Part of USS Jaxartes: Double-edge Knife

Face to Face

USS Jaxartes - Bridge
August 2400
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The ship smoothly traveled through space as everyone onboard was doing their daily task. Commander Praugol was sitting in her ready room, writing a final report on the recent operation. She didn’t manage to contribute a big deal to the operation, but she could provide critical information about it. Finally, the ship dropped out of warp. Sazra looked at the holographic view, wondering what was going on.

“Bridge to Commander Praugol, we have a message from the Sha’Rem. They will meet us in this location within short notice,” T’Path spoke.

“On my way” Sazra replied, standing up from her chair and walking out of the ready room. With a few more steps, she enters the bridge. “Report….” She said with a sigh of disappointment in her voice. Sazra had to face the facts. This was going to happen. 

The screen view changed as a vessel dropped out of warp close to them. “T’varo-class vessel, the Sha’Rem, has arrived,” Adrián spoke, reading up the information on his console from long-range scanners. “It is an old bird, but it will do the job for this mission, sir.” 

Meaning, it was not an immediate threat to their vessel. Sazra nodded to her Engineer. “Hail them,” She ordered as he bounced back. Sazra looked at the screen as it changed to the green dimmed bridge of the Sha’Rem “Greetings, I am Jolius, the Commanding Officer of this vessel, but more importantly, the head researcher of this operation. We are to be traveling together on this voyage, I believe?”

Sazra couldn’t get a direct sense from him and just nodded in confirmation of his question. “Good day. I am Commander Sazra Praugol of the USS Jaxartes. We are assigned by Task Force 17 of the Fourth Fleet from Starfleet to escort you through Federation space to your designated location. We hope for a smooth voyage to your station, so you can recover and resume your research.” 

The man leans forward from his chair. “I must be honest, Commander, I expected more than…your little ship.” 

The insult was kind of hitting a few of the crew members on the bridge. Sazra, however, stayed neutral. “While the Jaxartes might be seen as small, we can pack a punch if we have to” Sazra gave a warm smile to the Romulan. “I look forward to our cooperation, Doctor, but I believe we must get moving.” 

“Understood, Commander, keep up please” The channel closed as the Sha’Rem started to move toward where they had to go. “T’Path, follow that ship, match with its course and speed,” Sazra spoke as both ships jumped to warp and started their long journey to the edge of the Typhon Frontier. 

“They got some arrogance to call this ship small and keep insulting it….” Adrián slammed onto his console, furious at what the Romulan said about their ship.

Sazra looked at him. “I know, but he is not wrong. It is the reason I wanted to decline this forsaken mission in the first place. We have to face the facts…if we get a warbird in our face, we are screwed,” Sazra painfully admitted to their weak points. “But…we will manage throughout this mission. We shall not back down on this mission that easy” She got up from the chair and walked to the back. “Keep me updated,” She spoke, waving her hand.