Mission 0 - An Unexpected Boon

The crew of the USS Daradax receive some unexpected new orders on their return to DS9 after completing a supply run to a nearby Bajoran colony which will push each of them to their limit.

M0 – Chp 1: An Unexpected Boon

USS Daradax; docking with DS9
October 19th, 2400: 7:30

Kirin stood with her hand resting on the conn as the Daradax returned to DS9 after yet another successful supply run to a nearby Bajoran colony world. She watched the view screen as yet another ship traversed the wormhole to the far reaches of the Gamma Quadrant and left a prang of envy. She had initially joined Starfleet to explore but her talents lead her elsewhere, places she wished she could soon forget but knew she would not be able to. 

“Captain, we are cleared for docking at our usual birth. Shall I take us in?” Belania said which caused Kirin to turn and look at her with a somewhat distant smile. “Please do Bel.”

Kirin turned back to take her seat in the command chair but had only made it a single step when Belania’s voice gave her pause, “Wow, would you look at that Captain, a new Pathfinder, she is gorgeous. Registry says, USS Sojourner.”

Kirin turned and looked back as the Pathfinder came into view as they moved around the station. “She is stunning,” she remarked, “They really knew what they were doing when they designed these new long-range explorers, they took to heart the lessons that Voyager taught us all.”

Belania nodded, “Yeah, I would love to fly one of those. They are meant to handle like a dream.” To which Kirin could only laugh. The console chimed, interrupting her and Belania spoke up. “Call for you Captain,” she said and paused, “It’s Fleet Captain Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik.”

Kirin frowned, she had never had a call from the Fleet Captain before and from her experience, they never meant good news. “Thanks, Belania. Take her in. I will take the call in my ready room.”

A moment later Kirin sat down at her desk in the briefing/ready room she used as her office and glanced at the small mirror she kept in one of the drawers as she adjusted her uniform and hair, ‘Presentation is important, First impressions matter’ her mother’s voice rang in her head. Exhaling Kirin opened the video link and the Starfleet logo was replaced with the image of Fleet Captain Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik on board the USS Nobel.

“Fleet Captain, what can I do for you today?” Kirin asked as formally as she could.

“Lieutenant Commander, I hope I am not disturbing you. I wanted to speak to you personally regarding your next assignment.” the Fleet Captain said.

“No disruption ma’am,” Kirin responded, “We are just docking at DS9 now after a supply run.”

“Excellent, my briefings said you would be there by now. You and your crew have done good work between the Romulan crisis, the transfer of Saint-Clare and your recent assistant to the Bajorans.” The Fleet Captain said as Kirin listened, her face expressionless. “I know you and your crew have moved around these last few months and your original orders to survey Sector Fero Psi were never reissued and that you wanted to get to Deep Space 47 to assist here in the Thomar Expanse but we needed you there to aid the Bajorans.”

“It is not a problem ma’am,” Kirin said, unsure as to where the conversation was going.

Alexandra nodded before continuing, “The Daradax is being reassigned back to Starbase 4, there is work over there that it is needed for.”

Feeling a little disheartened Kirin nodded, “Understood ma’am; we had hoped to join the rest of the task force but we will go where needed.”

Alexandra smiled slightly, “I am sorry but you misunderstand Kirin. The ship…,” she said with extra emphasis, “…is needed elsewhere. You and your crew have done well together and are where we need you. This brings me to your new orders.”

“The USS Sojourner arrived at DS9 recently with a transit crew and was preparing to proceed to Deep Space 47. She is however missing a senior staff and requires one before being assigned to active duty,” Alexandra said to which Kirin cocked an eyebrow. “I will not get into it now but you and your crew are it. My reasoning will be provided in follow-up documentation that I will forward to you later today. We need that ship ready to depart and the Daradax was only ever going to be a temporary assignment for someone of your capabilities.”

Kirin nodded, but let the Fleet Captain continue, “Your orders are as follows – you are hereby directed and required to report aboard the USS Sojourner, there to assume command of the vessel and make ready to head to Starbase 47 at your earliest possible convenience.”

Kirin couldn’t believe what she was hearing, how could a Lieutenant Commander take command of a Pathfinder-class starship, especially one so new? “Ma’am, thank you, we will do everything we can but there must be others in line for her command, captains perhaps?”

“That may be true Commander in other circumstances, but not this specific instance. You are hereby raised to the rank of commander with all its rights and privileges. I also wanted to let you know that each of your officers are hereby promoted. Paperwork will be forward to you, again later today, for you to deliver to your subordinates as well as to deliver their rank pips to. I expect each of them to lead the departments they already do. The crew on the Sojourner is new, the only experienced crew members are some of the NCOs and a handful of officers who are currently leading the transit crew. While capable and trusted with such tasks, they currently lack the experience required to allow for the vessel’s deployment to the frontier. Listen to them and they will be your allies, especially regarding the capabilities of your vessel,” Alexandra said before pausing, “Good luck Commander. I will have new orders for you when you reach Starbase 47.” With that she ended the call, leaving Kirin staring at the rotating Starfleet logo on her screen.

“Well…that was new…”, she said to herself before tapping her combadge. “Once docked can everyone meet in the observation lounge, we have orders.”


M0 – Chp2: Moving On

USS Daradax; docking with DS9
October 19th, 2400: 8:30

USS Daradax – Observation Lounge; 8:30

Kirin stood outside the door to the observation lounge feeling oddly nervous. She was still digesting the news of both her promotion to commander and getting a new command, let alone the USS Sojourner. She knew all of those waiting in the lounge would be happy about the news, especially with promotions for themselves including heading up departments but she realized with a start that she would miss the Daradax. 

There was something about her that Kirin had fallen in love with. The small crew, who she had come to respect and care about deeply since they landed together all those months ago were the closest thing she had to family and the Daradax facilitate that. It was something that a larger ship would lose, possibly.  She steeled herself, stood up straight and exhaled before stepping forward into the observation lounge as the doors parted. 

Five heads, including one holographic one, all turned to look at her as she walked into the lounge. “So, what does command have in mind for us now? More supply runs?” Ril ask, with a clear note of disappointment in her tone. The statement drew subtle nods of agreement from Belania and the once very quiet Kerry. Thanen though gave Ril a sideways glance, “We will find out soon enough Ril.”

To everyone’s surprise, it was Kerry who chimed in before Kirin was able to take a seat, “We were meant to be doing a sector survey, if they want people doing supply runs then why not sure a Raven with an ensign in command and some crew, why officers?”

Kirin finished sitting and sighed, “I can promise you we are not doing another supply run, at least not right away. That said things are changing.” This stopped the officers from any further comments as they all eagerly waited to hear where they were off to next. She glanced to the large viewports at the rear of the room and, as luck would have it, the USS Sojourner was clearly visible docked on the upper pylon as if saying I am here, come to me.

“The Daradax has been ordered back to Starbase 4, there is work there and she is needed…” as expected before she finished Ril groaned, “Really? Starbase 4?” Kirin smirked at her which made Ril shut her mouth before saying anything else. Kirin ignored the statement and continued. “We thought will not be accompanying her,” she turned and looked out the viewport. “We have somewhere else to go, as of 7:30 this morning we are all reassigned to the USS Sojourner, the Pathfinder-class long-range explore you see there.”

Almost all at once Ril, Kerry, Belania and Thanen said “What?!”

Kirin smiled, “That was my response. But Fleet Captain Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik confirmed it with me this morning. The Sojourner is without a command crew and the powers that be have chosen us. We are to get ready and head to Deep Space 47 at the best speed. Her crew is new, mostly fresh out of the academy so each of you will be heading up your departments. Thanen you have Engineering, Rill Security and Tactical, Belania Operations and Kerry, Science. Once there we will need to run drills to make sure they are ready. The badlands are a rough place and the last crew I had to break in still gives me headaches” This drew laughs and nods from all present except the EMH who remained silent as he listened. “From what I have read we are still short a few positions as such Thanen, if you are willing, I need you to be acting XO. Belania, I also want you to oversee the conn, you are the best pilot I have seen.”

There was a cough from the back of the table. “I guess that means little old me will stay here, do I get the Daradax?” the EMH said.

“Sadly not Doctor, a transit crew, some of those we will relieve from the Sojourner will be taking the Daradax to Starbase 4. It was a pleasure serving with you and you have my thanks for everything you did for us when we needed your help.” Kirin said to which the EMHs nodded though it barely did his frown.

“We do not have much time, you have 4 hours to pack your belongings and met me at the transport. The Daradax is meant to set off tonight.” Kirin said, “Once we are onboard the Sojourner I will have a sit down with each of you. Dismissed.”

They all stood and left with the exception of Thanen. He walked up to Kirin and waited for the excited voices of Kerry, Belania and Ril to subside. “A Pathfinder? That is something,” he said.

“You don’t have to tell me,” Kirin said before turning to him. “Look, about the XO post. I know you are an engineer in your heart. The post is yours though if you want it but it would take you away from engineering and I didn’t want to assume.” Thanen just looked at her and nodded slowly and began to respond before Kirin lifted her right hand and put it on his forearm, “Think about it and let me know, don’t jump into it. I know you will excel in either Thanen.” 

He nodded, “I will Kirin, I will. Thank you for giving me this choice.” He exhaled and smiled, “I best get packing and give the core a once over. Last thing I want is some transit team to mess around with the Daradax’s engines.”

 “Sounds like a plan. See you soon.” Kirin said before Thanen hurried to his quarters.

USS Daradax – Transporter Room; 12:30

Right on time, the crew gather with their gear in the transporter room.

“She is all locked up Kirin, once we beam over the transit crew will be able to beam back,” Thanen said with a slightly sad smile.

“Thanks, all of you on, I will set the transporter,” Kirin said as she waved her crew onto the pad and quickly set a voice command before she quickly walked onto the pad. She looked around and smiled, “She is a good ship, see you around Daradax. Computer; Energize.” With that the transporter activated and they vanished from the room.

USS Daradax – Medical Bay; 12:45

“So they just leave me here?” Muttered the EMH as he stood at the main console in the medical bay. “Well, I will have a surprise for them.” He quickly finished tapping out the commands he was working on and hit the activate button.

– Transfer In Progress– 


M0 – Chp3: Settling In

USS Sojourner
October 19th, 2400: 12:35

USS Sojourner – Transporter Room; 12:35

The crew materialized into the main transporter room onboard the USS Sojourner. Everything about the room shows how new the ship was; there wasn’t any specific but the room had a ‘new’ smell and shine.

Kirin stepped off the platform and was greeted by a young Vulcan man, “Greetings Captain Tarken. I am Petty Officer Sorrolk, the senior NCO and this here,” gesturing to a young Denobulan woman, “Is Crewman Trisim, she is our transporter chief. Welcome to the USS Sojourner.”

Kirin stepped up to Sorrolk and nodded to both of the crewmembers, “Thank you Petty Officer, Crewmen. It is a pleasure to be here.” She turned to the rest of the group, “This is Thanen Th’zalnar the acting XO and new Chief Engineer, Ril Mnass our Chief of Security and Tactical Officer, Kerry Dawson, Chief Science Officer and last but not least, Belania, Chief of Operations.”

Sorrolk nodded to each, “I can have Crewmen Trisim take you belongs to your new quarters if you would like a tour of the vessel?” he asked. 

Kirin looked back at the others and smiled, “Thank you, please lead on,” she said as he set down her bag and nodded towards Crewman Trisim, “Thank you, Crewmen.” She then turned and followed Sorrolk out of the transporter room along with the rest of the senior staff into her new command feeling both excited and nervous.

USS Sojourner – Ready Room; 15:30

Kirin sat back on the curved sofa and looked around her new ready room just off the main bridge of the Sojourner. She was still dumbstruck that the ship was hers and the space onboard when compared with the Daradax and she knew that by current standards the Pathfinders were not the most spacious.

She leaned forward, picked up her cup of coffee, and took a sip, “The difference a higher fidelity replicator makes…” she mussed. The door chimed before she had a chance to pick up the PADD she was using to review the current status of the ship and her crew. “Enter.”

The door opened and in walked Thanen who was grinning almost ear to ear. He looked over at Kirin and moved to sit down on the sofa, “I cannot believe the engine on this ship. I didn’t think I would get to work on a core like this for years.”

Kirin couldn’t help but smile, knowing that she would need to interrupt him less he speak for hours about the technical specifications of the ship. “I am glad you are happy Thanen. Do you think you are up for the task of keeping her running?”

“Without a doubt, the engineering team is new I will give you that but they seem to know their stuff and the officer that was in charge is excellent. I would like to name her as the Assistant Chief Engineer?”

“It is your department Thanen.” Kirin said.

“Ok, well, in that case, I will put the paperwork through but if you need anything and I am not there then Lieutenant Junior Grade Anahis Sanin will be the go-to person.” Thanen said then frowned but before he could say anything Kirin held up her hand.

“I assume you are concerned about the rank dynamic, you both being the same rank yet her reporting to you?” she asked him to which he nodded. “Don’t be.” She pulled a small box out from under her PADD on the sofa and gestured for Thanen to stand. She stood up and stepped before him looking up slightly. “Thanen Th’zalnar, due to your continued commitment to your duty and your conduct going above and beyond what was asked and expected of you.” Kirin said, a smile on her face, “You are hereby raised to the rank of lieutenant commander with all its rights and privileges.” With that, she pinned the new pips onto his collar.

Thanen stood there shocked, “Lieutenant commander? How?”

“Do not worry about it, lieutenant commander. Command agrees you have earned this.” Kirin said before turning and taking a seat, crossing her legs she adjusted the hem of her pants slightly, “Now to business. We have alot to do and we are understaffed for the time being. I need a detailed report on Engineering by 8:00 tomorrow. We will need to start running drills of all types starting tomorrow.”

Thanen stood and nodded, “Can do Kirin,… and thank you.”

“Dismissed,” Kirin said with a nod. Silently reminding herself to set aside time to speak with him properly when they had time. As Thanen left she picked up her PADD and continued to read the reports from the transit team who had departed before they were even onboard.

Fifteen minutes later, just as she finished reviewing the summary report her door chimed again, “Enter.”

As expected both Belania and Kerry stepped in. “Captain,” Belania said, “Ma’am” remarked Kerry at the same time. They both looked at each other a thought passing between the two.

“Please have a seat,” Kirin said. Once they were seated she looked at them both and smiled. “So lots for us to do. Have you had a chance to get yourself acquainted with your stations?”

“Not yet Ma’am,” Kerry said, “Well the main station on the bridge and the main lab but not with everything else. It will take me the rest of the day to get an idea of where we stand.” To which Kirin only nodded in understanding.

“I have met with some of the Operations crew but as Kerry said more time is needed,” Belania said. “I will be meeting with the helms officer as well this afternoon.”

Kirin smiled, she had expected no less from either of them, “Good, that leads me to my next point. I will need detailed reports outlining your take on your department’s status by 8:00 tomorrow. I have sent you the transit teams reports so please refer to them.”

Both of the ensigns nodded, “We will get that started right away.” Belania said as Kerry nodded in agreement.

“Good, now one final thing. Stand.” Kirin said as she stepped up to them. “In recognition of your work and commitment to your duty, you are both hereby raised to the rank of lieutenant junior grade. Keep up the good work.”

Both of the newly promoted officers smiled and nodded to Kirin, “Dismissed.”

Meer minutes after they departed the door chimed and Ril entered before Kirin could respond and was halfway to her desk. “You are meant to wait for the response Ril.” Kirin said with slight annoyance. 

“Sorry, I guess got used to the habit on the Daradax, though things need to be a bit more ship-shape here right?” Ril said with a smile. “You wanted to see me?”

Kirin nodded, “Yes, have you been able to meet with any of your team?” she asked as she took a seat on her desk

“Yes, I have been met with the senior most NCO on the security team, Petty Officer Allen Thomas. There are also a couple of ensigns who are fresh from the academy that he has been working with. I like him, he reminds me of a Klingon in a way. I am confident I can get the security team up to scratch in short order. We have set up a training drill in holodeck 1 tomorrow. I had also just started to review the tactical report the transition team left for me. Will be doing that after this.” Ril said, very relaxed as she leaned with her back against the bulkhead.

“Well, I am glad to hear that Ril, sounds like you have that in hand, not that I thought you wouldn’t,” Kirin said with a chuckle, she was not surprised that Ril had thrown herself in so quickly. “I will need full reports for both security and tactical on their current status, based on your assessment by 8:00 tomorrow. I want to get shipwide drills going as soon as possible and those reports will help be decide where to start.”

Ril nodded in agreement, “Good idea, the crew is green from what I have seen. Shall I get back to it?”

“One second Ril,” Kirin said as she turned and grabbed the final box from her desk. She stood and stepped up to Ril having to tilt her head up to look her in the eyes. “Ensign Ril, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant with all its rights and privileges.” Kirin then opened the box and placed the new pip onto her collar. “Congratulations Lieutenant; you deserve this.”

Ril, frowned slightly as if confused then smiled. “Thank you.”

Kirin nodded to her, “Dismissed.”

After Ril left Kirin sat down at her desk and sighed as she looked over all the reports and things she needed to get on top of before she would be happy to take the Sojourner to Starbase 47.  With that, she pulled up the next report and began to read.


M0 – Chp4: Commanders Log: Drills

USS Sojourner - in orbit around DS9
October 25th, 2400: 22:00

USS Sojourner – Captain’s Quarters

Kirin let out a sigh as she settled in the bathtub in her quarters letting the warm water relax her muscles. The last week has been a whirlwind of activity after she took command of the USS Sojourner and this was the first time since then that she had time to relax and reflect on the last week.

She closed her eyes and leaned her head back on the cushioned headrest. “I could get used to this. Computer play relaxing music.”

“Please Clarify the Selection,” the computer responded. 

Kirin groaned, “Ugh, still not as intuitive as I would like.” She muttered. “Fine, fine. Computer play relaxing instrumental music from Risa.”

“Affirmative,” came the reply from the computer as the music began to play throughout her quarters.

Half an hour later Kirin stepped out and wrapped herself in her dressing gown and made her way to her replicator. “Computer Peppermint Tea, Hot.” A moment later a pipping hot cup of tea materialized before her. Grabbing the cup she turned to her personal workstation and took a seat, turning on the computer. 

“Computer start recording, audio only,” she said as she reach up, squeezing her hair to get the last of the water out.

Commander’s Log – October 26th, 2400: 22:40. Commander Kirin Tarken; USS Sojourner


I am happy to report that the USS Sojourner has returned to Deep Space 9 after completing a week long set of drills. The crew’s conduct during this was excellent across all departments. Though new, in most cases, they adapted well when presented with challenges and most importantly presented the senior staff with some out-of-the-box ideas to address the challenges.

She paused for a moment and took a sip of her tea and smiled. The performance of the crew was better than she had expected and her gut told her they would only get better.

As expected some issues occured early on; slow response times and other mistakes that are often seen in new crews. But as I said their performance improved significantly as the week went on. We will continue to conduct drills  to ensure the crew is performing at peak efficiency before joining the taskforce. I do recognize that drills are very different from real events but until such a thing occurs I am pleased with their progress.


I also wanted it noted that the senior staff have performed beyond my expectations, which was high. Each has taken command of their departments successful and has done a standup job getting their teams in order. 


I am been especially pleased with the work of Lieutenant Ril Mnass. She has taken command of the security and tactical departments like she was born to it. Her team leads, and all experienced NCOs speak highly of her. I appreciate it has only been one week but first impressions are important and she has done well. I have made a note of this in her record.


I want it noted that the others, Lieutenants Kerry Dawson and Belania and Lieutenant Commander Thanen Th’zalnar have done no less of an impressive job. 


It should be mentioned that there have been several technical faults over the last week but this is not unexpected for a new ship. Most are minor but the following have caused some issues worth noting.

  • The EMH is current unresponsive. Both Operations and Engineering areworking on this.

Pausing for a moment she took another sip of tea. The issue with the EMH was troublesome she thought to herself. Belania and Thanen had not found anything wrong but it just wouldn’t respond. She made a mental note to go to the medical and have a chat with the nursing staff on duty about options. Turning back to her computer she continued.

  • Gravity plating lsot power on parts of Deck 7 several times until the faulty power relays causing it were identified and replaced.
  • Malfunctioning thruster assembly  has resulting in sluggish manoeuvring. The assembly replaced.
  • Inertia dampeners on Deck 2 slipped of alignment durign our first high warp test since taking command; this caused no damage but crew reported feeling unwell. Engineering was able to realign inertia dampeners. The underlying reason for issue is still under investigation.
  • Environmental systems on Deck 1 were unresponsive for 20 hours locking the temperature at 15°C. Operations was able to bypass the control system and implement a fix.

The engineering and operations teams have done an excellent job addressing these and others as they have  crop up. I have attached their full reports and the complete list of issues to his log for future reference.


Following a quick resupply at Deep Space 9 we will start taking the Sojourner towards Star Base 47. 


Computer End Recording

With that Kirin leaned back and finished her tea and covered up a yawn. She stood up and headed to her room, placing the empty mug in the replicating and recycling it. Taking a seat on her head she took a moment to look at the ageing space station outside the window as her thoughts wandered.

“Computer lights out.”