Part of USS Mackenzie: Mission 1 – Back to Work

Knock Knock

USS Mackenzie - Bridge
10.17.2400 - 1745
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They'd entered orbit of Fenris, and Fowler was working at the console at the front of the room as the sensors and her science team sent her information, “Captain, we're detecting similar ranges of interference from the planet - not enough to prevent us from communicating but the power behind it is slightly higher than what we found earlier.”

Harris puzzled, “Ensign Atega - responses to our healing frequencies?”

“No, sir.  We're showing it is transmitting to the colony and outlying areas, but we're unable to confirm whether it is being received.  The interference is at least fulfilling that part of its job.”  She worked at her console, “There is an unusual signal ringback coming back off the planet.”

The CO turned his chair to face her, “Purpose?”

Presley examined the data as it came back and was evaluated by both her and the computer, “In smaller ships, it might be considered a carrier wave or a piggyback signal designed to get into a ship's computer or systems.  The Mackenzie's systems are significantly more protected against something like that.”

He returned his attention to Fowler, “Can we safely transport down?”

Sadie checked the console, “The planet is habitable.  The communications interference would not interact with our transporters, sir.”

He tapped the console on his chair, “Harris to Chief Okada - prepare a medical, security, and engineering away team to the surface.  Chief Kondo will be joining you.”  The channel closed, and Harris turned to Kondo, “Find out what's getting in the way - and quickly.”  Kondo nodded and headed inside the turbolift.

Fenris - 1800

Okada looked around.  The world was arid, but it wasn't a dust bowl.  Plants and trees littered the rocky terrain as they approached the crumbling settlement.  Kondo walked at her side with his phaser rifle drawn and braced at hip level. Two triage and trauma officers who were joined by the Assistant Chief Medical Officer, Ensign Yoshiyuki, were behind the Chief Engineer, with two engineers mixed in with them, and behind them were the three security officers bringing up the rear.  Okada glanced at her tricorder, “Picking up life signs, but they're scattered around the area.  There's more concentration in the mountains that way and the canyons that way than there are here in this place.”

They all continued to search the surroundings as they entered the settlement and continued to find nothing.  Kondo nodded ahead, “Looks like a town square up ahead.  Let's tread carefully.”  The group scattered as they inched forward against the walls, checking every corner or shade-sheltered area for movement.  There was none.  It took them fifteen minutes, but they cleared the entire square and came together in the center of the area.  Ensign Webb from security walked the entirety of the square with a tricorder and returned to the group, “There's nothing residual coming up on the scans.  There's nothing here that would have driven everyone out that I can see.”

Kondo glanced at the readings from Thomasina's tricorder and wondered, "What makes an entire settlement flee to the mountains and the canyons?"

Suddenly a fireball erupted from a rooftop and headed their way.  Everyone scrambled and ran to cover positions as it impacted the ground they had been formerly standing on.  Kondo reached for his badge but held as he stared at the ground.  “What in the hell?”

His security officer, Ensign Palmiotto, spoke up from beside him, “There's no burn mark.  That's…weird.”

Yoshiyuki was a few yards away and glanced over the edge of the rock he was hiding behind, “It could be some kind of holographic…thing.”  He shrugged when Ensign Ramirez glanced at him, “I can tell you what part of you is broken.  I'm a doctor, not an engineer.”

Okada was a few yards farther down and chuckled, “I am thankful you are not our engineer, Doctor.”  She stood and carefully walked out to the center of the square once more, “I do not imagine you would be willing to do this.”  

The ACMO nodded vehemently in agreement and lowered behind the rock cover, just in case.  “I'll get my burn kit ready, Commander.”

Another fireball erupted from the rooftop and headed straight for the executive officer.  She stood defiantly staring it down, and it engulfed her a second later.  The smoke cleared, and Okada stood unharmed.  “I had a feeling.  Holographic.”

The rest of them broke from cover slowly and joined her in the middle of the town square.  Yoshiyuki gave her a look, “You are crazy, you know?”  

She gave him an impish grin, “I'm an engineer, not a psychologist.”

Kondo spun as fireballs erupted from the roof all around them and bombarded them with faux fire.  Most of them flinched and jumped for cover out of instinct, but it soon became apparent this fire was no different than the other.  It wasn't real.  It sounded and smelled like fire…but it didn't singe the hair on their heads.  The Chief Security Officer opined, “Well, I think we know part of the answer as to why the people fled.  They didn't think about whether it was real fire…or not.”


Okada walked around looking for and then, after having to look closer and closer, found hidden speakers that littered the rooftops, “Someone went to a lot of trouble to make the appearance of something that isn't.  Namely a God.”  She wandered back to the group, “The theory from science was that someone would have to run this system of interference to make it work and respond to ships that showed up.  I think we're looking for the group running this…operation.”


Okada chuckled, “That'll be the day.  Team - let's spread out and see what we can find.”