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Part of Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

USS Gilroy: We Are The Borg

The USS Gilroy has been ordered to a planet light years away on the border of Borg space to check out rumors that they are might be regrouping and fortifying their space

Mission Description

“Captain, we have a mission for you. There have been disturbing indications that the Borg may be on the move. We have indications here in the beta quadrant and have been getting reports that they have been evacuating planets on the border of Borg space. We have been getting reports back for a few months from the Markonian Outpost. They have been getting reports from nearby races that the Borg have been pulling off their border-occupied planets. We need you to go to the following coordinates and check a planet that Voyager scanned as a full-operation defensive base. We want you to survey the planet and gather as much information as possible, and if possible, help any survivors or former Borg.” 

About the Mission

USS Gilroy
Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

11 December 2023

Mission: Survey the Borg Part 6 Ending

USS Gilroy: We Are The Borg

Stardate 24011201 It’s been a few pleasant weeks since the USS Gilroy had left the Borg outpost and made their way back. The Commander/Doctor Arias and Nurse Lieutenant Langenheim had had a few busy weeks removing as much of the Borg implants from all 8 XBs till the rest were ready to be removed [...]

11 December 2023

Mission: Survey the Borg Part 5

USS Gilroy: We Are The Borg

Stardate 24011119 “1st Officers Log, Mission day is finally here and we have a go. We have minus 20 minutes till we beam down to the planet. I’m currently just putting any affairs into order, so if things go to shit and we can get out of there and I become a Borg, then I can rest knowing that [...]

3 December 2023

Mission: Survey the Borg Part 4

USS Gilroy: We Are The Borg

Stardate 24011114 It seemed like a long time getting through the chaotic space, the Gilroy and her crew finally made it through. Looking at the tactical station where a young Lt was standing while the Lt commander Sharpe was off shift after completing a 26-hour shift. Telkir said to the [...]

29 November 2023

Mission: Survey the Borg Part 3

USS Gilroy: We Are The Borg

Stardate 24011108 10:00 hours came, and the Commander arrived on the bridge ready for her shift. As she entered the bridge from the right turbolift, she went to the captain’s chair as the Lieutenant who was in charge on the last shift got up. “Lieutenant Holland, report how was the night [...]