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USS Pioneer (NCC-74657)

The USS Pioneer, NCC-74657. Assigned to the Talvath Cluster - the unexplored region full of unknowns beyond to the north of the Beta Quadrent - our ship and crew are exploring this strange new frontier where rumours and ancient probe scans are the only information on record.

USS Pioneer

Intrepid-class • NCC-74657

Initially operating out of Deep Space 17 towards the north of the Beta Quadrant, Pioneer will be exploring the little known Talvath Cluster at the edge of Federation and Romulan Free State territory. With a long history of service to the Fourth Fleet, including through the Dominion War, The Lost Fleet incident and the Borg Resurgence our crew now take up the mantle of explorer proudly, as Starfleet once again looks to the unknown.

USS Pioneer will be a live play TTRPG utilizing the Star Trek Adventures rule set from Modiphius, operating as part of Bravo Fleet’s Expeditionary Group. Taking place fortnightly (provisionally 5pm-8pm UTC) for a group of 4-6 players, who take on a variety of roles aboard the vessel with their primary characters, whilst also operating minor characters and supporting NPCs as part of the gaming system.

Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
Game Manager / XO
ID: 2419
ID: 2717
Security Officer
ID: 2545
ID: 1225
Science Officer
ID: 2545
Intelligence Officer
ID: 2545
Diplomatic Officer/Linguist
ID: 2298
Operations Officer
ID: 2223
Junior Science Officer
ID: 2717
Open Position
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20 June 2024

Surprises in the Helix (pt.1)

USS Pioneer: Murder on the Oridian Express

XO’s Log: Pioneer has been diverted once again. Following our recent under cover operation to Valkoran Base we have spent several days at DS19 transferring prisoners and supplies. We had only just left the station when we received a distress call from the passenger liner SS Christie in orbit of [...]

3 June 2024

One Too Many Glasses (Prologue)

USS Pioneer: Murder on the Oridian Express

Alliana clutched her champagne flute tightly between her slender fingers, acutely aware the delicate crystal neck could snap at any moment and make her embarrassing situation all the worse. Taking a deep breath and flashing her most convincing smile to a passing Andorian server, who responded with [...]

20 May 2024

S.O.S Need Assistance! (Pt. 4)

USS Pioneer: Neolithic Auctions

Previously on USS Pioneer A small team from Pioneer went undercover to Valkoran Base, a civilian operated, Klingon aligned base near the Romulan border. Following intelligence that a recently encountered devolution virus was being auctioned on the base they soon found their undercover ruse exposed [...]

9 May 2024

Have you noticed it's getting warmer? (Pt. 3)

USS Pioneer: Neolithic Auctions

Previously on USS Pioneer Our team have infiltrated Valkoran Base under the guise of smugglers to investigate intelligence suggesting that a sample of the Neo-Phage the team previously encountered on Zercan 2 (a virus that regresses intelligent beings to vicious primordial versions of themselves) [...]