“To do the useful thing, to say the courageous thing, to contemplate the beautiful thing: that is enough for one man’s life“
The USS Triton (NCC-80106) is a Luna-class Federation starship built in the later part of the 2370s and is the third starship to bear the name to serve the Federation. The ship is known for being one of a few ships in Starfleet to host a crew that has a wide range of species serving on it, including those that aren’t humanoid-based. The Triton has served in the Fourth Fleet for a long period of time and is now a member of the Odyssey Squadron, an expeditionary force sent to explore the deepest depths of the Delta Quadrant. Famed for her time under the command of several notable Starfleet captains, including Captain Evelynn Vangelos, Captain James Preston McCallister and most recently Captain Rio Canção. The ship’s motto is based on a quote by famed Earth poet T. S. Eliot.
Header image by Jetfreak-7
The content on this command is rated at 222 on the RPG Ratings Scale, per the Bravo Fleet Content Policy. Limited swearing, violence, and sexual content may be present. It is intended for audiences aged 16 and up.
The Odyssey Squadron is a formation centred around the starship USS Odyssey, the prototype of the Odyssey-class heavy explorer. It is currently under the command of Commodore James Preston McCallister. The squadron is assigned as a deep-space expeditionary force within the Delta Quadrant. Formed at the close of 2400, the squadron received orders to head to the Swallow Nebula region beyond the Gradin Belt to commence re-exploration efforts. The squadron is assigned to Fourth Fleet Operations and collaborates closely with the Delta Exploration Initiative.
Commanding Officer
First Officer
Chief Engineer
Second Officer
Chief Counsellor
Third Officer
Chief Security & Tactical Officer
Chief Science Officer
Chief Medical Officer
Chief Flight Control Officer
Chief Operations Officer
12 October 2024
USS Triton
Banfield stirred, her vision blurred, and her senses dulled as she gradually regained consciousness. The scent of damp soil and the sound of soft wind brushing against trees hit her before her eyes focused. As her vision cleared, she blinked in disbelief. Before her lay the stone courtyard of her [...]
29 September 2024
USS Triton
Staring down at the sensor readings over T’Liana’s shoulder, Banfield found it frustrating to work out the source of the current pattern of graviton surges and increased levels of epsilon radiation. After changing out of her Klingon uniform an hour ago, she returned to the bridge to discover [...]
14 September 2024
USS Triton
“Captain’s log supplemental, our first contact with the Ilumirians, continues to go well. Several science teams are now visiting their islands of asteroids where they live. Though they have offered to show us how to leave the Veil, I feel that if we run away from this encounter immediately, we [...]
31 August 2024
USS Triton
Banfield was enjoying the flight from the Triton to inside the asteroid that T’Liana had chosen for them to explore first. Sat at the starboard aft science station, Banfield was taking in the readings the Delta-class runabout was feeding back to them. Besides her, in the port station, was [...]