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USS Heracles (Archive): The Golden Years of Vausees “Vax” Ves

The Academy years of Vausees "Vax" Ves

Mission Description

Chapter One:
The Decision – Vausees looked down at the flowing fields before her. Her brunette hair flowed around her face as she stood there in complete silence. The sun was close to setting, which gave the fields before her a hint of dark gold and green. She closed her eyes and squeezed the hilt of the Phase Rifle that she held in her hands. With her eyes still closed, she could feel the warmth from the sun that kissed her skin cooling. She opened her eyes as she glanced one more time before she blinked and sealed that memory away.

Klair – As soon as the shuttle touches down, Vausees’ reaches down and grabs her bag. Lifting it onto her should she exits out of the shuttle and walks towards a group of cadets and civilians that have gathered around a man dressed in grey. As she approaches the group, the man dressed in grey sees her. “Are you here to join Starfleet?” he asks as he holds a PADD out to her.

Painting the City Red – The music was blasting from the open door of a building located downtown when both Vausees and Klair exit out of the shuttle. A grin crosses both of the ladies’ mouths as they look from the club to each other.

Shipyard – A thumping noise throbs inside of Vausees skull as she lays in bed. A soft groan escapes her lips as she continues to lay there. Suddenly she feels an arm drape over her and her eyes crack open as she turns her head and follows the arm to the body that it is attached to. A smile creeps over her mouth once more as she sees the soft smooth skin of Klairs. Leaning over she gently peeks her on the lips and whispers, “Morning sweetie.” The sound of her own voice causes the throbbing in her own head to slightly intensify.

Chapter Two: Alpha Barracks – Freshmen Year
Confessions – Klair leans against the doorframe as Vausees finishes unpacking her bag. “Penny for those thoughts?” she asks as she looks at the woman that is now sitting on the bed next to her’s. Vausees looks up from the grey cotton blanket into the dark brown eyes of the woman that she was falling head of heels for. “Just excited to be here and..” she pauses for a moment as she continues to look at Klair. “Glad to have a partner that I care about in more ways than I should,” she states as she stands up and moves over next to Klair who steps away from the door which closes shut behind her.

Confrontation – Vausees rounds a corner and her eyes widen at the sight before her. Klair lay on the ground with blood flowing from her mouth. Rushing to her side Vausees kneels down next to her and places a hand on her shoulder, “Klair!”, she yells out. She opens her eyes and looks at Vausees with tears in her eyes. “Baby what happened?” she asks as she gently pulls her into her arms. Klair remains silent as she lays in Vausees arms.

Consequences – Klair looked into the mirror at the scar next to her eye. It had been three weeks since she was released from medical, and had requested that they not remove it. She wanted it to remind her of the actions that others had taken on her and Vausees. She closed her eyes when she felt Vausees place her hand on her waist. She heard a soft sob from her. “It will be ok honey,” she told her as she turned around and looked into her eyes. 

About the Mission

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Start Date

22 August 2022


USS Heracles (Archive): The Golden Years of Vausees "Vax" Ves

Klair looked into the mirror at the scar next to her eye. It had been three weeks since she was released from medical, and had requested that they not remove it. She wanted it to remind her of the actions that others had taken on her and Vausees. She closed her eyes when she felt Vausees place her [...]

22 August 2022


USS Heracles (Archive): The Golden Years of Vausees "Vax" Ves

Vausees rounds a corner and her eyes widen at the sight before her. Klair lay on the ground with blood flowing from her mouth. Rushing to her side Vausees kneels down next to her and places a hand on her shoulder, “Klair!”, she yells out. She opens her eyes and looks at Vausees with tears in [...]

22 August 2022

Chapter Two : Alpha Barracks - Freshmen Year

USS Heracles (Archive): The Golden Years of Vausees "Vax" Ves

Confessions  Klair leans against the doorframe as Vausees finishes unpacking her bag. “Penny for those thoughts?” she asks as she looks at the woman that is now sitting on the bed next to her’s. Vausees looks up from the grey cotton blanket into the dark brown eyes of the woman that she [...]

22 August 2022


USS Heracles (Archive): The Golden Years of Vausees "Vax" Ves

A thumping noise throbs inside of Vausees skull as she lays in bed. A soft groan escapes her lips as she continues to lay there. Suddenly she feels an arm drape over her and her eyes crack open as she turns her head and follows the arm to the body that it is attached to. A smile creeps over her [...]