USS Athena



Mission Description


About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

20 April 2024

First Impressions (First Contact)

USS Athena: One-Shot

Computer, start recording.Lieutenants Personal Log Stardate 238806.09I was recently included in the away mission on the discovery of a new planet. This is a very important milestone in diplomatic relations between this planet and the United Federation of Planets. With the USS Challenger, a [...]

31 March 2024

Breach of Honor (Friend or Foe)

USS Athena: One-Shot

Walking in a rush to the captains ready room is not an easy task, but Vaughn was seemingly doing it as of the moment. He was called by the captain over his com badge to immediately go to him. ”Lieutenant Vaughn, report to the captains ready room immediately.” So here we are, Vaughn standing [...]

23 March 2024

The Dimly Lit Star (The Lucky Crewmember)

USS Athena: One-Shot

Have you ever wondered how Harold Vaughn ever attained the rank and commission to the rank of Captain just at the ripe age of 38? How he was given the command of a Prometheus class starship? One of the most formidable ships in Starfleet‘s service? Well, let me tell you a story that goes back [...]

9 March 2024

Know It, Or Do I? (Science Your Way Through It)

USS Athena: One-Shot

Computer start recording. The computer then made a beeping sound and I started to say. Ensigns Personal Log, Stardate 240107.18Reporting to the Chief of Sciences is not a normal task. Most people would say it is a task that takes courage. Especially when the Chief Science Officer is a person [...]