Part of Tranquility Station: The Way Home

1 – The Way Home

USS Saratoga / Tranquility Station
November 2401
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The bridge was eerily quiet; not one person was talking. This has been a trend over the last few weeks since the closure of the apertures to Underspace, which had appeared but collapsed thanks to the Cardassians. The data they collected from studying one would keep the science team busy. The Saratoga were currently traveling to Tranquility Station for supplies and some R&R.

Azras Dex sat in her ready room, working on reviewing and writing reports that came in from not only her crew but the other two ships within her squadron, which would be arriving at Tranquility two days after their arrival. Standing up from her desk, she walked over to the replicator, ordering herself a cup of coffee before walking to the window. Dex stared out, watching the stars flash by while they were at warp, which she had always found fascinating.

Bridge to Commodore Dex,” came Ritru’s voice.

“What is it?” Dex asked as she stood there.

You have an incoming transmission, priority one from Commodore Jori.

“Patch it through to my ready room,” she replied before she walked back over to her desk to sit down. Taking a moment to straighten out her uniform and mentally prepare herself for whatever Commodore Jori had to discuss with her.

After a few moments, she tapped her computer, and the screen changed to show Jori on the other end. “Good morning, Commodore,” Dex said with a soft smile. What can I do for you?” She asked, knowing something was up by how she looked as soon as she appeared on screen.

“There are some changes I wish to discuss with you,” Jori replied. Though the matter was not up for debate, she was diplomatic about her choice of words.

Dex looked at her silently momentarily, wondering what she meant by changes. “What kind of changes?” she asked, looking confused.

Jori remained silent momentarily before speaking, “I’ll be frank with you. Once you reach Tranquility Station, you will take command of the station.” Jori began, and as Dex was about to respond, she raised her hand to stop her. “You will remain the squadron command. The Saratoga, Triumph, and Knight will remain under your command.” She replied, reassuring her that she wasn’t taking anything away.

“Why can’t I remain in command of the Saratoga?” Dex protested as she didn’t like the idea of commanding a station.

“We need someone with your experience to command a station such as Tranquility with where it is located.” Jori replied, “which will also become a home base for the squadron.”

“I see,” Dex replied with annoyance. “Very well, anything else?”

“There is another thing,” Jori replied. “The Argo, Argus, and Nighthawk will join the squadron. Along with this, crew changes will take place to help staff those ships of chief positions they are currently missing. I have sent you all the information for your review.” Jori replied, looking at her with a straight face to emphasize that she was serious about the changes.

“Very well. When are they due to arrive?” Dex asked as her responsibility grew. Instead of just three ships, she was now responsible for six ships and a starbase.

“They should arrive by the end of the week,” Jori replied.

“Understood,” she said, looking at her for a moment. She debated asking if there was anything else that she wished to discuss. After a few more moments, the conversation ended, and the screen changed back to its original screen. Dex pulled up the information that Jori had sent her for review.

She sat back in her chair, letting out a loud sigh. Things ran through her mind. She closed her eyes to clear her mind, which helped her think more clearly. After a few moments, she sat back up, “Captain T’Prel and Commander Deza, please report to my ready room.”

A few moments later, the doors to the ready room opened to reveal that both T’Prel and Deza had entered, looking confused about why they were being summoned. Dex gestured to the two seats before her desk, “Please have a seat.”

“I’ll get straight to the point. There have been some changes,” Dex began as the two looked at each other for a moment before looking back at her. “I have been reassigned to command Tranquility Station, though I will remain the squadron commander.”

T’Prel raised an eyebrow at the news, “what does that mean for the Saratoga?” Asked T’Prel, looking at her as emotionless as any Vulcan.

“Effective immediately, you will become Captain of the Saratoga while Deza will be promoted to Executive Officer,” Dex replied softly. “Even though I will be in command of Tranquility, the Saratoga will remain my flagship if I need to leave the station for whatever reason.”

“That was unexpected,” Deza said in shock, as she wasn’t expecting to be promoted above her previous position. “Thank you, sir,” she added.

“Indeed, sir,” T’Prel replied.

“There will also be more changes happening within the squadron. Three more ships have been assigned to our squadron and will arrive by the week’s end.” Dex replied, “There will be staff changes coming from both the Saratoga and Triumph to help staff the three ships of chief positions.” she added, passing them the roster of who will be going where.

Both T’Prel and Deza read the PADD the Commodore had handed them. After a while of silence, T’Prel spoke up: “Understood.”

We have arrived at Tranquility Station,” Ritru said over the comm channel.

The three stood up from their chairs and headed out of the ready room onto the bridge. They looked at the view screen to see the Aurora-class Tranquility Station in view. Ships were coming and going from the station. “Open a channel to the station,” Dex ordered, looking over to Ritru, who had moved back to her station once they were on the bridge.

“Channel open,” Ritru replied.

“Tranquility Station, this is the Saratoga requesting permission to dock,” Dex spoke before waiting for a response from the station.

Welcome to Tranquility Station Saratoga. You are clear to dock at outer docking ring four,” the station’s docking master replied.

Looking at Deza, who already knew what she was going to say, began docking procedures and brought the ship to docking ring four. After a short time, the ship was securely docked. She looked at T’Prel with a smile. “Computer transfer command of the Saratoga to Captain T’Prel authorization Commodore Azras Dex Alpha-Foxtrot-Two-Two-Four,” Dex ordered as the computer beeped.

“Transfer command initiated. Second authorization required.” Replied the computer.

“Captain T’Prel Delta-Four-Four-Five-Nine,” T’Prel replied as the computer beeped again.

“Command transfer has been completed,” the computer replied.

She walked off the bridge and headed to her quarters to speak with her husband about the change. She was sure he wouldn’t care as he would go wherever she went, but they grew to call the Saratoga home over the past few years. Things would be different now, but she was up for the challenge and a change of scenery station life.

Upon arrival at the station, she was greeted by the first officer with a smile on his face. “Welcome to Tranquility, Commodore. I am Commander Rafel Norann,” Norann replied with an extended hand.

“Thank you, Commander,” Dex replied as she returned the offered hand. “This is my husband, Arzin Varen. Suppose you would be so kind as to show us where our quarters are. Our belongings should have already arrived.” She said. They had spent several hours packing their belongings to be transferred to the station.

“Of course,” Norann replied as they began to walk.

The station was huge, though it was half the size of a Spacedock-class starbase. It was busy, with the civilian population and officers filling the corridors, who seemed to stop and stand at attention as they walked. She took notes to explore the station to get herself familiar with her station and new home.

After walking and taking the turbolift, they arrived at her quarters, “here are your quarters’ sir.” Norann replied, looking at her.

“Thank you,” Dex replied. “I would like you to schedule a senior staff meeting for 1800 hours.”

“Aye, sir. I will take care of that. If there isn’t anything else you need, I will let you get settled, and we will see you at the staff meeting,” Norann replied.

“Thank you. I think we will be good for now.” Dex replied, and with that, her first officer turned and began to walk back down the corridor toward the turbolift they had just come out of. “This is going to take some adjustment,” Azras said before they entered their quarters, which was a good size compared to their quarters onboard the Saratoga. Though they left some belongings onboard the ship, they moved them to one of the VIP quarters, so she would need to be onboard the ship. That way, T’Prel could take the Captain’s quarters.

“Indeed,” Varen replied with a smile as they began to look around. “Looks like our belongings made it.”

“Good,” Dex replied.

“How about I make us some dinner while you begin to make ourselves at home?” Varen asked, knowing his wife had to ensure everything was in its place and things were a certain way for her to be happy.

“I think that would be a good idea,” Dex replied.

Giving her a soft kiss, he moved to the kitchen to begin cooking while Dex unpacked their belongings, putting them in their rightful place. They would spend the next few hours making their new home feel like home and giving her time to relax before heading to the meeting with her new senior staff.


  • Bam, the transfer has been done, and Dex is in charge of Tranquility. What happens next, though? Who knows?! I'm looking forward to more of the newbies being introduced.

    August 7, 2024