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USS Galaxy

Galaxy-class • NCC-70637 • Task Force 72

For nearly 50 years, Galaxy Class vessels have represented the Federation. The mere sight of her shadow inspires hope for those in need and fear in those that stand against her. A product of an era now long past, many view Galaxy as an excess; a waste of resources for a vessel that represents an era of naiveté. To her crew she serves as a reminder of what Starfleet has allowed to slip away and the hope of a better tomorrow; a reminder that at our heart we are explorers who seek out the unknown with an unparalleled passion.

Fresh off of her mid cycle heavy refit, the USS Galaxy has been given the task of pushing farther into deep space; a new five year mission to serve as a reminder of what Starfleet truly is.

The former crew of the USS Amundsen stands ready to once again go boldly where none have gone before.

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26 July 2024

Dominus - Part 4

USS Galaxy: Dominus

“Approaching system N-221, dropping out of warp.” The name sounded oddly sterile considering they were hurtling themselves towards a planet that was under siege from the Gorn. It had taken them days to arrive at the planet; between being restricted to warp 2 and having to stop for a full 24 [...]

26 July 2024

Dominus - Part 3

USS Galaxy: Dominus

“Do we even know how to open the aperture back up?”The crew had assembled in the briefing room for the first time since their arrival in the Gamma Quadrant; a decision had to be made, and quickly. The Gorn had most likely arrived at the M Class planet picked up on sensors and, most likely, were [...]

26 July 2024

Dominus - Part 2

USS Galaxy: Dominus

Kellen Ereth’s eyes were glued to the console in front of him as he tried to navigate the increasingly small and complex subspace tunnel the Galaxy found itself in. The small display on the left of the console gave him at least some idea of how to adjust the ship’s attitude as needed; the [...]

26 July 2024

Dominus - Part 1

USS Galaxy: Dominus

Executive Officer’s log, supplemental. Galaxy continues to preform within expectations, minus that small hiccup in the Gre’vok system. Every bathroom door on the ship locked for 4 hours after an engineering officer managed to short out an entire bank of isolinear chips with his morning tea and [...]