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The Engineering Office did some baking over the holidays. Last month, we updated how gaming works in BFMS v3.3, and today, we are pleased to announce...
Dear Bravo Fleet, I’m thrilled to announce that this round brought an abundance of applicants, resulting in some fantastic changes and new...
Fiction Writing
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Roleplaying Games
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Writing Sandboxes
Write with the rest of the fleet in one of our collaborative writing sandboxes, open to all members!
Task Force 17
Deep Space Operations
Task Force 21
Frontier Operations
Task Force 47
Pathfinding Operations
Task Force 72
Diplomatic Operations
Task Force 86
Border Operations
Task Force 93
Humanitarian Operations
Read the latest announcements from our staff about upcoming events, updates on our community, and more!
Task Force 47 July 2022 Report
Story excerpt The benefit to having USS Nobel as Task Force 47’s flagship, a now Fleet Captain Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik thought to herself, was that the ship’s expansive facilities accommodated the option and capacity for flag offices far more comfortably than any other ship in the current Starfleet inventory outside of the Odyssey-class ships, in her […]
Fleet CommandReportsTask Force 47Task Forces
Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik
Task Force 47 April Report
“New kids on the block” The office for the task force commander of the newly minted Task Force 47 was just as new as the rest of the newly constructed space station Deep Space 47, save for while chaos reigned supreme elsewhere within the station, within these walls was an ocean of calm tranquillity. The […]
A New Task Force Rises!
Hello, members of Bravo Fleet! In past reports, I’ve talked about growth and where I see the fleet being a few years down the road. I’ve talked about expectations for leadership, what we can provide to you, etc. Part of those expectations I have also include Task Force staff are not feeling overloaded and burnt […]
Fleet CommandOperations OfficeTask Force 47Task Forces
Teylas Ramar