USS Sirius is an Odyssey-class heavy explorer and the flagship of Sirius Squadron, under the command of Commodore Matt Rourke. With her size and self-sufficiency, Sirius is the main hub of all formation operations, able to support and supply other starships and their crews for an extended duration. When operating in the Midgard Sector, Sirius serves as a forward command post for missions across the region, or is directly responsible for humanitarian, scientific, or strategic duties requiring her vast resources. Whether at the heart of a deployment of the whole squadron or taking primary responsibility for a specific operation, the assigning of the USS Sirius to a mission demonstrates command takes a matter deeply seriously.
For the main home of Sirius Squadron’s adventures, visit the USS Endeavour.
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Header image made by Jetfreak-7
Sirius Expeditionary Squadron is a unit centered around the Odyssey-class USS Sirius under the command of Commodore Matt Rourke. Sirius Squadron stands ready to deploy outside or on the fringes of Federation territory at short notice to respond to emerging situations across the galaxy. With multiple versatile and powerful ships at its disposal, the squadron can operate independently and without support for extended periods, and is flexible enough to face a range of missions, including under volatile circumstances where objectives and conditions can quickly change. While this profile often leads Sirius Squadron to respond to geopolitical crises, the unit’s versatility make it equally suited emergent scientific investigations.
The main unit, organised around the Sirius herself, is an element of several powerful ships each able to take the lead or act independently depending on the mission’s needs. Deployed together, they are a supremely well-rounded and capable unit. Two additional divisions provide specialist support. The first, headed by the USS Redemption, acts as an operations element to provide engineering, humanitarian, or diplomatic services. The second, headed by the USS Liberty, fulfils dedicated exploratory or scientific missions. The divisions may deploy independently or in support of one another, depending on operational needs.
To follow the main stories of Sirius Squadron, visit the USS Endeavour Command page.
Badge by user; ‘Star dog’ image element generated with Midjourney
Commanding Officer
Commander, Sirius Squadron
Executive Officer
CO, USS Alhabor
Diplomatic Mission Leader
Chief of Strategic Operations
Chief Science Officer
Chief Medical Officer
Chief Tactical Officer
Chief Security Officer
Chief Engineer
Chief Operations Officer
Chief Flight Control Officer
Chief Counsellor
Head of Social Sciences
Head of Stellar Sciences
Diplomatic Aide
CO's Yeoman
CO, CUV Edorasc
16 August 2024
The Good We Oft Might Win - 12
USS Sirius
‘…the KDF are pulling back their forces, but only so far as the border.’ Harrian grimaced as he gestured along the strategic map of the Midgard Sector that stood at the heart of the Sirius’s SOC. ‘It seems they didn’t want to risk getting cut off with the collapse of Underspace, but it [...]
23 July 2024
The Good We Oft Might Win - 11
USS Sirius
Riggs leaned against the railing to peer up at the shielded power core of the Cardassian tachyon control platform. ‘We could overload that,’ he said. ‘Easy as pie.’ Next to him, Locke was focused on his work at the control panel and did not look up. ‘If we do that, we’ll need immediate [...]
19 July 2024
The Good We Oft Might Win - 10
USS Sirius
‘We’re coming up on the final approach.’ Lieutenant Harkon glanced back from the cockpit of the shuttle Rosetti to the trio stowed in the aft. Primed and ready in combat gear, the away team for the illicit mission still looked like a cluster of self-conscious children on their ride to school. [...]
16 July 2024
USS Sirius
‘You told me that when I did something wrong, it was important to apologise.’ Nine times out of ten, Ellie Stone was an expert in philosophy, contorting arguments and exploiting loopholes and challenging epistemology like only a teenager trying to wriggle out of trouble could. When she reverted [...]