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Bravo Fleet Yearly, 4th Quarter, and December 2019 Awards!

January 19, 2020

Members of Bravo Fleet:

This weekend the BFA conducted the voting to determine the 4th Quarter 2019 and 2019 Yearly award winners for both sim and players in those respective categories. Without further delay, here are the winners:

Yearly Awards – 2019


Player of the Year (2019)

LCDR Nirak, USS Mercury (TF64)

“I am nominating Kyle (Lieutenant Commander Nirak) for player of the month. He has created so much backstory for our current mission, and is consistently involved in all matters of the sim. Not only that but he is also involved with the Bravo Fleet graphics team and has done some amazing work for our fellow players. He’s a real pleasure to have on my sim and in many ways, he’s the ying to my yang.”

Sim of the Year (2019)

USS Atlantis

“I am going to nominate the USS Atlantis this month, I have found their storyline to be quite interesting and a thrill to read, they have offered a good and unique premise for people to join and they keep things moving. It might not be at a super-pace but they move the storyline forward with brilliant writing and with great teamwork and collaboration. The few posts that I did read were all done by multiple members of the simulation and led to some great interactions and story writing from the crew. Their posts are very detailed and provide the reader with a whole lot more than just from point A to point B in the post and the mission, so well done!”

Quarterly Awards – 4Q 2019


Player of the Quarter (4Q2019)

LCDR Marcus Ryan, Endeavour (TF64)

“Scotty, who plays our First Officer Lieutenant Commander Marcus Ryan, has been incredible in keeping the sim going this past month. I am truly grateful for him while I’ve had to attend to personal family matters, I am so glad he joined us our First Officer!”

Sim of the Quarter (4Q2019)

USS Ochoa (TF64)

“The Ochoa’s hit the ground running in their first month as part of TF64. They’ve earned the respect (and nomination) of every other CO in the TF, and they’ve already begun shaping their slice of the Star Trek: Discovery timeline. We can’t wait to see where their first mission leads!”

Player of the Month (TF25)

MAJ Bayushi, Hawkeye Island

“I would like to Major Bayushi for player of the month. He has continued to provide quality posts.”

Sim of the Month (TF25)

USS Excalibur

“The USS Excalibur, while new, has had some excellent story progression, and has embraced the ideals of both the Task Force and the Federation. She is the game of the month for December 2019, and we’re all excited to see where it goes in the future.”

Post of the Month (TF25)

Expectations, USS Excalibur

“An excellent display of quality storytelling.”

Player of the Month (TF38)

CDRE Bahnstahl Tasker, Starbase 38

“Change can be difficult, but if you embrace it and figure out how you can be part of something new, you can do great things. Stacks has been really great with embracing the changes to TF38 canon and has developed a wonderful plan for Starbase 38, our Task Force Headquarters. He’s exceptionally creative, in terms both of the story and of some new mechanics we hadn’t thought about (such as sidequests and an achievement system), and we’re expecting great things from him.”

Sim of the Month (TF38)

USS Apollo

“In early November, the crew of the Diligent decided to change ships to the Apollo when Sumpter had to step back from the game for real-life reasons. In that time, the group has gone from 6 active players to 15 and has written over 43 posts, the majority of which are joint posts. The roster is diverse in terms of gender, sexuality, species, and race, with characters interacting in interesting and unique ways. There is also a great sense of community and a very active Discord for this sim.”

Post of the Month (TF38)

“Home is Where the Heart Is”, USS Ascension

“Security and Marine characters are notoriously difficult to write for at points in a mission where the ship isn’t involved in combat, so this post was a nice example of how these kinds of characters can interact during their day-to-day lives.”


Player of the Month (TF64)

LCDR August Saldivar, USS Ochoa

“I would like to nominate LK (August Saldivar) for our sim’s player of the month. LK is a balanced, fair and optimistic person who brings her many talents (and sense of humor) to Ochoa.”

Sim of the Month (TF64)

USS Augusta

Selected by the TFCO for SotM.

Player of the Month (TF72)

LT John Sandoval, USS Pandora

“I would like to nominate John Sandoval; he is easily one of the most active posters on the sim, and manages to create thorough and enjoyable posts time after time. He’s also a wonderful team player, always with a joint post or two or three in progress. He’s a talented writer and big contributor to the Pandora and we’re so lucky to have him onboard.”

Sim of the Month (TF72)

USS Magellan

Selected by the TFCO for SotM.


Player of the Month (TF93)

LT Keri Kelea, USS Atlantis

“This month, I’m proud to award Player of the Month to Keri Kelea! We were light on posts this month, but there were two that stood out: “Worn Down”, in which Keri must be ship’s counselor to our chief engineer, recently released from the brig following the bar fight and struggling with the alleged rape of his girlfriend; and “Instant Attraction”, in which her NPC confronts her alleged attacker, but is still somehow drawn to him. Keri has been a steadfast member of the team since Atlantis first launched a year ago, and it’s been a delight to write with her all this time.”

Sim of the Month (TF93)

USS Shanghai

“USS Shanghai remains an active and interesting simm whose content I still enjoy reading every month. Well done by them as usually, especially in the last month of the year which is always difficult to get activity in.”

Post of the Month (TF93)

Awkward Morning Conversations”, USS Atlantis

“I nominate “Awkward Morning Conversations” from the USS Atlantis , a joint post between Captain Yulin Rael and Lieutenant Keri Kelea. Its a short post, but shows an off duty relationship between the two characters, which helps flesh out the characters. I look forward to seeing how the relationship between Kelea and her new beau develops.”

Player of the Month (TF99)

LT Perth, Battlestar Artemis

“Reason: Ray aka Lt Jamie Perth. Since joining the Artemis, he has submitted numerous posts and his quality of writing is always exceptional. He adds to the plot with every post he makes, and loves to throw a wrench in the current workings. He’s amazing!

Reason: This was a particularly hard month to narrow down the candidates. But liked what the CO wrote about this player. We need more players like this in the fleet, helping out their sims, like he does.”

Sim of the Month (TF99)

Starbase 400

“Reason: Starbase 400 is nominated for sim of the month for being a long standing sim that has remained consistent beacon of stability in an era where a lot of sims unfortunately burn bright but fade quickly.

Reason: I would like to vote for Starbase 400, what a great sim, with a rich history. They keep continuing to produce quality stories.

Reason: Starbase 400 won the popular vote for the month of December, and is a strong sim, that continues to produce quality stories, year after year.”

Post of the Month (TF99)

Cat Out of the Bag, Starbase 400

“Reason: Another hard choice, but this post was really character driven. And stood out among the rest. All the entries were good, so it was a very tough choice.”