Part of USS Jaxartes: The Small Do Matter


USS Jaxartes - Bridge
May 2399
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The Jaxartes were almost done with the operations in orbit of this planet that got victim by some unknown cause. Thought the crew of the Jaxartes was skeptical that it may have been the USS Liberty that caused the destructive motion to the atmosphere. They just couldn’t pinpoint what it was that might be done it. “Captain, I did some scans over the last few hours of the surface, and the people on the ground seem to be on high alert to an area close to one of their cities. Further scans indicate residue of transportation from one of the lower layers of the mines at the given location,” Rami spoke, showing the footage of military forces around the stated area.

“Send me the information,” Sazra ordered Rami and noticed that the bridge crew was going to explode any second now, but there was no time for that. She saw the information on her chair console and tapped a few times on it.

“Sir, the USS Liberty just jumped out” T’Path acknowledged the arrival of the ship when at that exact moment, Sazra slid her finger upwards. “They are hailing us”.

“On screen,” She replied, placing her hand on her side as Captain Vance appeared on the screen “Captain Vance, so soon back” 

Vance looked at her and narrowed her eyes, “Of course, Captain Praugol, it is in my belief to support a smaller ship crew like your own. My rapports indicate that your restoration is done” He nods to another officer who handed PADD to him. “So you are relieved of your duties here, Captain. Thank you for your assistance” 

Sazra shrugged and wanted to say something, but “You are relieved of your duties? What is the convenient moment for your ship to arrive when we are done? Really?” Silina’s fury was getting out. “Captain, you have done nothing but show disrespect to this crew’s hard work and neglected your duties. Heck, if our scans are right, your fault of exposing the Yinides people to this danger! Your ship warp trails were located on our trajectory, and your ship caused this incident!” 

“Now now Lieutenant, you are making some heavy accusations there” Captain Vance placed his hands over each other as his First Officer Commander Mrorri stood a bit of unease at his side. “Being in orbit of one planet doesn’t indicate that we are at fault for this perhaps natural disaster, and we have to uphold the prime directive seeing that the natives can scan their skies”

 “The natural disaster you speak of, Captain Vance, is fabricated by once warp engines. The atmosphere of this planet is sensitive to certain chemicals that a warp vessel gives off. Our scans have concluded that your ship was too close to the planet Yinides when conducting….” T’Path looked over her shoulder to Rami and then back, “While conducting illegal operations on the planet’s surface by using long-range transportation”

Rami nodded quickly, following up, “Scans indicate that there was various transportation residue on the surface near the Yinides people’s main city. Their military is surrounding the area, and an indication of panic is shown. I did a further in-depth scan of what was going on and noticed a large amount of Dilithium ore missing from the planet mines. What would happen if we were scanning your ship, Captain?” 

A cracked laugh came from Vance as he shrugged a bit, looking around, noticing that the bridge crew on the Liberty were getting uneasy about this quite detailed rapport from such a small ship. “Captain, Lieutenant Praugol, is this how you treat your superior officers? Is this the way to thank me for getting you such a simple job?!” He shook his head in disapproval. “Letting your crew go loose on their paranoid ideas that I have conducted illegal operations on that planet while damaging the ships in orbit? How ridiculous. I will let you know what….you are still learning fresh to that chair, Lieutenant. I let this slip, and I highly advise you to delete that falsified rapport that your bridge crew took, and seeing your reaction, it was done without a single consult with you! They don’t even trust your opinion. Well, Lieutenant, let this be a valuable lesson in Starfleet Command that your crew needs to be loyal to your command and not do their own thing” 

Everyone on the Jaxartes looked nervously at Sazra. They realized that their conduct of doing operations on their own was illegal because they were not consulting their Captain on this. Silina wanted to save this situation but halted as she saw Sazra raise her hand, “I am….sorry, Sazra,” She muttered.

Shaking her head to Silina, she smiled and then looked at Captain Vance while standing up. “You didn’t reply to the formal request from my Chief of Security, Captain Vance. If we scanned your ship cargo, will we find Dilithium ore?” Everyone looked surprised at her reply, as Vance shrugged at this comment and looked at his First Officer, who felt discomfort,

Vance took a deep breath and looked back, “I am in no need or time to oblige your selfish request and demand now of you to follow orders, delete those logs and get your ass back to Deep Space 17. I shall send them misconduct of your poor behavior in this situation. We have no time for this!” Vance was waving the whole situation away.

“You avoided the question once again. Must I then conclude that you are not willing to answer it?” Sazra placed her hands behind her back, looking calmly at the screen.

“Of course, I am not! This is outrageous!” Vance slammed the side of his chair as some were startled by it.

Nodding to that, Sazra took a deep breath, “Then, by the rapport that my crew has gathered over time and the refusal to answer a question of showing your inventory. I, Lieutenant Sazra Praugol of the USS Jaxartes, place you, Captain Vance, under arrest for illegal mining operations on the planet of Yinides. The second offense is that the people on the planet Yinides are a pre-warp civilization. Thus, you broke the prime directive that we, as Starfleet Captains, have to follow by the letter and the third and last offense is that you neglected your duties to repair the atmosphere of the planet Yinides when your engines caused its demise. What do you say”

The crew on the Liberty bridge got quiet and looked fearful at each other as Vance burst into laughter, “Oh, you are such a joker, Lieutenant. You? A Lieutenant of some overgrown shuttle are placing me under arrest?” Vance laughed, continued, and shook his head, “Tactical, aim your weapons at the Jaxartes and prepare for opening fire. Operations jam their communications if you know what is good for” The crew looked hesitated, but Operations did block system-wide communication block.

Within a surprising move, Commander Mrorri placed a phaser at Captain Vance. “Stand down that orrrderrr, you hearrrd Captain Prrraugol. We shall be in herrr arrest” Vance looked annoyed at his First Officer. “You know you arrre wrrrong in your actions, Captain”

Vance quickly manages to disarm his First Officer as a fistfight begins between the two on the bridge, “GO JAXARRTES! ALERRRT STARRRFLEET” The communication breaks off as the Liberty moves forward to Jaxartes position.

“They are locking weapons upon!” Rami yelled out of frustration at what had just occurred.

“Helm, get us out of here. Plan a route to Deep Space 17. Send an SOS signal to request immediate aid!” Sazra orders as she sits back down in her chair. The USS Jaxartes engines burned up and fly away from the planet’s orbit only to jump away from it, trying to make their escape.