Part of USS Altai: Spectres in the Dust


USS Altai, Briefing Room
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Hastily assembled, the briefing room’s occupants were a mixture of fatigue and leaden-faced pallor. Streth’s uniform was unzipped to the level of his combadge and he scratched at his stubble as he leaned forward, resting a forearm on the head of the conference table. 

Nervously Katsu stood there at the door and swallowed her fear of social interaction, thinking back at what she had learned from her teachers in the academy to imagine them as something cute that you love being close to. She took a deep breath and walked into the room, giving a slight bow to everyone. “Ensign Oka reporting, I was required at this meeting?”

“Ah yes, Ensign, please have a seat,” Streth gestured to the far end of the table, “For those of you who haven’t been introduced, I’ve asked Ensign Oka to sit in for the Science Department. Her work on biomechanics and natural sciences at the academy might give us some more insight into what’s going on,” he paused as several staff greeted Katsu, “As for our course of action, we can’t send the Hazard team again. Dr. Randall tells me they’re at risk of extreme post traumatic stress. They’ve seen enough,” he explained with drooping antennae to Tel, who sat across to the left, “We still don’t know why they froze you, nor do we know what their intentions were. What we do know is that Ensign Maec has located your Valkyrie fighter in the hangar bay here,” Streth tapped an LCARS panel to bring up an internal schematic of the dreadnought behind him, “it’s located not far from the main warp reactor. Mr. Tel, would we be correct in assuming a warp core breach on the Valkyrie would yield enough energy to make that Breen reactor go critical?”

Joran sat across from Streth and shrugged as he spoke. “I’m sorry to hear about the Hazard team and their losses. I owe them my life. As for why they kept me alive I wish I knew sir. Honestly, the whole thing is damn odd.”  He said as he examined the LCARS. Zooming in on the hanger bay and rotating the display Tel nodded silently. “Not everyone is aware but the Valkyrie’s core packs more of a punch than a usual core of its size. Sort of an end-of-the-line weapon in itself in case the pilot knows they won’t survive or has the ability to get out and want to leave a parting gift. I would say a core overload would definitely be sufficient.” Pausing for a moment he frowned, “The catch is that it’s linked to my biometrics and has to be activated in the ship. So guess I need to go for a jaunt.”

Randall frowned at that idea, “Is there no other way? Could we remotely tap into the computer and set the ship to self-destruct?”

Joran shook his head, “Sadly not. To activate it requires a direct connection. It was designed that way to negate any possible breaches.”

Randall sighed, “I’ll prepare for more casualties.  These bugs are really getting on my nerves.”

“Thank you, Doc,” Streth said before looking up to address the room, “The Hazard team has reported those things are somehow able to reanimate the bodies of deceased humanoids. These automatons possess immense strength. Whatever they’re being used for, whatever their plans were for Mr. Tel, I believe they represent a threat to all sentient life they encounter. Consequently it falls upon us to destroy that ship and prevent this infestation from spreading. Accompanying Chief Tel will be a particularly dangerous task, with potentially severe psychological consequences. It will therefore be volunteer only. All those who do not wish to join are to return to their stations immediately. Including you, Doctor Randall. We need you here on the ship,” Streth sat back in his seat.

Randall nodded with a sigh, “Not a fan of sending others to do my dirty work, and I’m no tactical officer, but it stands to reason you are going to need overwhelming force to do this safely.  If you need the hazard team I will sign off on it.  We’ll just have to deal with the consequences later.”

Joran continued to look at LCARS as the conversation continued around him. “That might work,” he muttered before turning to face the Captain. “Sir, as we want to minimize contact with these bugs, why not blast a hole through the hanger doors and enter that way, if we cannot beam directly to the ship? Will only need a few moments in the cockpit of the Valkyrie…”

“We could concentrate fire there, yes,” Streth shifted in his chair to study the schematic behind him, “might help clear a path to the Vakyrie for you, too. Mr. Beck that hull plating looks thick. We don’t have time for pattern enhancers. Can we still transport them or do we send the Shavlo and fly right in?”

For most of the conversation, Katsu stayed quiet and was trying to catch up on what was going on. Until the mention of the mechanical spiders made her swipe the information on her PADD. She tapped her finger on the desk, thinking about the given risk but these things were the next step to understanding alien technology. ”The…” she tried her best to talk loudly but sounded soft and withdrawn “…mechanical spider that was brought back for analyzing was too damaged to properly investigate from a standpoint for Science Department. It is quite possible that mister Tel was frozen for a means-end… If I’m able to gain the frequency that locks them into the derelict ship, I might be able to shut them down temporarily “ She got nervous about the idea, but it sounded solid. “I am, however, not a fighter by any means and most likely a weight on that front” Maybe she should have stayed in the science office.

Beck had been listening to the entire conversation but at the same time, going over the data that DOT had collected while they were over there. A lot of it was good, and even though they were unable to collect the equipment they wanted from the Breen warship, at least they got something. He set his data PADD down before giving the Captain his full undivided attention for the question at hand. “If we end up destroying the hangar bay doors just to get access to the Valkryie fighter, then yes, transport will be possible.”

Joran smiled, “Well that will make it a lot easier. Blast a whole. Beam me over; I get in and activate the system, beam out. Their core will definitely be within the blast radius and their containment should fail. Job done,” he said though his smile turned a little sad. “Pitty to lose her but she will go out with a bang; couldn’t ask for more really…”

Maec did not hesitate, though those bugs were something that seemed to return in his nightmares he would do anything to help the ship “Beam me over Captain! I will do all I can to assist in the destruction of the abomination and its passengers.” He thought for a moment “I could try to download some information regarding the dreadnought while I am over there, but that’s up to you as it would be a risky endeavor.”

Streth’s lips were pressed thin. There was no room to convey how impressed he was by the selfless bravery displayed by some of his most junior staff. That would come later. Right now he was emotionless, directed only towards the task at hand, “Alright it looks like we’ve got a plan,” he looked straight towards the young Romulan, “Mr. Maec, you will accompany Chief Tel, beaming in once we’ve successfully breached the dreadnought’s hangar bay doors. The entire area will be decompressed. Get your EV suits and mag boots on immediately and report to transporter room one,” his unblinking gaze turned to Katsu, “Ensign Oka, you mentioned a signal frequency that might allow for temporary shutdown of the spiders. Can you isolate it within the next twenty minutes?”

Looking at her PADD as she makes the calculations of getting the frequency, she nods to herself “If I am able to pick it up, I can get it to you in 7 to 8 minutes. But I presume that the spider has a failsafe build-in that might potentially kick me off that isolation” Katsu was not fully confident in her ability to do this, but she had to try.

“If there’s a chance, we’ve got to take it,” Streth implored, echoing Katsu’s own thoughts, “if you can get it onto something we can broadcast from, maybe a tricorder, before Maec and Tel beam in then do so.”

There was a pause. Resolve flashed across Streth’s eyes as he looked towards the three away team members, “Straight in, straight out. Stop for nothing. Understood?” it was clear they did, but he couldn’t help but say it. The grey, pallid faces forced their way into his mind again. The corridors of Starbase 104 had been full of them. Now more walked the corridors of his conscience. The malignancy that had taken Grant and Jefferson would not be fed. 

He scratched at his chin, exhaled, and pushed up from the desk, “Let’s get this done. Dismissed.”