Part of USS Odyssey: This Far, How Further?

USS Themis: This Far, How Further?

Watch As Your Future Ends

Mission Description

Joining the Odyssey on Earth, the Themis and her crew prepare for the upcoming Frontier Day celebrations, but a happy reunion is spoilt.

About the Mission

USS Themis
Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

6 August 2023

This Far, How Further? - 13

USS Themis: This Far, How Further?

Carrying Trev over their shoulders, Captain Cambil with Doctor Forbes were trying to keep the Tellarite chief engineer alive for now. Holding her phaser out in front of her, Cambil was determined that she (and the rest of the senior staff) were to reach their safe fallback position. When Lenjir [...]

1 August 2023

This Far, How Further? - 10

USS Themis: This Far, How Further?

Captain Cambil’s countenance was aglow with delight as she gracefully placed yet another exquisite piece of tableware on the already impeccable table. Her private dining room was a sight to behold, with breathtaking surroundings that were sure to enrapture her esteemed guests. Every detail had [...]

22 July 2023

This Far, How Further? - 2

USS Themis: This Far, How Further?

Captain Cambil Bexa stood in her quarters, enveloped in stillness, taking a moment to reflect on the recent events that had transpired. She stood before a masterfully crafted Bajoran tapestry with her hands open wide, her eyes shut, and her head bowed in reverence. The room was dimly lit, with two [...]