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Operations Office Report #33 – New TF17XO and TF72XO appointed!

May 7, 2024

Hello Bravo Fleet!

A few days ago, we shared that we were looking for new Task Force Executive Officers for Task Forces 17 and 72. We were fortunate to receive a few applicants, and after reviewing them, I am happy to share that we have recruited two candidates who we feel will be suitable for these roles. We hope this will make a great difference in their respective Task Forces and that everyone will give them a warm welcome as they start their new jobs in Bravo Fleet.

The executive officer of Task Force 17 will be Captain Aaslin Braim (better known on Discord as Annex), and the executive officer of Task Force 72 will be Captain Trevenan Williams (James8155 on Discord). Congratulations to you both!

It has been great to see these two enjoy their time in Bravo Fleet and become increasingly involved in our great community. I wish them all the best as they start this new chapter in Bravo Fleet—welcome to the madhouse!