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Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Galaxy: Dominus

As the Galaxy wraps up its shakedown cruise, the sudden appearance of the underspace corridors across the galaxy set the Galaxy crew on a collision course with one of its most feared and unknown enemies

Mission Description

A calm, mundane, high warp test while delivering supplies to Certis IV near the Gorn border is set to end weeks of boring shakedown testing for the crew of the newly refit USS Galaxy. The calm is shattered when a destress call beckons the Galaxy: A Gorn breeding ship has gown bold and attacked a civilian ship in Federation space.

As the Galaxy races to help, dozens of other distress calls come in from across the section and beyond: The labyrinth has opened. With subspace apertures beginning to open the Galaxy arrives at its intended location to find a grim sight; the civilian ship destroyed and the Gorn ship ready to pounce on the Galaxy. As is happening across the quadrants, a subspace aperture suddenly opens and pulls in the Gorn ship and Galaxy.

In a flash, the crew find themselves trapped deep in the Gamma Quadrant. The Galaxy has suffered heavy, but not crippling, damage and the Gorn’s warp trail show them heading straight for a pre-warp, class M, planet. Out of their element and with no help from Starfleet, the crew must do everything they can to save a planet of thousands from being harvested by the darkest elements of the Gorn.

There is no quick escape. There is no help coming. There is only the Galaxy.

About the Mission

USS Galaxy
Total Stories
Start Date