Part of USS Odyssey: The Enemy Of My Enemy and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

The Enemy Of My Enemy – 3

USS Odyssey (NCC-80000), Swallow Nebula Region, Delta Quadrant
Stardate: 78758.32
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“Ma’am, can you take a look at this, please?” Cadet Scott Florrick politely asked from the secondary science station. His face was quizzing what he was reading on the console before him, and turning to the ship’s chief science officer was the only course of action he could take now. 

Reddick turned around in her chair to look at the young man behind her. She locked her console before she made the move. Remaining optimistic, Reddick hoped that what Florrick asked her to look at would help them. She hoped. “Of course, cadet, what is it?” 

“I think we may be looking at our scans from the wrong perspective,” Florrick shared as he moved slightly to let her see his console. 

Intrigued by his take on their investigation, Reddick moved her chair closer to him to see what he had found. 

Florrick was one of her cadets, and she had brought her from the Kovar campus with her. Florrick was in his twenties, had been born on Kovar and raised there. He was highly intelligent and a keen scientist in the making. She had taken Florrick in as her own protege. In the last two years, he had shown an interest in astrophysics, so having him with her while they tried to work out what the Cardassians were up to was not just a learning opportunity for him, but also a chance for her to show Captain Duncan his trust in her to produce results was well-founded. 

Florrick pushed his dark red hair back as he pointed to the sensor readings he was studying. His holographic display showed a complex map of the local area, illuminated with clusters of brightly coloured data points. Florrick began, his voice steady but filled with a sense of urgency, “I’ve been analysing the tetryon emissions we’ve been detecting in this region,” Florrick tapped a series of commands into the console, causing the data points on the screen to shift and overlay with additional layers of information. “These are the initial scans of the tetryon emissions,” he explained. “At first glance, they appear as random clusters. However, when you overlay multiple scans taken over time…” He gestured to the screen as the data transformed, revealing intricate, recurring geometric patterns. “A pattern emerges.”

Reddick’s eyes narrowed as she studied the display. “What kind of pattern are we looking at?”

Florrick zoomed in on one of the clusters, highlighting its precise arrangement. “These patterns aren’t natural. Natural tetryon emissions, influenced by cosmic events, would be more chaotic. But these are precise and consistent over time.”

He brought up a timeline chart on the screen, showing the stability of the emissions. “These pockets don’t move or dissipate as natural phenomena would. They remain static as if anchored in place.”

Reddick crossed her arms, a thoughtful expression on her face. “Could it be some naturally occurring anomaly we haven’t encountered before?”

“I considered that possibility,” Florrick replied, “but then I conducted a multi-spectral analysis of the emissions.” He pulled up a series of spectral graphs, displaying them on the screen. “The emissions exhibit anomalies that match the signatures of known artificial tetryon sources—technology used in advanced cloaking devices and communication arrays. The spectral fingerprints are too specific to be random.”

Reddick’s expression turned serious. “So you’re suggesting these emissions are artificial?”

“Yes, I think so, ma’am,” Florrick responded confidently. “And I think I know the source.”

“Let me guess,” Reddick asked. “The Cardassians?”

Florrick nodded. “I am detecting faint emissions from their ships based on the partial scans we’ve been able to take.”

“Did I overhear Cardassians and tetryon emissions?” Tomaz asked as he walked across the bridge.

Reddick looked up at the young Barzan strategic operations officer as he approached her. She smiled at him. “Mister Florrick thinks he has found a clue to what the Cardassians are doing here.”

“Well, I can confirm for you what they’re doing,” Tomaz shared as he raised a PADD. “I’ve just heard from Starfleet Intelligence that they’re setting up buoys to manipulate the tetryon emissions from the underspace corridors and are trying to close the apertures.”

Shocked to hear that, Reddick looked at her protege. “Scott, can you determine where the Cardassians are going next in this area? We need to act quickly.”

“I don’t think so, ma’am,” Florrick answered sadly.   

Tomaz looked at Reddick. “Commander, we need to brief the captain about this.” 

Moments later, Captain Duncan emerged from the ready room and approached Tomaz, Reddick and Florrick. “You wanted to see me?” Duncan asked.

Tomaz, as the senior officer, spoke up. “Sir, just as I had heard from Deep Space Nineteen, Commander Reddick has discovered what Gul Jacet is up to.” 

“Actually, Cadet Florrick is the one to discover it,” Reddick emphasised, underlining the importance of Florrick’s contribution. 

“What is it?” Duncan asked as he placed his hands on his hips. “What is Jacet up to.”

“They’re trying to close the underspace apertures,” Tomaz replied. “And it’s not just here. We’re talking galaxy-wide.”

“Do we know how?” Duncan questioned.

“Scott,” Reddick indicated for her student to now shine to their superior.

Florrick cleared his throat. “They’re manipulating tetryon emissions, sir. Commander Tomaz has shared they’re using buoys to do this and we’re detecting the artificial tetryon emissions in the local surrounding space.”

Sighing heavily, Duncan nodded. “I’ll need to confer with the other captains, but is our aperture back to Kovar secure and safe?”

Reddick shook her head. “I don’t think so, but now we know what to look for, I can begin a more detailed analysis.”

“Get on with it and coordinate with other science officers from the Themis and Orion. I know Abbej on the Themis will be happy to help,” Duncan insisted. 

“Yes, sir,” Reddick replied. 

Duncan turned to Florrick. “Well done, cadet.”

“Thank you, sir,” Florrick said with a sense of pride as he grinned.

“Tomaz, with me, let’s get this message out,” Duncan ordered as they moved back to the ready room to discuss their next steps. 

 As the two men walked away, Reddick turned to Florrick and patted him on his back. “Well done, Scott. Now, go take a break; you’ve been working for almost twelve hours. Have you properly unpacked yet?”

He shook his head. “Not properly, ma’am; I’ve not met my roommates yet.”

“Then go settle in and get something to eat,” Reddick ordered him.

“Yes, ma’am,” Florrick said as he stood up.

“Seriously, Scott, well done again,” Reddick smiled at him before he left.

In their new shared dormitory-style quarters, Alfie and Jordan were enjoying the rare moment of privacy they now had in their new room. The sleek, modern quarters were equipped with four single beds, a small table in the middle, and a wardrobe. On one side was the entrance to the shared bathroom, while a small window showed the port side of the ship. Though they had yet to find out who else they would share the room with, the two young cadets relished not being stuck in the quarters they once shared with their parents.  

Alfie and Jordan were lying on Alfie’s bed, tangled in each other’s arms. Alfie’s fingers traced lazy patterns on Jordan’s back, and Jordan’s lips met Alfie’s in a series of soft, affectionate kisses. Their recent decision to take their relationship to a new level had now only heightened since they had moved in together. The fact they had kept it a secret from everyone added some sort of excitement for them. They were lost in the moment.

Jordan’s fingers weaved through Alfie’s hair as Alfie kissed his neck, their bodies pressed close together. They were shirtless and wholly absorbed in each other, the outside galaxy momentarily forgotten. For the first time in ages, they had time off from their training, studies and work. So, after getting in from an intense physical workout with one of their trainers in the ship’s gym, they continued the workout now in a different way. 

As their kisses grew more intense and they were lost in being together, they didn’t realise until it was too late that the door to their quarters suddenly slid open with a soft hiss. Startled, they pulled away, turning to see who had intruded. In a panicked rush, Jordan grabbed the blanket at the foot of the bed and quickly wrapped it around his waist.

Standing in the doorway was Cadet Florrick, his eyes wide with surprise and a hint of embarrassment. The shock on his face mirrored the other two, who realised they had been caught in such an intimate moment.

“Oh, uh, sorry,” Scott stammered, his face turning a deep shade of red. “I didn’t know anyone was in here.”

Alfie and Jordan scrambled to sit up properly, their cheeks flushed with a mix of passion and embarrassment. Alfie quickly grabbed his vest from the floor and pulled it on while Jordan tightened the blanket around his waist; his shirt, forgotten in the urgency of the moment, remained on the floor from earlier when Alfie had pulled it off him.

“It’s okay,” Alfie said, his voice a little shaky. “We didn’t know anyone else had access to this room yet.”

Jordan nodded in agreement, still blushing. “Yeah, sorry you had to see that.”

Scott shifted awkwardly in the doorway, clearly at a loss for words. “No, it’s fine. Really. I, um, I’m Scott. Scott Florrick. I guess I’m your new roommate?”

Alfie extended a hand, trying to break the tension. “Nice to meet you, Scott. I’m Alfie McCallister, and this is Jordan Duncan.”

Scott shook Alfie’s hand, then Jordan’s, his embarrassment slowly easing. “Nice to meet you both. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

Jordan offered a small, apologetic smile. “It’s okay. We should have locked the door.”

Scott chuckled nervously, finally stepping fully into the room and letting the door close behind him. “I guess I should have knocked. Lesson learned.”

The three of them stood there for a moment, the initial awkwardness starting to fade as they settled into the reality of their new living arrangement. Alfie gestured to one of the spare beds, offering Scott a place to sit.

“Let us tidy up here,” Alfie remarked as he threw Jordan his shirt. “And please, don’t think we’re always like this.”

Jordan chuckled. “Nah, we’ve only just got together.”

Jord!” Alfie shot his boyfriend a look and sharp word.

“What? I’m only being honest!” Jordan said in his defence, but he soon realised that his old trait of sharing too much once again got him into trouble with his boyfriend. 

Scott chuckled. “Listen, guys, I don’t care. Just let me know if you want some privacy, and I’ll make myself scarce.”

“No, no, this is your room as much as it is ours,” Alfie assured their new roommate. 

“Wait, McCallister and Duncan? Are you guys related to the commodore and captain?” Scott inquired. 

Both Alfie and Jordan looked at one another and nodded back to him.

“Don’t tell our dads!” Jordan blurted out. “They think we’re just best friends.” 

“I won’t,” Scott assured with a slight chuckle.

“Or anyone else,” Jordan added. He was now trying hard to repair his damage since he shared something he shouldn’t have earlier. “Especially any of the other cadets, and especially Beatrice.”

Scott just nodded, still finding the whole situation a bit amusing from his perspective. “I don’t know who that is, but I promise you, your secret is safe with me.”

Alfie rubbed his forehead. For the first time in a long time, he started to feel anxious about keeping his relationship with Jordan a secret. “Thank you, Scott.”

Scott chuckled. “Seriously, I know how difficult it can be to be a cadet and be with someone. In my first year, my girlfriend broke up with me as she wanted to focus on her studies. Last year, I found out my boyfriend was only with me for my class notes and was cheating on me, so I quickly dumped him.”

Alfie chuckled at those stories. “Well, let’s hope we don’t do any of that,” he said, looking at Jordan with a sweet but cheeky flirtatious smile. 

“Hopefully not,” Jordan agreed as he put his arm around Alfie’s shoulders and kissed the top of his forehead.

“Jord, less PDA; I don’t want Scott to feel like a third nacelle,” Alfie remarked, gently slapping his chest.

“Hey, as I said, don’t mind me,” Scott responded as he started to unpack his gear. 

“Let’s at least help you unpack and take you out for something to eat,” Alfie offered. “We owe you that for becoming an accomplice to our conspiracy.” 

“That would be great, thanks,” Scott replied, grinning.

“So, Scott,” Jordan began, trying to steer the conversation to safer territory, “where are you from?”

“Kovar, born and raised,” Scott answered as he started to share more of his background with them. “What about you two?”

“Born and raised on the Triton and later here on the Odyssey,” Alfie shared. “So I’m a Starfleet brat through and through and proud!”

Scott looked at Jordan. “And you, Jordan?”

“A bit of everywhere.” Jordan wasn’t keen to share the whole truth with Scott. His earlier life wasn’t something he broadcasted anymore. “Like Alfie, my dads are Starfleet officers.”

“Wow, so you two must know this ship like the back of your hands,” Scott stated.

Jordan nodded. “We sure do.”

“Then you need to give me the tour,” Scott insisted as he put the final items away.

“Absolutely,” Alfie agreed. “There is so much to know about the Odyssey.”

“Do tell!” Scott sat back down and decided to listen to his new roommates, hoping his initial introduction wouldn’t be the only thing he would know about them.

“Where do we start?” Alfie asked Jordan as he sat in an empty chair.

“Oh, how about the time the ship was trapped in a temporal anomaly, and you met your future self,” Jordan exclaimed. “And your younger selves had to fight against Doctor Chaotica and his evil cybermen of doom?”

“Nah, that’s covered by the temporal prime directive,” Alfie said. “Do you want to know about the time the ship dealt with the Tkon Empire?”

“Or when the ship landed on a Romulan colony and was attacked by the Remans?” Jordan suggested. “Or when your dad had to stop the Qomar from stealing the Emergency Command Hologram? Or when it fought against a baby telepathic pitcher plant infused with blood dilithium?”

“Jeez, what hasn’t the Odyssey dealt with?” Scott asked aloud.

“Umm…” Alfie considered his response carefully. “The Gorn!”

“The Gorn?” Jordan and Scott both asked in unison.

“Yes, the Gorn!” Alfie confirmed with laughter. “And the Q!”

“Is this going to become a list of who the Odyssey hasn’t dealt with, or are we going to show Scott some of the juicy parts of the ship?” Jordan probed. 

“Definitely show the juicy parts, so how about we all get ready, go out and enjoy ourselves tonight?” 

“Who would stop us?” Jordan asked.

“The Gorn?” Scott asked cheekily.

“Yes, the Gorn!” Alfie replied, giving Scott a smirk back.


  • One thing I struggle to write well is romance in my stories (probably because I'm just so damned old - that I've forgotten what romance looks like! lol), but I adored your scene with Alfie and Jordan. You imbue the scene with both confident recount of intimacy and the warmth of their company and then pivot to a more comedic turn as Scott accidently intrudes on their time together. I like how, once the trio get over their initial embarrassment - that the conversation then flows back to a different level of intimacy as they character bond socially. Star Trek is so much more than tentacles, anomalies and phaser - blasts (although, who don't like those too?) but I really found your handling of the story engaging to read and encourages me to go back to my own writing with fresh things to think about!!! Thank you, USS Odyssey!!!!

    July 26, 2024