USS Canterbury (NCC-82524)

USS Canterbury

Lamarr-class • NCC-82524 • Task Force 17

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The USS Canterbury is a Lamarr class starship assigned to Task Force 17.

Content on this command is rated at 222 on the RPG Ratings Scale, per the Bravo Fleet Content Policy. Limited swearing, violence and sexual content may be present. It is intended for audiences aged 17 and up.RPG Rating 2 2 2

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15 September 2024

An unusual interview

USS Canterbury: Making a Mark

Picking an XO was as much a fine art as it was a science. At least in Zach’s estimation. Which meant that he’d given much consideration to the officers currently up for reassignment that met the criteria. There were some really solid officers looking for a spot and he had the advantage that a [...]

24 August 2024

It’ll come out in the wash

USS Canterbury: Making a Mark

After his new Chief Engineer had left Zach dropped into the chair behind his desk and looked at the chaos there with a sigh. “Computer, analyse contents of the padds on my desk and colour code them according to murphy’s law seven.” He ran a hand through his hair and rubbed at his face. Lordy, [...]

23 August 2024

They never tell you about the paperwork…

USS Canterbury: Making a Mark

You’ve been assigned a command. The USS Canterbury. You’re welcome. Those ten little words were just guaranteed to ruin his day. Especially when they came from his father. It hadn’t even been a comm call, just a message routed to his personal inbox. Zach set his jaw, and smiled at the ensign [...]