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New Klingon Theater Commander & Director of Strategic Plans (N5) Appointed

April 11, 2018

Fellow Commanders and crew of TF93,

Due to the breakout of hostilities in the Klingon Theater, I am designating CAPT Jack Colburn, CO of the USS Kumari, as the Commander, Federation Forces (COMFEDFOR) for the Klingon Theater (KLN/CC). The Klingons are still our friends and we must provide aid during their time of need.


My staff and I will be publishing clear objectives for each of our lines-of-effort and will give the latest update during our Operations & Intelligence Brief (O&I) this month.

Additionally, I have appointed LCDR Calida as the new Director of Strategic Plans (N5) for TF93 which comes with a promotion to Commander. CDR Calida is tasked with providing contingency planning and operational planning support to our current contingencies while working to create OPLANs for future situations.

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. Keep up the good work!

Ever vigilant,

Yewande Banda, RADM, SF
Commanding Officer, Task Force 93

Congratulations to SteveClaypole, who takes on lead for the Sovereignty of Kahless (SoK) Arc which involves the Klingon Civil War! You can reach him at SteveClaypole#0528 on Discord.

Also congratulations to wizardbeard on his promotion and appointment to Director of Strategic Plans. wizardbeard is a familiar face of TF93 and Calida used to be the Chief Flight Control Officer of the USS Odyssey. You can reach him at wizardbeard#5710 on Discord. The Directorate of Strategic Plans is our next Directorate to launch following our Intelligence Directorate.
