Part of USS Io: Episode 3: Wrong Turn and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Wrong Turn – 5

USS Io, Bridge
Stardate 240105.03
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“Fire all phasers!” Captain Crowe’s command sliced through the clamor of the bridge. Quelis’s blue fingers danced across the controls, unleashing a barrage of bright phaser beams that seared through the void. The ship bucked violently with each retaliatory hit, sending tremors through the floor.

“Shields at 47 percent,” Jackson’s voice reported, strained and urgent. The shield readout wavered, and Quelis’s eyes darted across the fluctuating data, tracking the erratic movements of the enemy vessels. They darted and wove, tiny streaks of light that zigzagged across the tactical display, evading his aim with near-manic precision.

“How is the Vihroi doing?” Captain Crowe’s question cut through the din. Quelis adjusted his screen, the flashing alerts reflecting in his tense eyes.

“They’ve taken heavy damage, but we’re their primary focus,” Lieutenant Koran answered, her voice tight, a stark contrast to the usual calm.

The ship jolted again, a violent shudder that caused sparks to dance from the overhead panels and made the emergency lights flicker in sync with the trembling metal. Quelis gripped his console with powder blue-knuckled intensity, bracing himself as the alarms blared in a relentless staccato. Sweat traced a glistening line down his face, clinging to the taut lines of his jaw, but his focus never wavered.

“They’re everywhere,” Piper shouted from the Navigation console, her fingers a blur as she worked to keep the ship on course. Her eyes flickered between her screen and the chaotic space outside, desperately trying to predict the next attack.

“Do we have an ID on them yet?” Patel’s voice came, laced with urgency. His eyes were locked on Quelis, who felt the weight of expectation pressing down on him.

“Negative, sir,” Jackson replied, his frustration evident as he monitored the data streams.

“Why aren’t they attacking the Vihroi?” Patel’s confusion was palpable, his voice tinged with concern.

“Maybe because we’re in better shape than the Vihroi,” Quelis muttered, his gaze narrowing at the erratic patterns on his display. The enemy ships’ trajectories were forming a disturbing pattern. His eyes widened as he tracked the encircling enemy vessels, each movement designed to trap and isolate them. “They’re isolating us,” he said, his voice taut with urgency as he watched their encircling strategy unfold.

“Explain,” Crowe’s command was crisp, his eyes fixed on Quelis, demanding clarity.

“They’re trying to push us away from the Vihroi,” Quelis said, his fingers swiftly adjusting the display settings. The chaotic blips began to align, creating a clear, deliberate formation.

“I believe they intend to neutralize us quickly and then turn their full attention to the Vihroi.” He saw the enemy ships tighten their grip, forcing them further from their allies. The strategy was a calculated move to weaken and then overwhelm.

“Just like orcas,” Eileen murmured from the helm, her voice barely audible over the alarms and the mechanical whirring. Quelis’s eyes remained glued to the display, his fingers a blue haze of motion as he adjusted settings and analyzed data with laser focus.

“Like what?” Quelis asked, momentarily breaking his concentration. He glanced at Piper, seeing only the back of her head as navigated the Io in concentration.

“Orcas,” she said, her eyes never leaving her screen. “They separate a prey’s young from its parents by isolating it to make the kill easier.”

“You’re right, but save the biology lessons for later,” Crowe cut in sharply, his voice a commanding anchor amidst the chaos.

“Shields at 32 percent,” Jackson reported, his voice strained.

“Well, whoever they are, they know what they’re doing,” Patel said, his eyes flicking to the Captain. Crowe’s face tightened, his expression grim but resolute.

Quelis glanced across the bridge, his anticipation of seeing Commander Arden replaced by the stark reality of her absence. His gaze landed on a young Human Lieutenant, whose impeccably groomed mustache and neatly combed hair seemed out of place amid the turmoil.

The Lieutenant’s calm demeanor contrasted sharply with the frenetic activity around him. Quelis’s focus wavered momentarily as he struggled to recall the Lieutenant’s name.

“Science,” Quelis called out, his voice urgent. He gestured at the erratic readouts on his console. As the name Kindle surfaced in his mind, he added, “Kindle, help me sort through these transponder signals. They’re all over the place.”

Kindle’s attention flew over his controls. “On it,” he said, as he immediately delved in the data before him. “Sending the identification data to you now.” The screen flickered as data streamed in, illuminating the tactical display with crucial information.

Another jolt threw Quelis backward, slamming him against the bulkhead. He grasped a nearby railing, his grip tenacious as he struggled to stay upright. Amidst the disorienting shake, he saw Franz flung across Lieutenant Koran’s station, his body tumbling before crashing headfirst onto the floor in a heap.

Re-focusing on the tactical display, Quelis scanned the chaotic jumble of signals. His eyes darted between flickering data and Lieutenant Kindle’s indicators. A series of green lights suddenly blinked into view, cutting through the confusion with clarity.

“Sir!” Quelis shouted, his voice slicing through the noise. “We’re being attacked by the Hirogen!”

“Hirogen?” Crowe’s brow furrowed, his expression darkening with concern. “That means they’ve targeted the Vihroi as prey before.”

“I believe so, sir,” Quelis replied, his voice steady but edged with worry. The chaos around him seemed to recede as he absorbed the gravity of their situation. He stood with his shoulders taut, his eyes reflecting the weight of confronting an enemy with the Hirogen’s fearsome reputation.

“The Vihroi has sent us coordinates,” Koran reported from the auxiliary OPS station. “They need us to rendezvous there.”

“Plot the course, Lieutenant, and keep us steady,” Crowe commanded, his tone unyielding. “Jackson, maintain those shields as best as you can.”

“Aye, sir,” came the unified response.

Quelis inhaled sharply, his fingers moving with practiced precision once more. His hands flew over the controls, each phaser volley a burst of bright energy aimed to clear their path. The bridge buzzed with electric tension; screens flickered, lights flashed, and crew members worked swiftly to execute their tasks..

“Course plotted, sir,” Lieutenant Piper called out from her station, her voice sharp and clear. Koran added quickly, “The Vihroi reports they are ready when we are.”

“Alright, let them know we won’t waste another second. Prepare for Warp!” Crowe’s command cut through the chaos, his voice unwavering amidst the turmoil.

Quelis felt his fingers becoming weary as each phaser volley, each photon torpedo was a move in his cosmic game of chess, calculated, and designed to clear a path for their escape. Around him, the bridge crew worked with practiced efficiency. Technicians adjusted their consoles with steady hands, while others prepared for the critical jump to warp speed. The steady hum of the ship’s systems blended with the clatter of keys and the rhythmic beeps of incoming data, creating a high-stakes symphony.

“Nice, thanks for clearing that path, Big Blue,” Eileen shouted in Quelis’s direction.

Quelis offered a brief smile at her comment before his expression shifted back to its usual stoic calm. “Of course, Lieutenant,” he replied, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

“We are ready to jump…” Piper announced, her fingers poised over her controls.

Without hesitation, Crowe gave the command. “Engage!”

The USS Io surged forward, and Quelis felt the familiar vibration of the warp engines building beneath his feet. Stars streaked past the viewscreen, twisting into luminous trails that bathed the bridge in a surreal glow. The acceleration pressed him back into his seat, despite the dampening systems working to counteract the intense forces.

Time seemed to stretch in that moment. The cacophony of battle faded into the background, replaced by the exhilarating rush of velocity and the blur of starlight. The bridge was bathed in the warp’s ethereal light, casting dancing shadows across the tense faces of his crewmates.

Then, as swiftly as it began, the warp jump stabilized. The stars returned to their familiar points of light, and the hum of the engines settled into a steady thrum. Quelis exhaled a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding, his hands still poised over the console.

“Report,” Captain Crowe’s voice pierced through the aftermath, her eyes scanning the status displays with a mixture of relief and vigilance.

“Shields holding at 10 percent,” Jackson’s voice broke through the haze of adrenaline, his tone reflecting their narrow escape.

Quelis glanced around the bridge, meeting the eyes of his crewmates. Weary but resolute, their expressions bore the mark of the intense struggle they had just endured. They had outmaneuvered their enemies and bought themselves precious moments to regroup and continue the fight.

“We’ve gained distance from the Hirogen vessels and the Vihroi has just joined us,” Quelis confirmed, his voice steady with a hint of pride. The risky maneuver had paid off—they were alive, luckily with their ship intact.

“We’ll make it through this,” he murmured quietly to himself, the vow of determination echoing softly through the bridge as the crew made up the balance of what this battle had cost them.


  • FrameProfile Photo

    Anyone who creates a character called "Zyrrkathorandaraxiluunth Byrrynathalorim" is a person whose stories I want to read! What I particularly like about your stories is how you balance quite a large cast of characters, but still manage to imbue in each a distinct personality and have them interacting with each other to propel the narrative - without feeling like they are 'bit-actors' stepping forward to stiffly deliver their lines. It's a difficult juggling act to pull off well, but you nail it and deliver crowd - pleasers with consistency. Well done!! (LOVE your character Bio images as well!!).

    July 22, 2024
  • FrameProfile Photo

    Great post mate, I enjoyed the intense atmosphere you created that held a grip on me to keep reading. I loved the interaction with the crew and how they figure out the enemy passing paths throughout the combat. Hirogen has joined the story, now lets see how it further pans out. Great work!

    July 23, 2024