Part of USS Themis: This Far, How Further? and USS Odyssey: This Far, How Further?

This Far, How Further? – 10

USS Themis (NCC-76554), Earth Station McKinley, Earth orbit, Sol System
Stardate: 78276.26
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Captain Cambil’s countenance was aglow with delight as she gracefully placed yet another exquisite piece of tableware on the already impeccable table. Her private dining room was a sight to behold, with breathtaking surroundings that were sure to enrapture her esteemed guests. Every detail had been meticulously arranged with utmost care and precision, from the elegant table setting to the overall ambience, perfectly suited for an intimate and unforgettable gathering. Clearly, Captain Cambil had spared no effort in ensuring that her guests would be treated to an experience of unparalleled extravagance and refinement.

She checked her reflection in the nearby long-standing mirror and was pleased with her outfit. It was noticeable that she had opted for a change in attire. Instead of her typical Starfleet uniform, she donned a lengthy, deep blue gown that flowed elegantly. She wanted tonight’s gathering to be unrelated to work, as she planned to host a celebratory meal for her senior staff.

In addition to her unadorned yet tasteful attire, she had taken the time to alter her coiffure. Cambil had artfully fashioned her locks into refined curls that delicately encircled her countenance with a sense of refinement and sophistication. Her customary updo or simple straight ponytail was deemed unnecessary for the occasion. Tonight was special; they would celebrate Frontier Day Eve (as Counsellor Samris had named it) and use the time to continue to build bridges among each other. 

Though their time in the Delta Quadrant had forged good working relationships, there was still some teambuilding effort that Cambil could sense, especially after the Lost Fleet incursion into the Deneb Sector had put them onto a war footing. She knew she may have been rushing things to get her crew to work more closely together. Still, she wanted to show them off in tomorrow’s fleet formation as one of the finest crews in Starfleet. If she was to admit it, she wanted the Themis crew to be just like it was on the Odyssey after the crew had found their feet and started working better together. To that end, she remembered how often Captain McCallister had organised events for the senior staff to ‘mingle’—from dinners to late-night poker games to celebrating the Bajoran Gratitude Festival together. It took a lot of effort on his side, but it built the foundations for the crew to work better together. Not that she had any concerns over how they worked together; fortunately, most of her senior staff had come from the Odyssey, but she wanted it to be so much more. Tonight was the first step.

“Computer, play some Bajoran music, something soft by Tor Jolan,” Cambil ordered, and the music came to life over the speakers. People began arriving shortly after. Instead of holograms serving, Cambil decided to personally prepare each dish and offer a variety of drinks for everyone’s pleasure. Her senior staff only needed to help themselves from the buffet-style set-up.

“everyone’s”“’‘tomorrow’stonight’sCaptain, all of this looks so delicious. Thank you for organising this,” Abbej said as she helped herself to some Hasperate soufflé. Abbej looked stunning in her choice of attire, donning a stylish and chic sleeveless black dress that perfectly complemented her luscious deep purple tresses. Her outfit exuded an air of sophistication, and it was clear that she had put much thought into it for the occasion.

Raising her glass of Spring wine, Cambil bowed her head to her Boslic chief science officer. “Thank you, Abbej, and I am glad you could make it tonight. I know you’ve been spending the last few days with Tierra.” Cambil said with a friendly smile. “How are things going?”

Abbej mimicked the captain’s smile. “So much better, thank you, captain, and don’t worry, Tierra was eager to get back to the Odyssey to see what the engineers had done to her before they launched ahead of the Enterprise tomorrow.”  

 “Well, we can’t have the Odyssey breaking down as it goes through Spacedock’s doors!” Cambil commented. 

“What’s that about the Odyssey breaking down?” asked Tremt Hunsen as he walked over to where Cambil and Abbej stood. 

Hunsen, the Odyssey’s previous chief engineer, still took great pride in his former position and the work he accomplished while there. As a result, Cambil explained her hope again that the Odyssey wouldn’t have a mechanical mishap before it left Spacedock. 

Hunsen chuckled after hearing it. “Well, if not, we would just have to tow her out!”

“That’s not quite the pomp and circumstance that Starfleet is looking for, Tremt.” Cambil reminded her first officer.

Across the room, Doctor Forbes was talking with Lieutenant Jines. Both men were dressed in their civilian attire. Forbes was attired in a modest yet elegant maroon shirt, complemented by a pair of tastefully understated grey trousers. On the other hand, Jines chose to don an open white collared shirt that exuded an air of casual sophistication, which he expertly paired with a sleek and refined navy blue trouser ensemble. 

“So, how was the trip to Terra Nova?” Jines asked while sipping on a Saurian brandy. 

Forbes acknowledged with a smile, “I got to catch up with my family, my sister, and my brother-in-law during my brief visit. They just welcomed their third child. My mother teased me about not finding ‘the one’ yet.”

Jines had a little laugh and remarked, “And I thought my parents were the only ones who did that to me.”

Shaking his head, Forbes explained how much his parents had always compared his love life to his sister’s. “It’s been a running joke for several family reunions, and they wonder why I’m rarely home for them.” He sipped on his own glass of Andorian ale. “Did you get a chance to speak to your dad while we’ve been back?”

Jines exhaled deeply. “I did, but it was short and sweet as he had to get back to work – the life of a Rutian constable is never-ending.” He paused before taking a bigger swig of his drink. “Well, that’s what he says.” He winced after swallowing such a large amount of the brandy.

“Ah, man, I’m sorry to hear that.” Forbes empathised with his friend. “How about after we’ve finished tomorrow’s celebration, you, me and Cline head down to Earth for one last crazy night?”

“That sounds like a great plan, my friend,” Jines agreed, just as Lenjir walked over. 

“I heard my name,” Lenjir said with curiosity. “What’s happening?”

“Us three hitting a few bars and clubs down on Earth? I know some perfect places in London. What do you think?” Forbes offered. 

Lenjir looked around the room before nodding. “Sure, the captain said we get the evening off after we’ve finished with all the display antics Command wants us to do.”

Sitting at one end of the table, T’Rani and Samris sat with Trev Brashlend, discussing their upcoming nuptials. He had been engrossed in what they had to say as they ate together.

“So, will it be a traditional Vulcan wedding, a Romulan one, or a mixture?” The Tellarite asked.

T’Rani answered. “After our parents met, it was agreed that it would be a combination of our heritages.”

“Though they had some ideas on what they would look like, we’ve told them we will plan it ourselves and share the details later,” Samris added.

Trev nodded in excitement, a mouth full of food. He quickly chopped down on what he was enjoying and swallowed it. “Will you do it before we head back to the Delta Quadrant?”

”We haven’t decided yet,” Samris answered.

“Hopefully, there is not another invasion to delay our mission,” T’Rani stated as she cut up carefully and gently her plate of pok tar. The Vulcan delicacy was her favourite, and she appreciated that Captain Cambil had made it for this evening. “That said, if it is favourable, then we would like to have the marriage here on the Themis.”

“The Themis?” Trev repeated. “Nothing gives off good marital vibes than under the hue of a warp drive!” 

“Or a Hirogen Hunting Party!” Samris said with a grin which neither Trev nor T’Rani appreciated.

Back where Captain Cambil was standing, Abbej had left her and Hunsen while she went to join in with Lenjir and the others. 

“This was a good idea, ma’am.” Hunsen complimented. 

“Thank you, Number One,” She replied with a smile. “How’s Louwanna doing?”

“She’s fine, just struggling to stand for too long. Doctor Slyvexs keeps teasing her that she has an entire Cadet Squadron in there. Her mother wishes to visit the Odyssey before we return to the Delta Quadrant,” Hunsen shared. 

“I take it you want a lot of work on the Themis that day?” Cambil asked with a smirk.

Hunsen nodded. “How could you tell?” 

Both laughed for a bit. 

“You never told me how your time with Naprem and the boys went while you were on Earth?” Hunsen asked.

Cambil smiled. “It was nice to have a catch-up. We spent a few days in Lake Garda in Italy. And I’m so pleased they’re joining me on the Themis.”

“You never told me. Did you find out who rescinded the order about us and the others not having civilians on board?” Hunsen said as he dashed his glass with Aldebaran whiskey and offered a top-up to Cambil with Bajoran spring wine. 

She held her glass out and watched as he poured the wine in. “I passed it onto James in the end, and he said he couldn’t get further with it, so he left it with Horatio to use his contacts among Starfleet Intelligence to discover who was looking out for us. We know it came from within the brass within the Fourth Fleet, but it didn’t have an admiral’s name attached to it. Just a standard confirmation code with it.”

“Well, at least the Themis and Odyssey will feel a bit more alive, plus once they’ve chosen a new captain for Triton, I suppose they’d appreciate having their civilian experts back on board,” Hunsen said. He finished pouring her drink and picked up his. “Talking of the Triton, I heard a rumour they’re considering Corella Banfield for the centre chair.”

“Really?” Cambil said as she lifted her glass to her lips. “She would certainly be a good choice.” 

“I thought so, too,” Hunsen agreed as he looked at their crew. “If that happens, I reckon we may end up getting a transfer request from Abbej to return to the Odyssey.”

“You may be right,” Cambil sighed. “With her and Tierra working things out, she may want to be closer to her.”

“I’ll start looking for possible replacements,” Hunsen said quietly.

Cambil shook her head. “Leave it for now, Tremt. Let’s enjoy Frontier Day and cross that bridge if it comes to it.”