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Some Announcements

March 21, 2018

Happy Winting

I would like to make some announcements this snowy day, first we have a new simulation joining Task Force 38.

I would like to Welcome MiloTora to Bravo Fleet, MiloTora comes to us from another simming organization. I am looking forward to the stories they will tell as a sim. Please lets welcome MiloTora who will be playing Commander Milo Tora in command of USS Columbus Galaxy Refit Class starship, which is the first for Bravo Fleet in a long time.

The second announcement is that with the new updates to BY-LAW #2.4 – PROMOTION GUIDELINES, the rank of Fleet Captain no longer exist in the fleet. Therefore, because of his services to the Task Force and the Fleet, Fleet Captain Bahrat Noth of the USS Equinox is hereby promoted to the rank of Commodore.

Congrats Commodore!