Task Force 47

For official fiction releases from Task Force 47

Welcome to the Thomar Expanse…

USS Nobel, along the Cardassian border, Thomar Expanse
Stardate 77559.4

The benefit to having USS Nobel as Task Force 47’s flagship, a now Fleet Captain Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik thought to herself, was that the ship’s expansive facilities accommodated the option and capacity for flag offices far more comfortably than any other ship in the current Starfleet inventory outside of the Odyssey-class ships, in her opinion. While Nobel sacrificed some of her scientific lab space for the flag offices, it wasn’t like the ship lacked any afterwards in the grand scheme.

Starboard compartments on deck ten had been given over to house the office space that was required to manage a task force, but the true luxury of compartments with windows had been set aside for two purposes – her own office and the task force conference room. Converted quarters, it was difficult to see them as such now.

“Ah, Captain Jori, please, sit,” she stated as her executive officer stepped into her office, past her yeoman who was at work in the outer office. “We are finally starting to see the ships of our task force arrive in the Thomar Expanse.” She indicated the large display on the wall opposite the windows which showed a brief status display of the ships assigned, at least administratively so far, to Task Force 47. “A few have arrived at DS47 and are partaking in leave before continuing into the Expanse.”

Looking at the newly promoted Fleet Captain she nodded as she took the seat that was offered, crossing her leg over her other leg she looked at the display as Sudari-Kravchik spoke. “After the events with the situation in the Romulan Star Empire and the Velorum Sector it’s good to see they get some much-needed leave,” Jori said as she looked back at the Captain. 

“Indeed so. I am however gratified to see the ships and personnel we were promised finally arriving in our theatre of operations.” Sudari-Kravchik slid a padd across her desk. “A draft of our briefing packets for the command crews of every ship that will be working throughout the Expanse.” She’d been working on it primarily herself but the helping hand of her intelligence chief was obvious upon reading. “I would appreciate your taking the time to fully review the document and come back to me with your thoughts so that we might distribute it as soon as possible.”

“Understood sir,” Jori replied as she made a mental note to do that once they finished this meeting.

“In the meantime, I shall be issuing generalised orders to all crews. Survey and exploratory work along multiple vectors across the Expanse will take quite some time to complete and likely be extended with each new discovery.” Sudari-Kravchik tapped a button and the monitor on the wall shifted to a star map. “I will also be issuing general guidance on interstellar relations, particularly with our nominal Cardassian allies. Nobel is due to rendezvous with the Mertec in a few days, and we will meet with a Gul Tresh to discuss some of the factionalism within the Cardassian border forces. No doubt we’ll be able to provide some further intelligence to our ship captains following that.”

Jori had listened to what was being said. “The meeting with the Cardassians should prove interesting. From what I understand they didn’t quite like the idea of Starfleet moving into this area of space,” Jori responded. “I hope we can smooth over relations between us and them.” She added as she adjusted in her seat while looking at the star map that was brought up.

“That would be nice. I will settle for Gul Tresh at least giving us a list of other Guls on border patrols that we should inform our people to be cautious of. Of concern is possible Tzenkethi and Breen provocations.” Sudari-Kravchik stood and approached the map, a hand rising to highlight the border regions. “I have decided to issue orders at this time to avoid direct engagements with either power if at all possible. I have no doubt something will occur in the future but I would prefer it to be the result of someone else deciding to start a conflict.”

“Yes, we don’t need any incidents with either of those powers.” Jori replied, “though we will want to keep an eye on the Breen. With their attack on Guardian Station, they are worthy of watching to make sure nothing like that will happen again.” Jori commented as she hadn’t been there, but read it in reports from the aftermath of that situation. “The Tzenkethi have been pretty quiet from my understanding,” Jori added.

“They will not stay that way I fear. Another Galaxy-class, a Sovereign-class, and an Odyssey-class when it gets out here, as well as a handful of lighter vessels, means that the Thomar Expanse is going to become rather busy with Starfleet ships. The diplomats can confess the truth of simple exploration as much as they want, many will not buy it.” With another tap on the map, Sudari-Kravchik highlighted dozens of star systems in the Expanse. “Territorial claims, counter-claims, counter-counter claims, suspicions between the Cardassians and the Breen since the end of the Dominion War, some rightly so, the Tzenkethi’s generalised xenophobia – all of this makes the Thomar Expanse a terribly interesting place to be.”

She traced a finger parallel to the Breen border, but well away from it. “Survey work along this arc here would give us a chance to establish sensor buoys to monitor Breen activity within the Expanse. Mark 8s should be sufficient, their range short enough to mollify any concerns about spying into Breen territory as well. We can then make overtures to the Union for shared maintenance of the array.” She turned back to Jori. “Draw up a deployment plan. We will not rush it, but notify all ships so if they are in the specified regions they can make efforts.”

Taking note again of what was being asked of her, “Understood.” Jori replied adjusting in her chair ever so slightly, “I just received word from Captain Dex of the Saratoga. They are being delayed within the Velorum Sector finishing up some humanitarian aid, it would be another week or so before they will be able to head to Deep Space 47.” Jori commented as Sudari-Kravchik had mentioned an Odyssey class arriving within the Expanse. 

“You can get back to Captain Dex and let her know to take as much time as she needs.” Her tone had come across harsher than she wanted, so remedying what was said was for the best. “I mean to say, inform her to take as much time as she needs to remedy the situation in the Republic to the best interest of all before she departs. With what we have already present or soon to be, I am sure we can make due. As long as we do not lose her and her ship to the Republic efforts long term.”

Jori nodded in agreement, “Understood. I will relay the message.” Jori replied, looking at her padd for a moment before looking up. “Anything else I need to be aware of?” She asked looking at the woman in front of her as she couldn’t think of anything else that wasn’t already covered.

“Just that our days of little paperwork and reports are at an end.” Sudari-Kravchik tapped once more on the wall panel and it showed estimated tracking lines for the task force’s ships and then coloured bands over the Expanse with stardate ranges, all radiating outwards from DS47. “It is, I hope, going to become quite busy in the near future.”

Interesting Times

Deep Space 47
July 2401

Since its inception as Starfleet’s forward position inside the Thormar Expanse, Deep Space 47 had in its short lifespan transformed from an out-of-the-box starbase, stark and barren, into an emerging little hub of commerce and cultural exchange. It was still mostly anchored around supporting Starfleet’s mission, but there was clearly activity taking place with no regard to that mission of exploration into previously difficult-to-access territory. It was no small comfort to those in charge that the people who inhabited the station now came out of choice rather than necessity, DS47 was quickly transitioning from a statement by Starfleet to an integral part of life in the Expanse. The Federation was here to stay and they were here with an open hand. 

Noble should be finished with her resupply efforts the day after tomorrow and be ready to set sail once more.” Commodore Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik turned her back on the balcony of the task force office that looked down on the Galleria and stepped back inside, the sliding glass doors staying open and giving the faint impression of the offices being located on a planet somewhere and not high up on a space station. “Have there been any changes in the other ships of the task force since the end of the Borg crisis?”

“Unfortunately Gar’rath hit a dead end with the Chimerium thieves, despite a shuttle mission that makes for worrying reading and a decidedly shifty Bolian.” The Bajoran XO lifted the tall glass mug to his mouth, the large ice cubes clinking pleasantly over the muted chatter from beneath the balcony. “He did however manage to acquire some assets that might reveal some intel. They should be arriving at Gateway Station…” He looked at the antique chronometer on his wrists as he took a sip, the metallic hands clicking inexorably forward, “…now.” He nodded slightly as the wristwatch silently struck the hour. “Gar wasn’t particularly clear about how helpful they were feeling but I have no doubt a few well-placed snarls will be involved.” The man stifled a laugh at the thought of the towering Gorn Captain as he pushed his black rimmed glasses back up his nose. 

“And then there’s Helios, I’m hoping that this trip out to Bryntail Base to kiss some babies and shake some hands might help them move on from the incident with Unimatrix Zero.” A moment of reflection hung at the end of his sentence, disappearing as quickly as it arrived. “Tanek has confirmed our newest ‘diplomat’ from the Cardassian Union has been nothing but polite and cordial.” The slightest quiver of a raised eyebrow from the commodore caused him to hold his hands up in mock protest “I am trying very hard not to be suspicious.”

Republic is still within Cardassian territory pursuing a matter important to Starfleet Intelligence. We should inform our captains that Captain MacIntyre is available to assist in matters along the border if required. He and his XO have been building bridges with certain members of Central Command that may prove useful, especially for the likes of Captain Tanek.” Sudari-Kravchik was slowly doing a loop of the office, nominally only used when she was in residence aboard the station. “And if any of our ships are heading deep into the Expanse, Captain Theodoras will be available. It would seem she intends to keep Atlantis as far from here as possible.”

“I’ll let everyone know that Tikva is nearby and looking for something to keep her clear of the Intel office. Maybe she wants to go chat up some miners with Tanek?” Wyll leaned toward the Commodore conspiratorially as she neared the desk in her slow perpetual loops, “Did you know there’s a rumour going round that Admiral Beckett has a picture of her on a dart board hung behind his office door.” He smiled at the thought of newly minted Ensigns he had overheard chattering in the corner of Beans’d It. “I half suspect the Admiral started the rumour himself.” Varen chewed his cheek as his focus shifted out beyond the Galleria’s tall windows, the rolling mass of the distant Rolor nebula visible to one side, the gateway to a new frontier, whilst the tumultuous orange storm of the Badlands hung just out of the corner of sight. Future and past all in one glorious vista. “I am worried we might have to call on captains like Tikva and MacIntyre to step up again all too soon. The Expanse is delicate at the best of times, doubly so with Starfleet’s recent troubles. We’ll need every faithful hand at the mast.”

“Rumours regarding Admiral Beckett you would do well to either ignore or quash when you hear them,” Sudar-Kravchik said. Her tone was level and bland as always, well-practised and controlled, but an element of irritation could be seen in her eyes. “As would rumours pertaining to any of our officers.” She let that sink in for a moment, then turned back to regard the modern rendition of a Spartan helmet that had adorned the offices when she’d first taken command of Task Force 47. “We must not forget the other ships under our command. Dragon, Sojourner and Cardiff are all exemplary vessels. I look forward to hearing from their captains soon enough.”

“We also have a new ship assigned to the task force.” Sudari-Kravchik had finally circled back around to her desk, picking up a padd, reviewing it momentarily and then handing it over to her executive officer. “USS Vallejo. California-class. I am certain we can find something…interesting for them, yes?”

Varen thumbed the thin screen, causing the small holographic display embedded in the desk to spring to life, projecting a scrolling newsfeed from the Thomar Expanse, its slow rolling bullet points highlighting the busy nature of the region. “Interesting? I can always find something interesting.” The man squinted as he examined the growing list of trouble spots. “I’ve got reports of Breen scavengers out near the Tassel asteroid field, they’re hunting space mushrooms?” He shrugged at the eternal mystery that was the Breen Confederacy. “Oh! This one is good, there’s a rogue Ferengi trader on Krinnal base selling moon dust as an aphrodisiac, that one came in as an anonymous tip… obviously.”. He turned dramatically to the Commodore as she leant back in her seat, “Do you know how good Captain Day is with pronouncing Tzenkethi?”

“Perhaps we can allow Captain Day to establish herself in the region with some more routine work before subjecting her to being ignored by the Tzenkethi.” And in that statement, Sudari-Kravchik displayed more emotion than she had all meeting – annoyance. “After the recent crises I fear we might end up with a Coalition that feels it can get away with settling a few debts with the Breen Confederacy. And the Breen are likely to have elements of their own society looking for easy wins as well to cement any bids for power.”

“It certainly is a busy party.” Varen thought back to the map that hung in his own office, a gift from some dignitary to the then XO when 47 was first built. The glowing green spectre of the Confederacy hung menacingly over the entire region whilst the familiar Tan of the Cardassian Union peeked out from the bottom of the frame; the two galactic powers squeezing the aggressively territorial Tzenkethi Coalition. In large black letters someone had scrawled ‘You are here’ over a blue dot in the centre of the jostling powers, a year later more small blue dots had appeared across the map, reminders of Federation diplomatic victories. “I hope we have enough chairs when the music stops, or things might get interesting….” 

“May we live in interesting times,” the Commodore said. “Though after the last few months, I am sure everyone would prefer quieter times for a while, yes?”

“Quiet is overrated.” he stood from the chair with a smile, swinging the empty glass from his fingers. As the clinking of glasses and low hum of chatter floated past the balcony he saw a familiar vision in the Commodore’s stoic visage, one he had witnessed a thousand times as he played in the corner of the Provisional Government’s offices on Bajor. A woman, acutely aware of the load show bore on her shoulders; the weight of legacy, the weight of expectation, the weight of the future. As the small child in him looked out on a woman who had been handed responsibility for ushering in a better future, he found himself desperate to make her smile like he had his mother. 

“You know, it reminds me of a joke I heard on 72. How many ears did Captain Kirk have?” He took a step into the open doorway, readying to make a quick exit.  “3. A right ear, A left ear. And a final frontier.” Varen turned quickly and rushed off to admonish some ensigns, hopeful he might have made the day a little brighter.



“Who the hell did they make these damn tubes for? Four year olds?” Theo grumbled under his breath as he folded himself into a pretzel. 

Arranging himself like some kind of freakish human spider in the middle of the tiniest jefferies tube he’d ever seen, he managed to brace one foot on the wall opposite and started to unscrew the panel cover above him. 

It was hot work. The base always ran hotter than he’d like to account for all the species aboard, but a fault in one of the environmental clusters had set it raging out of control. The base as a whole was running three degrees above normal, with other sections running hotter than that. 

Like the jefferies tubes… which were currently about the same temperature as a sauna. He’d stripped off down as far as he could, right down to his sleeveless undershirt, and even that was soaked through with sweat, the skin of his arms glistening as he worked on the last screw on the panel above his head. 

The screw gave and he caught it with the ease of long practice, slapping it against the magcuff wrapped around his wrist. Even if he hadn’t worked as an engineer for many years there were some things you never forgot. One of them was the sure and certain knowledge that any screw you allowed to hit the deck would immediately find either a hole in said deck, or something heavy and immoveable to disappear under. 

He grunted as he lowered the panel cover and set it aside, looking inside as the cluster was revealed. 

“Where are you?” he murmured, quickly scanning over the relays, counting them from left to right and taking note of the batch numbers. “Nine-five, nine-five, nine-five—“

He was looking for relays with a batch number ending nine-six. A manufacturing fault meant that they locked in the temperature settings at higher levels, and because they were all in series (a design fault if you asked him), one faulty relay meant it would affect the whole damn system. 

“Well, hello beautiful,” he smiled, then said. “Computer, take environmental cluster five-seven-alpha-four out of sequence please.” 

Reaching in, he plucked a nine-six out of the line. The cluster whined and went dark as he dropped the faulty relay into the toolbox by his head. A second later he was pushing a nine-five in place, waiting for the soft click more felt that heard that told him it was sited correctly. 

He waited, watching the cluster, but it didn’t light up again as it should. Sighing, he reached for his padd, cradling it against his chest as he snaked the wires from the top and plugged them into the control panel for the cluster. 

“TFXO and I’m doing diagnostics again,” he muttered as he ran through all the standard diagnostics quickly, but his words were without ire. The engineering department was busy with other issues and while he wasn’t the most qualified engineer onboard, he was the only qualified engineer who’d been available to deal with this. That and his office was one of the ones running hotter than Hades and he’d had to do something before he turned into a crispy critter. “I guess you can take a guy out of engineering, but you can never take engineering out the guy.”

“Yes!” he murmured in triumph as he found the setting that was at fault and the cluster lit up again. “Computer, run a level five diagnostic on environmental cluster five-seven-alpha-four.”

He watched the cluster for the next couple of seconds until the computer replied. “Level five diagnostic complete. No abnormalities found.”

“Excellent, bring the cluster back online and reintegrate it with the environmental systems. Run level five diagnostic on the entire system and report,” he ordered, already lifting the heavy panel cover and starting to screw it back into place.

He’d just finished on the second screw and started on the third when the computer replied. “Level five diagnostic complete. Environmental system  operating within normal parameters. Base ambient temperature dropping to normal levels.”

“Thank heavens for that. Inform main engineering the last of the faulty relays are now replaced,” Theo said, finishing up the panel and twisting to grab his tool box. It didn’t take him long, half crawling, until he reached an intersection with a hatch. 

Cracking it, he reached up and over, catching the edge of the hatch so he could unfold himself. Then he was out, in the blessed cool of the newly activated air-conditioning. 

“Captain Barrington?” The soft voice of his yeoman emanated from his commbadge. “Sorry to disturb you, but I wanted to remind you that you have a comm call scheduled in five minutes.”

He sighed, tipping his head back to murmur. “I’m too old for this s—“ Cutting himself off, he answered. “Of course, I’m on my way now.”

Reaching back into the tube, he picked up his toolbox, his uniform jacket stuffed in the top and closed the hatch up. Then he headed along the corridor to make his way back to his office.