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Part of USS Galileo: Departure and USS Galileo: The Nexus Within – M1

Departure – 4

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“How are we doing, Lieutenant? Is the astrometrics lab up to standard?”

Hilary turned her head in an instant towards the voice where she heard it. She was busy fixing and sorting through the data for the miniature astrophysics lab that was customized for the Galileo. Turning back, Hilary saw the captain and exclaimed, “Captain! I didn’t see you there.”

Maxwell walked up towards the consoles and scanned his surroundings. While the astronomy lab wasn’t what he was used to, being said that it’s a tad bit smaller than the regular ones, it was still a place he had fond memories of. It is being said that he was a science officer in the past. 

Maxwell quickly asked and inquired, intending to test the chief science officer’s knowledge of science: “Lieutenant! What is a quasar, and how are they identified?

Hilary stopped in her tracks and was in shock, not expecting the captain to ask her a question about astrophysics. Taking a few moments to think, Hilary finally came up with an answer: “They are an extremely luminous galactic nucleus that is powered by SBH’s. The luminosities of quasars are thousands of times greater than those of our galaxy, and they are usually identified through spectroscopy.”

Maxwell replied, “Great answer. I commend you on your work here at the lab. I mean, it looks like the real thing! Just smaller, I guess. I do hope the data’s been updated and installed into Galileo’s database.”

Hilary wiped a sweat drop from her brow, turned to face the captain, and said, “Aye, sir. All data has been updated. I got to say that this is a sweet lab; it will surely help us in our future adventures.”

Maxwell thought and replied, “It surely will, Lieutenant. It surely will. Anyways, I have a question for you: since I intend to make the astrometrics lab, the chief science officers office, would you be good with it? There is a decent room at the sides, if you haven’t noticed. I mean, you could just work outside, not that anyone would actually be here most of the time except for you and your deputy. Speaking of, both you and your deputy will have rotations on the bridge. One must always stay at the bridge and one here.”

~ Damn it. I just wanted to stay here; it is actually comfortable here, a bit chilly, and pure silence. ~

Hilary responded with, “Yes, sir. We will be having rotations for the shifts.”

Maxwell replied, “Well then, Lieutenant. I look forward to the usage of this lab and, of course, the other labs for future scientific study.”

“Captain, we are five minutes to departure.”

“Acknowledged, Commander. On my way.”

Maxwell faced the chief science officer and said, “Well, that’s my call. I need to get going; don’t hesitate to knock on my door if you have any questions. I did major in astrophysics after all.”