As the quadrant still finds its feet after the collapse of the Romulan Empire and the other seemingly endless crisis the newly constructed Pathfinder long-range explore, the USS Sojourner, sets out to expand the knowledge and reach of the federation.
Commanded by the newly promoted half Orion/Risian Commander Kirin Tarken the USS Sojourner has been assigned to conduct long-range surveys at the fringes of the federation and beyond. Surprised by the unexpected new command, both she and the former crew of the USS Daradax must now adapt to the sudden change in their situations and their increased responsibilities. Not to mention expanding their tight nite crew to include 115 more people.
The class development patch was done by the original designer of the class, Thomas Marrone.
The name and Ship patch has been done by the amazing @jess91481; aka Aoife McKenzie
STAR TREK: Sojourner is rated
Swearing, sexual content and violence are permitted, with some limitations.
Avatars on this command are personal commissions, or located at Sci-Fi Avatars
Commanding Officer
Chief Engineer
Chief of Security and Tactical Officer
Chief Science Officer
Chief of Operations and Flight Control
Chief Medical Officer
Assistant Chief Engineer
Trauma Nurse
Shuttle Pilot/Flight Control Officer
Science Officer - Geology and Planetary Sciences
Science Officer - Archaeology and Anthropology
Command NCO
Security NCO
Transporter Chief
20 September 2024
Mission 4 - At the edge of the Unknown
USS Sojourner
48 hours after reaching DS47 Crew Lounge – Deck 6 Dese leaned back on the sofa on the lower level of the starboard crew lounge and looked out at the starbase as the Sojourner slowly orbited it. As she watched, she saw the nacelles of one of the civilian trading vessels begin to glow moments [...]
2 September 2024
Mission 4 - At the edge of the Unknown
USS Sojourner
Bridge – Deck 1 The maelstrom of the Badlands loomed in all directions along the boundary of the Thomar Expanse. Its reddish-brown clouds of gas swirled as plasma discharges lit them from within giving it a sinister look Kirin sat looking at the main display as a sense of relief settled over the [...]
9 April 2024
M2 - Chp3: Peering through the fog (of war)
Mission 2 - Alone on the Dagger's Edge (Lost Fleet FA)
USS Sojourner
Ready Room – Deck 1 “Any word from Belania, or Anahis?” Kirin asked as she drummed her fingers on her desk, her frustration clearly visible on her face. Thanen sat across from her, his somewhat unfocused eyes betraying how tired he was. “Um, yeah. Good news actually,” he started [...]
19 July 2023
M2 - Chp2: Personal Log - Slipping under the radar
Mission 2 - Alone on the Dagger's Edge (Lost Fleet FA)
USS Sojourner
Takes Place following the events of Valhalla Squadron: (11) Light the Signal Fires – (15) Ragnarök – (16) Asgard’s call – (18) Lif and Lifthrasir – [...]