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USS Galileo (NCC-52001)

USS Galileo

Steamrunner-class • NCC-52001 • Task Force 72

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30 June 2024

Departure - 5

USS Galileo: Departure

Maxwell started hasting his walk to the bridge, as departure at 1500 hours was almost imminent. First impressions matter after all, and being a support ship, they had to be on time to support something. If not, there won’t be anything at all to support. “Captain on the bridge!” Maxwell walked [...]

30 June 2024

Departure - 4

USS Galileo: Departure

“How are we doing, Lieutenant? Is the astrometrics lab up to standard?” Hilary turned her head in an instant towards the voice where she heard it. She was busy fixing and sorting through the data for the miniature astrophysics lab that was customized for the Galileo. Turning back, Hilary saw [...]

30 June 2024

Departure - 3

USS Galileo: Departure

~ What is this life? I swear the ensigns always manage to get themselves into trouble. Like falling off the side railings? Stairs? You have safety features to prevent that… What is it with this world? ~~ Avi really couldn’t believe that she was treating patients early this morning. The Galileo [...]

30 June 2024

Departure - 2

USS Galileo: Departure

Manuel muttered in disbelief, “What gives? Why are some of the panels missing some components? We’re leaving in 1500 hours! This should have been fixed by now.” ~ This is a complete disaster. If I didn’t know any better, this was the work of the officers at Starbase, or the work of the [...]