Part of USS Odyssey: Avenues and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Avenues – 6

USS Odyssey (NCC-80000), docked at Deep Space 19, Kovar System, Alcott Sector, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 78750.2
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Captain Duncan sprinted down the corridor of the Odyssey, his footsteps echoing through the pristine halls of the starship. He had promised his family he would be back in time to change and join them for dinner on Deep Space Nineteen, but the meeting with Hunsen and Horin had run longer than expected. Max’s mind raced as he navigated the familiar path to his quarters, trying to think of ways to make up for his tardiness.

As the doors to his quarters slid open, Max was greeted by the sight of his two sons standing by the couch, already dressed and waiting. Jordan, the elder of the two, wore a crisp navy blazer over a white shirt and dark trousers. William, younger but equally dapper, sported a light grey sweater over a collared shirt paired with khaki pants and polished shoes.

“Dad, you’re late,” William remarked, a playful grin on his face.

“I know, I know,” Max replied, slightly out of breath. He ruffled William’s hair affectionately before dashing up the stairs to the bedroom he shared with his husband.

Max burst into the bedroom to find Tobias calmly adjusting his smart casual outfit in front of the holographic mirror. Tobias looked effortlessly stylish in a tailored charcoal blazer over a light blue shirt, with slim-fit black trousers and sleek black shoes. His husband turned to face him, a smile playing on his lips. 

“Sorry, I’m late!” Max apologised as he began to strip off his Starfleet uniform, tossing his jacket onto a nearby chair.

“How did your meeting with Tremt go? Did he say yes?” Tobias asked, smoothing down the front of his blazer.

Max’s eyes lit up as he hurriedly pulled his undershirt over his head. “It went really well. Tremt has agreed to become my new Number One!”

“That’s great news!” Tobias said, genuinely pleased. “I’m so happy, but you need to hurry up, or we’ll be super late meeting your parents at the station.”

Max nodded, understanding the urgency. He kicked off his boots and headed for the sonic shower. “I know, I know!” he called over his shoulder.

Several seconds later, Max emerged from the shower with a towel wrapped hastily around his waist, showing off his chiselled six-pack abs. 

Tobias raised an eyebrow, an amused glint in his eye. “You know, Max, as much as I enjoy seeing you wearing just a towel, you can’t go to the station dressed like that.”

Max chuckled, his cheeks flushing slightly as he struck a playful pose. “Point taken,” he said, then turned back towards the sonic shower after picking up the scented gel he wanted to use. 

“So tell me more about the meeting with Tremt. How did you convince him?” Tobias asked as he leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed, watching his husband with an affectionate smile. 

Max stepped back into the sonic shower to finish off, his voice slightly muffled but still audible. “Well, I think it was more the fact that Louwanna wanted him back with her here. It didn’t take too much convincing.” He rubbed his face as the sonic waves hit him. “But now we need to think about replacements for some of the senior staff. It’s going to be a challenge to get it done in the next day or so.”

“Did you hear about Lukiz?” Tobias asked, leaning closer. “He’s leaving to become the first officer on the Triton with Captain Banfield. We’ll need a new operations officer and a chief science officer.”

Max groaned from inside the shower. “Great. She did say she wanted him, but I didn’t think Lukiz would want to leave.”

“What because of him and Rosle?” Tobias checked.

“Yeah,” Max replied. “And with Karyn moving to the Bellerophon, she’ll probably be taking Edeena, which means we will also need a new training officer for the cadets.”

Tobias raised his voice slightly to be heard over the shower’s hum. “That’s a lot of vacancies to fill. Got anyone in mind?”

Max paused, scrubbing at his hair, before asking, “Actually, I was wondering if you’d be interested in taking on that role, Tobias.”

Tobias blinked in surprise, his eyes widening slightly. “Me? The training officer?”

Max rinsed off under the shower’s water mode and turned it off, stepping out with water still dripping from head to toe, glistening on his toned body. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist. “You’d be perfect for it. You have the experience, the patience, and the respect of the cadets. Plus, it would mean we get to work even closer together.”

Tobias pondered this, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. “I thought I got to work closely with you anyway,” He said suggestively as he pulled Max close to him. “It’s definitely something to consider. But we should probably focus on getting to dinner first before making any big decisions.”

Max laughed, the sound rich and warm. “Agreed. Let’s not keep my parents waiting any longer.” As Max hurriedly dressed in his civilian clothes, choosing a fitted white shirt, a light grey blazer, and dark trousers, finishing the look with a pair of brown leather shoes, he could feel Tobias’s eyes on him.

After fastening the last button on his shirt, Max turned to Tobias. “How do I look?”

Tobias stepped closer, straightening Max’s collar with a tender touch. “You look perfect,” he said, pressing a kiss to Max’s lips. “Now, let’s go before we end up missing dinner entirely.”

Hand in hand, Max and Tobias made their way downstairs to where Jordan and William were waiting. 

“Ready to go?” Max asked, looking at his sons.

“Ready,” Jordan replied with a nod.

“Then let’s not keep your grandparents waiting,” Max said, ushering his family out of their quarters and towards the docking port. 

Deep Space 19, Kovar System, Alcott Sector, Beta Quadrant

Stardate: 78750.3


Jen sat across from Rosle in The Clocktower Inn, the ambiance of the restaurant warm and inviting. The Clocktower Inn was a favourite spot on Deep Space 19, known for its blend of classic and contemporary cuisine. Rosle wore a sleek, dark red dress that complimented her auburn hair.

They were halfway through their appetisers—Jen had chosen the calamari, while Rosle opted for a salad—when Jen decided it was time to share his news. He took a deep breath, trying to gauge the best way to start.

“Rosle, there’s something important I need to tell you,” Jen began, his voice steady but filled with a hint of apprehension.

Rosle looked up from her plate, her eyes meeting his with curiosity and a touch of concern. “What is it, Lukiz? You look serious.”

Jen reached across the table, taking her hand in his. “I’ve been offered a new position. I’ve accepted a role as the first officer on the Triton.”

Rosle’s eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly composed herself. “Lukiz, that’s incredible! Congratulations!” Her smile was genuine, but there was a flicker of worry in her eyes. “When do you transfer?”

“Tomorrow,” Lukiz replied, squeezing her hand gently. “I didn’t want to keep it from you any longer. I know this complicates things for us, but I didn’t want to make a decision without talking to you first.”

Rosle nodded, her fingers lightly tracing the back of his hand. “I appreciate that. It’s a wonderful opportunity for you, and I’m really happy. But yes, it does complicate things.” She paused, her eyes searching his. “But I don’t want to stop our relationship. I’m willing to give it a try if you are.”

Jen’s relief was palpable. “I was hoping you’d say that. I don’t want to lose what we have, Rosle. We’ll figure it out, won’t we?”

“Of course we will,” Rosle said firmly.

As they continued their meal, discussing how they would manage the distance and their plans to visit each other, the door to the restaurant opened, and Jen caught sight of Duncan and Court walking in with their sons in tow, looking sharp in their smart casual attire.

“Look who it is,” Lukiz said, nodding towards the entrance. 

Rosle turned her head and smiled. “They seem to be in a good mood. It must be a family dinner or something. Maybe they’re celebrating the captain’s new job?”

Duncan and Court spotted them, and Duncan gave a warm wave. “Lukiz! Rosle! Enjoying your evening?” Duncan called out as they approached.

“Yes, thanks,” Jen replied. “Just having a celebratory dinner.”

“Celebratory?” Tobias asked, raising an eyebrow.

Jen nodded. “I was just telling Rosle about my new position. I’ve accepted the role of first officer on the Triton.”

Duncan’s face lit up with pride. “We had heard the rumours! That’s fantastic news, Lukiz. Congratulations! You’ll be missed on the Odyssey, but the Triton is lucky to have you.”

“Thank you, Captain,” Lukiz said. “I’ll miss you all as well.”

The other couple exchanged a few more pleasantries before excusing themselves to join Duncan’s parents at their table. As they walked away, Rosle turned back to Jen, a tender smile on her face.

“This is going to work, I promise,” she said softly. 

Jen felt a surge of gratitude and affection. “Thank you, Rosle. That means the world to me.” He leant forward over the table as she did, and they briefly kissed. 

“To us,” He said with a smile, picking up his glass. 

“To us,” she replied before picking up her drink, raising it towards him, and clinking it against him.