USS Canterbury - USS Resolute

Not all those who wander are lost…

…sometimes they’ve been kidnapped instead.

Mission Description

Under the command of temporary division CO, Captain Olivia Thorne, the division must locate and rescue Captain Murphy.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

4 February 2025

A warm welcome...

USS Canterbury: Not all those who wander are lost…

The landing was smooth, and Andrews was on his feet before the doors began to open, turning to his companion and holding his hand out for her bags. “Here, let me get those for you.” “My a gentleman,” she gushed, gladly handing him one of her larger carry-ons. “Thank you, kind sir.” This [...]

26 January 2025

Saved by the Bell?

USS Canterbury: Not all those who wander are lost…

“Captain Mason, please be advised that Commander Andrews has arrived on the Canterbury. Please report to shuttlebay two.” Saved by the bell. Mason grunted at the notification from the Canterbury’s bridge officer and completely ignored RJ’s question. He wasn’t in the mood to explain the [...]

25 January 2025

On your marks…

USS Canterbury: Not all those who wander are lost…

Jayce took the opportunity while his charming travelling companion was otherwise engaged to make a quick change. Standing, he stretched, rubbing the kinks out of his back. He’d been travelling on various transports for the last couple of days to get back to the Resolute, to the point he was [...]

24 January 2025

Long Distance Situationship?

USS Canterbury: Not all those who wander are lost…

Catriona laughed at the unexpected quip and compliment. He had a nice smile, something that instantly did away with any sense of severity he might have, not that she was scared of him. “Thank you kindly. Shall we then? Though I’m afraid I didn’t pack a wedding dress with me this time,” she [...]