Part of USS Canterbury: Not all those who wander are lost…

A warm welcome…

USS Canterbury
Feb 2402
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The landing was smooth, and Andrews was on his feet before the doors began to open, turning to his companion and holding his hand out for her bags. “Here, let me get those for you.”

“My a gentleman,” she gushed, gladly handing him one of her larger carry-ons. “Thank you, kind sir.”

This left Catriona with her smaller tote bag which hung from the crook of her arm and her purse that she held with one hand. Starfleet officers didn’t normally carry so much luggage when traveling between ports and billets, but the beautiful thing about being a member of the diplomatic corps was that one had some nice perks to go with the job, and one of them was special logistics privileges that very few people say they share.

As they stepped out onto the cold hard floor of the shuttle bay, she watched as the deckhands made short work of unloading the rest of her things and loading them onto a grav sled. Catriona marveled at the interior of her new home for the immediate future. She’d already seen how good the Canterbury looked from the outside, a state-of-the-art vessel that was far superior in most ways compared to the Cherbourg. But while the interior was just as impressive, it was clear to her that despite the ship having the latest that Starfleet had to offer, it was more utilitarian than her previous posting which boasted some of the finest in comfort and accommodation that Starfleet could fit inside a starship.

But her new home wasn’t bad, not bad at all.

She turned and graced her traveling companion with a wistful smile and a matching sigh. “It seems that this is where we will be parting ways,” she said. “That is… unless you have some sort of business aboard the Canterbury?”

Andrews added her carry-on to the grav sled and nodded toward the two men walking over the deck toward them. Mason he recognised, the big lug was unmistakeable, but the other guy he’d never seen before. 

“That’s my business right there,” he said, nodding toward them. “Captain Mason is the big one, dunno who the other one is.”

Catriona couldn’t help but leave the hopeful inflection at the end of her question even as Jayce accompanied her off the shuttle. But even as he revealed that he wasn’t leaving just yet, the sight of the two men coming their way immediately stifled the reply already on her lips.

She might not have had enough time to read up on everything that she could learn to make things easier for her on her new assignment, but at the very least she’d read the information packet sent to her before her departure so she recognized the man her companion identified as Captain Mason.

Captain Raan Mason, commanding officer of the USS Resolute; the other command involved in the situation that brought her here. While Jayce was a big bear of a man, his new commanding officer looked like a bigger brother to him. Now she wondered if Jayce was a Llanarian too. Considering his imposing size and physique, it would make a lot of sense. However, just like her travel companion, had this atmosphere of danger much like a bear.

On the other hand, the other man did as well in a different way

She didn’t recognize him either, either he was someone new or his file wasn’t in the ones she hadn’t yet read on the way over. Not that Jayce or his new CO weren’t good-looking, but this third man was handsome and he knew it full well. He had the air of confidence of someone who always got what they wanted, and as a diplomat, this was the sort of opponent that Catriona was always wary of. The man looked like trouble.

Watching them approach and studying their body language, she quickly noticed something subtle between the two men. It was a tiny detail, and she wasn’t completely sure what it meant, but she was sure she wasn’t mistaken in seeing it.


She quickly glanced at Jayce’s shirt, wanting to be sure he didn’t have any crumbs on his uniform. She wasn’t worried about herself, she’d already made sure she was presentable. She quickly put on a smile but remained quiet, letting her travel companion do all the talking.

ANDREWS! ‘BOUT TIME YOU GOT YOUR ASS BACK HERE!” Mason roared before he was halfway across the shuttlebay. 

Jayce grinned, and walked forward. The two men collided in the middle of the bay, in a bear hug with back slaps that would have put a shoulder out on smaller individuals. 

“Well, I did take the scenic route through as many battlefields as I could, try and match your score,” Jayce chuckled. “How’s that handsome beast of a husband of yours? Kicked your ugly mug to the curb yet?”

Mason snorted. “You wish. Thais is good, thanks. His kid just graduated the academy.”

“Seriously? That’s awesome. Congrats!”

Mason’s grin was wide as he looked down, gripping Jayce by the shoulder. “Hell, lad, did you find a gym and eat it or something?” 

Catriona watched quietly with keen interest as the encounter played itself out before her. Hearing about a spouse being mentioned, a man named Thais, she filed away that information involving the Resolute’s captain. But while not unusual, she found it curious that he referred to his husband’s child in that particular phrasing.

But what she found even more interesting was the other gentleman’s reaction to the news.

She didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but it felt like she was watching a soap opera play out before her. How exciting!

Jayce snorted, then remembered his manners and turned to his companion. “Commander Holliday, please let me introduce Captain Mason, CO of the Resolute.” He leaned in a little toward Mason. “Commander Holliday is my opposite number on the Canterbury.”

Mason smiled as he offered his hand. “A pleasure to meet you, commander.”

She regarded him warmly and shook his hand, an action she must have done thousands of times, yet each one was always different, just as diverse as the people she’d met throughout her life. This man was the same way; a good firm handshake but not overpowering, and a sense of care that came from a gentleman and someone who has spent a considerable amount of time being responsible for the fate of others. He was similar in many ways to Jayce but yet different.

“The pleasure is all mine, sir,” she replied. “Commander Andrews was quite animated talking about his return to your ship when we met on the shuttle. He also said that I could count on the both of you should I ever need to intimidate someone on particularly tough negotiations.”

“Did he now?” Mason’s lips quirked and he inclined his head. “Well, we do have a certain… look about us, don’t we?” 

Turning slightly, he caught RJ’s eye. “Commander Holliday, can I introduce Captain Reese-Riggs, currently an observer on the Resolute.” 

She was the one who held out her hand this time, regarding him pleasantly with that diplomat’s smile she often sported on her face. “How do you do, Captain? Catriona Holliday. It’s a pleasure.”

“Please,” he smiled, taking her hand to shake. “Call me RJ, all my friends do.” 

His smile was charming as he stepped in slightly, and lifted her hand to place a kiss on the back of her knuckles. “It’s an absolute pleasure to meet you. I must say, given your captain and now you, I’ll have to put in a request to transfer to the Canterbury, the scenery is much nicer.” 

“Goodness, how flattering,” Catriona gushed at his compliment. “My and I wouldn’t have thought I would meet someone with such a way with words outside of a diplomatic posting. But I must say Captain Mason and Commander Andrews are striking gentlemen, aren’t they? Much like yourself.”

RJ’s grin widened. “Oh, Command won’t let me anywhere near diplomacy. Or diplomats. Or in fact, any official function. I am, resolutely, the black sheep of the fleet.”

She smirked at that declaration. “Alas, that means our paths wouldn’t have crossed before my recent assignment here given most of my career was in the diplomatic corps. You must be one of those gentlemen we were warned about.”

He winked. “Oh, not ‘one of’, I am ‘the’ man they would have warned you about.” 

“How dangerous,” she drawled. “I must be mindful to take care then.”


  • I really enjoyed this! The characters feel so alive and distinct, especially with the playful chemistry between Jayce and Mason. I loved how Catriona’s observations added depth to the scene, and the setting felt vivid and real. Your writing flows so well—I was completely drawn in! I’m excited to see what happens next! Big fan!

    February 6, 2025
  • Wow! Thank you so much, Callen! Your kind words and insightful comments are very inspiring and motivating. We definitely had fun creating the plotting for the scenes between our characters and we're really eager to deliver more fun scenes very soon :D

    February 6, 2025
  • Wow! Thank you so much, Callen! Your kind words and insightful comments are very inspiring and motivating. We definitely had fun creating the plotting for the scenes between our characters and we're really eager to deliver more fun scenes very soon :D

    February 6, 2025