls on the wall beside her opening the comms to the bridge.

“Captian, there were no survivors that could be helped. The blood dilithium did something to them, feed on them it seemed. We lost Andrews. I had to beam him back as the dilithium was spreading and we could risk contamination.”

There was silence for a moment before Kirin responded, her voice tightly controlled. “Ok. I want you and Kerry to report to the bridge right away I need to know what is going on.”

Ril glanced and Kerry and nodded, “Be there shortly.” She heard the comms cut off from the bridge and looked over at Joy and Allen. Pulling out her tricorder Ril tossed it Joy, “Take the readings to the doctor he may be able to make something of it. I was able to scan Andrews as he died.” Turning to Allen her face grew serious. “I want to know why the phasers only slowed them down. Study the readings we took and figure out a way of stunning them at the very least.”

Trisim looked back and forth between everyone before speaking, “Nurse Joy I have heard the Doctor could use some assistance as well. The telepaths on board are showing signs of dilithium exposure. He had to sedate a few of them.” Joy looked at Trisim with a questioning look but Trisim continued “We had to transport a few of them to sickbay.”

USS Sojourner; Bridge - Deck 1

Twenty minutes later Ril and Kerry walked onto the bridge and everyone turned to look at them. Belania smiled sadly at them and mouthed, ‘Speak soon.’

Kirin stood from the command chair, “Ready Room, now.” Her voice and demeanour showed that she was clearly angry. Before she made it halfway there Belania spoke up, alarm ringing in her voice.

“Power signatures on the mining ship. It's not their core though.” 

The view screen changed to show the Malon mining ship as it began to move away from the mining colony though its engine were still dark. The crystal growth had increased and the vessel was now mostly covered by the blood dilithium. 

“Hail them,” Kirin ordered but Belania shook her head, “No response. It looks like their systems are still down. I have no idea how they are moving.” The vessel glided smoothly towards the Sojourner, spinning slowly, it's odd crystalline protrusions expanding, taking on a fractal pattern.

“Go to yellow alert and raise shields,” Kirin said and nodded to Ril.

“I don’t think anything is alive down there, the dilithium did something to them. It isn’t normal blood dilithium.” Ril said as she took her post at the tactical station.

Looking back at Ril, Kirin shook her head, “And what are you suggesting we destroy it out of hand?”

“It might…” Ril began but was cut off as her console started flashing warming lights. “Energy spike, possibly a weapon.”

As soon as she finished speaking a white beam shot forth from one of the large blood-dilithium cyrtals protruding from the hull of the once mining ship. The beam slice through the void between them and struck the Sojourner shaking the ship violently. 

“It didn't penetrate the shields but they are down to 60%. It seems to be draining them! Fifty percent!” Ril exclaimed.

Kirin growled under her breath, “Red Alert! No one attacks my ship. Ril return fire!”

The Sojourner rotated lining up on the mining vessels as it avoided another blast of the unknown energy beam. Its type-XII phaser arrays began to fire. Multiple beams struck the crystal formations on the attacking vessel causing them to glow even brighter for a moment before returning to normal. “Minimal damage, it absorbed the blasts.” 

Another of the beams shot forth and struck the Sojourner causing several consoles on the bridge to explode in a shower of sparks, including the conn. Ensign Dese Tycon was flung backwards, landing in a sprawl. 

"We've lost shield, damage in decks one through five. Hull breach on deck four and five. Emergency force fields are in place." Belania called out as she wipe blood from her forehead before it could run down I to her eye.

"Torpedos now! Full spread!" Kirin called as she knelt down beside Dese and checked her pulse. A sense of relief flooded through her when she felt a strong and steady pulse. 

"Torpedos away," came Ril's voice.

From the forward torpedo tubes five quantum torpedoes shot forth. Flashing across the kilometres between the Sojourner and the attacker in mere seconds they struck the exposed hull and the crystalline growths, detonating. The combined antimatter explosion ripped through the hull of the Malon mining ship and shattered the blood dilithium growths. The expanding matter antimatter reaction leaving nothing but a few pieces of wreckage where once a ship stood. 

"YES, Vessel destroyed!" exclaimed Ril with excitement and Joy. 

"Good, me a full damage report and get started on repairs," Kirin said before anger began to seep into her tone, “and figure out how the hell that weapon cut through our shields and why our phasers did nothing.”

Kerry glanced over at Belania and gave her a concerned look. “Right away ma'am.”

“No! You look at the blood dilithium and figure out why this happened. Belania and Ril you handle the shields and weapons.”

Ril nodded, “On it.”

Belania glanced at Ril and Kerry and frowned, it was unlike the Captain to react with aggression or anger. She knew Kirin had a temper but she always kept that under tight control. “Captain, I detected a possible signal sent from the Malon vessel just before the torpedoes hit. It doesn't match any Malon signal that we have on record.”

Kirin sighed, shaking her head as she helped Dese sit up. "Ok, keep an eye on that," she growled before turning to Dese. “Get yourself to medical and have the doctor or Nurse Joy check you out.”

She waved one of the damage control crewmen over who had just arrived on the bridge, “Make sure she gets there ok.”

With that she stood and turned to the turbolift, "I need to go see the damage, contact me the second you find anything." As she stepped onto the lift she rubbed her forehead, 'Where did this headache come from,' she thought.

M1 – Chp11: Calm after the storm?

USS Sojourner - Unnamed Binary Pulsar System
November 20th, 2400: 06:30

USS Sojourner; Conference Room – Deck 1

Kirin stood looking out the viewport of the conference room, hands clasped behind her back, giving her a very rigid posture. “So! What is the update? How did that THING do this to my SHIP,” she growled through clenched teeth, not caring about the anger in her voice.

Thanen frowned at her, he liked to think he knew Kirin better than most on the crew. Over the last nine months, they had tried to share dinner once a week to review ship matters among other things, and he knew that this anger was not like her; in this situation anyways. He knew that she could be very quick to anger but that was usually linked to her childhood and heritage.

“Kirin, if I may,” He began.

“No, not now Thanen,” Kirin said as she turned around and looked straight at him. “This ship, my ship and my crew were attacked. We lost Andrews to whatever the hell that stuff is out there and have three others in critical condition. I want answers so, let’s have them.” He turned from Thanen and looked at the rest of the senior staff sitting around the table.

Thanen looked at her, his antenna reorienting on her as he began to speak. “Very well. The Doctor reported that we had 15 wounded, with all but the 3 in critical condition discharged. Though that doesn’t include the telepaths; currently four have been sedated and are resting. Several others have expressed concerns about how the blood dilithium is impacting them and are relieved of duty for the time being.”

Kirin glanced at Belania, “Move us away from the colony and any other blood dilithium deposits, give us at least 15 thousand kilometres of clearance.” She then turned back to Thanen, “What else?”

Thanen nodded before continuing, “Repairs are underway and should be completed in the next five to six hours. The hull breach has been cleared of debris and teams are currently fixing them. We were lucky, though it was on decks four and five, it was very small and didn’t hit anything critical. And as for…” He paused for a moment and glanced down at the PADD before him to link to the holo display.

“What about the shields, any idea what happened there?” Kirin said with some impatience.

Thanen looked at her and smiled, “I am projecting our findings now.” Before them, above the table appeared the energy readouts that the sensors logged when the beam weapon had struck the Sojourner. “The weapon seemed to not be a directed energy weapon but the opposite. It can absorb energy that it comes into contact with. The internal damage was caused by interruptions in our own power systems from this drain which caused energy spikes and then the blowouts.”

“How do we stop it from happening again?” Kerry asked from across the table as she looked up at the readings. 

“That is the tricky part.” Thanen began and glanced over at Ril who took over. “We are pretty confident that a quick rotation shield frequency will mean the beam is unable to drain energy as efficiently, but it won’t stop it.”

Kirin just nodded and walked over to the table, “What about you Kerry, any ideas as to what that was? Because it was not Blood Dilithium anymore. What was it that killed Andrews?”

Kerry sighed and switched the display over to her control, projecting an image of Malon ship, covered in Blood Dilithium. “I have been studying the sample we collected and it still exhibits the same properties of blood dilithium, as I am sure the doctor can attest to given the reactions some of the crew have had. Other than that the chemical structure has been changed. When exposed to radiation or another energy source it is able to absorb the energy and store it. One of the shards, like the one that killed Andrews, was collected also. It showed the same properties but at a much higher degree and was able to absorb energy directly from organic cells when exposed to them. Draining them in the process.”

“What did you expose it to? Not someone?” Belania asked.

“Of course not, just a small cell culture. It used the energy to expand itself, minimally I would add. After that, we left it and in the space of an hour and a half the remaining energy dissipated and it was inert. I suspect the shards would only react if put in direct contact with an energy source or organic material.” Kerry said as she showed a simulation of the shard expanding when in contact with an energy source. 

“I suspect that that is what happened on the Malon ship. I think it feeds off their core and expanded to make whatever that thing was. As for how this happened I have a theory. The blood dilithium in the rest of the system is very similar to what we have seen elsewhere its structure has changed but only minimally. Likely due to it being radioactive after being exposed to the near continual pulsar discharges but it doesn’t react to organics or energy sources in any way. The issue is the blood dilithium around the colony, in particular, that of the mining vessel. It has the ability to react to organic tissue. I think the theta radiation leak from the waste transport in such high concentrations mixed with the radiation from the pulsar made a perfect storm and something horrific was created.”

“How do we stop it from spreading? Our weapons, well the phasers didn’t do much.” Thanen asked as he watched Kerry intently. The others around the table nodded before Kirin spoke up. “What about the Malon you found entombed, he was different than the other?” Her posture was a bit more relaxed as she began to get a better idea of what was happening.

Kerry nodded, “The doctor was able to look at the samples we collected from the entombed Malon and he believes that he was hit by one of the shards as well but then killed with a weapon’s high energy beam. This likely caused the shard, the crystal to grow rapidly as it absorbed the power and expanded, entombing the body. That is the reason the phasers didn’t work but the torpedoes did I believe. The explosive power of the torpedoes ripped the ship apart whereas the phasers just powered it up.”

Ril nodded, “Ok but we destroyed it already so it’s done right?”

“Maybe not,” Belania said, “I detected an energy discharge, possibly a signal sent from the mining vessel just before it was destroyed. I could not tell where it was going as it got lost in the system’s background radiation. We know that there was a Devore ship here and it left a day or so ago. Maybe it was exposed as well…”

Kirin sighed, “So there could be another one out there. I want ideas on how we can destroy it.” She looked down and began to rub her right temple, “And we need to move that waste transport. Can we stop the leak? If the theta radiation is causing this we need to remove it.”

Thanen nodded, “I had been thinking about that and think a single damage repair team in EVA suits will be able to patch the leave in an hour or so. The remaining spill though will linger.”

“Get on it,” Kirin said.

USS Sojourner; Ready Room – Deck 1

After the end of the briefing, Kirin returned to her ready room to review the detailed reports from each of the department heads. Before she was able to even open them up the door chimed. She closed her eyes and exhaled loudly in annoyance. “ENTER,” she barked.

A second later the door opened and Thanen walked in. “Kirin,” he said with a nod, “We need to talk.”

She rolled her eyes and leaned back, “About?”

“You. You are not acting like yourself. You let yourself get angry and show that anger to the crew,” he said as he stood before her desk.

“Everyone can get angry,” she said with a hint of venom in her voice, “Especially after what happened to the ship. I would have expected you, my XO to be angry as well.”

Thanen sighed, “I am upset by what happened but there are ways of showing it.” He paused for a moment and looked out the viewport at the asteroid field beyond. “I have to ask, are you feeling like yourself? The last time you seemed agitated like this was after the implant was destroyed.”

Kirin glared at him, “So you think my implant is faulty and….”

She was cut off when the comms activated and the EMH’s voice came over them. “Captian Tarken and Lieutenant Th’zalnar please report to medical immediately.”

Both Thanen and Kirin looked at each other. “We will speak on this,” Thanen said as he turned to the door. “Fine,” Kirin responded as she stood and followed him.

USS Sojourner; Medical – Deck 4

Kirin walked into medical with furrowed brows followed moments later by Thanen. She saw the EMH standing by one of the biobed looking over one of the crew. “What did you want to speak to us about Doctor, we are very busy right now.” Her tone caused Nurse Joy to glance her way from where she stood beside the unconscious form of Jenoda.

The EMH turned hearing Kirin’s voice, “Ah, good, you came.” He stepped away from the bed and up towards Kirin and Thanen giving them a view of the crewmember on the biobed. Her green skin gave her away as the only other Orion on board. Kirin frowned and moved to step past the doctor, “Why is Dese here?!” she started to demand, her anger beginning to grow again.

As she stepped past the doctor his arm moved quickly and she felt something press against her neck and then the tell-tale feeling of a hypospray being injected into her.

Both Kirin and Thanen spun on the doctor but Kirin spoke first. “What the hell was that?” she asked as she moved her hand up to the spot on her upper arm rubbing the spot. 

“You better explain yourself, Doctor?,” Thanen warned.

“So dramatic,” the EMH said shaking his head. “It was the same treatment I gave to help suppress your pheromones Captain. “I am going to go out on a limb and say you have not been yourself for the last few hours?”

Kirin just looked at him, “What?!” she spat. 

“See anger, agitation, generally unlike you Captain.” I expect the suppressant will start to take effect any second now given the previous speed you have reacted to it.

Sure enough, the bubbling anger and the pressure she had been feeling in her head began to subside. As it did her body noticeably relaxed, but a wave of exhaustion washed over her and she had to grab ahold of one of the nearby consoles for support. “Ok, but please explain.”

The doctor stepped up to her and flipped open his tricorder. After a few seconds, he nodded, “Same as Ensign Tycon; well almost.”

“Doctor.” Thane said, “Answers please.”

“Fine,” he groaned as he rolled his eyes, “I was getting to that. It would appear the close proximity to blood dilithium also has an impact on Orion’s physiology as well. I know not all Orion females produce the pheromones naturally, such as Ensign Tycon here. You on the other hand do, not that that is news to us.”

“It would seem that the blood dilithium has stimulated hyperactive pheromone and adrenaline production. Your implant,” he continued pointing at Kirin, “blocked most of the pheromone effects though if it went on longer am sure would see some less-than-interesting effects. For you, it most flooded your system with adrenaline.”

Kirin crossed her arms and frowned, “Ok, I get that, what about Dese, her body doesn’t even produce them.”

The EMH shook his head, “Not true, they are at such a low concentration they have no effect. That has changed; her body is now producing them at the same levels as yours, without the implant, that is. She had elevated adrenaline levels when she was in before that was expected given the combat and injuries she took so I didn’t look further.”

“Will she be ok?” Thanen asked, stepping up and scanning the display beside the biobed. “Does she need an implant like Kirin?”

“I don’t think so. Once we get out of the vicinity of the blood dilithium I suspect she will be fine, similar to the telepaths.”

“That is good news,” Kirin said as she relaxed visibly. “What happened exactly?”

“Ah,” the EMH began and glance over at Dese and then over to the still form of a young Betazoid ensign, Ined Bruco. “It would appear that Dese did not take my instructions to rest and instead went to one of the smaller crew lounges. We were alerted when Ensign Bruco neural monitor indicated abnormal adrenaline levels and neurological readings. He didn’t respond when contacted so Nurse Joy and a security officer went to his location as we have been doing for all telepaths. They found Dese and Ined rather engaged; it would appear that they have been seeing each other so the heightened pheromones didn’t need to push much. We had to bring them here and sedate them to allow the suppressants to take effect and the pheromones to wear off. “

Kirin raised an eyebrow at that. Not that she was surprised that the ensigns were seeing each other but that she hadn’t any idea given that she saw Dese every day. “Let them rest but I want them back on duty as soon as possible. Make sure she has sufficient suppressants on hand. I need my primary pilot, I have a suspicion that we aren’t finished yet here yet.”

The EMH nodded, “Sure, but I will add to it my own orders Captain. You need to sleep. The XO can look after things until you are rested. The adrenaline has been pushing your system too much.”

“I will rest soon.”

“Now,” the EMH said sternly. “Doctor’s orders.”

Kirin glanced at Thanen beside her and he shrugged. “The repairs are well underway. I will oversee the movement and repair of the Malon ship. Get a few hours and I will notify you if anything happens.”

“Fine, I will be in my quarters,” Kirin said, silently happy she was going to be able to sleep.


M1 – Bonus 1: Without a Paddle

Galin Belt - Delta Quadrant
November 2400

Captain’s Log: supplemental.  The Crazy Horse is three days out of the Markonian Outpost.   We are still having issues integrating the holographic systems into the ship, but other than a tired and over worked AMO all systems and crew are operating at optimal levels.  We hope to arrive in the Gatz system in five days so we can begin our mission.

Captain Órlaith Murphy sat in the center seat of the USS Crazy Horse,  her legs crossed with a PADD propped up on her knee.  The ship at warp was almost hypnotic.

“Captain,  we’re receiving a message from the USS Sojourner,” the operations officer Lt. Commander Erin Hayden announced from operations. 

Setting her PADD aside Órlaith sat up, “On screen.”

The image on the view screen changed to show a young Orion woman, Commander Kirin Tarken Captain of the USS Sojourner, sitting in the command chair on its bridge.

“Captain Murphy, we have not had the pleasure to meet in person yet but I am hoping to rectify that situation,” Kirin said she a smile, “and have the Crazy Horse lend us a hand. If possible that is. We ran into a convoy of ships adrift, mainly Brenari fleeing the Devore. They were out of deuterium, and burned through their supply in a dash to escape. We have provided what we could, enough for each of their ships to reach the outpost, but now have very little remaining; we could keep going but that would mean we have no room for error now. I was hoping the Crazy Horse could help with a resupply?” Kirin leaned back in her chair and quickly tapped on the console beside her, “We are only an hour from your current position if you could help.”

Órlaith stood up and moved to the dead center location of the bridge, “I think something can be arranged.   If we need to we can refine more while in the Gatnz System.”

“That is really appreciated Captain,” Kirin said, “I look forward to your arrival and would like to extend an invitation to dinner if time permits.”

Órlaith smiled, “I think we can make the time.”

“Captain,” Ensign Talon announced.  “I have located the Sojourner and have laid in a course. ETA forty-eight minutes.”

Kirin smiled, “We will see you soon then Captain, Sojourner out.” With that Kirin tapped a control on the arm of her chair and the screen cut off.


Ensign Michael Prol was surrounded by the ancient machinery that was located deep in the engineering section of the USS Crazy Horse. Nearly a century ago, when this ship was the premier Stafleet explorer deuterium and tritium refuelling wasn’t as abundant.  As a solution engineers had included a refining facility, which hadn’t been used in decades. 

Michael was standing behind a console finishing up a diagnostic when her heard the scraping of boots on the metal walkway.   He turned to see a trio of officers,  of which Commander Hayden was the only one he recognized. “Commander.”

“Ensign.  This is Lieutenant Commander Thanen Th’zalnar and Lieutenant Anahis Sanin from the USS Sojourner. They are running a little on empty and need a fill-up.”

Thanen nodded at the introduction, “Thank you, Commander. I am sure we can get this sorted quickly here.” He turned back to Ensign Prol and smiled while his two antennae shifted as he took in the room and the refining facility. “I am the Chief Engineer on the Sojourner and Anahis is my assistant. We appreciate the assistance with this. We refuelled a number of refugee ships that were adrift and have just enough to get back to the outpost but thought we would see if anyone in the fleet could help.”

“That explains why Lt. Washington wanted me to get this going.  Commander, do you have a workbee to attach the hose to your deuterium fill port or do we need to use our own workbee?  We can use a couple of shuttles to transfer the antimatter storage pods. I don’t recommend using the transporters for that either.”

“We’ll need to coordinate with Ensign Talon or the Sojourner’s chief pilot,” Erin added.

Thanen nodded, “Agreed, best not to transport either, don’t want to scratch up the ships too badly. We have a couple of workbees that could get used and will be able to get some shuttles to transport the pods.” Turning to Anahis, “I will leave you to oversee things on this end Lieutenant and will notify Dese and Belania that the shuttles will be needed. I am sure Belania will be happy to get back in the pilot seat.”

Anahi smirked, “Won’t be a problem, it will be nice to see one of these refiners up close.”


Dese couldn’t help but grin as the small workbee shot out of the Sojourner’s hanger bay. Though it wasn’t one of the Type-12 or 14 shuttles or even the Waverider she loved the feel of the workbee, it always felt like it was her flying through space and not the ship.

As she flew out she flipped the workbee around to see the two ships suspended there in the silent black of space. She took a moment to take the image in before adjusting her course and began to head towards the Crazy Horse. Opening the comlink to the other ships she spoke, “Ensign Tycon to Ensign Prol, I am in position to begin to transfer the hose to the deuterium port on the Sojourner. Please release the clamps so I can begin.

“Understood. Releasing transfer hose.”

Dese checked the screen in the workbee to confirm the hose clamps were released. Upon seeing the clamps disengage she edged the pod closer and grabbed hold of the hose with the pod’s manipulator arms. Using nominal thrusters she slowly pulled the hose from the Crazy Horse towards the Sojourner. After a few minutes, she felt the vibration through the hose and up the arms of the pod as the clamps on the Sojourner locked into place. “Ensign Tycon to Commander Th’zalnar, the hose is engaged. Shall I will stay on station here in case anything happens during the transfer?”

Thanen quickly responded with a confirmation, “Please do.”

“Prol to Th’zalnar. Transfer in progress.   We are looking at 38,000 liters a minute.”

Thanen monitored the flow of deuterium from Engineering aboard the Sojourner. “Thanks, Prol. It is looking good from my end. Time to completion is estimated at 5 minutes. Once complete we can move on to the antimatter storage pods. Lieutenant Belania is already prepping the shuttles.”

“Let’s push it to ten minutes. I want to make sure you have enough.”

“Cannot say no to having the tanks topped off. Ten minutes is fine,” Thanen said with a smile.


Belania easied the Type-14 shuttle out of the Cravy Horse’s shuttle bay. As she did she swore she could feel a pressure on her back but she knew it was all in her head. Behind her, taking up the entire rear compartment of the shuttle was an antimatter storage pod.

“Shuttle Eris to Crazy Horse and Sojourner, first storage pod is en route. ETA 3 minutes”

Acknowledged Eris,” Flight control responded.

Another shuttle moved in alongside her port side. Ensign Anthony Talon sat at the controls after picking up an empty antimatter storage pod to the Sojourner. Showing off he did a barrel roll over the top of the Eris ending up on her starboard side.

“Let’s see what you got Eris,” Anthony said with a mischievous grin on his face.

Belania rolled her eyes, “Ensign Talon, that is tempting and I would leave you in the metaphorical dust but unlike you, I have a full antimatter pod here and the last thing I want is to stress it. Maybe next time hot shot.”

Anthony laughed,  “Ain’t no one bested me yet. Suit yourself.”  He rolled away and slammed the throttle forward heading back to the Crazy Horse to exchange the empty for a full one.

Belania rolled her eyes as she watched the other shuttle accelerate towards the Crazy Horse and muttered, “Show off.”

A couple of minutes later she eased the Eris into the designated spot on the shuttle bay. Feeling an odd sense of relief she powered down the shuttle and opened the rear hatch to allow the engineering team to offload the antimatter storage pod. Side-stepping past the pod she stepped onto the ramp and nodded to Thanen. “All your sir, only one more after this. Need anything from me?”

Thanen shook his head, his short unkempt white hair seemingly floating around his head as he did. “Nope. The engineering team should have everything in hand.”

Belania shrugged, “Ok, Anthony should have the final pod here shortly. After that, I think we will be all set right?”

“We will be refuelled for sure.” Thanen said, “But I think the Captain mentioned something about staying alongside the Crazy Horse for a bit. I think she was going to have a meal with their captain.”

“Makes sense. Nice to give the crews a chance to mingle if needed.” Belania remarked

M1 – Chp 12: The Heart of the Storm

USS Sojourner - Unnamed Binary Pulsar System
November 20th, 2400: 10:45

USS Sojourner; Bridge – Deck 1

Ril sat on the bridge marvelling at the speed at which the repair teams could do their job. Beyond a couple of bits of debris from one of the consoles, everything looked almost new…almost. The consoles had been repaired or replaced and the majority of the systems were now fully operational. She checked the screen on the tactical station and pulled up the feed from one of the drones finishing off the final touches on the exterior component of the hull breach and was not disappointed with what she saw. The feed showed the drone applying the final layer of paint to the hull before pulling back showing a smooth section of the hull that only 5 hours before had been a gaping hole.

She opened a channel to Thanen, who was currently inspecting the repairs internally.  A moment later he responded, his face appearing on the small screen, “What can I do for you Ril?”

“I wanted to let you know that it looks like the drones have completed the external repairs. They are all heading back in now.”

“Perfect, they are just finishing things up here. The internal damage was not as bad as it could have been. I will be back on the bridge shortly.”

“Good, the sooner we have everything repaired the better. I do not like sitting here with the ship damaged.” Ril said with a fierce smile. “How did it go with the hauler? I have not heard from the team. Though I see they got it moving though.”

“Yeah, it went as well as expected. Anahis was able to plug the leak and there wasn’t anything wrong with the engine so she and the team are currently moving it to the edge of the system. No idea what to do with it once there though.”

“The theta radiation has been removed and it won’t interact with the pulsar’s radiation and blood dilithium again to make more of these things,” Ril said with a shudder as she thought back to what had happened to Andrews and the crystals starting to grow on his body.

“Exactly, let’s hope we have seen the last of those things. The remaining theta radiation should be enough to cause any more issues.” Thanen said, “But who knows.”

Before Ril could respond her station chimed and she glanced over at it. The sensors showed an inbound ship currently on the other side of the system. Due to the radiation in the system, the sensors were having a hard time identifying it. Ril looked up and over to Belania, “Bel, any chance you can get this cleared up?”

Belania responded without looking up from her console, “And what do you think I am working on already Ril?” The smile on her face was clearly evident in her voice. A moment later she looked up the smile fading, “The readings are unclear but it appears to be Devore but there are some very strange readings coming from it. It is possibly the survey ship they had here but I cannot be certain.”

Ril glanced over at the screen where the XO’s face was still present. “You catch that?”

Thanen nodded, “I am on my way. Put us on yellow alert and message the Captain.” With that, he cut the comms.

Ril quickly entered a couple of commands and the lighting shifted throughout the ship as yellow strobes went off and the Sojourer’s automated voice rang through the air, “Yellow alert! Captain to the bridge. Yellow alert!”

USS Sojourner; Captain’s Quarter – Deck 3

As the yellow alert sounds Kirin sat bolt upright in her bed. She felt exhausted but better than she had before now that the adrenaline has left her system and the extra suppressants were doing their job. Leaning over to her bedside table she tapped her combadge. “Bridge, report.” Before they had a chance to respond she was up and pulling on her uniform.

A moment later Ril’s voice came over the comms, “Captain. We have detected a ship entering the system. The radiation is interfering with our sensors but it appears to be a Devore ship and possibly the survey vessel that was here.”

“I am on my way.”

USS Sojourner; Bridge – Deck 1

Kirin stepped onto the bridge and looked around. “Any updates?”

Thanen, standing by the operations station, reviewing data with Belania looked over at her. “The ship is moving fast but we are not getting any active warp signatures from it but we are now 90% sure that it is the same Devore survey ship that was here. There is a residual signature indicating the drive is deactivated and it is a very close match. We should have a visual of the ship shortly.”

“What is our status? Shield and weapons operational and upgraded?” Kirin responded.

“Yes, the phaser and shield modifications are online in case that ship has been overrun by the crystals,” Ril said.

Before anyone else could speak Belania spoke, “They are entering visual range.” 

“On screen”

The viewscreen snapped into focus showing the asteroid field and zoomed in on a small, slightly sparkling red shape. The shape resolved itself into that of a moderate size Devore ship that matched the descriptions and readings provided by the Malon refugees. Well, it had once matched the descriptions of a Devore ship.

The Devore ship no longer resembled what it once was. Massive blood dilithium growths covered over 80% of the vessel, expanding out from it in multiple fractal-like patterns. Some of which were over two hundred meters long. All off which glowed a sinister red.

Everyone on the bridge stared at the vessel in shock before Ril spoke up. “Guess we now know that it was contaminated before it left. We cannot let it spread.”

“What can you tell us about it Belania?” Kirin asked.

“There are no energy readings from its engine but it is clearly moving.” Belania began, as the ship approached them. It rotated ever so slowly as it glided forwards, allowing the crew to get a view of it from all sides. “I am detecting some incredibly faint life signs on the ship, fainter than the mining colony. I do not think they are alive anymore given what we have seen.”

“No,” Ril said, “They may be alive but not as what they once were. Not anymore.”

Kirin glanced back at Ril, “Agreed, I will not risk people on a rescue mission. Keep our distance from it. It doesn’t appear to be hostile like the last one.” She looked over at the con and frowned, ‘Really wish Dese was back on her feet for this. Could use her piloting skills if this kicks off.’

Kirin then turned to Thanen. “Doesn’t it look familiar? The growths, that pattern to them….where have I seen that before?”

“Captain,” Belania said, taking the question as the perfect opening, “I have been running it through the federation database as I felt the same. I just got a hit. The closest comparison is the Crystalline entity, first encountered by the federation in 2338 when it destroyed the Omicron Theta colony. It was subsequently destroyed by the USS Enterprise-D in 2368 using a graviton pulse. Well, a continuous graviton emission.”

“The federation is aware of those but I doubt this is one, right? More likely a similar pattern of crystal growth and that it is crystal.” Ril asked.

“Hard to say.” Kirin responded looking back at the screen and the vessel, “We know that the rifts creating the blood dilithium seem to be made or contain the subspace imprint of collective telepathic rage from the substantial loss of Brenari lives at the hands of the Devore.”

“The vessel has stopped, it is sitting one thousand kilometres ahead of us,” Belania interjected. 

A moment later Kerry ran onto the bridge, clearly excited. “Sorry I am late, I had to finish something. I think we can modify the deflector dish so it acts like the subspace trumpet that was shared with the fleet. Maybe we can communicate with it. I only need 30 minutes to modify the dish so the subspace trumpet I made can connect.”

Kirin looked back at her and then at Thanen, “What do you think Thanen?”

Thanen frowned, “Everything we have seen shows us that this isn’t normal blood dilithium that we are dealing with here. Will it even work?”

Kerry nodded enthusiastically. “I didn’t have a telepath on hand but the samples we brought back from the mining station reacted, as far as I could tell, the way they should when exposed to the trumpet.”

“Right, it is an option. Kerry get started on those modifications, Belania you help her. Now we just need a telepath.” Kirin said, “Thanen check to see who is still on their feet and ask for a volunteer. I will not order anyone to do this.”

For the next half an hour the situation remained unchanged. The vessel, though the senior crew had begun to refer to it as the entity remained where it was, unmoving, beyond its slow rotation.

Almost to the minute the turbolift door opened and Kerry bounced onto the bridge followed by Belania. “Modifications are all set Ma’am. I can do it from up here. I think since we are close enough that telepath, whoever volunteered that is, should be able to be affected.”

“Ok, well let’s hope we can communicate. I believe Petty Officer Sorrolk you volunteered correct?” Kirin asked.

The Vulcan turned from one of the multipurpose stations and nodded, “You are correct Captain. I can confirm that our proximity to the blood dilithium vessel is within range of the effects. Since it has arrived I have been experiencing an increasing sense of unease.”

“Will you be ok to proceed?” Kirin asked, clearly concerned. “You should have mentioned something about that Sorrolk.”

“There was no need, it has not impacted my ability to complete my duties.”

“Very well. Kerry let’s proceed.” Kirin said.

Within minutes a shimmering beam shot forth from the large secondary deflector dish on the Sojourner and connected with the entity. As it did Sorrolk’s entire body went rigid where he sat.

Thanen who was standing beside him knelt down, “Sorrolk, can you hear me? What do you see or hear?”

There was no response as sweat began to bead on Sorrolk’s forehead. “Its….ITS….OK….le…leave….con….connected.”

“Captain, I am detecting three warp signatures incoming. Devore ships, I think they are warships.” Belania said.

“Damit, of course, they would show up now.” Kirin cursed.

“Captain!” Ril almost shouted. “Look.”

Before them, the red glow from the entity began to pulse and its rotation increased dramatically. A moment later it began to move towards the ship. As it did Sorrolk let out a scream and a trickle of green blood began to run down from his nose.

“Cut the connection now!” Kirin shouted and a second later the subspace trumpet shut down. 

“It is increasing speed and closing on us. I don’t think it liked the trumpet.” Ril said, “Or it detected the Devore also?”. Just as she finished speaking the ship shook violently as several white beams shot forth towards the Sojourner. “Direct hit. Shields at 80% but holding!”

“Get us out of here,” Kirin ordered as she turned to Thanen. Who was helping Sorrolk regain his feet.

Sorrolk looked worse for wear, “Captain,” he gasped. 

“What happened?” Kirin asked.

“I don’t know. It wasn’t as described in the reports from other ships. It was fragmented images and emotion.” His eyes darkened and a shudder racked his body as he recalled them, “I can still feel them, it. That thing out there is the embodiment of rage and hatred. You cannot communicate with it. All it feels is rage; it only wants revenge and death.”

Kirin looked back at the viewscreen as the entity fired again but the Sojourner was able to dodge out of the way.

“Get yourself to medical Sorrolk,” she said. “We need to get our people and get out of here. Message Anahis and the Wavecrest. Tell them to lay low and if anything happens to use they are to get to the nearest Starfleet vessel right away. Send then a data package with all our senor logs and findings here.”

As Kirin spoke the Sojourner shook violently gain and she was thrown from her feet, along with most of the bridge crew, as lights flickered across the bridge.

Ril staggered back to the tactical console. “Multiple direct hits, shields are down to 20%. We took a hit to the port nacelle. Warp is offline and impulse power is fluctuating.”

“Damnit, Bring us about and return fire. A full spread of torpedoes, and phasers.” Kirin ordered as she regained her seat.

The ship spun and a volley of 4 quantum torpedoes shot forth, streaking towards the entity accompanied by blasts from the phase pulse cannons and several directed beams from the phaser arrays. The weapons struck the entity and one of the upper growths began to glow as the energy weapons were absorbed before torpedos struck and the growth exploded into an expanding cloud of blood-red shards. As it happened the entity unleashed another series of beams striking the Sojourner.

The hit caused power to cut out temporarily and EPS conduits blew out across the ship. “Weapons offline and shields are failing Captain. We are getting power fluctuations on all desks.” Ril said, her hair dishevelled and a long run cut running down the side of her face after she was thrown to her side and hit the console.

Before Kirin could respond Belania spoke up. “The Devore warships have just dropped out of warp. The entity has stopped attacking us and is moving towards them. They are hailing us.”

“Oh, ok, put them on I guess.” Kirin said, “Audio only from our end.”

“Federation vessel. You are in violation of our space. You will be held accountable for your crimes and whatever it is you did to our vessel. Your ship is damaged, surrender now or else….” Came the voice of the senior most Devore officer on the ships before it cut off.

“The entity has opened fire on the Devore ships,” Ril said. “They are turning to face it…” she started to say but trailed off. “Something is happening to the entity, it is regenerating the fractured arm and others are forming…It’s the pulsar discharge, it has just swept over the entity but missed us.”

Belania chimed in, “The blood dilithium appears to have absorbed the energy and is using it to expand itself.”

“The Devore ships are struggling captain. One is attempting to withdraw while the other two are taking heavy damage.” Ril commented as they watched the battle play out on the view screen.

“I will not surrender this ship to them or lose it to that vessel.” Kirin spat. “How far are we from the out J-Class planet?”

Belania looked at her console and then back at Kirin, “About one hundred thousand kilometres. Why?”

“Get us to that J-Class planet. With the magnetic fields of those moons, we should be able to hide until the warp drive is fixed. We cannot take this thing alone and the Devore will not be of help.”

The conn officer confirmed and Sojourner turned away from the battle and the two hostile forces.

Within a few minutes, the Sojourner slipped behind a small moon with a strong magnetic field. “Ril, our are shields going to be able to withstand the going into gas clouds of the J-class?”

“Yes, they will hold. They are back to 15% and climbing.”

“Take us in Ril. Belania what is the status of the Devore?” Kirin asked.

“The final ship has just stopped firing. One has been destroyed outright. Another is adrift with plasma fires. I cannot get a good read on the last one but it appears to have lost all power and I am not reading any life signs. The entity appears to be heading towards the out of the system in the direction the Devore came from. It has just jumped to warp.”

“If it wasn’t for them I am not sure we would have made it. The blood dilithium and this whole situation is their own doing but it should be noted that their intervention allowed us to escape.” Turning to Thanen, who was working at the engineering console she continued. “Thanen, get this ship repaired. We can need to notify star fleet of this entity and find a way to destroy it.”


M1 – Chp 13: A Call for Help

USS Sojourner - Unnamed Binary Pulsar System
November 22th, 2400: 22:30

USS Sojourner; Ready Room – Deck 1

Kirin sat in her ready room on the sofa, utterly exhausted from the last few days. She ran a hand through her already messy hair and sighed. Tucking her legs up onto the sofa before her and took a sip of her cup of tea and looked out the viewport at the swirling clouds of the gas giant’s upper atmosphere. After two days of sitting here, she was getting a little sick of the view, and she knew the crew were as well.

A moment later the door chimed and without turning she said. “Enter.” A second later she continued, “So, what’s our status?” she asked without looking away from the view.

Thanen stood by the door, his hair askew and his uniform dishevelled. “Warp drive will be back online in two hours and we have full power to our impulse engines again. The hit to the port nacelle was more severe than we initially thought and blew out a number of secondary systems. It is pure luck that we didn’t lose power completely leaving us adrift before we got there.”

Kirin nodded and turned to look at Thanen. “Would you please sit Thanen and get yourself a drink? You and the engineering team have outdone yourself the last two days.”

“Thanks for the offer Kirin but I need to get back and ensure the warp drive comes back online without an issue then I think I am going to go hit the shower and sleep,” Thanen said. “I just wanted to come by and give you the update in person. I know you have been working on the weapons and shields.”

“Yeah, we Ril and I got them back online and everything will be at full power once the core is up and running. We think we have figured out a frequency for the phasers that will damage the entity but even so we cannot face it alone. Once the drive is up I am taking us back to the Markonian Outpost for additional repairs. Lieutenant Sanin has been holding the Wavecrest outside the system and has confirmed that the entity has not returned so we should be able to leave and pick up your wayward engineering team and assistant. Our maps from the Turei Alliance show that there is an entrance to the Underspace network about ten light years from here towards the mutara-type nebula we detected on our way here. I plan on taking us through the network and getting in contact with the fleet. Maybe, someone, there has some ideas.”

Thanen thought for a moment, his pale blue antenna shifting slightly, “I think that is the right call. We are not a warship and we shouldn’t act rashly. The endeavour here in the delta quadrant has been costly. Several ships have gone missing, including the Ulysses, it is a dangerous part of space for sure.”

“I am glad I have your support on this Thanen, let me know when the warp drive is back on.”

Thanen nodded in acknowledgement and smiled, “As always Captain.” With that, he turned and left the room leaving Kirin alone with her thoughts as she turned back to face the swirling blue and purple maelstrom outside the ship. 

Kirin sat there for a while lost in thought and planning before she stood up and was about to leave when her door chimed again. She opened the door and found Ensign Tycon standing there looking very nervous and a bit upset.

“Dese? What can I do for you?” Kirin asked as she stepped back from the door and waved her in.

“Captain,” Dese said as she stepped into the room, “Do you have a minute?”

Kirin nodded and returned to the sofa and sat down across from Dese and waited for her to speak. After a moment or so when Dese was clearly organizing her thought she spoke. “Captain, I wanted to apologize for my behaviour along with that of Ined’s, um, Ensign Bruco’s the other day in the lounge. I…I didn’t know that exposure would affect me like that. I have never had to worry about that aspect of Orion physiology, I know not every woman has, ah, that ability and I was happy I didn’t.  I had wanted to check if he was ok we went for a coffee and well….” she said trailing off.

Kirin could understand exactly how she felt. Unlike Dese she had been dealing with this her whole life. She smiled and offered Dese a small Risian chocolate from the bowl on the table before she spoke, “You have no need to apologize. As you said you had no way of knowing. It hit me as well though, unlike yourself, I have lived with that ability as you say since I was a young girl and have an implant which helps regulate it. Even with that though my adrenaline went through the room and I wasn’t thinking straight.” She paused for a moment and considered what she would say next before continuing as Dese looked at her. “The doctor mentioned to me not long ago that you responded well to the suppressants but the stimulation by the blood dilithium has left a permanent change. How do you feel about that?”

Dese looked away from Kirin, her eyes slightly glistening with tears, “I am not sure, which is why I wanted to talk to you. Nurse Joy and the doctor thought you might be able to provide some insight. I just don’t want to have to worry about who I am around, or will my presence cause issues and negatively affect my job.” Her voice then took on a bit of an angry tone, “I don’t want to be seen as one of those stereotypical Orion women we see in all those holo novels where she has men control through her pheromones. I get that enough with the skin colour.”

A sad expression crossed Kirin’s face, she knew all too well how Dese was feeling. The federation was much better than many places but she had more run-ins with that image of Orions, not to mention her Risian heritage, for a hundred lifetimes. “I know exactly how you feel. I have been there, gotten into fights about it, and knocked out a senior officer when I wasn’t much older than you are now Dese. There are ways of managing it, the suppressant that the doctor has given you but if you forget to take it then you will be back to square one. I would recommend that you speak to the doctor about getting teh same implant I have. It isn’t perfect but thanks to a run-in we had with Dr Helen Saint-Claire back on the Daradax the implant she provide me is much better. The doctor has it on file and I am sure he could fit you with one. Honestly, I don’t think you will even notice a difference from before and you can deactivate it if need…”

Dese looked at Kirin and wiped her eyes on her sleeve and nodded. “Ok, that makes me feel a bit better. I will speak to the doctor about it,” she started to rise from the sofa but stopped and looked back at Kirin, “Captain, did you really knock out a senior officer?”

Kirin laughed and nodded. “Yes but that is a story for another day Dese. Go get some rest and if you ever need to chat about anything, especially this stuff, my door is always open.”

“Thank you, Captain,” Dese said and quickly left the room.

Kirin sighed and glanced at the time, ‘It’s been a bit over two hours since I spoke to Thanen…’ she thought and stepped onto the bridge. 

Checking one of the engineering consoles she confirmed the warp drive was still offline but cycling up. Before she could message the engineering team her combadge activated and Thanen’s voice came through. “Captain, we are activating the core now. You will have warp drive in the next few minutes.”

“Thank you Thanen, go get some rest once it is online.”

Kirin turned to Belania who was the next highest ranking officer on the bridge, “Belania, once we have warp set a course to the Underspace network I sent you earlier after we rendezvous with the Wavecrest. I am going to get some rest, the Bridge is yours.”

M1 – Bonus 2: Captain’s Dinner

Galin Belt - Delta Quadrant
November 2400

USS Sojourner; Transporter Room – Deck 5

Crewman Trisim Floxan stood nervously by the controls within the main transporter room. She had just received word that the Captain was on her way down to welcome the captain of the USS Crazy Horse. Though she had interacted with the new Captain of the Sojourner on several occasions she always felt nervous, “No not nervous,” she thought, “uneasy, maybe….” being alone with her and well any high-ranking officer. Especially when they were so nice to her.

With that thought, she went back to the quick check of the systems to make sure everything was in order when the door slide open with a slight ‘Whoosh’ and in walked the Captain in her dress uniform. Trisim turned to face her, smiled and said, “Captain, I will be ready to transport Captain Murphy over in one moment.”

Kirin smiled back as she brushed a couple of strands of hair from her face, “No problem Trisim. Whenever you’re ready.”

A few moments later Trisim finished her checks and opened a comm link to the USS Crazy Horse. “Sojourner to Crazy Horse, we are ready for transport.”

“At your discretion,” a voice replied back on the comm channel 

Trisim glanced at Kirin who nodded in approval. “Energizing” Trisim said. A second later the pad lit up the transporter’s engaged.

The transporter cycle completed and Captain Órlaith Murphy and Commander Kevan Torin materialized on the pad wearing their dress uniforms. “Crewman,” Órlaith acknowledged. 

Trisim nodded, back to Captain Murphy, “Captain Murphy, welcome aboard the Sojourner.” Unsure as to what to do next she then turned to Kirin and held out a hand, “May I introduce Captain Kirin Tarken.”

Kirin glanced at the Denobulan and smiled, “Well. Thank you for the introduction Trisim; that was unexpected but not unpleasant. You’re dismissed.” Trisim blushed slightly and nodded and hurried out of the room.

Kirin turned to face both Captain Murphy and Commander Torin. “Welcome, it is a pleasure to meet you both in person. I am Kirin and welcome to the Sojourner. I wanted to thank you for coming to bail us out of our fuel issue. It has saved us days of travel and the bureaucracy of getting it handled at the Markonian Outpost.”

“We’re one big happy fleet,” Torin said with a grin.

“Yes, well it isn’t a big deal.  I am glad we were able to render aide.”  She looked around obviously impressed,  “Quite the ship you have here captain.”

Kirin smiled at that and tried to hide her nervousness about hosting another Captain on a ship she still wasn’t quite sure how she got command of. “Thank you. The Sojourner is quite the ship if I say so myself. If you like I can give you a tour before we head for dinner. My XO Lieutenant Commander Thanen Th’zalnar will be joining us shortly. He is just finishing the oversight of the refuelling on our end.”

“I would like that,” Órlaith raised.  “The Crazy Horse is a bit of a living history museum.”

Kirin let out a little chuckle at that, “I would think of her as a classic myself.” She then turned and gestured to the door, “Shall we?”

“Of course Captain,” Órlaith responded. 

As they walked down the corridor Kirin couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride for her ship. They passes several crewmembers who all gave way to the senior officers and all nodded in greeting. Turning back to Captain Murphy and Commander Torin Kirin asked, “Are there any areas you would like to see? Engineering? Medical? The Defector Controls?”

“I’m an engineer by trade,” Torin replied. 

Órlaith shrugged,  “Pilot myself.  I don’t have a burning desire to see anything in particular,  but I am fascinated by you.   To captain a ship like the Sojourner so early in your career.  You must be something special.”

Kirin shifted nervously at that, “Oh, well. You know how it is. Right place right time I figure. We were at DS9 and the Sojourner needed a senior crew I guess.” She turned to Torin, “We can swing by engineering if you like, I suspect Thanen will be there along with the assistant chief, Anahis.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Torin said with a grin.

Murphy and  Torin fell in step with Kirin looking around and taking in the still-new smell of the ship. “Not as big as the Crazy Horse, but I bet Sojourner could run circles around her.  But,” Órlaith grinned, “Your ship doesn’t have our history.”

Kirin laughed at that, “ I don’t think there is much in the fleet that is faster than the Sojourner. Top speed of warp 9.98, she can definitely move but the trade-off is size and some amenities. But as for history, you have us beat hands down. She was only commissioned a few months ago. This is her first mission. We have been dealing with all those new ship issues as well. System failures, faulty EPS relays, you name it and it has had to be tweaked.”

Several minutes later and a turbo lift ride later they stepped through the large double doora into engineering. “May I present engineering. I am not sure if you are familiar with the layout of the Intrepid-class but the basic layout is the same though with only a single warp core.”

Torin whistled, “That’s a warp core.”

A moment later a tall Andorian walked over, his hair in its standard dishevelled state. Nodding to Kirin he smiled, “Kirin, what can I do for you in the hallowed halls of engineering?” 

“Thanen,” Kirin smiled back, “I was just showing Captain Murphy and Commander Torin around. Torin is an engineer by trade and asked to see engineering. So here we are.”

Thanen nodded and turned to the to guests, “Welcome, I am Lieutenant Commander Thanen Th’zalnar, the Chief Engineer and XO. I am happy to answer any questions you have either here or over dinner.”

Torin gave Órlaith a sly smile,  “XO and Chief Engineer.”

“Forget it,” she replied.  “I need you right where you are.  Besides Lieutenant Washington might resent getting a demotion.”

Torin chuckled,  “That he might.  So, Commander Th’zalnar.  Class 9 or Class 10 warp drive?”

Thanen smiled, “Right into the technical specs. Class 10, fresh off the line. I can send you the detailed specifications if you like? And as for the dual role, that was a throwback to our old ship. A raven-classs called the Daradax. All five of us had dual roles there which left us a few people down when we were reassigned.”

A young Bolan Lieutenant hurried over to the commanding officers, “Sorry Commander, you wanted to know when the impulse engines were ready for re-initialization. They are ready to go.”

Thanen nodded to the Bolian, “Thank you Anahis, I will be right there.” He turned to the others and smiled, “If you will excuse my duty calls. I will you in the lounge for dinner shortly.”

Kirin smiled, “Shall we continue?”

“Of course,” Órlaith said with a polite smile. “Raven-class eh?  Always liked them little ships.”

“Yeah, a part of me misses it. There was something about it for sure.” Kirin agreed as she lead them from engineering. After several minutes of idle chit-chat, they arrived in the port-side lounge. “And here we are. Closed the lounge for a couple of hours for our use. I could have had it as the captain’s dining hall but I like the idea of having it as a crew lounge instead.”

“The Crazy Horse still has a galley and mess hall,” Órlaith observed,  “a holdover from the pre-replicator era.” She glanced around approvingly,  “I think you made the right choice here giving this to your crew. I wouldn’t use something like this enough to justify its existence.  Better let the crew enjoy it.”

“Glad you agree, I really wasn’t sure when I made the call. Can easily be converted into a formal hall when needed,” Kirin said as she moved towards to large windows and looked out over the floating form of the Crazy Horse

“Still a fine-looking ship after all these years,” Órlaith committed.  “Nearly one-hundred. Some interesting people have walked her decks over the years. Admiral Nechayev, the disgraced Admiral Pressman, Captains Worf, Wu and Rudolfini to name just a few.  She has a history most ships will never have.  Sometimes at night it feels like I have the ghosts of past officers standing in watch over me.”

Kirin listened intently, “That is truly impressive too say the least, a strong history for a ship worthy of the Federation. The Sojourner doesn’t have anything like, yet anyways.”

A couple of minutes late the door opened and Thanen walked in, looking a little hurried. “Sorry sorry,” he said as he waved his hand and his antenna flicked around as if trying to dismiss his rushed appearance. “Had to change quickly.”

“Not a problem, I believe the chef will have something along any minute now,” Kirin said with a smile. “Shall we sit?”

Almost on queue the door slid open and in walked several crew members pushing a trolly ladened with food.

“That looks amazing,” Commander Torin announced, “I am starving.”

“No point letting it go to waste then,” Thanen remarked causing Kirin to laugh, “You heard him.” She said as she gestured to the table, “Let’s grab a seat and dig in.”

The next hour and a half passed as the two captains and their XOs traded stories and tales of their times in star fleet. After finishing their dessert Kirin leaned back and looked at the ceiling, “The was some excellent food and even better company. It is a pity we do not get a chance to meet up with ships more often.”

Órlaith lifted her glass and smiled, “To new friends, and crossed paths.”

Kirin let out a little laugh, “I can definitely toast to that.” With that, she raised her glass and the other followed suit. “To friends and crossed paths.”

There was an assemblage of agreeing cheers and grunts as glasses around the table clinked.  Órlaith smiled setting her empty glass in front of her. “Captain,  thank you for inviting us.”

“It’s the least we could do after you bailed us out and refused us. Saved us days of travel. That and it is always great to make new friends!” Kirin said, her cheeks taking on a slight reddish hint from the alcohol they had consumed. “If you ever need a hand I and the Sojourner will be there.”

Torin smirked,  “Let’s hope it’s not an emergency.”

“The offer extends to you as well my friend,” Órlaith stated.

“We appreciate that, alot. It is good to know we have friends out there.” Kirin said before looking at the display near them on the wall. “Time flies when you are having fun. I think we need to call it here sadly.”

“It is quite late, I agree,” Órlaith replied as she and Torin stood from the table.

Kirin and Thanen walked with Órlaith and Torin to the transporter room and said their goodbyes before the others were transported back to the Crazy Horse. Turning to look at Thanen, Kirin smiled as they began to walk out if the room. “I think that went well. It was nice to get to know one of the other Captains and her XO. We need to do that more.”

“Agreed, it was very nice to relax like that. Thank you for inviting me,” he remarked. “I should go check on the engineering before I hit my bed tonight. It was a pleasure Captain.”

“Let me know if you need anything I want to depart and continue on the way as soon as we can.”

“On it, I will let you know right away.” With that Thanen turned and walked onto the turbolift leaving Kirin alone in the corridor.

Less than an hour later the two vessels drifted apart and turned away from each other. Moments later their engines flared and both vessels vanished in a flash of blinding light as they speed off towards whatever their future held.

M1 – Chp16: On the Road to Recovery

USS Sojourner
Stardate 240011.24 - 240012.02 (November 24 - 29th, 2400)

Note: This takes place after the following stories on the USS Ulysses 

1) A Plea For Help – acting as ‘M1 – Chp14’ for the Sojourner story arch

2) A Plea Answered – acting as ‘M1 – Chp15’ for the Sojourner story arch

3) A Price Paid in Blood


Stardate 240011.24 – 16:00 Hours

Kirin sat in her ready room staring out into the warp as the ship made all haste towards the Markonian outpost. Before her on the table were various reports from the department heads outlining the damage the ship had endured over the last few days; first by the strange blood dilithium crystalline entity-like being and then from their short engagement with the Hirogen ships while coming to the Ulysses’s aid. Repairs were, yet again, underway but it would take several more days to get everything fully operational, not to mention the time it would take for the multiple wounded crew to recover. She was glad that over this whole ordeal, they had only lost a single crew member but she dreaded having to write the pending letter to Andrews family.

That last thought drew her eyes to the PADD sitting off to the side. The report from Commander, ‘Captain Gor now I guess’, she thought to herself, about the murder of Captain Tharia sh’Elas. 

The Sojourner had provided additional security personnel to sweep the Ulysses looking for the creature responsible but to no avail and even the impressive sensor suites the ship possessed found no trace of it or its means of escape. The unanswered questions nagged at Kirin and the crew, not just those who had met sh’Elas but everyone as the death of a decorated captain was felt by all.

With a sigh, Kirin picked up the latest engineering report from the XO and began to read through it.

Stardate 240011.29 – 12:00 Hours

Kirin found herself, almost one full month later, standing in the same spot on the second floor overlooking the same busy market corridors on the Markonian outpost after her first visit. She swung the large bag off her shoulder and placed it on the floor beside her. She was pleased with the items she had been able to pick up; in particular, the strange alcoholic drink that she thought her father might like. 

As her eyes wandered over the plethora of people, shops and oddities below they were drawn to several Starfleet uniforms among the crowd, a few of whom she even knew all too well.

Ril, Belania and Kerry stuck out, even in the market where there were people of so many races and genders. The imposing half-Klingon had no issue pushing forward as the other followed in her wake. All three of them were lunging bags of various sizes with things they had picked up.

“Ril, what’s the rush?” Belania called after the security and tactical officer. “There was that noodle restaurant we were told about just back there. Could be nice to get some lunch that isn’t replicated.”

“Not to mention putting down this bag,” Kerry said with a laugh as she clearly struggled with a heavy burden.

“Maybe if you hadn’t bought that carving from the Brenari back there your bag wouldn’t be so heavy, that thing weighed at least 10kg,” Ril said. 

“Not to mention all the other bits, though that dress suited you,” Belania said with a smile.

“What do you need with that anyways? The carving that is.” Ril said as she turned and looked at the two other women.

Kerry snorted, “Well if you must know it is a type of artefact that the Brenari claim helps to focus your mind, promotes inner calm and she even mentioned it could help you get in touch with your inner self; though not sure what that means. One of the refugees we met a few weeks back had one and showed me.” She smiled as she looked around, “I really like that idea and I think it will look nice in my quarters.”

“Some might say it is nicer than the wall of blades in your quarters Ril,” Belania said with a laugh.

Ril rolled her eyes, “Though you said it showed my Klingon side well.”

“Oh, it does,” Belania smirked, “So very martial of you. They are very nice I will admit.”

Ril laughed, “That they are. So shall we get that food you mentioned?”

Belania and Kerry both nodded and all three walked down an adjoining corridor.

Stardate 240011.29 – 14:00 Hours

Ensign Dese Tycon and Ensign Jenoda Toi sat together in the port-side crew lounge on deck 5 looking out over the activity on the exterior of the Markonian outpost. 

“I cannot believe this is the first downtime we have had since we came across those Malon transports,” Jenoda said as she took a sip of the strange fruit concoction she had picked up when she had been at the station earlier that day.

Dese looked back at her and nodded in agreement, “Yeah, well considering the beating the ship took I am not surprised. It was nice of the captain to give everyone extended leave today and tomorrow. Between the battles, repairs and such I am exhausted.”

Jeonda cocked an eyebrow as she looked at the young Orion and smiled as she sipped on the straw, “Is that all? Though I saw you and Ined together more than a few times and he seems to be on your thoughts a fair amount. Always seem to have time and energy for that.”

Dese put down her cup of coffee and glared at her roommate. “I thought you were meant to read my mind Jen.”

“I don’t need to read your mind D,” Jenoda said as she leaned across the table slightly, “You come back to the room humming whenever you see him.”

Dese’s green cheeks took on a reddish hue as she blushed, “Oh, I, um, didn’t realize.”

“Just glad you are happy, especially after what happened with the blood dilithium.” Jenoda said as she leaned back, “You haven’t mentioned how you feel since the Doc provided you with the implant, feel any different?”

Dese turned and looked out the viewport for a moment and shrugged, “Honestly, no. Feel completely normal  in fairness.” She lifted her left arm and rolled the sleeve up exposing a small wristband, “Nurse Joy gave me this, allows both medical and I to keep an eye on things and will alert me if there is an issue. I sort of hope that I won’t need to worry about it anymore.” 

Jenoda nodded, “I get that. Sorry I wasn’t around to help after it kicked off. I know it was rough.”

That caused Dese to laugh, “What would you have done, complain of a headache maybe? Besides you were knocked out in sickbay after your exposure to the blood dilithium. As far as I know, Ined has not complained about his interactions. Enough about me though. I heard you knocked around the security officer the Doctor sent to help you; hit him with a chair?”

Jenoda gritted her teeth and looked down at the table, “Yeah. Honestly, I still do not get why I acted that way. I know why, the blood dilithium and all, but I knew the effects it could have and I remember a part of me thinking the way I was behaving was not needed but I panicked I guess. I am just glad Crewman Jennings is ok, a bruise on his arm and maybe to his ego was all that I caused.”

Dese chuckled at that, “Yeah, I ran into him yesterday, he asked how you were feeling. I think he feels bad that he had to sedate you.”

Jenoda shrugged, “He needed to in fairness, I was out of control.” She was about to continue when the door to the lounge slid open and Ensign Ined Bruco walked in and waved at them. “Though I would find the two of you here. Some of us are going to the holodeck, one of the guys on the beta shift has some new holo-novel he picked up on the station and they need a few more.”

Dese and Jenoda looked at each other and smiled, “Sounds fun,” they said together.

Stardate 240011.30 – 23:30 Hours

Thanen, looking a bit more dishevelled than usual, sat at the main diagnostic panel in engineer as he massaged his head with his right hand. The ratio in the intermix matrix after the repairs these last few days just wasn’t right and no matter what he did he couldn’t it optimized. He knew that there was no threat to the ship or risk that the core would shut down but he had it perfect after tinkering with it before they encountered the strange blood dilithium entity. 

“Why are you wanting to work with me Sojo,” he muttered to himself. “Do you just want to keep me on my toes? Between this and the normal first cruise hiccups you are running me ragged.”

A voice from behind startled him and he almost fell out of the chair, “Sir, are you talking to me?”

Thanen regained his balance and turned around to find Lieutenant Anahis Sanin, the assistant chief engineer. “No, no,” he said as he shrugged, “I was just muttering to myself.”

Anahis stifled a slight laugh at seeing her boss almost fall off his chair before she slumped into the chair beside him, “Ah, I would be lying if I didn’t do that myself.”

Thanen snorted as he looked back at the console, “Why are you up, your shift ended hours ago and I thought I told you to take some time?”

Anahis arched an eyebrow quizically, “Recall, It that must have slipped my mind. Besides some of the gel packs on Deck 4 were not working at 100% efficiency so I swapped them out and checked on the gel pack nursery to make sure we had sufficient replacements coming along.”

Thanen sighed knowing that even if he ordered her to stop working she would likely find something else to tinker with. “Fair enough. Since you are here care to help with the intermix matrix, the ratio is still off?”

Anahis smiled widely, “Sure thing boss, let’s have a look.”


M1 – Chp17: Back into the Fray

USS Sojourner
Stardate 240012.08

Bridge – 9:00

Kirin paced the bridge of the USS Sojourner as the ship sped through space at warp 8 towards Devore space. Following two weeks of repairs at Markonian outpost with the support of two Star Fleet support vessels she was glad they were underway and now had orders and a plan to deal with the rogue entity that the Sojourner barely escaped from before. Though glad to be underway her mind was troubled. The recent destruction of the USS Discovery by the Devore was brutal to swallow especially coming so closely on the heels of the murder of Captain Tharia sh’Elas. 

Still, the news that the USS Discovery had discovered that a class-V probe with antiproton burst emitters fired into an anomaly would cause local blood dilithium to disappear into subspace was a boon that could not be dismissed and brought some hope. Following the news, Kirin ordered the Sojourner to depart for the binary pulsar system with the intent of finding and destroying the entity before it could claim more lives.

She debated with the idea of checking in on Thanen and Kerry in the Probe Fabrication laboratory to ask for an update on their work modifying several of the Sojourner’s class-V probes. After a moment she decided against it and left them to their work.

Kirin’s thoughts were interrupted when Lieutenant Belania spoke up from the operations station, “Captain, we are six hours from the outer edge of the wind nebula surrounding the system…” 

Kirin glanced back at the young Ferengi officer with a quizzical look but before she could ask why Belania had provided the update the lieutenant spoke again. “We are detecting a faint distress call three-light-year from us along our current trajectory.”

“Put it up,” Kirin said with a little frown. It was unlike Belania not to present superfluous information especially when something as critical as a distress call had been received. 

A moment later the audio systems kick in and the message, heavily distorted with static began to play. 

‘<> This i <> the Devore im<>um ves<> Ri<>ht. We are under at<>k by unk<>n cystal<> vessel. Hea<>ly damaged, life su<>t fai<>…’

“The message has cut off ma’am,” Belania remarked.

“Damn,” Kirin said as she turned to look towards the young Orion ensign at the con. “Ensign Tycon set a course for the ship. Maximum warp.”

Dese nodded, “Course laid in.”

Deep Space – 11:10

The heavily damaged Devore cruiser drifted alone through the empty void of interstellar space with only emergency power barely keeping the lights on. Several large gashes worked their way down the port side of the vessel ending in large crystals of blood dilithium that had ripped through the ship. Large swaths of its interior were exposed to space only illuminated by what remained of the vessel’s displays and lights in those sections.

The USS Sojourner dropped out of warp in a flash of white light 2,000 kilometres from the ruined vessel.

Bridge – 11:10

“Status?” Kirin asked as she looked at the Devore vessel on the view screen.

“The ship has sustained heavy damage, main power is offline, gravity is intermittent, and life support is down though the core still seems to be active.” Ril said from tactical, “About forty-five per cent of its interior is in a vacuum. The crystals seem to be the cause of the large hull breaches and have penetrated deep into the vessel bypassing their emergency systems.”

“Any life signs at all?” Kirin asked, a sad look crossing her face. Though the Devore could only be described as an enemy of the Federation she did not take any pleasure in seeing one of their warships in this state.

“One second, there is some interference from the crystals embedded in the hull…adjusting frequency and linking in the secondary deflector…got it,” Belania said. “I am detecting four Devore life signs, they look to be in one of the large bays on their starboard side, possibly a cargo bay. I am also detecting intermittent life signs, similar to the ones we have seen on the Malone mining colony moving towards the Devore.”

“Can we beam them out?” Kirin responded.

“Negative. The room they are in seems to be shielded. It’s likely where they keep the telepaths they kidnap before killing them,” Belania remarked.

Kirin suppressed a frown, though Belania was likely correct in her assessment the comment itself was out of line. “Are we picking up any signs of the entity on our sensors?” Kirin asked as she debated sending a team over.

“No, but I cannot be one hundred percent certain about that, it has proven to be difficult to detect in the past,” Belania responded. 

“Fine,” Kirin said turning to Ril. “Ril take a security team over there and get the survivors out if you can. We may not like what they do but I will not leave people to die out here.”

Ril inhaled deeply and nodded, “And if they fire on us?”

“Stun them if possible but do not put your lives at risk more than you deem necessary getting them out. Try to access their computer core if possible. Any intel could be helpful,” Kirin ordered.

A moment later Ril stepped into the turbo lift already issuing orders over her coms for a security team to meet her in the transporter room.

Devore Warship – 11:20

The ruined corridor of the once-powerful warship was dark except for the low glow of flames which cast long shadows. The four members of the rescue team materialized temporarily brightening the corridor.

Ril raised her rifle and scanned the corridor, “This place is a mess,” she muttered as she ducked under a fallen support beam. “Allen, distance?”

Petty Officer Allen Thomas shifted his focus to his tricorder and a moment later he spoke, “15 meters to the life signs, um.. survivors Lieutenant. Though I am getting sporadic readings heading this way, we should move fast.”

“Let’s move quickly then,” Ril said before turning to Allen, “Take Johnson and try to get access to their computer core, Elem and I will get the Devore.” Allen nodded and turned down a side passage with Johnson in tow. “Watch your back Lieutenant.”

A minute later, after having to carefully scramble around fallen debris Ril and Elem reached the doorway. Tapping the control panel to open the door slid halfway open as bursts of energy flew through the open followed by a stream of untranslated obscenities. 

“HOLD YOUR FIRE,” Ril shouted, we are here to get you out.

The weapons fire stopped a moment later, “Who are you? Those things killed, and changed the crew.”

“We are with Starfleet and we are familiar with the entity that attacked you. We can get you out but not from that room,” Ril called back. Before they could respond Ril spoke again, “We don’t have time to argue, we do not have much time we have to move quickly.”

Silence hung in the air for a moment then the Devore officer called back, “Fine, we are coming out.”

A moment later four injured Devore made their way out of the rooms hesitantly, weapons still in their hands. “We will not surrender our weapons,” the lead individual said. Ril recognised the voice as the one who had spoken before, “Fine by me especially with those things getting closer. We need to get back to our beam in site, for some reason this part of your ship is shielded.”

The Devore looked at each other but didn’t say anything. “We need to move now,” Ril said, “Follow me.”

As they approached the beam in site Elem turned to Ril, “The intermittent life signs are very close. They just appeared on the sensors.” As if on queue there was an eerie shriek and several partially crystalized Devore stumbled into view.

“Shit, get into cover,” Ril said as she ducked into a doorway across from Elem. As she did a shard of crystal impeded itself into the fall centimetres from her face plate. A cry from behind her drew her attention and she saw one of the Devore stumble, a shard embedded in his throat. Muttering under her breath she took aim and fired. As she did a couple more of the crystalized Devore appeared. 

Tapping her combagde she opened a link to the ship, “Mnass to Sojourner, we are pinned down. Can you beam us out?”

Kirin’s voice responded, “We cannot get a lock at your current location. I will have a team over to you in 2 minutes to help. Hold on.”

Elem looked over at her, “How do we get out?” A hint of fear was clear in her voice.

Before Ril could answer phase fire shot down the corridor from behind the ambling Devore cutting into them. A few seconds later the corridor was clear. “Thought you might need an assist Lieutenant came Allen’s voice from down the hall.”

Ril smiled and looked back at the now three Devore survivors and waved the forward. “Move fast”.

Bridge – 11:30

Belania double-checked her console after the proximity alarm sounded, “Captain, the Entity has appeared on our sensors, 10,000 kilometres and closing fast. I do not know where it came from.”

Kirin cursed inwardly at the development. “Transporter room, do we have them?” she asked over the coms as she stood on the bridge.

There was a pause before Crewmen Floxan’s voice came over the coms, “Yes ma’am the team is ok and we have three Devore survivors. They are being escorted to sickbay and Lieutenant Mnass is on her way to the bridge.” A moment later the coms channel closed.

“Put the entity on screen and back us away,” Kirin ordered. A moment later the view screen showed what used to be a Devore survey ship now completely obscured and forming the very core of a massive fractal crystalline structure.

“Is it just me or is it significantly larger than before?” Dese said aloud from the navigation console. A slight hint of apprehension in her voice.

From the science station, Kerry spoke up, “Sensors indicate that it has increased in size by 75%. The energy readings it is giving off have more than doubled though I am struggling to get a clear reading.”

As the Sojourner began to move away from the incapacitated Devore warship the large crystalline entity continued its approach ignoring her. “Kerry, are there any of the anomalies in close proximity?” Kirin asked already knowing the answer.

“No, the closest one we have detected is in the binary pulsar system. Without it the probe will have no effect,” Kerry responded.

“Damn, we will need to get its attention then,” Kirin remarked just as Ril and Thanen entered the bridge. Glancing over at her tactical officer and XO she smiled, “Glad you could join us. Ril, we are going to have get it to….” She was cut off as the Sojourner shook violently and Thanen who was also in his seat was thrown to the ground.

“The entity just turned towards us and hit us with the same energy discharges as before though this was stronger,” Ril said as she rapidly scanned her console. “Looks like the shield modifications worked, they are only down to 75%”

Thanen pushed himself back to his feet and pulled himself into his chair, no worse for wear, “Looks like you got its attention, Captain.”

“It’s firing again,” Ril said moments before the ships shook again and the lights flickered. 

“Return fire, a full spread of torpedoes and put some more distance between us.”

The torpedoes shot forth flashing past the Devore ship and struck the entity exploding in brilliant flashes of red and purple as their energy mixed with the released energy from the blood dilithium. “Minimal effect, there are some fractures in some of the crystalline structures but they seem to be regenerating.”

Kirin looked at the screen as she racked her head for ideas, ‘Maybe coming back after this thing, even with orders to do so, was a mistake without support’ she thought. As she did an idea crossed her mind. “How close will it get to the Devore ship?” 

Belania glanced at her and then down at her console, “It will be within 8 kilometres in 25 seconds.”

Kirin smiled, “Target the Devore ship’s core, two torpedoes should do it. I want them to hit just as the entity closes with it.”

The rest of the senior crew caught on right away, “Target locked,” Ril said. The next few seconds seemed to take an eternity as the entity fired several more times on the Sojourner, “Sheilds down to 15%. There are reports of injuries coming in. An EPS relay has blown on Deck 7,” Belania reported.

Kirin checked the console beside her and smiled, “FIRE!”

The two photo torpedoes lanced forth closing the distance between the ships in seconds and penetrated deep into the Devore ship before detonating just as the entity reached the vessel. The resulting explosion ruptured the vessel’s core creating a massive antimatter explosion that seemed to engulf the entity and temporarily caused the Sojourner’s view screen to go white.

“Status?” Kirin asked as the view screen cleared reviewing the entity with a portion of a crystal growth shattered.

“It’s still intact but has taken damage…” Belania began then her voice trailed off as the crystal began to reform before them. “It’s repairing, healing itself. I…I don’t think the explosion phased it all.”

“It was worth a shot. Set a course for the binary pulsars, and get us there right away. Hopefully, that thing will follow us and these probes will do the trick,” Kirin said.

A moment later the Sojourner jumped to warp and was gone.

M1 – Chp18: A Chat with the Devore

USS Sojourner

Bridge – 14:00

“Looks like we really pissed it off, Captain,” Belania said from the ops station. “The entity is still in pursuit and maintaining speed at warp 6 but hasn’t increased speed beyond that.”

Kirin glanced back at the Chief of Operations and nodded, “That is something at least, increase speed to warp 7, lets’s see if we can give us a bit of extra time in the system before it joins us.”

“New ETA is 45 minutes until we reach the boundary of the nebula surrounding the pulsar system,” Dese remarked from the con.

Kirin nodded and turned to Thanen, “I think it is time I have a chat with our new guests. The bridge is yours Thanen. I should be back before we arrive.” With that, she made her way to the turbolift.

Brig, Deck 9 – 14:10

Kirin walked into the security office and was greeted by Petty Officer Allen Thomas. At the sight of her, he jumped up from his seat by the terminal he had been working on, “Captain, what can I help you with?”

“The survivors of the Devore ship, I want to have a word with them.” 

“They are in holding cell one, Crewmen Johnson is watching over them and EMH is in there with them right now,” Allen said.

Kirin smiled and talked past him into the brig. As expected for a ship this size it had limited capabilities to hold individuals in the brig with only two cells. Standing in front of the curved desk in the corner of the room was Johnson, her back towards the door with her hand on her phaser as she watched the cell. As Kirin entered the room Johnson glanced back and her and nodded, “Ma’am.”

Stepping up beside Johnson Kirin could help but be reminded she had a way to go to get to know her crew as she couldn’t remember the woman’s first name. “How have they been?”

“Quiet,” Johnson remarked before continuing. “They have refused to say anything to us. Elem had to leave as they glared at him, I think they have decent information on which species in the federation are telepaths.”

“I would not be surprised,” Kirin said back as she stepped forward. Inside the cell, the three remaining Devore officers sat with the EMH standing between them staring down at a tricorder in his hands.

“Ah, Kirin, a pleasure to see you as always,” the EMH said without turning to look at her. “I take it you are here for the in-depth interrogation of these…well… survivors?”

Kirin looked at each of the Devore, her face emotionless, “Do you have anything to report Doctor?” As she said it she couldn’t help but reprimand herself for not speaking to the EMH sooner yet about it transferring itself to the Sojourner. Time had just slipped away and it, at times, didn’t seem to be a priority.

“They all appear in decent enough health at the moment, a bit malnourished and dehydrated but that is expected given how they were found. Other than that I cannot comment on their psyche, as they refuse to speak,” the EMH remarked with a shrug. “If you need me after you speak to them I will return.” With that, he nodded towards Johson who tapped a button on the controls opening a small hole in the forcefield through which he handed her the tricorder and then vanished.

“Now,” Kirin said stepping forward, “I am Kirin Tarken, commander of the Sojourner. Normally people we rescue are not housed in the brig but given the Imperium’s hostility and attacks on Federation vessels I don’t have a choice.” She looked at the one she knew was their ranking officer and continued, “But that need not be the case. Tell me what you know of the entity that attacked your ship.”

The two junior officers looked to their commander as he glared at Kirin. After several moments he spoke, “Fine. The entity appeared a couple of weeks ago and began attacking our ships and stations. None of our weapons seemed to harm it. It even attacked several of our ground bases infecting those there and making them into those creatures before it moved on.”

“By ground bases, you mean you concentration camps?” Kirin asked, curious if the entity and its connection to the Brenari that she believed were there. “Did it and the creatures attack them also?”

The Devore looked at Kirin and shrugged, “I do not know the details but if attacked the bases do what is needed to prevent escape.”

Kirin glared at him and bit back comment, “What else?”

“That is all I know, we were sent to track it but it evaded our sensors somehow and attacked us. Then you arrived,” he responded.”

Kirin smiled, “Thank you. We are trying to stop it currently and are being pursued by it as we speak. If you promise to cause how harm to his ship or crew I will have to transfer to a more comfortable location.” She didn’t want to make the offer and was confident he would reject it but she felt taking the high road was the right course.

She thought her request was reasonable but the venom in the Devore’s response indicated otherwise, “No, I gave you the information you sought, not that it mattered as it will kill you as well. You have only delayed our deaths if you intend to fight it. We will also NOT mingle with you or the telepaths that you have among you. Keep up locked up here and them away from us!” With that, he turn and looked at the other Devore and refused to speak to her again.

Kirin shrugged, “Very well.” Turning to Johnson before leaving the brig she said, “Keep an eye on them. Bring in whoever you want to help.” 


M1 – Chp19: There and Back Again

USS Sojourner

Bridge – 14:30

Thanen sat in the command chair as he reviewed the current sensor feeds on the arms screen, showing their location and that of the entity in pursuit of them. 

“Helm, what’s our status? Will we have enough of a lead to make it into the system before it catches up to us?” he asked, already confident of the answers. Though he knew Belania, currently manning the operations console would have the answer at hand, not to mention having the data on his own screen, he believed in never passing up an opportunity to train the crew.

Dese jerked straight in her seat at the request, glancing down at the console she pulled up all the relevant information, “Ah…” she started, “ETA is 15 minutes to the edge of the plerion sir, we will have a 5-minute lead on the entity as we have been able to gain some distance.” Dese glanced over at Ril who was at tactical before she continued, “I, I don’t think we will be able to sir, given its speed it will intercept us before we are able to enter the system proper and before we are in range to launch the probe.”

Thanen nodded in agreement, “Excellent, thank you, ensign. I agree with your assessment. Now we just need to find a way to slow it down.” As he said that the turbo lift door opened and Kirin stepped out.

“Status?” she asked as she stepped over to stand beside Ril and check the feeds. Thanen stood and updated her quickly before Kirin moved to take her seat. “So we need to slow it down. Ideas anyone?”

There was a moment of silence before Chief Petty Officer Sorrolk turned from the secondary operations console, “When the Enterprise encountered a crystalline entity they utilized a graviton pulse after isolating its resonance frequency.”

At that Kerry chimed in, “That might work, we have been able to isolate it previously but haven’t had a chance to utilize it,” she turned and began to work through their logs. “It may work, it isn’t the same entity but is somewhat similar.”

Kirin smiled, “Sounds like a plan. Helm, when we drop out of warp make best possible speed to the binary pulsars. When it closes on us I want the primary deflector charged and ready for a graviton pulse.” She paused for a moment before turning to Kerry, “Make sure those modified probes are ready as well.”

Bridge – 14:50

“Captain, the entity be within range in 1-minute,” Belania announced.

Kirin nodded, “Red Alert. Is the deflector dish ready?” The moment she spoke the lights from the yellow alert shifted and darkened as the klaxons across the ship sounded.

“Yes, Ma’am,” Kerry responded with a hint of nervousness in her voice.

“Helm, bring us about. Activate the pulse as soon as it is within range,” Kirin ordered.

From the swirling clouds of the plerion, the ominous shape of the blood-red crystalline entity emerged and began to fire pulses of energy at the ship. Without a moment’s hesitation, the graviton pulse shot forth from the primary deflector on the Sojourner impacting the entity at its core.

“It has stopped its forward movement, Captain,” Belania remarked as another energy pulse hit the ship, the edges of excitement slipping into her voice. “But…” she began then stopped, “I am not detecting anything beyond low levels of resonance within its structure.”

“Shields are 80% percent and falling.” Ril said.

Thanen frowned for a moment, “Activate the secondary deflector, give it every bit of power we can spare.”

The beam shooting forth intensified as the secondary deflector activated adding it’s enhanced power to it. “It might be working Ma’am,” Kerry remarked, breaking the tense silence on the bridge after 40 seconds. “The levels of resonance within it has increased but seem to be plateauing out. I am also beginning to fracture in places but they are healing rapidly as we have seen before. I, I don’t think this will destroy it. From what we have seen it will likely remain here to regenerate, this could be our chance.”

Kirin sighed and muttered a ‘Damnit’, under her breath. “Dese as soon as we stop the pulse take us at full speed to the pulsars and the anomaly.” 

Dese nodded as Kirin turned to Belania, “Cut it.”

As soon as the deflectors cut the pulse the Sojourner spun and shot into the plerion.

A minute later Kirin looked over at Belania and Kerry, “Any signs of pursuit?”

“No, it was repairing itself still when we lost contact with it due to the plerion, given the speed it has repairing, healing, I think we have 10 minutes. Though as the resonance decreases it may speed up the repair,” Kerry said. 

“Our shields are down to 65%, I have diverted power to recharge them,” Ril said.

Bridge – 15:15

“We are about to clear the plerion and enter the system, Captain,” Belania said just as the swirling clouds on the viewscreen them.

“Good, set a course directly for the anomaly, let us hope that these probes will do the trick with the entity,” Kirin said.

The Sojourner shot through the system towards the small anomaly located between the two pulsars, “Watch out for the gravitation and radiation waves from those things. Even shielded they will wreak havoc on the ship,” Kirin warned. Before she could continue Ril cut her off.

“Devore ships, they were within the asteroid belt hidden from our sensors. I am counting six cruisers and three mining vessels. They are moving to intercept us.”

“Damn, they must have been here mining the system due to the high abundance of blood dilithium here,” Ril responded. 

As the Sojourner moved deeper into the system, towards the approaching Devore warships the crystalline entity emerged from the surrounding wind nebula. Within moments its course changed and it began to move towards the Devore ships, rapidly overtaking the Sojourner.

“Was it just me or did it look angrier than normal?” Dese said aloud before a shocked expression crossed her face realizing such a comment when they were on red alert might not be appropriate.

Kirin glanced at her and smirked, “It was pulsing with red light more so than before.” She then turned to Ril, “What are the Devore doing?”

“Five of their ships are adjusting course to intercept the entity, one though is maintaining course for us.”

“All power to shields, let’s push past it. We need to launch the probes if we have any chance of defeating the entity,” Kirin ordered.

The single Devore warship moved to intercept the Sojourner but they misjudged their intention and the Sojourner shot past lacking only a couple of glancing hits. “Shields at 92%,” Ril said aloud, “I don’t think they were expecting us to engage them. They are in pursuit.” As she said it the ship shuttered as another energy blast from the Devore ship struck the Sojourner.

“We are in optimal firing range for the probes given the gravitational waves from the pulsars,” Belania said, “I estimate a 50% chance of making it to the anomaly.”

“Excellent, launch all four then bring us about, keep us between us and the Devore. We know they are aware of what these probes do and they will likely try to stop it,” Kirin said, a moment after she did the four probes shot forth from the Sojourner heading directly towards the anomaly.

“Captain, the Devore ship has launched torpedoes. They are targeting the probes,” Ril said. 

Kirin growled through her teeth, “Dese, adjust course put us in teh path of those torpedoes now and transfer emergency power to the shields.”

The Sojourner shifted course moments before the four torpedoes streaked past it, as it did the three of them struck the shields on the dorsal side of the ship causing them to flare. The resulting explosions caused power surges across the ship. The final torpedo shot past the Sojourner, missing its shields by mere meters, and impacted the trailing probe.

“Status?” Kirin said as she pulled herself back onto her chair and brushed her now fiery red hair from her face. The lights on the bridge flickered and smoke floated across the bridge from one of the secondary engineering consoles which had exploded, thankfully no one had been there.

“Shields down to 50%, the first hit overloaded one of the generators which caused it to temporarily failed, letting part of the blast from the second torpedo penetrate the shield. We have several power relays that were blown out on decks 5 through 8 and the starboard nacelle is damaged, it is leaking warp plasma,” Ril said.

Thanen exhaled heavily, “I best get down there. I only just got this ship fixed Kirin!” With that, he made his way to the turbolift.

“Return fire on the Devore vessel, show them we are not some defenceless civilian transport.” Kirin ordered as the ship shuttered from another hit from the Devore vessel, “What is the status of the other Devore ships?” 

Ril grinned showing her teeth, “With pleasure.” A moment later phase fire lanced through the void between the Sojourner and the Devore vessel, several striking true.

Without pause, Belania responded, “The entity has cut through them, two are destroyed outright, and one is adrift, the remaining three are damaged and in retreat from the system, wait, the remaining two, the third vessel has lost power is now adrift.” She stopped for a moment as she flicked through, “The entity is shifting focus, it is moving this way though slower than before, it has been damaged and is regenerating.”

“Crap, I had hoped for more time.” Kirin said before looking over at Kerry, “What is the status of the probes?”

“ETA is 20 seconds, we have,” Kerry responded as she adjusted the sensors, “yes, two remaining. The gravitational waves just destroyed one of the probes. The other two are on course.”

“The entity has just entered range, it is firing on the Devore vessel we are engaged with. They are withdrawing now,” Ril said.

“Probes are successful, they have entered the anomaly, I am already reading a change in energy levels from the anomaly,” Kerry said.

“Excellent,” Kirin remarked. Turning to look at Dese, “Helm, keep us away from the entity for as long as you can.

Dese nodded, and without a word, she brought the Sojourner around and the ship began to move away from the entity.

Bridge – 15:25

The Sojourner flew through the system’s asteroid field using it to keep just outside the range of the entity’s weapons. The first couple minutes as the entity closed had been tense as it was able to fire at the federation ship several times before the Sojourner was able to use the asteroids as interference.

Kirin sat forward in her chair watching the sensor feeds, “Kerry, can you confirm what I am seeing here? It appears to be slowing down and the regeneration is also decreasing.”

Kerry was silent for a moment before responding, her excitement clear in her voice, “Yes, I was just double-checking the readings. It would appear that the radiation from the pulsars is amplifying the effect of the anomaly, similar to how it did when it first appeared. I am already seeing the blood dilithium deposits begin to reduce in size; they should be completely gone within two days.”

Ril let out a snort, “We, don’t have days, let alone hours.”

“That is lovely to hear Kerry but what about the entity, the deposits aren’t actively trying to destroy the ship,” Kirin remarked after giving Ril a ‘NOT NOW’ look.

Kerry stammered slightly, before continuing, “You are correct, it is slowing down and the regeneration has slowed significantly, if not stopped completely. I am not reading a reduction in its density though. Given time it may disappear but I cannot be certain.”

Kirin shook her head, “Alright, even slowed it could leave the system and the range of the anomaly, this could be our only chance to stop it.” She looked at the crew and the new damage the ship had sustained and made her decision. “Kerry, Belania, charge the deflectors, we will hit it with the graviton pulse from both the primary and secondary deflectors at the same time.”

Both Kerry and Belania nodded and began to work on readying a new pulse.

“Ril, ready a full spread of quantum torpedoes and the phasers, if this works I want to shatter that thing,” Kirin said to which Ril smiled. “Weapons are ready.”

“Great. Helm, keep your distance until I say so.” Dese responded with a worried expression, “It is pushing through the asteroid field, I can keep us out of range for five, maybe six more minutes.”

With that Kirin tapped a button on her console and opened a channel to engineering. “Engineering, what is the status of the nacelle?”

After a moment of silence Anahis Sanin’s, the assistant chief, voice responded. “Captain, repairs are underway, we have stemmed the plasma leak. We expect to have full power from the nacelle in 30 minutes.”

“We don’t have 30 minutes, we will be engaging the entity in…,” Kirin said and glanced at Kerry, who raised three fingers. “Five minutes. I need as much power and manoeuvring as you can give us.”

Sanin responded quickly, “You will have everything we can give you Captain.”

Bridge – 15:35

“Helm, bring us about, straight at the entity,” Kirin ordered and she watched as the image on the view screen swung rapidly to the left as the ship came about, hugging one of the large class D asteroids. Before them, the red and purple shape of the entity appeared and began to rapidly grow in size. 

“Belania, if you will.” 

“Gladly, rerouting power now,” Belania responded and both deflectors activated at once sending a slight hum through the vessel. The twin beams of the graviton pulse connected just before impacting the entity. As they connected, the entity slowed and pulsed a bright red before it began to send pulses of supercharge energy towards the already damaged Sojourner.

“I am seeing an increased effect on the entity, the anomaly seems to have weakened it,” Kerry said. “Its energy readings are all over the place.”

Kirin nodded with a slight smile, ‘This may actually work’ she thought. “How long can we maintain the pulse?”

“At current power levels?” Kerry remarked, “Two minutes at most, I am pulling almost every bit of power I can for this.”

“Ril, how long can our shields hold?”

“At this rate,” Ril said, as the ship shuddered from another bit, “about 70 seconds, maybe 90. The modifications are helping but only just.”

Kirin cursed inwardly, ‘if only we could try to evade but we need to keep the pulse activated.’ “Very well. Keep the pulse going. Let’s see who faulters first.”

Sixty-five seconds later Kirin steadied herself in her chair as the ship shook violently as she watched as the shield strength dropped below 5%. She was about to order the Dese to turn and try to get the ship away when Kerry’s voice cut through the increasingly smoke-filled room. “Ma’am, IT’S WORKING. I am seeing large cracks forming and spreading throughout its entire structure and its energy outputs are falling rapidly.”

Kirin didn’t wait, “FIRE!”

A second later ten quantum torpedoes shot forth from the Sojourner in a tight spread as the phase cannons and phaser banks fired. The weapon fire lanced through the space between the ship and the entity. They impacted almost instantly and Kirin and the crew watched as the explosions engulfed the core of the entity and began to fade. Her heart jumped into her throat as the entity appeared intact for a second, then two before fractures became visible and spread through its entire structure with an almost audible sound through the silence of space. A moment later the entity shattered releasing a pulse of energy that smashed into the Sojourner sending the ship tumbling.

“Helm, stabilize us,” Kirin ordered, “Damage report.”

Dese quickly stabilized the vessel and Belania responded. “That energy wave damaged several EPS relays and knocked out our warp drive; the core is showing minimal output.”

“The entity?” Kirin asked.

“It is gone,” Kerry remarked just as the space it had been in reappeared on the view screen. “All I am seeing is the empty shell of the Devore survey ship and small crystalline debris with minimal energy readings.”

Kirin smiled, “Well done, everyone. What about the Devore ships?”

“They have left the system. The mining ships and remaining cruisers entered the wind nebula ten minutes ago. Given the damage they had it looked like they were high tailing it home,” Belania said.

“Good, I want a full damage report and estimates on repair time in an hour. We took a betting and we are far from friendly space. Without warp we are vulnerable and I don’t think teh Devore will be happy with us removing a source of so much blood dilithium.” 

Two Days Later – 240012.10

The Sojourner sat motionlessly above the ecliptic plane of the system behind the gas giant out of the way of the gravitational waves from the pulsars. Over the previous two days, the crew worked diligently to repair as much damage as possible. The first six hours had been tense as the warp drive remained offline and power fluctuations throughout the ship hampered initial repair activities. Once Thanen, Sanin and the rest of the engineering team along with the operations team were able to get the warp core drive and other key systems back online the crew visibly relaxed. The concern that one or both of the remaining Devore cruisers would return abated once they were able to jump to warp.

Once the primary systems were back online the science team spent their time gathering as much data as they could while the remaining blood dilithium dissipated throughout the system. Using the trumpet to interact with the few large pieces of blood dilithium remaining in the system and of the entity Kerry, Jenora and Sorrolk were able to confirm that the intense anger they had encountered before was now gone.

After two days the last of the blood dilithium vanished from the system before the anomaly collapsed onto itself leaving the Sojourner alone in the system.

Kirin sat down in the command chair on the bridge and couldn’t help but feel a little relieved. This excursion to the delta quadrant and their mission to provide support to those in need had taken more than a few turns; with very view happy ones. As she thought back her mind drifted to the murder of Captain Tharia sh’Elas on the Ulysses and the horrors this system created. She had to admit though, even with everything they had encountered a part of her wanted to explore more of this region of space but the Sojourner, though able to go to warp, was in need of a proper shipyard.

With that, she gave the order and the Sojourner spun in space and made its way through the plerion. As soon as it emerged its nacelles locked into position and the ship disappeared in a flash of light, making best speed to the Markonian outpost and the Federation.