Part of USS Jaxartes: Ripples on the water and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

Part B: The search begins

USS Jaxartes – Federation Border
June Mission Day 1: 08:30
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Captains Log:  Having just received an urgent request to begin searching for three missing shisp near our current patrol zone, I can’t help but feel a little apprehensive despite reassurances that the Borg are not involved, and I must make the crew aware of the possibility that this information may be wrong.

I had hoped we’d seen the last of those cybernetic monsters; yet somehow they have managed to survive once again.  If we have to face them, I’m sure I can count on the crew to perform their duties to the upmost.

On a personal note; having been in the grip and under the influence of the Borg once already, no matter how short a period, I don’t ever want to go back there again. I will do everything in my power to make sure of that. 

End Log


Soon after receiving the message and making a brief log, Jason Devron had gathered most of the senior staff in the Aft Observation Lounge. He motioned for them all to take a seat having more or less arrived together, before taking his own seat at the head of the table. “As I’m sure some of you will be aware, we’ve received an urgent message.” He paused for a moment, calling up the relevant information he required. “This is the USS Adriatic, currently under the leadership of Commander Rohdat. She has a crew of 31 aboard most of which are fresh out of the Academy.” The Captain pointed at the image of a rather old and typical example of the Maranda class workhorse. “The Adriatic was escorting a pair of transport vessels to the planet Tartarus II and all three are overdue with their arrival.”

“How late are they?” Lyanna enquired.

“Just over 36 hours.” Replied her captain. “Tartarus II has a large mining community and the two ships were delivering new drilling equipment, amongst other general supplies.”

“Why pick us though?” Tholakath asked resting his elbows on the table and clasping his hands together. “We aren’t exactly equipped for this.”

“Normally I would agree with you there.” Devron paused, knowing what he was about to say would have as much an impact on those sitting around him as it did when he’d heard the report. “Multiple signals have been detected throughout the Beta Quadrant and 4th Fleet is sending out what it can to investigate.”

“Signals from what exactly?” His first officer probed.

“Borg.” Shock and silence momentarily fell across the room, at that one word from the young Lieutenant’s lips

“Are we being invaded?” It was doctor Andrianakis’s turn to ask the question.

“As far as I’ve been made aware these signals are coming from individual items, such as weapons, equipment, or even lost drones rather than a cube or sphere, at least not an intact one.”

“Any of them connected with the disappearance of the Adriatic?” Came the Cardassian’s response to the news.

“No signal has been detected within the vicinity of our search area.” Jason stated honestly.  “With any luck it’s just a problem with one of the transport vessels and we’ve got nothing to worry about.”

“Famous last words.” Lyanna whispered leaning closer and giving her captain a half smile.

He ignored her comment feeling the crew of this corvette had already got mixed up in more of its fair share of fights, and crossing paths with the Borg so soon was the last thing any of them wanted. “Ok, you all know what needs to be done, so let’s get at it.”

They all stood gathered up anything they’d brought with them and exited the room.


A couple of minutes later Lieutenant Devron was taking his seat on the bridge; Lieutenant Stuart had just exchanged the helm position with Ensign Harris. “New course laid in all controls reading green.” The Orion called out over her shoulder. “Warp engines standing by on your command.”

“Very good.  Warp 7 if you will number one. Hit it.” Ordered Devron.

“Aye Captain Warp 7 engaged.” Slender green fingers danced lightly across the console, and the stars on the view screen in front turned from small points to streaks as the ship leapt forward.


It took the USS Jaxartes a little under twenty-one hours to reach the start of their search area, dropping out of warp they began a careful scan of this particular region of space; quickly picking up the telltale signs that indicated the missing ships had indeed pasted this way.

With Ensign Harris back at the controls, Devron, who he’d just woken up, instructed him to alter course and follow the trail at warp 3.  Within less than an hour Ensign Tholakath had something on the long range scanners. As they closed in C’Rren confirmed it was the missing USS Adriatic.

“She appears to be adrift captain.” Tholakath informed his commanding officer.

“Yellow Alert, shields up. Drop us out of warp Mr Harris; close in at one quarter impulse.” Jason instructed the helm office. “Close to two thousand meters and hold position relieve to the Adriatic. Everyone keep your eyes peeled and your wits about you.”

“Captain I’m not getting any response from the automatic hail.” His communications officer informed him.

“Thank you Ensign Cho.” He acknowledged. “Inform command we’ve located the USS Adriatic, but not the transports she was escorting.”

Ensign Harris confirmed that the ship was in position alongside the other Federation Vessel and maintaining a steady distance.  There were clear signs of damage; noticeable scorch marks across the top of the saucer and the strut connecting the port nacelle had been partially severed.  However all told the ship seemed in remarkable good condition considering it must have been in some sort of fight.

The next piece of news was something no one wanted to here. “Detecting evidence of Borg weapons fire, including cutting beam.  Though at greatly reduced power levels.” The Cardassian ensign at tactical reported.

“I’m not picking up any life signs either captain.” The Caitian added from the back of the bridge. “Though there are two areas my scans are unable to penetrate.”

“Any reading on power and life support.” Devron asked half turning towards the science officer.

“Power levels minimal throughout the ship; life support running on backup systems only.” Was his answer.

The captain briefly tapped away at the small control panel mounted within the arm of; one was a request fort Lieutenant Stuart to come to the bridge, which she duly did a few moments later.

Jason stood up from the captain’s chair. “Number one you have the bridge.” He politely informed the young Orion. “Ensign Tholakath you’re with me. Let’s see if we can figure out what’s going on.”

“Sir do you feel it wise beaming over?” Lyanna asked her commanding officer. “Strictly speaking leading an away mission; especially into a potential hostile situation is my responsibility.”

“Lieutenant Stuart is correct.” The Cardassian chipped in.

“You two worry too much.” Jason smiled at them both. “Besides we’ll be going in armed, just in case. Ok?”

The two officers nodded in acknowledgement. “Aye sir, you’re the boss.” Lyanna responded.

Devron exited the bridge with Tholakath hot on his heels as Stuart took the captains seat.


  • The story gives such a great vibe so far, Devron has no time or energy to deal with the Borg, yet has to deal with it against his own struggles. The way the news is brought upon the Raven crew is nothing but a shocking surprise as other ships should be more equip to deal with it. Yet when arriving at the scene, they still might be dealing with the Borg, let see where this story leads us, awesome work!

    October 29, 2023
  • Devron vowing to never again fall under the influence of the Borg is a very ominous start to this mission indeed! I enjoy the way it contrasts with his attempt at optimism during the briefing. “Probably nothing” indeed! Stuart attempting to lighten the mood with her comment and doing just the opposite is a nice little character moment I enjoyed. Definitely curious as to what the obscured, un-scannable areas of the ship might be hiding!

    October 29, 2023
  • The framing here almost gives it a lower decks vibe: the Fleet is off hunting for Borg signals, so we’re going to go find a couple supply ships and their escort… but, of course, as soon as they’re on site, they’re met with the reality that the Borg are involved. What happened to the crew of the Adriatic? Where are the two ships it was escorting? And what are the Borg doing here? I worry that the Adriatic’s crew may currently be experiencing the grip of the Borg as Devron has before, and Devron may indeed have to “do everything in [his] power to make sure” he doesn’t end up there again. And even then, will it be enough? The Jax isn’t exactly a Borg-fighting warship.

    October 30, 2023
  • I love the way you're setting things up here. You're doing a great job of answering questions, but setting more up at the same time, pulling the reader along with you in the story and keeping things interesting. Well done! I'm also a big fan of the way you included a staff meeting, but cleanly glazed through it so all the relevant information got shared with both the reader and the crew without the pace-killing danger of Q&A from the senior staff haha. Loving this so far! Can't wait to find out more!

    October 30, 2023