The River Of Blood

Two Crews, One System To Defend

Three’s A Crowd

USS Discovery NCC-82006, Haydorian System, Archanis Sector, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 76334

After speaking with the rest of the captains in the task force, Captain Bennet got himself a mug of tea before he moved onto his next item of business to deal with. The arrival of the Endeavour had completely changed everything but it also meant that they had extra people to help with the Hunters that had scattered across the system.

“Bridge to Captain Bennet.” spoke his first officer, Commander Rider, over the intercom.

“Go ahead Number One.” Bennet said as he sipped on his tea.

“Governor Thelis is hailing us again, he wants to know what the delay is in you beaming down to meet with him.” Rider announced.

“Inform the good governor, I’ll be with him soon.” Bennet replied. “Can you patch in Captain Rourke and Commander Duncan to my ready room.”

“On it sir.” Rider replied and closed the channel thereafter.

A moment later and the holographic systems in the ready room reactivated and this time the holographic images of Captain Rourke and Commander Duncan appeared in the chairs on the opposite side of Bennet’s desk. “Gentlemen, thank you for meeting with me. I do not think either of you have met before?”

Duncan was the first to answer and shook his head. “I’m afraid not sir, no.”

“Then Captain Matthew Rourke of the Endeavour please meet Commander Max Duncan, the current acting captain of the Odyssey.” Bennet said as he made the introductions. “Commander Duncan, this is Captain Rourke.”

“A pleasure sir.”

Rourke’s image looked worn and tired, gaze nothing if not grumpy as his projection examined Duncan’s. “Never met, no. Pleasure.” The projection raised an eyebrow. “‘Acting captain’?”

“Unfortunately Captain McCallister is recovering in the Odyssey’s sickbay and as the highest ranking officer on the Odyssey’s command staff, Commander Duncan is effectively in command until his captain returns to duty or anyone else more senior to him.” Bennet said. “Suffice to say, Commander Duncan has my support.”

“Thank you sir.” Duncan said.

“Gentlemen, I want to get straight down to the reason why I called you both.” Bennet said. “As both of your ships are now docked and undergoing extensive repairs, I need to call on your crews to engage in another matter that needs urgent attention.” Bennet went on to explain to Rourke what had happened with the Hunters of D’Ghor when the Odyssey encountered them and how the Hunters had spread themselves across the system. “Without pulling those crew who are needed to oversee the repairs of your ships, I want to use the shuttles and runabouts from both of your ships to remove these straddlers from the system.”

“Will Governor Thelis allow us to use his guard ships?” Duncan inquired.

Shaking his head, Bennet answered honestly. “I don’t think so. He’s made his position quite clear on the matter, it’s resulted in me sending a message to the Palais de la Concorde via Starfleet Headquarters to have the president intervene.” Bennet sat up. “The Discovery and Shackleton will get the Archanis Array assembled and operational, but I am worried that our efforts will be hampered by these Hunters. What are your thoughts on the idea Captain Rourke?”

Rourke gave a low harrumph. “I reckon they want us chasing our tails and you’re right to prioritise the Array, but no, we can’t turn our backs on them. I can provide three shuttles and a runabout, and teams for all of them. Afraid that’s all the small craft we got; we’re no Odyssey.”

The projection of Rourke scratched his beard before continuing. “But this would be a large-scale op, lots of individual and scattered ships needing to both scout and provide rapid response if someone finds something. It’ll be best handled with a central command point to oversee things, analyse findings, communicate and liaise. Both our ships look likely to be drydock-bound for a while,  so I suggest we set up a mobile command station – use a runabout or the Odyssey’s tidy little Aquarius, maybe. Suffering some gaps in my chain of command, too, but I can send my Chief Tactical Officer to liaise from Endeavour’s side.”

“That sounds like a reasonable idea Captain.” Bennet looked at Duncan. “Commander, is that doable?”

Nodding in response, Duncan agreed to the plan. “With our own shortages on the Odyssey, we could do with the extra help.”

“Very well, so while Discovery and Shackleton deal with the array’s assembly, you’ll both deal with this matter. Captain Rourke, can I leave this in your hands?” Bennet asked.

“Of course, Captain. This is just running down rats; nothing we can’t handle.” Rourke looked at Duncan. “I expect you’ve got a lot on your hands, Commander Duncan, if your ship was hit that hard and your command staff took a beating. Assign one of your staff who can select and oversee teams for your, what, thirty shuttles, and Endeavour will have a threat assessment and search pattern drawn up for a sweep by the time the teams are ready to get started.” There was a somewhat peremptory tone to his voice; perhaps he assumed an acting captain in a blue uniform couldn’t match his tactical experience, perhaps he was tired, or perhaps Matt Rourke was just brusque – or rude.

“Thank you captain. I’ll work with the remaining senior staff and we will get things all sorted from our end. With Odyssey now in dry-dock and under repairs, my chief engineer can take command on my behalf.  I can join your tactical officer on the Aquarius. When do you wish to proceed?”  Duncan asked. He was more than happy to defer command of this mission to the more experienced captain, however there wouldn’t be much more for him to do while the Odyssey was being repaired. He was an experienced command level officer himself, plus with the captain and their first officer all still recovering from their injuries sustained during their recent skirmish, he couldn’t think of anyone else experienced from Odyssey to take lead.

“As soon as possible,” Rourke confirmed. “Get your Aquarius prepped and ready to go, and I’ll make sure Endeavour’s Combat Information Centre is ready with the threat assessment and for ongoing analysis as findings come in.”

“Gentlemen, this all seems to be in capable hands. I suggest we update one another with our progress every four hours, unless something else dramatic happens.” Bennet suggested. He was keen to inform Admiral Beckett that their efforts in removing the last of the Hunters was well under way.

“Agreed,” said Rourke. “Focus on the Array, Captain. We’ll keep the flies off your back.”

“Happy hunting gentlemen.” Bennet said and he finished their conversation there and then.

A Change In Command

USS Odyssey NCC-80000, Haydorian System, Archanis Sector, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 76334.91

“You look as bad as I feel.” Commander Cambil started with a wry smile as she entered the private recovery room. “How are you though Karyn?”

Looking up from the bio-bed she was in, Commander Reyas smiled back at her friend and the ship’s first officer. “I’d be glad to see the last of these four walls.” The El-Aurian science officer answered. “And yourself?”

“Attempting a breakout.” The Bajoran woman replied as she looked over shoulder and stepped into the room so the doors behind her would close. She stepped across the room and took a seat in the black armchair next to Reyas’ bed. “However, I don’t think I’m going to get far with how much our warden likes to patrol!”

Wincing in some pain as she laughed at the comments referring to Doctor Slyvexs, Reyas sat up more. “Slyvexs means well by us all.”

“Indeed she does.” Cambil agreed and added a smile. “Who’d have thought that you, me and James would be taken out in one go?”

“A series of misfortunate events I’m afraid Bexa.” Reyas admitted.

The door to the room then opened and the Denobulan doctor walked in. “There you are.” She said referring to Cambil.

“Talk of the pah-wraith.” Cambil said in a low tone before smiling further at their chief medical officer. “Please state the nature of the medical emergency?”

Rolling her eyes at the Bajoran’s sarcastic tone, Slyvexs ignored the question. “Commander Duncan and the rest of the surviving senior staff would like to speak to you both about an urgent matter. I’m happy for them to see you two, only if you’re up for it though.”

Looking at each other, both women agreed to the request and Slyvexs returned to the outside corridor before returning in with the rest of the senior staff in tow. Crowding in, the six other officers stood around the edge of the room. Once the niceties were complete with them all sharing their happiness that both commanders were on their way to recover from their injuries, it was Cambil that broke the awkward moment that was coming.

“So what was it you needed to see us both about Max?” She inquired.

Max, who like everyone else had returned to his quarters for a quick break, change of clothes and some rest, answered the commander. “I’ve just finished speaking with Captain Marshall-Bennet of the U-S-S Discovery.”

“Bennet?” Reyas questioned. “As in Zack Marshall-Bennet or Jonathan Marshall-Bennet?”

“The former.” Duncan said. “Do you know him?”

Shaking her head, Reyas explained she knew his younger brother when they were assigned at an outpost several years ago. “Isn’t Captain Zack Marshall-Bennet in command of the U-S-S Vesta?” She added.

Shaking his head, Duncan responded with more detail. “No, from what I found out he’s been given a slight promotion to a task force commanding officer and was given the Discovery as his new flagship. The Vesta has been given to someone else.”

“Let me guess, Bennet is our new boss?” Cambil posed.

“Indeed,” Duncan said. “Anyway, with the Odyssey pretty much out of use for the moment and with the urgency of deploying the array now a high priority, the captain has taken direct command of the project.”

“Makes sense.” Reyas said and looked for Cambil for agreement, which she received. “Go on Max.”

“The captain wants us to deal with the current small infestation of Hunters of D’Ghor in the system, along with the crew of the U-S-S Endeavour.” Duncan reported. “Captain Rourke wants us to use the Aquarius as a mobile command centre while the rest of our shuttles and runabouts are used for scouting missions.”

Rubbing her left cheek, Cambil was confused. “Hold up, take me back a step. What do you mean by a small infestation of Hunters of D’Ghor?”

It was Court who told the commanders what had transpired after the battle. “So far we’ve detected over one hundred and fifty-eight Klingons all dotted around the system. They’ve all used small shuttles or one person crafts.”

“We reckon they’re going after the array.” Lenjir added.

“A logical choice of action, especially since further attacks outside of this system would support our theory that they are not keen on Starfleet being able to see them.” T’Rani stated.

Jen spoke up from the corner where he was standing. “They’re use of veridium patches wasn’t the most genius thing they’ve done to date, but some of the planets and moons in the Haydorian system do have samples of ores that could block our sensors and their patches. We’ve so far detected kelbonite and topaline signatures.”

“So, what is it you need from us two?” Cambil asked the senior staff.

Duncan cleared his throat. “With the captain and you both still recovering, I’m the ship’s acting captain but we wanted to check with you both that we’re not missing anything and to have your blessing on the mission.”

Smiling at the sentiment and loyalty the crew showed, Reyas just indicated to Cambil with a nod she had her support to deal with this. The Bajoran woman took a breath and looked at Duncan. “Seriously Max?” She started with. “All of you are capable of doing this without us three around. None of you would hold those three pips you have on your collars otherwise.”

“You really think the captain would appreciate hearing that we missed out defending the ship’s honour further while he was out cold?” Reyas added.

The group all chuckled at that remark, besides T’Rani who just raised her eyebrow. Cambil finished the meeting off. “Max, while we are all relieved of duty you are Odyssey’s captain and all of you need to work with Max to see this thing through. It’s your duty and it’s what you are all trained to do. You don’t need to come down here to ask for our opinions or permission to go ahead with this.” Cambil paused. “But there is one thing I could do.” She cleared her throat and spoke up. “Computer who currently commands this vessel?”

The computer beeped and responded in its cool feminine tone. “This ship is currently under the command of Captain James Preston McCallister.”

“Computer, has Captain McCallister reported for duty?” Cambil asked next.

After a second the computer replied. “Negative.”

“Computer, what is the current whereabouts and condition of Captain McCallister?” Cambil asked next.

“Captain McCallister is currently in private recovery room one in sickbay. He is currently unconscious.”

Knowing what the Bajoran first officer was about to do, Slyvexs spoke up. “Computer this is Commander Slyvexs. Update Captain McCallister’s condition to be unable to fulfill his duties as he is relieved of them for medical reasons, authorisation Slyvexs-five-eight-zeta-foxtrot.”

“Medical authorisation confirmed, this ship is currently without an active commanding officer. The chain of command directive must be followed in accordance with Starfleet regulations, first officer Commander Cambil Bexa must report for duty as acting commanding officer.” The Computer stated.

Cambil spoke up. “Computer this is Commander Cambil Bexa, authorisation Cambil-two-one-beta-charlie. I am unable to report for duty, access Cambil Bexa medical records for confirmation and update status.”

Accessing.” The Computer said briskly before adding on. “Confirmed. Commander Cambil is unable to fulfil the duties of acting commanding officer. The chain of command directive must be followed in accordance with Starfleet regulations, second officer Commander Karyn Reyas must report for duty as acting commanding officer.”

Reyas pushed herself up as she spoke up. “Computer this is Commander Karyn Reyas, authorisation Reyas-three-eight-gamma-echo.  I am unable to report for duty, access Karyn Reyas medical records for confirmation and update.”

“Accessing.” The Computer repeated. “Confirmed. Commander Reyas is unable to fulfil the duties of acting commanding officer. The chain of command directive must be followed in accordance with Starfleet regulations, third officer Commander Maxwell Duncan must report for duty as acting commanding officer.”

Everyone stopped and looked at Duncan. It was so official now, so he took a breath and answered. “Computer this is Commander Maxwell Duncan reporting for duty, authorisation Duncan-four-seven-delta-romeo. Activate Emergency Fleet Access Program Alpha-One-Alpha.”

The computer made a different chiming noise before answering back to Duncan. “Voice authorisation confirmed. This ship is temporarily under the command of Acting-Captain Maxwell Duncan. Emergency Fleet Access Program Alpha-One-Alpha is in effect. You have two hours to comply with Starfleet regulations.”

Confused as to what just happened, Court looked around at his colleagues before asking the question to get clarity. “What’s the Emergency Fleet Access Program?”

Hunsen, who had not said anything since entering the room, answered for the senior enlisted officer. “It’s an emergency security program put into all Starfleet vessels. In the event a ship’s command crew are unable to fulfill their roles, are separated from their ship or are relieved of their duties, then the program gives those with the rank of commander and above the chance to take temporary control. It’s normally reserved for war times or emergencies. I think we can justify we currently find ourselves in both of those.”

“Since the computer has given me two hours, that means the computer has sent a message alerting Starfleet Command of the program’s activation. Starbase Twenty-Seven will get the call and it will be down to Admiral Beckett to confirm the change in command. As admirals are the only ones who have the authority to do that. I’m assuming Captain Bennet would have informed the admiral of our status.” Duncan explained.

“But in the meantime, for the next two hours at least, the computer will recognise Max as Odyssey’s acting captain and allow him to take certain limited actions in preparation of assuming full control. After the two hours are complete, if the admiral doesn’t confirm the transfer of control or Captain McCallister doesn’t report for duty then Max will lose his limited computer access.” Cambil added. “You learn all of this when you take the advanced bridge exam and pass the command officer level assessment.”

Nodding to show he understood. “Wow, you learn something new every day, but surely with Max’s level nine clearance code he wouldn’t need to assume command?”

“It’s not just about clearance code,” Jen said as he scratched his Trill spots around his forehead. “Max’s authorisation, and his alone now, can be used to declare things to the computer that only the captain can do with one single command. Since the Dominion War, computer security has been tightened because of changeling infiltrators and level nine clearance only gets you so far. Even Commander Cambil would not be able to lock out the command codes temporarily without someone else confirming it. They’ve basically made Max the Emergency Command Hologram for a short amount of time. I’ve always said he’ll look good in command red.”

“Indeed.” T’Rani remarked in an almost sarcastic-Vulcan tone. “Now we have established the chain of command and Commander Duncan’s possible new attire, can I suggest we return our focus back onto the mission at hand?”

Cambil agreed. “T’Rani is right. You have your orders, now get out of here and get to work!”

A number of “yes ma’ams” and “ayes” followed as the group all left the room with Duncan remaining. He looked at both women, smiled and nodded with a silent thanks at them before turning on his heel.

“Max!” Reyas shouted after him, which made the counsellor stop and turn to look over his right shoulder. She continued. “Just don’t get too comfortable in that centre seat, do you hear me?! My husband is expecting to have his ship back!”

The acting captain smiled and returned to walking out of the room.

Working Together

USS Aquarius (NCC-80000/1), Haydorian System, Archanis Sector, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 76335.7

“Energise chief.” Commander Duncan instructed the Zakdorn transporter chief.

Tapping his hands over the console and pushing his three fingers upwards, Chief Koll Akerniel activated the Aquarius’ transporter and beamed aboard the two senior most officers joining them from the Endeavour. The blue and white glittering affect materialised two figures on the transporter platform.

Stood in front of it, Duncan stood up tall with his hands clasped behind his back as he watched the Zakdorn operator conduct his business. Once the two women, both wearing operations gold uniforms, were fully in the room he spoke up. “Lieutenants, welcome aboard the Aquarius. I am Commander Max Duncan.”

The tall Romulan woman alighted from the transporter platform first, nod brisk. “Thank you, sir. I’m Lieutenant Kharth, Chief of Security. This is Chief of Operations Lieutenant Thawn.” Her gesture to the shorter, red-haired and dark-eyed woman was brusque.

“I appreciate Captain Rourke being able to spare you both to assist us in this mission. If you both would follow me to the bridge, we can get started.” Duncan said and gestured towards the doors out of the transporter bay. Like most other Aquarius-class escorts, a majority of their design lineage came from the reliable classes such as the Defiant and Rhode Island. Leading the two women out into the narrow corridor, Duncan continued with his welcome speech. “Unfortunately the Aquarius isn’t as spacious as our own ships, but it still has its own special charm. You both are assigned to the same quarters on deck three section six. I hope you both don’t mind sharing bunk beds?”

Thawn opened her mouth. “I’m sure that -”

“That’ll be fine, sir,” interrupted Kharth, and silenced what was either assent or a pivot from her subordinate, who fell rather tellingly quiet. “We’ll more than make do for a few days. Comfort isn’t exactly a priority on this mission.”

“Luxury on the ship is at a premium.” Duncan remarked as they approached the end of the corridor and he led them up a small flight of stairs heading towards deck one. There was only one turbolift, it only went up and down the ship and not across decks. As a result of this, crew members would have to work the stretch of a deck to get from one end to the other and in some cases using either the jeffery tube access or the staircases between decks at certain locations to help them get from one deck to the other. It certainly kept everyone onboard fit. “Once we get underway, I want us to review our plan of action and to see how quickly we can catch these hunters.”

Kharth nodded. “Captain Rourke and our Chief of Strategic Operations have prepared the search routes, which will give a complete sweep of the system eventually. I’m sure adjustments can be made depending on your flight teams and necessary coverage.”

“And,” chirped up Thawn, somewhat meek air brightening, “our CIC is prepped for threat analysis as the shuttles report their data. It’s designed to assess situations and predict possible incidents quicker than we’d be able to, so the more we feed it, the better it’ll -”

“It’s a job that’ll get easier as it goes,” Kharth said, sounding like she was cutting off the risk of Thawn getting too exuberant about one of Endeavour’s particular toys as the turbolift slowed to a halt.

Entering the bridge with both women in tow, Commander Duncan showed them to the area where everything took place. Similar in layout to a Rhode Island-class, the Aquarius’ bridge design was slightly different where it had a singular captain’s chair in the middle (instead of two). The cool, dark grey and silver colour scheme reflected off from the bright lights coming from each console and station.

“Captain on the bridge.” announced Lieutenant Commander T’Rani in her cool and calm Vulcan tone. She stood up from the centre chair and relinquished it to Duncan.

“Lieutenant Commander T’Rani, please meet our guests from the Endeavour, this is Lieutenants Kharth and Thawn.” Duncan introduced his acting first officer and chief helm officer to them. “Lieutenants, this is Lieutenant Commander T’Rani, Odyssey’s chief helm officer and my acting first officer for the mission.”

“Welcome aboard.” T’Rani said to them both with a curt nod.

Thawn attempted a smile. “Thank you, Commander, happy to be here.”

“And happy to work,” Kharth said levelly.

“Commander, I see no other reason to be waiting around any further. Shall we get this show on the road?” Duncan insisted.

“Agreed captain.” T’Rani said and then looked at everyone else. “All hands blue alert, prepare for departure stations.”

The blue alert klaxon rang through the ship and hues of flashing blues filled the bridge as the lights dimmered.

“Lieutenants, we’ve set up both mission ops stations for you to use.” Duncan said gesturing towards the two aft stations on the port side of the bridge. “You’ll see we’ve got a direct feed with everyone’s sensors, communications and anything else important we think will help us. Please make yourselves comfortable.”

Kharth nodded. “Good, sir, thank you. Thawn will focus on initial analysis and the feed to Endeavour, but from here I can help coordinate operations with our shuttles,” she said, and the two headed for their stations to familiarise themselves and prepare for departure.

T’Rani, who had returned to her station at the helm, looked around at Duncan as he made his way back to the centre of the bridge. Before he sat down she announced that everyone was ready to leave the Odyssey. “Commander Hunsen has given us clearance to leave Odyssey.”

“Very good.” Duncan replied as he sat down. “Computer, begin auto-separation sequence, authorisation Duncan-four-seven-delta-romeo.”

“Initiating decoupling sequence.” announced the computer. “Autoseparation in ten seconds. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three.Two. One. Separation sequence in progress.”

The humming of the ship’s engines and the docking clamps being released could be heard and felt as the smaller craft removed itself from the Odyssey. A slight jerk made the crew move alongside the ship, even in this modern age of technology and Starfleet still had not perfected an easy glide as a ship was separated.

“Separation sequence complete.” the computer stated.

“T’Rani, lay in a course for the battle scene where the Odyssey engaged the Hunters and take us to yellow alert.” Duncan ordered. He spun in his chair to look at his two new officers. “Lieutenants begin your sensor scans and start to bring up our little flotilla on the aft screen.”

“Flight teams confirmed underway,” said Kharth. “Bringing up tactical deployment display now.”

The holographic projectors came to life and individual dots of every shuttle, runabout and even probes that the Odyssey and Endeavour had committed to this mission appeared. Each one of them were connected by sensor beams. The idea being that they were in constant contact with one another and the moment one of the Hunters tried to pass through their net then they would detect them straight away.

“Course laid in sir.” T’Rani reported from the helm.

“Engage at full impulse.” Duncan commanded and then indicated for T’Rani to join him and the others.

Once the ship was underway, the four senior officers gathered at the aft stations of the bridge. “Right everyone, listen carefully as this is going to be a busy job for us. We need to coordinate and lead our crews out to capture the Hunters that have gone into hiding. We can pick up some of them already thanks to their verdium patches, however our teams that we are sending in know already that these could be booby traps. If we return to the battle scene we may be able to pick up a lead, an ion trail for example, from any of the shuttles after they departed from their main ships. Those clues may help us in finding the rest of the Hunters. Does anyone have any thoughts or questions so far?”

Thawn straightened up, eyes brightening as if she was in a classroom with a quick answer. “Commander, I’ve contacted the Haydorian authorities and had us patched us into the traffic beacons for swift identification of any civilian ships so they don’t risk flagging as unknowns if they enter the search grid.”

Kharth glanced at her before turning her eyes to Duncan. “If the D’Ghor have any contact with or bead on each other, they may begin to realise their security is compromised by the verdium patches as we reel other groups in. I’d suggest we make these initial strikes as simultaneous as possible, and be prepared that some might try a better job of going to ground after.”

“Oh, yes,” Thawn chirped up, and tapped quickly on her PADD. “With all our ships’ scans of the system, we’ve identified locations of key concern in the sweep: areas of minimal sensor efficacy where the D’Ghor have a higher chance of being overlooked or of lying in wait.”

“Recommend we don’t send any shuttles to those alone,” said Kharth, “or without backup close and on standby.”

“Good idea lieutenant,” Duncan said as he looked over the data that the two women had presented. “Those on runabouts should be sent in as they’ll be better equipped and for most of our runabouts they have larger teams. Lieutenant Kharth, send those coordinates to the appropriate teams on those runabouts. We should also have some of our own probes fly in closer to give us a clearer picture of what is down there.”

Kharth nodded approvingly as she tapped commands onto her PADD’s holographic interface to be routed via her station. “The D’Ghor haven’t been shown to have the best sensors on their shuttles; probes might evade their notice.”

“Sir, the Aquarius is equipped with a number of micro-probes. I would recommend we launch some of them instead of diverting those probes we have already sent out. The runabout crews can then pick the telemetry when they approach their targets.” T’Rani suggested.

“Sounds good to me.” Duncan agreed. He looked to Thawn. “Is there anyway to tell if the Hunters are able to communicate with one another? I cannot help but think they must have planned this move in detail. If we are assuming that their initial plan had been to stop the Odyssey from deploying the array and if they knew they couldn’t defeat the Odyssey in battlethis back-up plan of theirs must have been thought out. If that is the case, how would they coordinate their next move when they’ve scattered themselves across the system.”

Thawn bit her lip as she thought. “We’ve been monitoring communications, but haven’t picked anything up yet. It would be odd if they didn’t have any means or plan to coordinate. If their technology is less sophisticated, maybe they’re using something older or simpler. I could conduct scans for communication via electromagnetic transmissions?”

Kharth raised an eyebrow. “Those would be slower than the speed of light. It might take minutes, hours to send messages.”

“I think we should explore any and all possibilities, even the most illogical ones.” Duncan said, knowing that T’Rani would agree with him on that. “From what I have read and what we have seen from the Hunters of D’Ghor, sometimes they appeared to have planned every single step of their raids and other times their attacks appear…well without any thought besides charging into the fire head on. We’re not dealing with rational soldiers, but if they knew what the Odyssey was planning to do then I am certain they won’t allow the Discovery and Shackleton from completing the work.”

“If that’s the case then sir, perhaps we should follow the lieutenant’s idea of removing as many as we can in one coordinated movement, it would significantly reduce their power and those that we were unsuccessful in capturing would either require further resources to find them or they may still launch an attack against the array as it is being deployed.” T’Rani remarked. “Perhaps we should increase our sensor profile around the Discovery and Shackleton.”

“Are you suggesting we use them as bait?” Duncan asked the Vulcan. “I’m not sure Captain Bennet would be happy with that idea.”

T’Rani’s eyebrow rose slightly at her superior as she answered him. “As you said sir, the Hunters of D’Ghor do not follow set rules of behaviour of engagement. If we remove those we are to detect swiftly, those that are left may become desperate in their bid to complete their objectives.”

Duncan looked to the other two. “Lieutenants, what do you think?”

Kharth’s lips had quirked. “The D’Ghor’s mission here is likely to either destroy the array, or tie us in knots. If we put them on the back foot, that’s likely to provoke a response from the remaining warriors – they probably don’t want to wait in their holes to be hunted down one-by-one if they realise we’re onto them. Positioning the Discovery and Shackleton as tempting targets could let us control the field when – if – they respond.”

Or,” said Thawn, visibly uncomfortable at questioning Kharth, “it risks our primary mission, which is the assembly of the array.”

Indeed, Kharth’s gaze was cool as it turned to her, before she looked to Duncan. “If we do provoke the D’Ghor to taking sudden action, and we present the array as an impenetrable target, they might not make a tactically efficient choice. They might choose, as Endeavour’s seen them choose elsewhere, to inflict terror – and strike a civilian target in the system.”

Understanding what could be a disaster for the colony, Duncan scratched his chin. “Let’s proceed as planned and I will inform Captain Rourke of what we are suggesting. We might be able to place more teams down on the colony to assist with defence.”

As they all proceeded with their work, Duncan suddenly realised the burdens of command truly could be horrific when it came to making a decision that could work in their favour or condemn those they took an oath to protect. Looking over to the operations station, he ordered the crewmember on duty to open a channel to the Endeavour. “Get me Captain Rourke at once.”

Hunting The Hunters

Invicta, Haydorian System, Archanis Sector, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 76335.7

Sitting at the helm controls of the Delta-class runabout Invicta, Lieutenant Commander Lukiz Jen was tapping in to his fifth host, Edjar Jen, who had been a pilot for many years before he passed away from natural causes. Hearing and feeling Edjar’s presence within him gave Lukiz the confidence to fly the Invicta in such a way that previously before he was joined he would not have flown a starship. Racing around the Haydorian system, Jen was eager to find the last remaining souls of the D’Ghor raiders. After their successful and quick heavy assault in removing a majority of them in one fell swoop, the crews of the Odyssey and Endeavour were now left with the mop-up operations. Currently Jen’s team was pursuing a lead near to where the Odyssey had engaged the Hunters the day before.

“Anything ensign?” Jen asked, looking back at the young Hekaran male that sat at the science station.

Shaking his head in response, Ensign Ranal looked up from his console. “Their engine trail does lead into the atmosphere of Hendor, the second moon in orbit of the ninth planet, but it dissipates after that.”

Picking the Invicta had been the best thing for Jen to do when he was offered to lead one of the teams by Commander Duncan. Along with four others, they had been the quickest team to find results, partially down to the fact the ship was so fast and maneuverable. “Okay, if we can’t see anything from up here then let’s head down to the planet.”

“Is that wise sir?” asked Za’Cerfontroi, the Efrosian chief petty officer from the security department. “We can’t be sure if they’re down there or not.”

Spinning in the pilot’s chair to look at the tall man who had sleek white hair and an impressive matching goatee, Jen confirmed his orders. “We’re going down there, we’ll project their trajectory and see if where it leads us first. If we can’t work out a search pattern then I’ll ask Aquarius to send a few more probes our way. This is one of the last few locations to be explored anyway.”

“Sir, the moon itself may have a M-class atmosphere but I am detecting high amounts of kelbonite and other metallic ore in the terrain will make our scans almost near to impossible to find the Klingons.” Ranal stated.

“Then we need to look for something else besides Klingon lifesigns.” suggested Lieutenant Jaucquai, the Deltan counsellor who agreed to join as Jen’s mission deputy when it was cited that they needed to use as many able bodies to search for the hunters. The young bald headed man, who was sitting beside Jen on the small stall that existed, turned around and shared his thoats. “If they’re typical Klingons then they may have set up a camp to survive being out in the wilderness. Looking at what we can see, this moon inhabits some animal life. I reckon the hunters must have got hungry and would have gone hunting, which means they may have a fire going.”

“Which means we could use the thermal imaging sensors to find them.” spoke up Ensign Zalandra, the Bolian woman who sat at the engineering console at the back.

“Exactly.” Jaucquai confirmed.

“Let’s do it.” Jen said as he pushed the Invicta down towards the moon. “Give an update to the Aquarius lieutenant of what we are doing.”

“Um, I don’t think I need to sir.” Jaucquai stated. “I’m detecting the arrival of the Oakhanger. Lieutenant Commander Lenjir is hailing us.”

Smirking at the arrival of his friend, Jen ordered for a channel to be opened. The viewscreen to Jen’s right changed from its display of his forward navigational sensors to that of his friend in the type-seventeen cargo shuttle he was using. “Cline, what do I owe the pleasure?”

Smiling back at the joined Trill, the Tiburon security chief tugged on his larger ear lobe. “Lukiz, why don’t you let my team handle this one? We’re better equipped to search on this planet?

“That’s only because you’re itching to use that all-terrain vehicle you loaded into your shuttle.” Jen countered back with. “How about a compromise, you scout on the ground while we hover above?”

“Sounds like a plan, Oakhanger out!” Lenjir answered back.

The two small support craft entered the atmosphere of the moon in orbit of the large gas giant together. As they descended down past the large clouds they came across a huge woodland area covered with lakes, mountains and plenty of grass.

“Begin thermal scans.” Jen ordered.

“The Oakhanger has launched its ground vehicle.” announced Za’Cerfontroi. “Looks like you’re guess was right sir, Commander Lenjir is at the wheel.”

Smirking at knowing his friend too well, Jen shrugged his shoulders. “Let’s keep an open sensor link with the Oakhanger and its ground adventurer, anything we pick up let’s share together.”

“Sir, the thermal scanners are picking up something.” Zalandra announced after a minute. “North-east from our current location about fifty-two kilometers away. It looks like several fires.

“Several?” Jen repeated as he looked around at the Bolian ensign. “Lifesigns?”

Still focusing on her console, the security officer attempted to work out if she could find any or not. “It’s too hard to say at the distance sir.”

“Then let’s get in closer. Relay the information to the Oakhanger team.” Jen said as he turned back in his chair to face the helm controls. He increased the speed of the little ship and headed towards the fires.

USS Aquarius

Taking a break from bridge duty, Commander Duncan had retreated to the small conference room that also acted as the captain’s ready room. A small curved desk sat in the corner while a circular tablet for six people sat more in the centre of the room. With only a few lights on, Duncan was using his time away from everyone to finish signing off on the reports he had to read and confirm for their little D’Ghor heist before Captain Rourke sent them off to Starfleet. Sending the last one that related to their quick removal of the Hunters they could detect, thanks to their verdium patches, Duncan was about to get a fresh mug of tea when he was informed of an incoming call from the Odyssey.

Being patched through, using the desk’s console, the joint image of Commander Hunsen and Doctor Slyvexs appeared.

“Tremt, Slyvexs, I wasn’t expecting an update call for another hour or two.” Duncan said, greeting the chief engineering and chief medical officer. Then he realised something was not right from their expressions. “What is it?”

“We thought it was best to inform you straight away so you can deal with it while you’re on the Aquarius.” stated Hunsen. The chief engineer took a moment to breath. “It’s about T’Rani’s husband.”

“S’Tefe?” Duncan asked. He knew the man well enough, he was one of the finest teachers on Odyssey. He primarily taught science and maths to the older children. “What’s happened?”

“S’Tefe died a few moments ago Max.” Slyvexs relayed with a heavy heart. “He had been beamed down to the infirmary at the Starfleet base in the colony to recover, but there were some unforeseen complications and he didn’t make it.”

The news was a shock as S’Tefe had been given the all clear that he would recover after a few days of rest. “Damn.” Duncan muttered as he leant back in his chair. “Does T’Rani know yet?”

Shaking his head, Hunsen answered. “No, we only just took the call.”

“Send me the details of what happened and I’ll speak to T’Rani.” Duncan said. He didn’t need to be a Betazoid to read their minds for the reason why they had called him and not her directly. “Anything else?”

“All of the civilians, bar three, are now on the colony.” Hunsen announced. “And repairs are ahead of schedule. Thanks to the incredible work of the yard engineers, who have gone above and beyond, I’m hoping to be bringing the warp core back online by tomorrow morning and we should have the last of the repairs to the hull complete by tonight.

Hearing the last part was good, but Duncan was concerned about the former matter. “Who are the three civilians refusing to leave?”

“The McCallister boys.” Hunsen stated. “Tobias has them staying with him but with the captain still out…”

“…and Commander Reyas is currently undergoing therapy for her new spine.” Slyvexs added.

“The three of them don’t want to leave the ship.” Hunsen finished.

Understanding why they want to be close to their parents, Duncan considered his options for a second. For a second he considered allowing them to stay, but if anything happened to them then it would be on his shoulders to answer that to the captain and the commander. “No, they go to the Starfleet base on Haydorian like everyone else. I’m sure they’re best friends with Commander Cambil’s sons. Can you speak with her husband, Naprem, see if they can stay with him?”

“Leave it with me.” Slyvexs answered.

“Anything else?” Duncan asked.

Both officers shook their heads.

“Good, our teams are conducting the last of our searches for the remaining D’Ghor, hopefully we’ll be home soon. Keep me apprised of any other changes or news.

“Will do Max.” Hunsen stated.

Aquarius out.” Duncan said and he tapped the console to close the channel. Taking a breath, he then tapped his combadge and called for T’Rani to join him. Fortunately for him, this was one area of his expertise as a trained counsellor that he knew he could deal with in an appropriate and sensitive manner.

Sto-vo-kor Beckons

Oakhanger Rover, Hendor, Haydorian System, Archanis Sector, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 76335.72

Concentrating on his driving, Lieutenant Commander Lenjir every so often kept on referring to his sensor feedback from the Oakhanger and Invicta, which were flying above him higher up in the sky. After detecting fires that they believed were being created by the Hunters of D’Ghor, it had been decided to launch a combined sky and ground assault. Next to him in the passenger seat was Ensign Thoraq, the Bolian weapon specialist that served in Odyssey’s hazard team.

“Sir, I think we should consider moving along the riverbank.” Thoraq suggested, pointing to the map that was displayed on the screen in the centre of the dashboard.

The Oakhanger’s ground truck (or rover as they referred to it) was like every other standard Starfleet all-terrain vehicle. It was quick, nimble and armed with a forward and aft phaser cannon. Since their first use in the late 2370s, they had been upgraded to include shields to help protect their occupiers. The one on the Oakhanger had become a special project for the hazard team along with Lieutenant Commander Lenjir. He had spent the last year or so making improvements, including adding further gadgets to it and making sure it was not like every other one in use across the fleet. He had hated the fact it had no proper body like every other ground based vehicle. So with the help from Commander Hunsen, they had added further body armour and windows to it.

Agreeing with the Bolian’s suggestion, Lenjir drove towards the river they could see and followed its course. Approaching, what they believed was the D’Ghor base camp, brought them into the evening on the moon. The Haydorian sun was in the far distance as it set and the huge gas giant that it orbited, Haydorian IX, could be seen peeking through the atmosphere.

Before Lenjir could react in time the rover was hit by two green bolts of energy coming from a hilltop position. Spinning the wheel to his left, he noticed that their targets were ahead as more fire was directed towards them. “Lenjir to all ships, targets spotted ahead of us.” He said after activating the communications channel. He then looked to Thoraq, “Arm the phaser cannon and return fire!”

“Aye sir.” Thoraq said as he pressed several buttons and the forward phaser cannon popped out of the centre of the rover’s hood. He started firing back at where the disruptor fire was coming from.

While they engaged the Hunters, Lenjir attempted to avoid the fire being rained on them as he pushed the rover to its limits through an impressive amount of skids. The force against the ground created dust clouds, causing issues for the Hunters to fire at them.

One direct fire from the rover’s cannon took out one target while the other continued with their fire. At that point a Klingon shuttle started to rise from behind a ridge. Its forward lights came on and illuminated the rover and it started to open fire too.

“Shields down to forty-seven percent!” Thoraq announced as they took several hits from the shuttle and the other assailant.

Above them the Invicta and Oakhanger came in and opened fire on the shuttle with their phasers. Scoring multiple hits, it forced the shuttle to crash land back where it had lifted off from. This was followed by the Invicta firing a spread of photonic missiles at the last remaining D’Ghor who had fired upon the rover first. Once the dust was settled, the remains of the battle scene were apparent.

Moments later, both support craft had landed and were searching for any survivors for the crash.

Lieutenant Commander Lukiz Jen, with a phaser rifle in one hand and a tricorder in the other, was searching through the remains with his team when Lenjir called out for him.

“Lukiz, over here!” The Tiburon security chief said.

Approaching his friend, he found him pushing up some hull pieces that had landed on a Klingon woman in full D’Ghor battlegear. Her armour was pierced and her blood was everywhere. She was finding it difficult to breath but had energy in her to give her enemies a disgusted look.

Kneeling by her while he scanned her, Jen saw that she was close to death. They could get her back to the Aquarius but it was likely she may die before they got her to their sickbay in time. “I’m Lieutenant Commander Lukiz Jen of the U-S-S Odyssey. The ship that your comrades rammed after you fled. Your foolish attempts to hide in the Haydorian system has come to an end, your use of veridum patches has let you down.”

“I am Commander Shaniath, daughter of Jorpemk, sister of Captain Kargarth and first mate of the Druvanna,” she spat out as blood came from her mouth as she coughed. “We damaged your mighty ship…our foolish attempts to hide were not as foolish as you think Trill.” More coughing as she tried to grab on to much needed air. “We lit the way for our brothers and sisters to find what is here with our patches…” She coughed once more and then started to lose her fight against survival in front of the Starfleet team. Her final words were muttered with her last breath, “The House of D’Ghor will rise…”

USS Odyssey

Slowly but surely he opened his eyes and squinted at the bright light above him. Several more flutters of his eyelids and soon he realised where he was. Sickbay. Breathing in once, twice and then for the third time, he felt the energy to his muscles start to return. Pushing up carefully and gradually, he looked around and was pleased to see a familiar face approach him.

Walking across her sickbay, Doctor Slyvexs smiled as she approached her patient. Pleased to see an unexpected recovery, she took out her medical tricorder and greeted them.

“Welcome back captain.”

James Preston McCallister, sat up and felt numerous aches and pains across his body. Ignoring them all he simply asked one word towards his chief medical officer. “Report?”

Slyvexs went on to inform her captain what he had missed.

A Victory Party & A Briefing

USS Odyssey NCC-80000, Haydorian System, Archanis Sector, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 76336.3

The gentle hiss followed by the soft bump noise indicated that the Aquarius was finally docked back in its aft compartment of the Odyssey. Separating with another calm hiss, the airlock unlocked and allowed for Commander Duncan to step through, followed by the crew he had taken. A round of applause and cheers erupted in the docking port as the group entered. Standing in the centre of the room, with Commander Hunsen and Doctor Slyvexs was Captain McCallister. The captain was joining in with the rest of his crew applauding Duncan and those he led. Still not looking one-hundred percent, the captain stepped forward to offer his congratulations to his counsellor with a firm handshake.

“Welcome home and congratulations Max.” McCallister said with a proud smile on his face. He looked tired and the colour in his face hadn’t completely returned, but thanks to Slyvexs’ amazing treatment he was back in his uniform and standing before them.

Surprised but happy to see his commanding officer off from the bio-bed where he last left him, Duncan shook McCallister’s hand in return. “Thank you sir, but you didn’t need the cheerleading squad for our return.”

“Absolutely not, from what I’ve heard the teams from Odyssey and Endeavour have done a fantastic job.” McCallister answered back. “You’ve not only saved our ship, our crew but rid an enemy from our own backyard. That’s an impressive feat. I’ll be placing commendations in your service record.”

“I appreciate it sir, but it was a team effort.” Duncan said, he looked over his shoulder and saw T’Rani quietly exiting with Doctor Slyvexs. It was obvious she was taking T’Rani to go and see her husband’s body.

Commander Hunsen stepped forward and congratulated his friend with a pat on the shoulder. “Well done Max.”

“Thanks Tremt.” He said back to the chief engineer. “I take it the Odyssey is almost repaired?”

Nodding in answer, Hunsen gave him a brief update. “We no longer have a massive hole in our side and a majority of systems are back up and running. Those left are undergoing final diagnostics along with a few tweaks here and there.”

Looking back to his captain, “I take it you’ve been fit to return to duty then sir?”

“Absolutely and I hear that a certain fleet emergency program was used in my absence?” McCallister jovially questioned.

“Ah yes.” Duncan said with a slight smirk. “I take it you want the ship back?”

“Indeed.” McCallister affirmed. “If Acting Captain Duncan is happy to transfer command codes.”

“Computer, this is Acting Captain Max Duncan. Deactivate Emergency Fleet Access Program Alpha-One-Alpha  authorisation Duncan-four-seven-delta-romeo.” Duncan said allowed.

“Voice authorisation confirmed.” The computer replied. “Command codes have been transferred to Captain James Preston McCallister.”

McCallister smirked as power was transferred back to him. “Computer this is Captain James Preston McCallister, reporting for duty and resuming command of the U-S-S Odyssey, authorisation McCallister-one-four-alpha-tango.”

“Voice authorisation confirmed.” The computer replied. “This ship is now under the command of Captain James Preston McCallister.”

“I relieve you Commander Duncan.” McCallister said, shaking his counsellor’s hand again.

Shaking it again, Duncan smiled at the bittersweet moment. “I stand relieved sir.”

Looking around at the room, McCallister ordered everyone to be dismissed but kept both Max and Tremt nearby. “Max, I’m still not one-hundred percent and with both Karyn and Bexa both still in sickbay, I’m going to be needing a first officer. Seeing as you’ve dealt with most of what has happened recently, I’d be foolish not to have you by my side. Do you mind?”

“I’ll be honoured to do so sir.” Duncan smiled with appreciation of the captain recognising his efforts.

“Good.” McCallister said, pleased with the response. “Tremt has got me up to date with the repairs but I believe Captain Bennet wishes to discuss with us and others in the system our next game move.” McCallister indicated for them to depart from the large room.

As they entered the corridor, Duncan looked at his comrades. “Is the array finally online?”

Hunsen confirmed that. “Discovery and Shackleton finished the assembly about an hour ago. Along with that we’ve had other ships from the task force arrive to provide further support. They’re all at the moment deploying the weapon platforms that will protect the array.”

Making their way into a turbolift, the captain ordered for their cart to take them up to deck one – the bridge. “Any more problems with Governor Thelis?”

Shrugging his shoulders, the captain now answered. “I’m assuming Captain Bennet is in discussions with him and will update us shortly.”

The turbolift, being so fast, soon arrived at the bridge. Stepping out onto the bridge the three men were greeted with more formality as Senior Chief Petty Officer Court rose from the captain’s chair and announced their entrance, “Captain on the bridge!”

“As you are.” McCallister said, as he slowly made his way over to where Court was. “Report Tobias.” He ordered as he took his chair.

“All of our shuttles and runabouts have returned to us. Their crews are currently being checked over by sickbay before being allowed to return to duty.” Court shared. “The dockmaster has also given us permission to disembark.”

“I’m sure the governor would be happy to see us leave his dry-docks.” Duncan remarked as he took the chair that Commander Cambil normally sat in.

Court took the seat that Duncan would have to the captain’s left. “I’m not so sure that sentiment is shared with the engineers and crews from both shipyards.”

“What makes you say that Tobi?” Duncan asked.

“Let’s just say I had a chance to speak to a number of them, including the yard’s lead engineer and I don’t think the governor is as popular as we originally imagined.” Court stated.

“Well let’s leave Haydorian politics to the people of Haydorian.” McCallister said. He looked down at the helm and felt it was different not seeing T’Rani at the controls. Instead Lieutenant Jimes Goran, the Zaldan man who was T’Rani’s deputy, sat at the helm instead. Looking beyond his huge muscular and broad shoulders, the captain could see his webbed fingers ready to go.

“Lieutenant Goran, take us out of the dry-docks so we can rendezvous with the Discovery.” McCallister ordered.

Goran nodded and replied with an ‘aye sir’. The mighty Odyssey pushed itself through the docks orbiting Haydorian and was released from the constraints of the shipyard.

“We are clear sir of the Haydorian docks.” announced Goran. “Course laid into the Discovery.”

“Ahead full impulse.” McCallister commanded as he placed both hands on either arm of his chair. “Engage!”

USS Discovery

Even though they could have all met via the use of holographic communication, Captain Bennet had insisted on everyone meeting in-person on his ship to discuss their upcoming situation. Sat around the large circular table in Discovery’s conference room were all of the captains that Bennet was currently working with. Discovery’s conference room was almost square-shaped in size with a set of three ceiling to floor windows set on an inwards curve looking out at the ship’s aft portfolio. The colour scheme of dark blues and reds ran through the decor, as one wall held the small golden models of the various past ships named Discovery hanging in glass cabinets. While on the opposite wall hung a huge monitor screen with various smaller ones around it. A wide console sat underneath, allowing for anyone to access the ship’s computer and input data into whatever they were presenting. A few plants dotted around the edge along with an impressive painting of the current Discovery was on display.

Captain McCallister and Commander Duncan were the last officers to arrive, seeing as the former had just recovered from his encounter with the Hunters and his counsellor had to assume command, it seemed appropriate for both men to be in attendance. As they took their seats, Commander Duncan smirked at his mother who was sitting on the opposite side to where he was and she returned a similar gesture. Once everyone had quieten down, Bennet spoke up.

Sat at the head of the table, which was a spot that had the inward curved windows behind it, the task force leader spoke up. “Ladies and Gentlemen, since our first gathering I am pleased to report that the Archanis Array is now fully functional and the rest of the detection grid along the border is working. Already we’ve been able to divert civilian traffic away from potential enemy ships approaching them and some ships from Task Group Twenty Seven have been able to remove others who have launched attempted incursions into Federation territory. However we have received some disturbing reports of a much larger D’Ghor force heading into the sector.” Pausing he looked over to the commanding officer of the Endeavour, “I’m going to hand over this next part of the briefing to Captain Rourke from the Endeavour to share what we have been informed and what his crew has discovered.”

Rourke stood, and picked up his PADD so he could flick his records of the sector movements to the conference room’s main display. “My Strategic Operations Officer has been monitoring reports from Admiral Beckett’s office. The long and short of it is that a D’Ghor force was picked up heading for Legera as part of the anticipated pending assault. When that force was next detected, it was much smaller in size.”

He tapped the PADD again, bringing the display zooming into the proximity of the Haydorian system. “If the analysis of sensor telemetry from a nearby civilian ship is correct – and I trust Lieutenant Dathan’s professional judgement, she was Admiral Beckett’s strategic advisor for a year – then what broke off from that force headed for Legera is heading here. Obviously they’re travelling in cloak, so our detection is imperfect, and it’s hard to know their numbers for sure. We initially anticipated at least a half-dozen Birds-of-Prey, but my Chief Science Officer actually suggests doubling that. Which could be fewer but larger ships. We expect the Array is their priority, or they’ll struggle to make further advances into Federation territory even if they prevail at Taldir, Archanis, and Legera.”

Listening to the captain’s information, it was clear that their efforts in the Haydorian system were far from over. Captain Nicola Duncan, the skipper of the Tereshkova, was the first one to speak up after Rourke’s presentation. “So I take it we’re not leaving here anytime soon?” She asked rhetorically. “Do we have any educated guesses on what else they may try to attack, besides the array?”

Bennet shook his head. “Not concrete enough to be certain but our best guesses are the Haydorian docks as well.”

Commander Duncan flashed a look to Captain McCallister before speaking up. “Is Governor Thelis aware?”

“He is.” Bennet answered. “He has agreed to spare the two Andorian Imperial Guard ships to help us in defending the system. They will be positioned close to the docks.”

“If anything we’ve seen from the Hunters, they are persistent in their objectives.” stated Captain Corbin of the Shackleton. The Betazoid captain scratched the stubble under his chin as he carried on talking. “Can we expect any back-up arriving?”

“Only one more ship, the U-S-S Ni’Var.” Bennet replied.

“The Ni’Var?” Canção repeated. “She’s an Akira-class and an all Vulcan crew if memory serves me correctly. In fact I know Captain S’Tella well but is she bringing a squadron of fighters with her or shuttles?”

Bennet had already spoken to the Vulcan woman earlier that day. “The former.” He knew hearing that a small squadron of Starfleet’s finest pilots would help. “She’s got a full complement of Valkyrie-class fighters.”

McCallister looked over to Rourke. “Captain, are we aware of any other moves by the D’Ghor? We know from Odyssey’s teams those Hunters they encountered it was mentioned more than once they were showing their brothers and sisters where to target.”

“That seems likely,” Rourke confirmed. “The good news is that most of those dispersed D’Ghor teams have been targeted and eradicated, though there is the possibility their radio transmissions will be intercepted by the strike force. It seems they were looking for weakly-defended sites which could be struck for maximum carnage: surface settlements, mining stations. Those in proximity to the Array and in the system core have, to the best of our knowledge, been found and destroyed. However.” He drew a deep breath. “At-risk locations on the system periphery are more likely to have a D’Ghor team in position, able to bring strike force ships to them and maybe even help an assault. My expectation is that though the Array will be their priority, some of their ships will try to hit these isolated civilian targets, some of them hours away from each other even at full impulse.”

Rourke shrugged as the scope of the danger became apparent. “It’s as brutal a plan as you’re afraid: They’ll hope to spread out our defences, draw them away from the Array, and punish us with the slaughter of civilians if we hold our ground.”

Speaking for the first time since the meeting started, Captain Thrian agreed with Rourke’s words. “Even with Haydorian’s planetary shielding, its ground-based weapons as well as the few weapon platforms it has in orbit, I hate to agree with Captain Rourke’s horrendous assessment but I think we are going to have a slaughter on our hands.” Pausing for a second, the Andorian shared his thoughts on the matter. “I hate to say it, but I think the array is our priority.”

“I agree with Thrain.” Canção supported with. “That said there must be a way in which we can have our cake and eat it too.”

“We can’t leave the system undefended.” Commander Duncan argued back, bewildered he was hearing this from two of Starfleet’s finest captains. “If we did that then we may find ourselves dealing with Haydorian seceding from the Federation, hell even the whole Andorian Empire. It’d be a political disaster!”

McCallister rubbed his beard, “Then we need to split our forces. I suggest we keep the OdysseyTritonDiscovery and the Nobel with the array. While the Ni’Var and the pair of Andorian ships protect the main colony which would include the dry-docks. That leaves the ShackletonTereshkova and Endeavour to chase after other targets who attempt to go after other locations across the system.”

“That might work. We could separate both the Odyssey and Nobel – increase the amount of ships we have.” suggested Thrian. “Along with that we have a number of capable runabouts that if they were grouped into threes could help out further.”

“Do we have time to build and create any more weapon platforms?” Captain Duncan asked as she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “I mean doesn’t the Nobel carry an entire corps of engineers?”

Thrain spoke up, “We do but we may not have enough time. We could probably make and deploy a dozen if we’re lucky. However they will only be armed with pulse phaser cannons.”

“Then I suggest they try it, as another twelve platforms shooting even with just phasers would be enough to help protect the docks.” Captain Duncan advised. She looked at Bennet, “If we want to avoid a political fallout from Governor Thelis and the Andorian government then showing we tried to help with defence of their docks may go a long way.”

“Agreed.” Bennet said. He looked at Rourke, “Captain, how long do we actually have before they arrive?”

Rourke grimaced and shook his head. “It’s hard to be sure, but my Strategic Operations Officer suggests we have a minimum of thirty hours.”

“Right then we need to get moving. We’ll go ahead with what Captain McCallister suggested. I’ll advise Starfleet and see if there are any other ships that could spare.” Bennet said.

Before he had a chance to finish Captain Corbin interrupted him. “Sir, what does worry me is that even if we prevail here there are still three larger targets that may need us to help out.”

Nodding in agreement with his friend’s statement, Bennet responded. “If, as you say, we prevail here, then I will speak with Starfleet to see if it is worth some of us leaving the system to help out. Any questions or anything else?”

Rourke drew a tense breath. “For those of you who haven’t had direct action against the D’Ghor yet, I’ll make the combat protocols I’ve established on Endeavour available. Get them to your Chiefs of Security and see what’s useful for protecting against boarding parties. The Hunters have strained and exploited standard Starfleet procedure.”

“Oh I cannot wait for them to try it. I think we can just be as ruthless as them. A bit of poetic justice perhaps?” Canção commented with a mischievous tone. “Thank you Captain Rourke.”

Not completing agreeing with what the El-Aurian had said, Bennet flinched slightly at the end of Starfleet officers having to take action that was beyond the normal procedures. That said he knew the Hunters of D’Ghor had proven they were not the normal Klingon warriors. “Right everyone, thank you for your time. Dismissed.” Bennet said, ending the meeting.

Battle Prep

USS Odyssey NCC-80000, Haydorian System, Archanis Sector, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 76336.3

Splashing his face with pure cold water, Captain James Preston McCallister looked at his reflection in the mirror and pulled the towel off its holding bar to dab his face. The door chime to his ready room went off. “Come.” He responded as he placed the towel back into its original place.

Turning around, the captain was pleased to see his acting first officer stepping through the doorway. “Sir,” Commander Max Duncan said passing a PADD over to his superior, “The fleet is in position.”

Taking the PADD after entering the main area of his ready room, McCallister took a quick glimpse over its contents. “And T’Rani is sure she is happy to command the Aquarius?”

“She assures me she is able to fulfil her duties, even with the death of her husband.” Duncan confirmed with a single nod. “She needs to feel useful sir and nothing will stand in her way. The runabouts are all launched too.”

“Good.” McCallister remarked as he gently dropped the PADD onto his desk, “Let’s hope our numbers make a dif-”

The captain didn’t have a chance to finish his sentence as he was interrupted by the intercom going off. “Bridge to Captain McCallister.” The voice belonged to Lieutenant Commander Jen, who Duncan had left in charge while he delivered the report.

“Go ahead.” McCallister replied after tapping his combadge.

“We’ve just detected the arrival of the D’Ghor fleet. Multiple bogeys sir, a number of smaller crafts are being launched towards the colony as well.”  

McCallister looked at Duncan and the two men instantly left the confines of the captain’s ready room and made their way onto the bridge.

Making his way over to his chair in the centre, while Duncan took the one to his right, the captain spoke up. “Commander Jen, put Starfleet frequency two-one-three-eight on audio.”

The Trill operations officer complied with an “Aye, sir” as he sat back down in his own chair and quickly tapped away at the controls at the ops station.

Being already at red alert, the ship was ready for the upcoming action, so hearing the joint channel they would use to remain in touch with another may be a distraction later, but right now McCallister felt like he needed to hear everything.

“Fighter squadrons one and seven break into sections and engage. All other squadrons form up around the Ni’Var. ” The cool, calm and collected voice of Captain S’Tella could be heard over the bridge speakers. The Vulcan captain of the USS Ni’Var was redeploying her forces to engage the range of smaller Klingon ships that were being detected dotted in and around the system.

Following S’Tella’s voice was Captain Zack Marshall-Bennet. The task force commander was stern and the his tone shared his conviction that they would hold the line against the D’Ghor. Discovery to Endeavour. Standby to engage at grid A-seventy-two. Shackleton and Tereshkova, fall back to mobile position one. Units assume positions and fire at will. ” 

The hairs on the back of Captain McCallister’s neck raised as contact was made with the Klingon force. The Hunters of D’Ghor were now coming into their weapon’s range.

“Sir, they’ve locked weapons on us.” announced Lieutenant Commander Lenjir from the tactical station behind him. The Tiburon security and tactical chief sounded almost alarmed.

“All auxiliary power to forward shields.” McCallister commanded before looking down at the helm at Lieutenant Senju Efen. The Bajoran assistant flight control officer was already making his final adjustments, preparing for the captain’s orders to engage. “Lieutenant Senju, attack pattern Delta.”

“Aye, sir.” The young Bajoran man said as he pushed the Odyssey’s engines to three quarters and began raising the ship’s profile.

McCallister cleared his throat before handing out more commands. “Mister Lenjir, quantum torpedoes. Full spread.”

“Target locked!”


The Odyssey’s forward turret came to life as it fired a full spread towards one of the battlecruisers. Brilliant white and cobalt blue, the impressive weapons flew across space within a blink of an eye and smacked at the side of the old K’t’inga. The pressure was too much for the Klingon’s defences as after the first five torpedoes the sixth, seventh and eighth torpedoes ripped through its shields causing its port nacelle to fly off. Another spread of torpedoes, this time photon torpedoes from the Nobel smacked on the underbelly of the battlecruisers. It’s reactor was hit and within seconds the ship exploded into a million pieces.

“Second target locked.” Lenjir announced.

“Fire!” McCallister said.

This time the Odyssey’s powerful phaser arrays came to life as they smacked multiple direct hits onto two B’rel-class birds of prey. One couldn’t deal with the heavy fire while the second had its forward section sliced off.

A Vor’cha then decloaked…



USS Discovery

“I’ll give the Hunters of D’Ghor one thing,” Tarendiz stated through gritted teeth. “They know how to keep us on our toes.”

“Stay with them, lieutenant.” Bennet commanded his Risian pilot, holding onto his arms as the Discovery continued to shake from the multiple hits it was taking. “Michael, do you have them?”

Shaking his head in frustration, Lieutenant Commander Michael Johnson shook his head. “I’m unable to get a proper lock on this K’Vort sir. They’re running their impulse engines and thrusters on high.”

An explosion erupted behind them at one of the mission ops stations, the one designated for damage control. The crewmember there fell back with a scream as their body thumped on to the deck plating. Without issuing any order, Bennet’s first officer raced from his chair to see to the downed crewmember. After ordering for him to be beamed to sickbay, Rider took over at the damaged station with haste. “We’ve got two birds of preys coming aft of us, bearing one three six mark four.” He announced. “They fired a volley of torpedoes and have taken aft shields down to seventy-two percent.”

“Evasive action, pattern Delta.” Bennet ordered. “Continue to keep us close to the array though.”

The Discovery flew on its axis spinning backwards as it avoided the pair of smaller ships before finding it behind them. Looping the loop helped as within seconds they were able to destroy both ships.

“Well done.” Bennet said as the Klingon ships exploded in front of them.

“But I lost the K’Vort ship we were after.” Tarendiz admitted.

Bennet smirked at her remark. “I wouldn’t be too worried about it. There are plenty more to choose from.”

“There certainly is sir! A Vor’cha has just decloaked off the side of the Odyssey.” Johnson announced.



USS Triton

“Computer, activate the Emergency Medical Holographic program.” Captain Rio Canção ordered as her first officer landed on the deck plating with a thud. Rushing to her side, the El-Aurian had already picked up a medical kit on her way to Commander Jennifer Coulson.

Fizzing into life, one of Triton’s EMHs appeared and spoke its usual greeting protocol. “Please state the nature of the medical-” pausing the hologram, which resembled the Mark I EMH from thirty years ago, shrugged his shoulders before continuing. “Don’t bother.” He said as he made his way over to where the captain was. Taking over the treatment of the commander, the EMH allowed the captain to resume her orders.

“Status?” She asked her Caitian tactical officer.

Lieutenant M’riraar looked down at her console. “That bird of prey was destroyed quickly, but our shields are down to forty seven percent.” There was another beep at her console and the Caitian looked at the readings. “Ma’am, a Vor’cha has just decloaked besides the Odyssey.”

“Get a weapon’s lock and fire at will M’riraar.” Canção commanded as she sat herself back down in her chair.



USS Nobel – Stardrive section

On the battle bridge of the Nobel, Captain Thrain felt calm amid the terrible storm around him. Keeping one eye on the readouts of the status of the Nobel’s saucer section and another on their tactical situation, the Andorian was keen to keep the Klingons away from the array. Their four runabouts were staying close to the saucer section, keeping the Klingons away from them, while the stardrive focussed on defending the array. His first officer, Commander Jezgo, was definitely fulfilling her duties. The Saurian woman knew how to keep anyone on their toes.

Lieutenant Xer Rofull, the gruff Tellarite at tactical, quickly announced the readings at his station. “Sir, Klingon two ships approaching, bearing zero five nine mark zero three one. They’re heading for the array.”

“Then let’s not keep them waiting, Mister Rofull. Fire at will!” Thrain commanded.

The forward torpedo launcher from the Nobel came to life as photon torpedo after another flew at their targets, splitting into six and smashing into their forward shields. Barrage of phaser fire followed and more torpedoes. The small bird of prey that took most of the attack exploded into flames while the other continued with its assault.

“I want that Klingon ship destroyed, now!” Thrain commanded.

“We’ve got more problems, sir. More ships are decloaking and one of them is a Vor’cha and it’s targeting the Odyssey.” shared Rofull.



USS Aquarius 

Not giving it one second to think of, Lieutenant Commander T’Rani adjusted the controls of the Aquarius to head straight for the newcomer. Even though she was commanding the smaller escort ship, she felt she had to be at the helm during this pivotal battle. It was the logical choice. Pushing the ship’s engines to maximum she ordered for them to change target and to fire their pulse phaser cannons at the Vor’cha that was endangering their mothership. She would not allow them to compromise the Odyssey ever again.



USS Odyssey

“Full rotation to port,” ordered Commander Duncan the moment the warning was given. “Fire all ventral phasers!”

Spinning to its left side, the Odyssey escaped the clutches of the attack cruiser as it opened fire but it too was hit from multiple angles. The Starfleet armada quickly turned their attention to the newcomer. Not giving it a chance to properly defend itself, the Vor’cha was scorned from all angles and eventually several torpedoes from the Triton took out its starboard nacelle causing the ship to drift away from the battle.

“I don’t want to see anything of that ship left.” McCallister ordered his tactical officer. “Fire aft torpedoes!”

Lenjir compiled as he fired a full spread of quantum torpedoes from the Odyssey’s rear turret. The eight torpedoes rammed into the already damaged section of the dirty green enemy vessel, causing it to be destroyed within seconds.

“Status on the array?” Duncan asked the young Hekaran male that sat at the science station. He was sitting in for Commander Reyas and the deputy science officer, who was with T’Rani on the Aquarius.

Ensign Ranal looked over to the counsellor-turned-first officer. “It’s shields are holding at ninety-three percent and the orbital platforms are doing their job. We’ve not lost a single one.”

“Let’s hope it remains that way!” Jen remarked.

“And what about the other ships?” McCallister wondered aloud. “Endeavour, Shackleton, Tereshkova?”

Duncan looked down at his console. “All of them are engaging targets across the system.”

“Keep an eye on them, the moment we need to send help we will separate the chevron and stardrive section.” McCallister stated as the ship rocked again from more weapons fire and it engaged the next Klingon target.

Before McCallister could hand out another order, Senior Chief Petty Officer Court spoke up from the chair to his left. “Captain, we’ve got an incoming message from Andoria. The Imperial Guard are sending ships to Haydorian. Sixteen starships, led by the Vol’Rala. They’ll be here in fifteen minutes.”

The news of reinforcements was a welcome one as McCallister smirked. “The timing couldn’t be better. This is our chance to punch back. All weapons continuously fire at will!”

Odyssey, along with every other Starfleet ship formed up together to engage and remove the threat of the Hunters of D’Ghor from the Haydorian system for the last time.