Check out our latest Fleet Action!


We Are the Borg: Results

December 15, 2023

Overall Statistics

Total Entries
Unique Participants
Avg. Entries per Participant
Words Written

Overall Winners – Members

Task Force Leaderboard

213 total entries
16 unique participants
13.3 entries per participant
Total Score: 1493.75
154 total entries
8 unique participants
19.3 entries per participant
Total Score: 1160.25
127 total entries
10 unique participants
12.7 entries per participant
Total Score: 926.5
112 total entries
13 unique participants
8.6 entries per participant
Total Score: 808.75
79 total entries
7 unique participants
11.3 entries per participant
Total Score: 549.5

Competition Winners – Event Wide

Competition Winners – Phase 1

Competition Winners – Phase 2

Competition Winners – Phase 3

Quick Hits

  • We Are the Borg was, statistically, a success on par with The Lost Fleet. There was a lot of apprehension of burn out as we approached the end of the Fleet Action and the end of 2023. We started with The Lost Fleet, which was planned in December of 2022 long before Season 2 of Picard had aired. Then we got thrown Frontier Day, which was a mini-event we were able to sneak in. And we had normal stuff going on like Priority Missions. 2023 was, by far, the busiest year for Bravo Fleet with events. I’m very happy to say we finished strong!
  • A huge congrats to McGig for again taking 1st overall!
  • We had quite a few disqualifications in this Fleet Action, unfortunately. Slowing down and reading what competitions are asking for is sometimes the key! This prevented anyone from fully completing 100% of the Fleet Action, although if you included the disqualifications (as we did in the stats above because they were submissions!) we would’ve had 4 people do 100% of the competitions which would have been a first!
  • Just a huge shout-out to everyone who participated. We had 54 unique participants! A huge shout out to 25 people who participated in We Are the Borg, but didn’t participate in The Lost Fleet. For many of them, this was their first Fleet Action and we hope not the last!
  • We saw lots of duty ribbons handed out for collaborative writing on Starbase Bravo and USS Columbia. Bravo Fleet is, at its core, a collaborative writing environment and it was great to see so many people take advantage of the environments we have created. Collaborative writing has certainly changed over the years in BF. Sims became RPGs over time. But also a lot of people had less and less time as they got older for the highly structured little pocket in the corner of the fleet that sims were. People have become more selective about who and where they collaboratively write with. We’re looking at more options for collaborative writing in the coming months with less formal “pick up” group writing in BFMS.
  • We Are the Borg was always intended to be a more deliberate, cerebral story in contrast with The Lost Fleet. I think the “slow down” in writing, comparatively, shows that. The stories people told were far more planned and targeted, compared to thousands of words of punching Jem’Hadar in the face. It is refreshing for us to switch it up and tell different types of stories each time!
  • The next official, fleet-wide event is already being planned. But fear not. We are planning to take a significant break to allow people to rest, recharge, get the creative juices flowing, and be ready. As of right now, we aren’t planning anything official until closer to the end of Q2 2024.

Staffing Change

Effective immediately, Fleet Admiral James Neidlinger (JonM) will be taking over as Bravo Fleet Engineering Officer. JonM has been serving as Task Force 47 CO for the past 4 months and through We Are the Borg. This has given him an insider view of “how the sausage is made” on BFMS since he last was caretaker for it. He has had extensive conversations with myself and others on Bravo Fleet Command about upgrades and updates we collectively want to make to BFMS to improve the product we’re providing to you, the membership.

I will let him get into details further in a forthcoming report. Similarly, I would expect a report from the Operations Office on his replacement in Task Force 47.

One last horray for another Fleet Action in the books!
