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Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Io: Episode 3: Wrong Turn

The USS Io has embarked on its exploratory mission to the Gamma Quadrant. When they receive a mysterious distress signal, they make a momentous decision to investigate. This choice propels them through a volatile Underspace aperture, thrusting them into a vast uncharted region of the Delta Quadrant.

Mission Description

The USS Io has embarked on its exploratory mission to the Gamma Quadrant. When they receive a mysterious distress signal, they make a momentous decision to investigate. This choice propels them through a volatile Underspace aperture, thrusting them into a vast uncharted region of the Delta Quadrant.

Lost and disoriented, the Io’s crew soon crosses paths with a familiar adversary, who is also stranded in this dangerous region. Facing relentless attacks from the region’s hostile inhabitants, they are forced into a fragile alliance. Together, they must navigate their mutual distrust, collaborate for survival, and find a way home.

About the Mission

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19 June 2024

Wrong Turn - 3

USS Io: Episode 3: Wrong Turn

“Franz, have we received any communique yet?” Silas’ voice, tinged with a note of impatience, cut through the low hum of the bridge. “No, sir, not a word,” Franz replied, his fingers tapping the console rhythmically, as if he was trying to force a response. Silas’ lips curved into a [...]

17 June 2024

Wrong Turn - 2

USS Io: Episode 3: Wrong Turn

As the USS Io eased out of warp, Silas experienced the familiar sensation of transition—the stars streaking past on the viewscreen abruptly snapping into stationary points of light. He sensed a subtle tug at his senses, a ghostly reminder of the inertial dampeners compensating for the abrupt [...]

17 June 2024

Wrong Turn - 1

USS Io: Episode 3: Wrong Turn

CAPTAIN’S LOG, Stardate 240105.02: We are now a few days into our four-year exploratory mission to the Gamma Quadrant. As we continue to familiarize ourselves with the USS Io and welcome the newest members of our crew, we have chosen a measured approach while still within Federation space. As [...]