As the quadrant still finds its feet after the collapse of the Romulan Empire and the other seemingly endless crisis the newly constructed Pathfinder long-range explore, the USS Sojourner, sets out to expand the knowledge and reach of the federation.
Commanded by the newly promoted half Orion/Risian Commander Kirin Tarken the USS Sojourner has been assigned to conduct long-range surveys at the fringes of the federation and beyond. Surprised by the unexpected new command, both she and the former crew of the USS Daradax must now adapt to the sudden change in their situations and their increased responsibilities. Not to mention expanding their tight nite crew to include 115 more people.
The class development patch was done by the original designer of the class, Thomas Marrone.
The name and Ship patch has been done by the amazing @jess91481; aka Aoife McKenzie
STAR TREK: Sojourner is rated
Swearing, sexual content and violence are permitted, with some limitations.
Avatars on this command are personal commissions, or located at Sci-Fi Avatars
Commanding Officer
Chief Engineer
Chief of Security and Tactical Officer
Chief Science Officer
Chief of Operations and Flight Control
Chief Medical Officer
Assistant Chief Engineer
Trauma Nurse
Shuttle Pilot/Flight Control Officer
Science Officer - Geology and Planetary Sciences
Science Officer - Archaeology and Anthropology
Command NCO
Security NCO
Transporter Chief
25 February 2025
USS Sentinel and USS Sojourner
With her children in tow, Órlaith descended the gangway toward the Sojourner’s airlock, where two ensigns stood on guard. They leaned at their post, their attention divided between the approaching family and a trio of engineers pushing an anti-grav cart out of the ship. The cart emitted a [...]
23 February 2025
USS Sentinel and USS Sojourner
Órlaith leaned over her desk, a half-filled crate in front of her. She stretched, pressing her hand to her lower back and wincing as she popped her vertebrae. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she straightened her back. Taking a moment to catch her breath, she picked up a framed photo of her [...]
8 February 2025
USS Sentinel and USS Sojourner
The chime of a combadge broke the silence of the quarters. The repetitive chime woke the sole occupant of the bed with a groan and a green hand slipped from under the covers. “This better be good,” came a groggy voice. “Apologies for waking you Captain,” Lieutenant Sorrolk said without a [...]
8 February 2025
Chapter 1: Whispers in the Dark
USS Sentinel and USS Sojourner
In the distant recesses of space beyond the reach of the United Federation of Planets, a small, unremarkable star system drifted amongst the cosmos. Orbiting a red dwarf star, it had just five planets. The largest was a gas giant so large that it challenged the supremacy of its star. A failed star, [...]