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OCS – Competition Announcement & Staffing Update

January 18, 2022

Hello Bravo Fleet!

We hope everyone has been enjoying the recent competitions that helped kick start 2022 with a bang! Don’t forget you too can submit an idea for a competition for the OCS to review, so put your thinking hats on and get those ideas in to us!

Competition Announcement

Our first set of competitions that were created by Arden, Dave P and myself finished yesterday. Every competition had at least one entry in them and we thank everyone who did enter. We aimed to give everyone a challenge and based on some of the feedback I have had over the last few days, it definitely points to this! A big thank you from me to Arden and Dave for working so hard in creating and judging these competitions.

These are our first competitions that were designed, organised and judged under our new tier system, so I am very happy to see the OCS to be handing out their respective medals. Without any further delays, below are the results:

Changing Rooms (Graphics)

Tier: 1

Judged by: MJ

1st Place (Action Medal with Galaxy Cluster): Alexander Beckett (LadyBlue)

2nd Place (Action Medal with Star Cluster): R’Tor

The Frontline (Game)

Tier: 1

Judged by: MJ

1st Place (Action Medal with Galaxy Cluster): R’Tor

2nd Place (Action Medal with Star Cluster): Robert Dowd (Capierno)

3rd Place (Action Medal with Planet Cluster): Th’lora Vehl (Treylana)


Color Stars (Game)

Tier: 1

Judged by: MJ

1st Place (Action Medal with Galaxy Cluster): Francesca Shilo (Darth)

2nd Place (Action Medal with Star Cluster): Erill’Yun Mek (Wooz)

3rd Place (Action Medal with Planet Cluster): Th’lora Vehl (Treylana)


A Com-PUN-ction for Puns  (Writing)

Tier: 3

Judged by: Arden

1st Place (Action Medal with Planet Cluster): Erill’Yun Mek (Wooz)


Your Year In Review  (Writing)

Tier: 3

Judged by: Arden

1st Place (Action Medal with Planet Cluster): Gar’rath (jonileth)

Distress Call (Writing)

Tier: 3

Judged by: Dave P

1st Place (Action Medal with Planet Cluster): Alexander Beckett (LadyBlue)

2nd Place (Action Medal with Moon Cluster): R’Tor


Well done to everyone who placed! Remember, we still have three competitions running. They are:

All three of them are our first Tier 2 competitions as they are being ran by Wooz and Darth. So if you haven’t already sent in a submission, then what are you waiting for? Get yourself in and you never know you may place and get yourself one of our shiny Tier 2 medals!!

We look forward to finding out who places in these very soon!

Staffing Update

As I stated in my previous end of year report, I wanted to appointed a Deputy Chief of Staff by February.  The current OCS team is a great one and I appreciate what everyone contributes with their time and effort, but having a designated ‘back-up me’ will only ensure further stability and longevity for OCS.

So Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me great privilege and honour to announce that the next Deputy Chief of Staff for Bravo Fleet will be Dave P. Please join me in congratulating him and wishing best wishes as he starts this new role!

Since joining OCS, Dave has really got to grips to the different aspects that come with the daily tasks. A majority of the time he has reviewed the various ribbons that need to be awarded for those of you who are eager writers. His contributions to our discussions in OCS around promotions, medal awarding and other matters have been productive and greatly received. Like me, he was a previous Task Force Commanding Officer and brings a lot of experience and understanding of what it takes to encourage and empower our members to celebrate their achievements in our great community. Along with all of this, Dave is active in many aspects of BF Discord and writes some of our great fiction (as recently seen from the adventures that are taking place on the USS Challenger). With all of this in mind, I am certain he will continue to serve the Office of Chief of Staff well in this role while working alongside his fellow Bravo Fleet Command members.

Dave, I look forward to further collaborations with you as the OCS continues to prosper!

Thanks Bravo Fleet!