Tranquility Station

Aurora-class • SB-10 • Fourth Fleet

Starbase 10, code-named Tranquility Station, is an Aurora-class starbase under the command of Commodore Azras Dex. It is located near Deneva. A direct course from Gamma Hydra to this base would pass through the Romulan Neutral Zone. This star falls into the base’s administrative area.

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13 August 2024

2 - The Way Home

Tranquility Station: The Way Home

Deza walked out of her quarters to be greeted by Ritru, who would join her at the station. She wasn’t wearing anything luxurious, just something relaxing, as they had planned on meeting with Chon’al in one of the station’s many lounges. “What is going on?” Deza asked as they began to walk [...]

2 August 2024

1 - The Way Home

Tranquility Station: The Way Home

The bridge was eerily quiet; not one person was talking. This has been a trend over the last few weeks since the closure of the apertures to Underspace, which had appeared but collapsed thanks to the Cardassians. The data they collected from studying one would keep the science team busy. The [...]