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Profile Overview

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Sadie Fowler

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Fowler


Chief Science
USS Douglas


Sadie Fowler


Shelter Island, NY


Sadie is an orphan – she was adopted when she was 15 and has had trouble making friends her entire life.  She is a hard worker who hates to fail and desperately wants to do well in whatever she does.


5’9.  Blue eyes.  Keeps her hair up most of the time.

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Created using MIdjourney
creatd using MidjournyAI


Adopted at 15, she is slowly coming out of her shell.  A fastidious scientist she found comfort in her studies and has embraced her hunger for knowing more and learning more.  A reader, she is often found curled up with a book, magazine, or science journal.


Early Life (2378-2395

She was born on 6.3.2378 to parents unknown.  She was found abandoned in the rural community of Shelter Island.  She was taken in by the Sisters of Mercy in New Haven, Connecticut.  Sadie grew up with the sisters teaching her and educating her.  At an early age, they discovered she had a particular interest in science.  As soon as she could read she consumed science book after science book.  She excelled in school – so much so that they took the unusual step of sending her to STEM classes at the local university and Science camps over the summer.  Sadie graduated concurrently from both Sisters of Mercy School and the local community college specializing in science.  She was actively recruited for Starfleet based on her high school and community college performance.

Starfleet Academy (2395-2400)

Sadie took to Starfleet Academy like a fish to water.  In her first year, she excelled within the science division earning the praise of her instructors and fellow students.  She was still quiet and was rarely social instead preferring to study, test, and read further into the science discipline in order to understand and explore more.  In the remaining three years she earns commendations and excellent performance reviews as she continues.  She graduates in 2399, but requests an additional year on campus to continue her studies and is accepted into a work-study program where she takes classes and works with the science department within the Academy.  She completes it and is assigned to the USS Edinburgh as a science officer in 2400.

USS Edinburgh (5.14.2400-10.15.2400)

She served as Assistant Chief Science Officer under her Chief Science Officer, Thasaz until she was transferred to civilian work.  She became Chief Science Officer on July 3, 2400.

USS Mackenzie (10.16.2400-03.01.2401)

Transfers with her CO and command team to the USS Mackenzie on 10.16.2400.  She is promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade.

USS Olympic (03.01.2401 – 7.15.2401)

Transfers to the Olympic as Chief Science Officer.

USS Daedalus (7.15.2401 – 9.15.2401)

Chief Science Officer.

USS Douglas (9.15.2401-Present)

In a surprise reassignment, Dread and her crew are assigned to the Constitution III USS Douglas.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
9.2401 - Present Chief Science Officer USS Douglas
2401 Chief Science Officer USS Daedalus
2401 Chief Science Officer USS Olympic
2400 - 2401 Chief Science Officer USS Mackenzie
2400 - 2401 Chief Science Officer USS Mackenzie
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2400 Assistant Chief Science Officer USS Edinburgh
2400 Chief Science Officer USS Edinburgh
2400 Science Officer USS Edinburgh