Caelum Station (SB-315)

Caelum Station is a teaching hospital where medical officers are learning how to be smarter doctors and compassionate healers. If they're not careful, the lives they save may be their own.

Caelum Station

Jupiter-class • SB-315 • Caelum Research Facility Division • Fourth Fleet

Caelum Station is a Jupiter-class station located in the Deneb Sector. As an annex of Starfleet Medical Academy, Caelum Station serves as a teaching hospital for the training of medical officers and counselors.

Reconfigured as a hospital station in 2401, Caelum Station was deployed to the Ochides System to assist in the rebuilding of the Deneb Sector.  A Dominion Fleet, dislocated from its time and space in 2374, invaded and occupied the Deneb Sector as if the war had never ended.  The Fourth Fleet’s victory over the Dominion came at the cost of millions of Federation lives.  After Starfleet suffered further losses on Frontier Day, Caelum Station’s mission was amplified to win the hearts and minds of the Deneb Sector and to prepare a new generation of medical officers for exploration.

Caelum Research Facility Division

Division Commands

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Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
Deputy Director of General Medicine
ID: 2374
Medical Student
ID: 2374
Medical Student
ID: 2374
Medical Student
ID: 2374
Medical Student
ID: 2374
Medical Student
ID: 2374

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28 January 2025

Cage of Rib Bones - 3

Cage of Rib Bones

Caelum Station

Sinking into the corner of his sectional sofa, Sark draped a heavy blanket over his shoulders. He squeezed the fluffy cloth around his neck, taking small comfort in the sensation against his skin. At the same time, Sark adjusted the blanket to hide the teal shoulders of his uniform. His sister had [...]

26 September 2024

Cage of Rib Bones - 2

Cage of Rib Bones

Caelum Station

Every morning when Elyas Sark awoke aboard Caelum Station, he wondered if it should be for the last time. Sark’s acceptance to Starfleet Academy had been so terribly gruelling, so awfully arduous, that it could only mean he was destined for greatness.  For what other reason would the universe [...]

6 September 2024

Cage of Rib Bones - 1

Cage of Rib Bones

Caelum Station

As if it wasn’t ghastly enough to blast a fifty-year-old starship across the galaxy at emergency speeds, this one sounded like it was haunted, too. There was a whimper and a sharp intake of breath.  It was the sound of something clutching at a cliff’s edge, clawing through the barrier between [...]