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Dear Bravo Fleet, With The Blackout on our viewscreen and the upcoming Fleet Action Nightfall on the horizon, I’m thrilled to announce some...
With the first hints of the next Fleet Action, titled “Nightfall”, on the horizon, it’s an exciting time for Task Force 86. We’ve had Captain...
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Task Force 17
Deep Space Operations
Task Force 21
Frontier Operations
Task Force 47
Pathfinding Operations
Task Force 72
Diplomatic Operations
Task Force 86
Border Operations
Task Force 93
Humanitarian Operations
Read the latest announcements from our staff about upcoming events, updates on our community, and more!
Task Force 99 Command Update
Happy Monday, everyone! Bravo Fleet is celebrating its 21st anniversary this year. Its history has had its ups and downs, but without MBremer, there wouldn’t be a fleet to have a history of. Mike, and Starbase 400 and the Ares Group, returned to Bravo Fleet just a few years ago. Words cannot express how momentous of […]
Fleet CommandPromotionsTask Force 99
Double Promotion!
My, time has flown! Since taking command six months ago, I have been strongly encouraged by Task Force 72’s environment and growth. Not long after I arrived, I had two sims join 72’s roster. Each of these fine games, along with their excellent COs, quickly became part of the Task Force’s foundation and have emerged […]
PromotionsTask Force 72
Double Promotions
New Klingon Theater Commander & Director of Strategic Plans (N5) Appointed
Fellow Commanders and crew of TF93, Due to the breakout of hostilities in the Klingon Theater, I am designating CAPT Jack Colburn, CO of the USS Kumari, as the Commander, Federation Forces (COMFEDFOR) for the Klingon Theater (KLN/CC). The Klingons are still our friends and we must provide aid during their time of need. My staff […]
PromotionsTask Force 93
Yewande Banda
Some Announcements
Happy Winting I would like to make some announcements this snowy day, first we have a new simulation joining Task Force 38. I would like to Welcome MiloTora to Bravo Fleet, MiloTora comes to us from another simming organization. I am looking forward to the stories they will tell as a sim. Please lets welcome […]
PromotionsTask Force 38
Paul Potter
Return of an Old Face
Greeting everyone, My name is Stefen. You might know of me as Moss. I have been a member of Bravo Fleet for seventeen years (17? Wow, I’m OLD!). My first command in Bravo Fleet was with Randi Moss, right here in Task Force 38 under the USS Sizemore. As many of you have read, JonM […]
Changes in the Task Force
As many of you may already know, our illustrious TFXO, Major General Paul Potter (Moss) has been promoted to lead Task Force 38. I am certainly very excited for him, and I wish 38 and Moss great success. Moss is leaving Carnwenann station behind, so it is now an open command for anyone to assume. […]
Fuller House
It is with both sadness and joy that I announce several staff changes on behalf of the Bravo Fleet Admiralty. Due to time constraints caused by several different factors in real life (all good) JonM has come to the conclusion that he can no longer give Task Force 38 the time it needs and deserves to become […]
Fleet CommandPromotions
A Promotion
Happy Sunday, Task Force 72! It gives me great pleasure today to recognize a CO who has contributed quite a bit to Task Force 72, and the fleet as a whole. This individual has constantly been on the front lines, remaining ever vigilant in case all hell should break loose. In honor of her achievements, […]
Welcome to CAPT Nathaniel “Nate” Jackson, TFXO; FRM Line-of-Effort Update
Fellow Commanders and crew of TF93, I am directing CAPT Ramsey to solely focus his efforts on the Gorn Theater. Managing crisis operations in the Cestus and Canterra sectors is priority one for this TF. To that end, I have appointed CAPT Nathaniel “Nate” Jackson as our new Task Force Executive Officer (TFXO). Welcome to […]
Change In Command
In today’s Starfleet, shakeups are nothing new. Such is the case for the USS Ark Royal. Commander Scott Parker has been transferred to a new assignment. But the Ark Royal will not be returning to the mothballs. Command has been transferred to Commander Charles McFadden effective immediately. Welcome to the center chair, Commander!
Attention to Orders
Happy weekend, Task Force 72. I find myself privileged on this cold December morning to recognize a particular individual within Task Force 72. In recognition of completing the Academy, and achieving active status with his sim, it is my pleasure to promote Lieutenant Commander Remas McDonald of the USS Traveller to the rank of Commander, with […]