Part of Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

USS Jaxartes: Ripples on the water

The search for three missing vessels.

Mission Description

The USS Jaxartes is back on patrol along the Federation boarder.  Things seem to be getting back to more normal.  But for the crew of this particular corvette, that sort of thing never seems to last long.

Diverted from their current patrol route the crew are searching for a Maranda Class star ship the USS Adriatic and the two transport vessels she was escorting; the CAT-04 Sandvik and CAT-05 Komatsu.  All three vessels having been reported 36 hours late in reaching their destination and communication with them having been lost.

With reports of multiple Borg activity across many sections of the quadrant but none reported near the missing vessels; is it really safe to assume the Borg aren’t involved too?

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

5 December 2023

Part N: To make tomorrow a better place

USS Jaxartes: Ripples on the water

Lieutenant Jason Devron had been of the planet’s surface for roughly an hour now; surveying the situation in and around the mining complex. Assistance had finally arrived in the shape of three starships.  One a Fleet Auxiliary Vessel, the USS Albion had brought with it a team from the Corps of [...]

1 December 2023

Part M: Final Message

USS Jaxartes: Ripples on the water

It took a moment or two for Lieutenant Devron to realise where he was.  It was dark and he was still feeling a little groggy.  The Blue Danube playing in the background, reassured him he was still in his quarters; confirmed by bringing the light up to 20%.  The last thing he could recall was [...]

28 November 2023

Part L: The Scream

USS Jaxartes: Ripples on the water

The USS Jaxartes was safe, at least for the time being that was.  With the Borg now unable to communicate with the defence satellite Anvil 2, it was no longer firing at them; and the Borg had made no attempts to re-position any of the other three. Devron had sent both Lieutenant Stuart and Ensign [...]

23 November 2023

Part K: Unlikely Hero

USS Jaxartes: Ripples on the water

It seemed strange beaming on to the Borg cube voluntarily; no one in their right mind would ever do such a foolish thing.  But that’s exactly what he’d done.  He was a stranger in the world they’d dragged him from and now a stranger in this one to.  Memories flashed of his first moments [...]