Luna-class • NCC-80105 • Io Light Explorer Division • Fourth Fleet

Namesake: The Myth of Io

In the annals of Greek mythology, the tale of Io shines as a beacon of resilience and transformation. Io, a revered priestess, captivated the heart of Zeus. To shield her from the jealous wrath of his wife Hera, Zeus transformed Io into a radiant white heifer. Yet, Hera’s suspicions led her to imprison Io under the watchful eyes of Argus, the giant with a hundred eyes.


After the 250th Frontier Day, a catastrophic disaster rocked Starfleet, decimating a large portion of its fleet, dedicated crew, and dignity. The following months were rife with pain, paranoia, and mistrust. Yet, through it all, the crew of the USS Io stood resilient.
Now, more vigilant than ever, they charge forward, boldly going where no one has gone before.

USS Blythe – Prologue to the Io

Introduction to the Crew|Episode 1|Episode 2



Interlude|Episode 3

RPG Rating 2 2 2

Io Light Explorer Division

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17 August 2024

Wrong Turn - 8

Episode 3: Wrong Turn


“I trust you see why we needed to tell you this in person, Commander Temar,” Silas said, his voice firm but tense. The dim lighting of the USS Io’s obervation lounge cast deep shadows, highlighting the sharpness of his features as he scrutinized the Romulan’s face, searching for any [...]

1 August 2024

Wrong Turn - 7

Episode 3: Wrong Turn


“Indeed, Arahtih, that’s precisely my stance,” Selene asserted, her eyes flashing with determination. Her uniform was impeccably pressed, reflecting her rigid posture and unwavering resolve. “Opening the manifold and flooding the Cipaere with tachyons isn’t just unnecessary; it’s also [...]

28 July 2024

Wrong Turn - 6

Episode 3: Wrong Turn


CAPTAIN’S LOG, Stardate 240105.06: What was intended to be the start of our inaugural mission to the Gamma Quadrant has taken a startling turn. Our investigation of a curious distress signal marked the beginning of a series of unfortunate and peculiar events. Upon tracing the signal, we [...]

21 July 2024

Wrong Turn - 5

Episode 3: Wrong Turn


“Fire all phasers!” Captain Crowe’s command sliced through the clamor of the bridge. Quelis’s blue fingers danced across the controls, unleashing a barrage of bright phaser beams that seared through the void. The ship bucked violently with each retaliatory hit, sending tremors through the [...]