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Since our last report, we’ve faced off against smugglers, pirates, and the many hidden threats lurking within the Federation’s underbelly. Our...
Greetings Bravo Fleet! Just a quick announcement from the Office of the Chief of Staff to update you all on a few things. OCS Policy Bravo...
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Task Force 17
Deep Space Operations
Task Force 21
Frontier Operations
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Pathfinding Operations
Task Force 72
Diplomatic Operations
Task Force 86
Border Operations
Task Force 93
Humanitarian Operations
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Task Force 93 Report #1
Since our last report, we’ve faced off against smugglers, pirates, and the many hidden threats lurking within the Federation’s underbelly. Our brave adventurers met each challenge head-on, demonstrating resilience and skill throughout the intense Devil to Pay campaign—earning a well-deserved respite after their hard-fought victories. But as one chapter closes, another begins, and Task Force […]
Callen Varro
Task Force 93 – Report #5
Since our last report back in July and the completion of The Labyrinth Fleet Action, some exciting changes have occurred over the previous few months. Task Force Updates There have been some changes with the Task Force Senior Staff. Fleet Captain Brodie Lewis, or as others know him as Darth on Discord, has stepped down […]
Imya Jori
Task Force 93 – Report #4
Now that Phase 2 of our Fleet Action is underway, Task Force 93 is happy to present the latest updates from those who provide humanitarian support to Starfleet’s greater good. Task Force Updates The members of Task Force 93 have enjoyed the new prestige system, and many of our members have updated their squadrons/divisions to […]
Task Force 93 Report #3
Continuing Support Over the last few months since the end of the Lost Fleet invasion, the Verity had assisted many affected by the Dominion within the Deneb sector. The Verity was currently at the Pesak Repair Yards after spending the last week assisting the repair yards with repairs and supplies, things were beginning to wrap […]
ReportsTask Force 93
Operations Office Report #31.1 – Staffing Update – New TF93XO
Hello Bravo Fleet! This is a quick update from the Operations Office: we have a new TFXO since my last report. I am happy to announce that Fleet Captain Brodie Lewis, aka Darth on Discord, will join Task Force 93 as its new Executive Officer. Darth has previously held numerous other staffing roles, including being […]
Operations OfficeTask Force 93
Luke Duncan
New Task Force 93 Executive Officer
A few days ago, Garrett decided to step down as Task Force 93 Executive Officer due to time constraints. We thank him for his time and wish him all the best now he has returned to Task Force 72. In the meantime, I am happy to announce that Heidi, aka Captain Dal Jayce, will return […]
Task Force 93 Report #2
Lending Assistance With the invasion over, the Dominion had surrendered and was back within the Gamma Quadrant, with the renegade Changeling and Borg plot coming to light during Frontier Day now behind them. Officers were still processing what had happened, and younger officers who were affected by the Jupiter Signal were undergoing counseling to help […]
A few days ago, Commander Taylor Shakespeare (aka abrasam) stepped down as Task Force 93’s Executive Officer due to real-life matters. His tenure in this role for the past five months has been exceptional, and we thank him for his time, dedication and service. We hope one day we will be able to have him […]
Zack Marshall-Bennet
New Task Force Executive Officers
After our last update regarding our Operations Staff, we are happy to announce that we have three new Task Force Executive Officers joining Bravo Fleet Command today. First off, we want to thank everyone who applied. Picking the right three people for these three positions created an interesting discussion among the selection panel, however, we […]
Operations OfficeTask Force 72Task Force 86Task Force 93
Operations Staff Update
New Task Force 86 Commanding Officer It is with great pleasure we announce that as of today, Commander Ryoko Takato has assumed full responsibility as Task Force 86 Commanding Officer! A big congratulations to RaWolfe on this appointment. He has shown over the last month and a half consistency in his dedication and hard work […]
Just wanted to say Happy New Year to all of our members in Task Force 93, things have been busy since our last report back in October 2022. It was great to see that quite a few members got involved in the most recent Blood Dilithium Campaign. I can’t wait to see what this year […]
Task Force 93 Priority Mission
“The Terrellian Crisis” The command-and-control center of the Odyssey-class USS Verity was the central hub of activity for the task force staff. The recently promoted Commodore Imya Jori was standing near the window of the observation lounge holding a cup of coffee in her hand. The Verity was currently stationed near the old Romulan Neutral […]