Part of USS Odyssey: Order To Chaos

Order To Chaos – 8

USS Odyssey NCC-80000, Gradin Belt, Delta Quadrant
Stardate: 77999.5
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“So remind me again, Mister Third Officer, what are we meant to be doing?” Flemen asked as he and Tomaz walked into The Auditorium, shoulder to shoulder.

Sighing at hearing his friend call him that for the hundredth time that day, Tomaz shook his head before responding. “Being the chief diplomatic officer, I’d thought socialising with new people was like second nature to you?”

Flemen chuckled and looked up at the little guy sitting on his shoulders. “You hear that, S’Tem? Your dad isn’t keeping up with his new duties!” 

S’Tem giggled at his ‘ride’ and clapped Flemen’s shoulders. “Don’t be silly, Uncle Craigen! My daddy knows everything!”

“Being the ship’s new third officer and chief intelligence officer alongside your old role doesn’t mean he knows everything!” Flemen whispered. “Daddy only pretends to know everything!”

“That’s rich coming from our new staff judge-advocate,” Tomaz shot back as they passed through the back of the busy room and made their way towards the bar. “Remind me again, how did you pass your law degree?”

“A lot of hard work!” Flemen quickly retorted before looking up at S’Tem. “And remember that kiddo, you stay in school and work hard so you can be as handsome, amazing and clever as your favourite uncle and dad!”

S’Tem chuckled more, “But Uncle Samris has moved to the Themis. How will he inspire me now?!”

“Hey, I heard that!” Flemen said jokingly up at the young Romulan lad.

“That’s m’boy,” Tomaz said with a proud chuckle before pulling S’Tem down off Flemen’s shoulders, “Go on, S’Tem, go find a table for us to take!” 

S’Tem nodded before running off to one of the nearby tables and taking a seat swiftly. 

The pair of command officers looked around the room at the huge crowd that had assembled. 

“I know I keep winding you up, Tomaz, but well done for the promotion,” Flemen said as they leaned over the top of the bar while waiting to be served. 

“Thanks, Craigen,” Tomaz said with a smirk. “I wasn’t expecting it, but Commander “Duncan told me that neither Doctor Slyvexs nor Counsellor Horin was interested.”

“I’m surprised they didn’t offer it to Lukiz,” Flemen stated. “With him being the tenth host of a Trill symbiont, I’d thought he would be more than experienced for the role.”

“Yeah, I thought the same thing,” Tomaz replied. “It turns out that he hasn’t completed as much command-level training as I thought.”

Wincing at hearing that, Flemen finally caught the eye of one of the holographic stewards. He gestured for them to come over before speaking more to his friend.  “Lukiz once told me that he had to take a couple of years out from Starfleet after he was joined. Apparently, it took him almost another four or more years before he got a department head position.”

“Yeah, but he remained working on starbases and took the slow route into a senior position,” Tomaz remarked before they ordered themselves a drink and one for his son too. “Apart from his first job on the Triton.”

“Talking of which, do you think seeing the Triton maybe bring up some old memories for some of our comrades, especially the captain?” Flemen asked curiously. “I know when I see Captain Canção that I’d be reminded of the stern encouragement she gave me. She wanted me to stay behind at the academy to complete my studies in advanced starship operations.”

“Just how many people have been taught by Captain Canção?” Tomaz wondered as their drinks were brought over. “I had a semester of early Federation history with her while at Mellstoxx.”

“Canção a living legend; I hear that she and the captain go way back. Even introduced him to his wife,” Flemen said as they took their drinks to the table where S’Tem was sitting and waiting patiently for them. 

Before sitting down, Flemen looked at his friend. “So, seriously, aren’t we meant to mingle and meet the new faces of the squadron?”

“Food and drink first,” Tomaz insisted as they sat down. “And that’s a directive from the new third officer!”

“Aye, sir!” Flemen said before raising his glass to clink against Tomaz’s. 

Standing up on the upper section of The Auditorium, Counsellor Horin looked down at the large crowd. Holding on to a drink between her fingers, the pregnant Betazoid woman had been mentally closed down any stray thought or feeling she had picked up on. Tonight, she just wanted to do her duty and return to her quarters quickly. 

“Shall I call red alert now or give it an hour or so?” Doctor Slyvexs jested as she approached the counsellor from behind. After climbing up the large stairs to find somewhere quieter for her and her husband to enjoy the gathering, the Denobulan medical officer had quickly seen her colleague standing alone. 

Horin smiled. “Sorry, Slyvexs, I’m not much company tonight.”

“I understand that,” The Denobulan woman said. “Come join Mettex and me.”

Horin looked over her shoulder and saw that the couple had been able to grab one of the alcoves in a quiet corner under the enormous bay windows. “Thanks, that’d be great.”

As they walked over to where Mettex was, Slyvexs spoke. “I don’t think the captain requires us to mingle too much tonight. Just a brief hello with our counterparts.”

“I’ve met Counsellor Naef-Oron from the Triton, but I’ve yet to see the counsellor from the Bellerophon,” Horin mentioned.

“That huge, bulky Brikarian is their counsellor?” Slyvexs asked, sounding surprised. “I thought he was their chief science officer.”

Horin shook her head as they approached the booth where Mettex was sitting. “Hey Mettex,” She greeted him with a friendlier smile than she had given Slyvexs. 

“Good evening, counsellor,” Mettex said with a wider grin. “How goes first contact with your new comrades?”

“I’ve just got one more to meet,” Horin said as she shuffled herself behind the table and then rested. Her bump was truly showing. “But taking a moment to sit down and rest, is more of a priority right now.”

Mettex chuckled. “How is Baby H doing?”

“They’re doing well,” Horin answered. “I’m pleased to say they have inherited their Betazoid sweet tooth well, I’m constantly craving chocolate like there’s no tomorrow!”

“Just make sure you don’t break the replicators with your cravings,” Slyvexs advised as she sat down beside her husband.

“Have you met any of your counterparts?” Horin asked as she moved one of the pillows to sit it behind her lower back. She soon felt more comfortable.

“Doctor Uknare and I go back to my time on the Trinity, she spent a year as a medical officer under me before she was reassigned, we said we would get together a bit later. I’ve yet to meet Doctor Corben from the Bellerophon.” Slyvexs replied as she picked up her drink. Sipping at it, she placed her hand over her mouth before speaking some more. “She’s only been out of her training with Starfleet Medical for a few years now. I’m going to be the old, wise doctor that they’re going to want to ask for a second opinion from.”

Horin and Mettex laughed a bit at Slyvexs’ light-hearted complaint. 

“My dear, I’ve told you, experience and wisdom are attractive attributes in any woman,” Mettex told her before placing a kiss on her forehead. 

“So I am old?” Slyvexs responded back after her husband finished sharing his affection with her.

Mettex stumbled with his response and stuttered. “I-I-I-I didn’t say that, my dear.”

“Experience and wisdom,” Slyvexs quoted him. “In other words, old age.”

“Aging gracefully and remaining as beautiful as ever,” Mettex stated. 

Horin couldn’t help but laugh more. “Oh Mettex, please stop now before you cannot dig yourself out of that hole!”

Sharing in her colleague’s fun in winding up her husband, Slyvexs laughed too before kissing her husband on the lips briefly. “I love my wise and experienced husband too!”

“Thank you, dear,” Mettex said after a sigh of relief. “Louwanna, Slyvexs mentioned that you both turned down the promotion to the third officer. How comes?”

Horin nodded. “With Baby H on the way, there’s no point in me doing the role.” She looked at Slyvexs. “You never told me why you turned it down.”

“I didn’t,” Slyvexs replied. “I just reminded the captain that he and I had an agreement from many years ago. I agreed to be his chief medical officer and nothing more. That’s why I had no issue with him appointing Max above me and others. Plus, Tomaz is a young shooting star. He deserves the opportunity.” She picked up her drink and then looked back at Horin. “Have you seen him?”


Slyvexs nodded.

“No,” Horin answered with a sigh. “Thankfully.”

At that point, they were approached by Commanders Banfield and Westerham. 

“Do you mind if we join you?” Banfield asked casually.

“Be our guests,” Slyvexs gestured to the empty space around their booth. “We were just talking about meeting with our counterparts from the rest of the squadron. Gow goes your hunt, Corella?”

Corella sat down, holding a Klingon martini in her hand, and exhaled a small moan. “A child genius and a brash know-it-all. Thankfully I’ve got Abbej, who can assist me in keeping the peace when we start to disagree over exploration assignments.”

“I’m not sure Tierra would agree with you, Corella,” Horin remarked. 

“We can only hope our former colleagues that have joined Captain Cambil on the Themis, remember their Odyssey roots,” Slyvexs said confidently.

“I’m sure the likes of Samris and T’Rani will do us proud,” Horin said. “Others…well, let’s see what happens.”

Changing the subject quickly, Mettex spoke up. “Carter, I hear congratulations are in order. The captain has officially given you command of the Telemachus, and your children have joined us.”

Westerham smirked. “Yes, they have, and I only get the Telemachus for when I get to take those daring cadets out for a ride around the block to show them what their old man is made of.”

Banfield laughed at her husband’s wit. “They certainly are going to make you work for your money!” 

“Well, we will soon see how much the Delta Quadrant can throw at Starfleet’s youngest and brightest,” Westerham replied.

“And to its wiser and more experienced members!” Slyvexs said, raising her glass to the group before giving a wry smile at her husband for mocking his earlier comments. Horin joined in with a chuckle while Banfield and Westerham raised their glasses too.  

Standing by the bar with Jen and Keli, newly promoted Lieutenant Commander Tierra was eyeing the entire room with careful consideration. She was ignoring whoever Jen was talking to; instead, she was scanning The Auditorium to see if her ex-wife would turn up out of the blue. So far, she couldn’t see Abbej, 

“Tierra, would you stop looking around the room like that,” Keli quietly complained when she looked over to her friend. The Coridanite was holding her glass of Andorian ale close to her lips. She was hoping to avoid anyone from seeing what she was saying to her friend. “You look more like a Klingon hunting its prey; than the ship’s newest chief engineer.“

Sighing and letting her shoulders drop, Tierra turned back round to face the bar. “I’m sorry, Keli, you’re right. Since Abbej and I separated, I’ve been dreading the moments we may have to share professionally.”

“Then stay focussed on what we’re doing, rather than waiting for her to turn up,” Keli advised. “Jisaraa will be here soon, so she can help us finally wind up Lukiz in a moment.” She thumbed towards the direction their colleague was standing in before taking a sip. 

Tierra looked over to where Jen was and saw him finish talking to a young slim guy in a red uniform she had no idea who he was. He had curly golden hair and forehead ridges that made her think he was a Xindi-Primate. She hadn’t seen many of them in her career. “Who’s the lucky guy that Luke is chatting up?”

Remaining quiet, Keli answered. “Commander Thaustin, he’s the Triton’s first officer and what a hottie!”

“Definitely out of Lukiz’s league,” Tierra commented in a similar low volume. “Anyway, I thought he was flirting with that Vulcan lieutenant from the Bellerophon?”

“I think she’s a bit too logical for him,” Keli whispered back behind her glass. 

“I told you we should have set him up on that blind date with Lieutenant Artir from Cetacean Ops,” Tierra stated.

Keli shook her head. “No, though Lukiz loves to swim, I don’t think Artir is he’s kind of aquatic type of guy. That said, I noticed him having breakfast with Lieutenant Twnai the other day.”

Hearing that piece of gossip about the senior assistant chief strategic operations officer, Tierra raised her eyebrow. “Perhaps we should ask Tomaz to set him and Shaquia together?” 

Keli was about to say something in response before they both noticed Jen finishing his chat with the Xindi man. The Triton’s first officer bid his farewell before moving away from them. Both women looked at the joined Trill. 

“Oh god, I’m an old man,” Jen groaned as he picked up his drink and took a swig from it. “He is so young.”

“And so gorgeous,” Keli added. “What did he say?”

“Just remember you’re young like your host!” Tierra added.

Jen chuckled. “He said he would take me on a tour of the Triton for old time’s sake and then we could hang out afterwards.”

Both women almost squealed at hearing that news and as they did, Jisaraa arrived.

“What did I miss?” The Orion security officer asked as she put in an order.

“Lukiz has a date with the Triton’s damn fine first officer!” Keli announced.

“It’s not a date!” Jen said quickly.

“It’s a date, Lukiz!” Tierra corrected him.

“Oooo, Commander Thaustin?” Jisaraa questioned as she picked up her drink and turned to the ops manager. “Are you thirsty for Thaustin, Lukiz?”

Jen rolled his eyes. “I swear, I don’t know why I hang out with you lot.”

Keli instantly replied with a smirk. “As T’Rani and Cline left you for the Themis, those bastards!”

“Everyone who went to the Themis are bastards!” Tierra added.

“We’re not talking about your wife here, Tierra. Tone down the anger! This is about Lukiz’s love life, not yours!” Keli shot a cheeky look at her Deltan friend, who relented with a groan.

“Okay, chill out!” Jen suggested. “Anyway, the three of us have been stuck together since the academy; it’s good to get a fresh perspective.”

“Yes, our perspective and Thaustin is definitely a nice new distraction!” Jisaraa countered back before raising her glass to the group. “To the first Odyssey Squadron romance!”

The group all burst into more laughter, of which Jen just gave up and joined in. 

Standing around in the centre of The Auditorium, Fleet Captain McCallister surveyed the room and was pleased to see that his idea of getting everyone together from the new squadron seemed to be going well. He had played gracious host and had met all of the captains and their first officers when they had beamed over; in fact, he had them all meet in his private dining hall at first for a small get-together. Thankfully Max was there for his own backup. Not that he needed it, especially as each captain he knew well. After the pleasantries and introductions were made, they then entered The Auditorium where the rest of their senior staff and other crew were starting to get to know one another. McCallister had ordered his senior staff to ensure they met with their own counterparts from across each ship before the end of the evening. 

Making his way over to his father, Alfie approached him with a glass in his hand and passed it over. “Here you go, dad,” He offered.

“Thanks, Alf,” McCallister said to his son. “You know, you didn’t need to join me tonight? The cadet squad doesn’t need to be here.”

“Yeah, I know, but with Henri hanging out with Will at ours and Theo playing tonight, I thought you could do with some moral support. Now that you’ve got that line under your pips, you’re quite important!” Alfie replied. “It was good seeing Uncle Horatio.”

“Yeah, it was,” McCallister agreed with his son. Horatio was now on the other side of the room, chatting away to Cambil and a few of the former Odyssey crew that were now on the Themis. “It’s nice you guys are going to be able to spend some more time with him.”

“He did say he was going to introduce me to his new science officer,” Alfie responded. “Allegedly, he only graduated from the academy a few months ago and is already a department head. Some child genius.”

“Don’t be getting any ideas about me making you a department head on the Odyssey or anywhere else in the squadron!” McCallister pointed out to his son with a chuckle. 

Before Alfie could say anything, they were approached by Commander Duncan, Master Chief Court and their son Jordan. 

“How goes the mingling, Number One?” McCallister asked Duncan.

Duncan flinched a bit, “Okay, but I forgot that your brother’s first officer is fiercely protective of him.”

“Jaz and he go way back,” McCallister stated. “Plus she was my sister-in-law’s first officer before that.”

“So she’s practically family?” Court asked.

“Somewhat,” McCallister answered. “What about Rio’s Number One?”

“Thaustin?” Duncan checked.

McCallister nodded.

“I think you’ll find our operations manager is enjoying that recon,” Duncan said with a wink.

“Rio has always been good at picking out the right people for the right job and then building them up,” McCallister shared before looking at both Jordan and Alfie. “You two may want to consider asking her nicely shadowing her for a day or two.”

“We can do that?” Jordan checked.

“Sure, I’m the squadron commander. If I deem it necessary,” McCallister answered.   

“Didn’t she introduce you to mom, dad?” Alfie posed.

McCallister nodded with a smile. “She did, so I can only imagine who she may try and get together on this venture.”

“If we’re lucky, she may set Tomaz or Craigen up with the Borg Queen!” Court jokingly said.

“It wouldn’t surprise me!” McCallister said before he took a sip from his drink and went back to enjoying the party.