Part of USS Jaxartes: Into the heart of the Storm

The beauty of a hidden gem

USS Jaxartes - Bridge
February - 2394
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The path taken by the Hu’rastish Was quite challenging but not impossible. T’Path moved the ship through the field as well as possible, and while the view was gorgeous, it made many on the bridge realize how dangerous it was, seeing that the lighting crossed around rapidly and with high voltage. The adapted speed was the best they could do, it was not quick, and it took a few hours to take it, but in the end, it will be worth it.

“What are we going to see there?” Rami spoke curiously as he was trying to do as much data sampling as he could “I mean, there is a world inside a plasma storm. How is that even possible” 

Sazra was enjoying the trip and had a smirk on her face the whole time. “We know almost nothing about this nebula Rami. The simple idea that it is possible lets my scientific heart beat even faster,” She spoke, seeing a firm nod from T’Path who agreed with that statement.

“The thing I am more wondering about is the density. With the readings so far, this world should not exist…it should be swallowed by the nebula,” Silina pointed out, tapping her finger on the side of her console.

“That might be a curious subject to investigate, Ensign,” Sazra winks at her, “But we will see what they have in store for us very soon. The excitement is right here. We have been doing what we wanted since we left the academy. We are exploring the unknown” Sazra couldn’t get that smirk off her face as she lived her dream.

“That might be true, but this excitement can turn into a nightmare very soon if we don’t keep those voltages outside in check” Adrián was quite worried about the strength of the nebula “So I would be more relief knowing that we can get out of this situation alive and be relaxed as good as possible” 

Sazra nods thoughtfully to him. “I understand entirely what you are saying. That is why we are doing all the sensor scans to understand what we are dealing with here. The more we know, the better we can adapt to our need for safety to travel through these paths” Sazra gave the bridge crew some comfort as she thought about the steps ahead. 

The ship exited the nebula and arrived in a hollow, large space that was surrounded by this nebula. The Jaxartes followed the Hu’rastish to their home world and only could see the stunning view of what was being shown to them in such vibrate colors. The planet was a beautiful M-class world, rich in large oceans and landscapes. A bright red glow on the Jaxartes far left side made the nebula gasses flow in a specific direction. It was a star. 

“Impossible…..” Sazra stood up from her chair as her eyes were not looking away from the screen that viewed the star, “That’s …not….how” 

“It’s a star in its early stadium of being born. The information about everything we knew about this nebula Is incorrect” T’Path was looking with great interest at the readings “Captain, we found a new star”


  • I love the way you've tapped into the wonder of Star Trek for this mission. The idea of an impossible planet inside a nebula is a captivating thought. It offers such a useful scenario to highlight the crew's naive eagerness for exploration; truly, their excitement and anticipation is infectious to read! And then to get through it all to discover a new star: that offers all kinds of opportunities for your crew's aims of scientific discovery.

    October 5, 2022